WELCOME TO 7TH GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS With Mrs. Woods What is Language Arts?? It is… Speaking Listening Reading Writing Viewing Visually Representing Clarke students will be empowered through literacy to access and evaluate information, to form and express ideas and opinions, communicate those ideas and opinions orally and in writing, make informed decisions, and contribute to community and society. Our Mission: The mission of the Clarke Community School District is to empower students to be life-long learners and to embrace the challenges of a changing world. We will work toward this mission in language arts by: Working everyday to learn and advance skills in the six language arts areas Involve technology with the six language arts to enhance 21st century learning skills Participate in language arts activities that prepare students to be successful in future community and society-related tasks Our long-term goal this year in Language Arts: Increase the percentage of students performing at the proficient and advanced categories in reading comprehension as measured by the Iowa Assessments and MAP tests. 6th grade 66.3% proficient 7th grade goal: 80% proficient What will it take to meet this goal? Required Materials for Language Arts class: Binder with language arts sections organized and up to date Assignment Notebook Free-read Novel Language arts book (via hard copy or digital copy) Pencils Paper iPad Classroom Procedures: Class Routine Be in your seat before the bell and start free-reading When time, work on step 1 of the daily task list (usually a blog entry) Turn in any assignments due for the day into the blue box Have all materials at your desk and prepare for step 2 of the daily task list Read Language and Content objectives Aloud as class Begin lesson There is no talking during this time unless instructed to do so. A tardy or failure to complete the beginning of class routine will result in taking steps of the behavior action plan. Classroom Procedures: Class Routine Cont. Unit 5 Week 2 Objectives: I can…… Warmups: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Write about a Christmas past (a holiday experience you had previously). Talk about the event in detail using at least three adverbs and adjectives. How does Scrooge feel about Christmas? At least five sentences with 5 prepositions underlined Reading Comp Audio Listen to Play P741 – 751 Joint class reading P752-758 Writing Discuss events as a large group and make a picture map of events and understandings Enact Text Vocab/Spelling Grammar Assessment SSR Friday 1. I will be able to analyze, evaluate, and think critically about drama including elements of theme and character motivation. 2. I will be able to identify interjections in example sentences and create new sentences with interjections. 3. I will be able to make connections to the characters in a drama. P. 8 in booklet (p738 about the big question (at least 5 sentences) P738 (implored, morose, destitute, void, conveyed, gratitude) Define each word as a large group and use the words in a sentence. P8 in booklet Discussion Observations Terrell’s Class: Marley Woods’s Class: Scrooge Terrel/Woods: Past Discuss Test Enact Text P10 Booklet: Top: 3 things about setting in text Bottom: How is Scrooge’s lifestyle inconsistent with his wealth? (7 sentences) Prediction: What changes would you like to see the characters make? What do you think will make the characters change? Page 11 Booklet: Summary of text Read pages 759-768 Sentence Structure: Find a simple, compound, complex, and compoundcomplex sentence, Underline independent clauses and Circle subordinate clauses Read P 775-785 Booklet pages 14/15 critical thinking p768 P13 Booklet 4 questions about the story Partner answer them to best of ability P16 booklet (top: draw and describe one of your Christmas’ pasts, bottom: draw and describe Christmas’ future Interjections p770 P12 vocab activity (p769) Interjections p770 TEST New vocab p774 (astonish, compulsion, severe, meager, audible, intercedes) P10 Booklet Practice A and B P11,12,13 booklet Reading/Writing Applications TEST P14,15,16 booklet 10 - 15 minutes of individualized reading daily Classroom Procedures: Turning in Assignments and getting them back Students will turn in all papers to the blue box when they are completed correctly in the appropriate slot Students will email digital assignments or turn them into the drop-box on Infinite Campus (as directed) when completed correctly During step 1 of the daily tasks list, Mrs. Woods will return all graded or viewed papers back to students Students must record scores from their replied email, drop-box grade, or paper grade on their green grade sheet in their binder when grades are returned All graded assignments will be placed in the student binder or a folder on the iPad after being recorded Classroom Procedure: Differentiated Assignments All students have been placed in a color group based on their Iowa Assessment Data from last year (either orange, blue, or green) Assignments will be given based on student readiness and skill level; students will not be given all the same assignment Some students will be expected to complete more work than others and are expected to do so without complaint or steps on the behavior action plan may be taken Students will fluctuate between assignment groups throughout the school year based on readiness and skill level Each student will be notified of their color group during the first week of school Classroom Procedures: Homework and Late Work All assignments will be worth a set number of points as to be determined by the teacher Assignments may not be accepted for points until all errors are corrected Any late work will result in Intervention Lunch or Intervention before or after school with the teacher and steps of the behavior action plan Classroom Procedure: Homework Help Help with any homework will be available before school starting at 7:30 and afterschool from 3:253:55 unless I have a meeting. Language Arts Section of Binder Important Documents Graded assignments Assessment artifacts Classroom Procedure: Restroom and Drinks You will be permitted one bathroom/drink break per week unless special conditions apply You must have your assignment notebook with you and a pass completed in the assignment notebook to leave the classroom Classroom Procedure: Going to Locker You will not be allowed to go to your locker during class. If you forgot paper, pencil, or a pen you will either have to borrow one from a fellow classmate or buy one from the teacher for $0.25. Failure to bring needed materials to class could result in steps from the behavior action plan. Classroom Procedure: Going to the Nurse If you are going to the office or nurse, you have to ask the teacher, then fill out a pass in your assignment book and have the teacher sign it. This needs to be done at an appropriate time of the lesson unless it is an emergency. If you feel like you can’t make it all the way to the nurse, please take the trash can with you. The nurse will not be available 2nd and 3rd period during the first semester. Classroom Procedure: iPad The iPad is a tool for learning. Unless the iPad is being used during the lesson, it is to remain closed. I will instruct you when you are to have your iPad open. If you are off task or are using your iPad inappropriately, you will be subject to consequences as outlined