Welcome to Masconomet Middle School

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
-- Benjamin Franklin
Introductions & Overview
Masconomet Middle School
Main Telephone Number: 978-887-2323
 Dr. Dorothy Flaherty,
Ext. 6122
 Mrs. Patricia Bullard
Ext. 6114
 Mr. Paul Harrington,
Ext. 6118
Incoming Assistant Principal
is Gavin Monagle, Ext. 6119
Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Assistant Principal
 Mr. Kyle Parsons
Ext. 6140
Ms. Gwen Lemire
 Ext. 6125
Mrs. Diane Green
 Ext. 6201
Mrs. Suzanne Olia
 Ext. 6119
Mrs. Deb Silva
 Ext 6127
Mrs. Michele Mathers
 Mrs. Kristen DeMarco
 Mrs. Lisa Teichner
 Mr. John Bermudez
Director Food Service
School Nurse
Library Media Specialist
M.S. Registrar/Guidance
M.S. Secretary
PAC Representative
Special Education PAC
Tri Town Council
Masconomet Education Foundation
Join at www.MascoPAC.org
School Hours
 First Day of School:
Grade 7, Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014
Grade 8, Thursday, September 4th, 2014
 Student Report Time:
7:35 a.m.
 Students that report after 11:00 a.m. will be marked
 Student Dismissal Time:
2:15 p.m.
After school extra help: Monday-Thursday 2:20-2:50
 It is critical that students are in school and on time in order to
achieve their fullest potential.
 Students are considered tardy after 7:35 a.m. and must report
and sign in at the main office.
 A student tardy more than 3 times during a trimester will meet
with Mr. Monagle and may receive a detention.
 Reporting a student absent:
 Please call (978) 887-2323, press 0, then press 2, then 1 to reach
the middle school absence line.
 Guidance counselors will review the many modes we
have to communicate including but not limited to parent
coffees, open house and team meetings.
 Calendar Handbook
 Open Door Policy
 Principal’s Weekly Update
Proper E-mail Address
 Superintendent’s Monthly Update
Grade 7: Daily Curriculum
One Period of the following
core subjects:
One Trimester of the
following subjects:
 English
 Art
 Math
 Health
 Science
 Geo-Lab
 Social Studies
Foreign Language
Spanish, French, Chinese
 Learning Lab
Grade 7 students alternate physical
education and chorus or band all
year long but may be pulled from 1
trimester of physical education for
a study hall.
Summer Math Camp
For incoming 7th graders, both programs will be offered
each of the following weeks:
August 11-15 and August 18-22
If you pre-registered, you will receive additional
information via email.
If you would like to register, contact Denise Tenanty at
978-887-2323 x6221 or dtenanty@masconomet.org
Grouping & Team Assignments
 Heterogeneously Grouped
 One exception: Honor’s Math in which your child
needed to take a math placement test and results are
available this evening from Ms. Tenanty
 Random Assignment
Special Circumstances
No Friend or Team Request
circle of friends: Three towns becoming
one community
Build adaptability and flexibility
Letters Mailed Home in August
Progress Reports and Reports
 Parent Portal
 Provided on a Trimester basis
 Provides time to improve grades between progress report
and report card time
 Available On-line
 Dates in calendar handbook and reminders
in the principal’s weekly update
 Open portal eliminates the necessity for progress
reports as you may now monitor student progress on an
on-going basis
Rules and Discipline
 District Philosophy
 Masconomet is a school and students are here to learn
 Respect, restraint and responsibility are the foundations of
this code of conduct
 Calendar Handbook
 Code of Conduct
 Offenses and Consequences
Meeting with student(s),phone call to parents, office/lunch
detention, after school office detention, meeting with parents, inschool suspension, out of school suspension, in- school counseling,
restitution, recommendation of out of school counseling, possible
notification of police, expulsion
Most Frequent Questions
 Can students bring cell phones?
 Yes, but they must be left in their lockers during the day. No
other electronic devices permitted and may be taken if
observed. Students bring these items at their own risk.
 What do you do about bullying?
The district takes bullying very seriously and does not tolerate any
form of bullying. Each complaint is investigated fully and proper
consequences dispersed up to and including notifying police. An antibullying curriculum is taught in health class and students are instructed on
actions that are and are not considered bullying. Students also are provided
with grade-wide assemblies. We maintain strong communication
with parents and encourage contact if students are reporting
something at home that we are not aware of at school.
No Touch
Most Frequent Questions Cont.
 What is the dress code?
The dress code is based on neatness, cleanliness,
modesty and safety.
No hats
Hats , coats and backpacks (when not medically necessary)
may not be worn during the day and need to be placed in
Provocative placement of words or illegal activities are not
No under garments may be visible
Straps need to be a minimum of 2”
Skirts and shorts must be a reasonable length (mid-thigh)
Place hands by side and needs to be at least as long as the longest
finger tip.