in the student handbook. Classroom Procedure: Absent If you are absent it is your responsibility to get your assignment. Extra Copies of assignments will be placed in the extra copies holder where you can retrieve the needed documents. You will have 1 additional day to complete the assignments and tasks missed. Use the teacher website and blog to work on assignments when you know you will be absent Any planned absences require an absent form from the office Classroom Procedure: Bags and Water Bottles NO BAGS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM Bags take up too much walking space and can cause accidents and harm to students Water bottles will be permitted unless they cause learning disruptions Classroom Procedures: Checking out books You may check out books from Mrs. Woods’s classroom library before or after class or during free read time if you have finished reading your current book. All books will be checked out via Mrs. Woods’s computer by Mrs. Woods at the request of a student. Books should be returned every four weeks so all students have access to books they would like to read. Returned books must be placed in the return box located between the two green chairs If books are not returned to the return box, students may be fined the cost of the book to replace the book for others to use Classroom Expectations: 1. Be in the classroom when the bell rings. 2. Bring necessary supplies to class. 3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 4. Follow directions the first time given. 5. Show respect to others. 6. Adhere to the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens at all times. Failure to meet classroom expectations will result in steps from the behavior action plan. Behavior Action Plan Step 1: Individual Behavior Documentation Step 2: Parental Notification of Repeated Individual Behavior Step 3: Conference with parent/guardian and student to create Behavior Modification Plan and a detention after school Step 4: Additional conference with parent/guardian and student to take further measures (lack of progress after two weeks of Behavior Modification Plan) Behavior Action Plan Step 1: Individual Behavior Documentation Individual Behavior Documentation (Action Plan Step 1) Student: _____________________________________ Grade: _____ Date:___________________ Issued by: Mrs. Woods Subject: ________________________________ Type of Incident ☐Excessive talking Incomplete assignments ☐Lack of effort ☐Class Disruption ☐Disrespectful to others ☐ ☐Inappropriate language ☐Other: ______________________________________________________________________________ Reason for Incident Corrective Action Plan How will I make sure the incident is not repeated? Student Signature: ______________________________ Teacher Signature: ______________________________ Behavior Action Plan Step 2: Parental Notification of Repeated Individual Behavior Dear Parent or Guardian of ____________________________________: The purpose of this communication is to inform you that I am presently experiencing some problems with your child’s behavior that are not allowing your child to learn at a high level. I would greatly appreciate your cooperation in working with me in trying to take corrective measures to eliminate these problems. The habit listed below has been addressed with an action plan made by your student, but has reoccurred and further action is needed in order for your child to develop to his/her maximum potential: _____________________________________ created a corrective action plan to address how he/she would not repeat the addressed behavior and was written as follows: Because the corrective plan written by the student was ineffective and the behavior has reoccurred, I am requesting the student and parent/guardian to evaluate the plan and revise it to allow the student to be successful in the classroom. Use the space below to change the corrective action plan that addresses how the student will make sure the incident is not repeated: Please sign on the lines provided when the student and parent/guardian agree on the corrective action plan: Parent/Guardian: _______________________________________________ Student: ____________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to address this behavior issue and for ensuring your student’s success in the classroom. If the corrective action plan created above does not stop the intended behavior, further steps in the Behavior Action Plan will be taken. The next step in the Behavior Action Plan will be a conference with the parent/guardian, student, and staff and a detention to be served after school. Again, thank you for taking the time to ensure your student’s success in the classroom and I look forward to communicating growth made by your student in this area. Please return this document within 24 hours to ensure communication has been successful. Weekly Vocabulary Each week students will be assigned 12 new vocabulary words they are expected to learn how to spell and use The vocabulary list will be posted on the language arts board in the classroom and on the teacher webpage Some activities during the week will be designed to enhance students’ ability to use the vocabulary words, but students are expected to learn how to spell and use vocabulary terms outside of class Every Monday a vocabulary chart (paper copy or digital) will be due with the new vocabulary words Free-Read Time Students will be given 10 to 15 minutes daily to independently read a free-read novel Students are expected to have their novel with them at all times Daily and weekly assignments will be administered over free-read novels Reading and Writing Assessments Weekly reading assessments will be charted and stored in the “Goal Monitoring Language Arts” section of your binder Monthly writing Assessments will be charted and storing in the “Goal Monitoring Language Arts” section of your binder Reading assessments require students to read a passage of text for understanding (as much time as needed), then answer 10 comprehension questions about the text without out looking at it. Writing assessments require students to use a prompt to start a writing and write as much as they can, as correctly as possible, in 3 minutes. Check out my teacher webpage http://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/vnews/display.v/TP/5 02cf484d6e47 Weekly assignment calendars, weekly vocabulary charts, important documents, important links, and great student work will be posted to the teacher webpage Students will be expected to check the page when absent and navigate the page when given a task that requires it Class Blog Each language arts class has its own blog Students will use the blog almost daily to complete tasks assigned by the teacher Students must navigate to the blog and post responses to prompts and questions in a timely manner using their iPad or a classroom computer If no technology is available to the student, a paper copy must be completed and shown to the teacher Students will use their school email information to login and post to their class blog 7A: http://cloudywithachanceofhomework.blogspot.com/ 7B: http://thealiensatemyhomework.blogspot.com/ 7C: http://7cstudypants.blogspot.com/ Language Arts Portfolio using Google Sites Grade Monitoring Goal Monitoring Novel Log Student Work Check out this example: https://sites.google.com/a/clarke.k12.ia.us/mrs-woodss-portfolio/home Curriculum Schedule