 What are the consequences for violating the dress
 Verbal warning
 Confiscation of the item
 Removal and/or changing the item
 Parent contact to bring a change of clothes
 Oversized Masco t-shirt provided, if the student
chooses to wear
 Being sent home to change
 Office detention
 Drop Off/Pick Up at Beginning or End of Day
 Middle school uses the parking lot to the left of the
school. Students may enter or leave through the side
doors adjacent to the staff parking lot
 During the day use the front of the middle school.
Students being dismissed should bring a note to the
office at the start of the day. At dismissal they can
wait inside at the doors and exit when their ride
arrives. Without a note, the person dismissing a
student must come into the office.
Afterschool Activities and Fun
 Open Library
 Excels Program
 Community service projects, cooking, guitar, robotics,
 Improv, writing, sports, jewelry making, games,
conditioning, etc.
 Student Council
School Newspaper
Math Team/Future Cities Club
Dances sponsored by PAC and student council
Student/Faculty basketball and volleyball games
Masco Jr. Idol
Spring Musical
Lockers & Summer Visits
 School Tour for students on Thursday, June 12th, 2014
 Practice locks, have students practice on a dial lock
over the summer it alleviates lots of apprehension for
the first day.
 Special locks for students with specific learning needs.
 Stop in and visit and tour as often as your
child may need over the summer
Pupil Personnel Services
 Special Education -- contact
 Director of Pupil Personnel Services:
Ms. Patricia Bullard, 978-887-2323 x 6114
 Asst. Director of Special Education, Mr. Brad Denton, 978-887-2323 x 6114
 Program Coordinators
 MS Principal or Asst. Principal
 Nurse
 Guidance -- contact info to follow
 Title I – contact through Pupil Personnel Office
Title I
 Title I services are determined each year once the
district receives notice of funding.
 Currently, Title I money funds two part time teachers,
one ELA, one Math, who provide supplemental,
remedial services for students identified as eligible.
 Eligibility for services is based primarily on MCAS
performance but also may be by teacher referral.
Special Education
 Services for students who have been found eligible for
special education services after appropriate evaluation and
Team meeting with determination of need.
 The goal is always to provide instruction in the least
restrictive environment and with the proper supports for
the student to make progress.
 Academic Services
 Inclusion Classes: support may be by general education
teacher, special education teacher and/or tutors
 Learning Center Classes: Pull out, small group instruction in
ELA and Math for students with more intensive needs
Special Education (con’t)
 Learning Lab: pull out, small group services to assist
students with mastering concepts presented in their
academic classes, and to provide instruction in skills
referenced in the IEPs such as writing, reading, study
skills, or organizational skills.
 Learning Resource Center: substantially separate
programming for students with the more intensive
needs including, academic, social, and behavioral.
Special Education
 Specialized Counseling Services
 Adjustment Counseling
LICSW, School Adj Counselor
 Behavioral and Mental Health Support
LICSW, contract LMHC
 Support by Autism Specialist
Contract Licensed Psychologist
Special Education (cont)
 Therapies
 Speech and Language Therapy
Staff Speech Pathologist
 Occupational and Physical Therapy
Contracted Occupational Therapist and COTA (Certified
Occupational Therapy Assistant )
Contracted Physical Therapist, if needed
Special Education (cont)
 School Psychologists
 Conduct all initial and revaluation testing for special
 Provide consult to administration and staff
 Review all outside evaluations submitted for
 Assist in providing Professional Development
 Program Coordinator/teacher
Required Special Education Team
Other team meetings as needed
Parent Conferences as needed
Email or phone
 Contact us with your concerns
 Website- www.masconomet.org
Introduction to the Guidance Department
 Academic, career and
 Rob Beardsell
social/personal counseling
 Jessica Goldberg
 Kristen LeBlanc
 Facilitate transition
 Student advocate
 Communication with team
Guidance Programming
• Encourage responsibility for learning
• Monitor progress
• Study skills and organization
• Fostering independence
• Transition to middle school
• Balancing academic/social demands
Grade 7 Programs
6th Grade Parent’s Night
6th Grade Student Visit
Orientation Day
Fall Classroom Presentations
 Introduction to Guidance
 Organization
 Parent Morning Program with Guidance
 Small group transition meetings
 Spring Classroom Presentation
 Study Skills/Test-Taking Strategies
Individual meetings with
Meeting with team teachers
Year long
Facilitate 504 meetings
Staff support team
Grade 8 Programs
 Learning how to Think: A Metacognitive Skill Building
Parent Morning Program with Guidance
Technical/Agricultural School visits
Parent Course Selection Night
Course selection group meetings
 Agenda/Assignments
 End of the day
 Tool for parents to
oversee homework
 Team meetings/teacher contact
 Email
 Contact us with your concerns
 Website- www.masconomet.org
Welcome To
MS Middle School
 Drop off
 Offices
 Core Classes
 Electives
 Lunch, Gym, and Chorus
Drop Off
Nurse’s Office
1st Floor
Computer Lab
7 Red & Blue
Heading Upstairs
8 Red & Blue
2nd Floor
Computer Lab
8 White
7 White
Down the Ramp
Field House
Any Questions?