• Examine Interim Measurable Objectives as defined in the ESEA Flexibility document.
• Develop a process for creating IMOs.
• Focus Areas for IMOs
• Progress monitoring of IMOs
• Maintaining data and documentation of IMOs
• Establishing an Evidence Box
The ADE SIS will monitor quality and effectiveness of the district and school in meeting interim objectives and summative AMOs in the
1. Teacher and leader practice
2. Student progress and achievement— objectives must be set for evaluating interim progress of each low performing subgroup contributing to achievement gaps within the school.
3. Student safety and discipline (address if needed)
4. Parent and community engagement
Interim: between, intervals
Measurable: a portion, a degree, an estimate of what is to be expected, a step planned or taken as a means to an end
Objectives: something toward which effort is directed, a goal.
• An objective (goal) that is planned with intervals.
• Between now and then, how are you going to break your goal or objective into a series of connected measures that will allow you to accomplish your goal in intervals with increasing or decreasing proportions?
• (Measure every 3 months)
• DateCalendar date
• Number/Percentage- t he amount of change to increase or decrease
• Who or WhatWho and/or what the change will affect
• Objective/GoalWhat is to be accomplished
• ToolWhat is used to measure the change
• WHEN is the objective to be accomplished?
• WHAT number/percentage is to be achieved?
What baseline data will be needed?
• WHO or What will be affected?
• WHAT objective will be accomplished?
• WHAT tool will determine the outcomes?
(WHO AND/OR WHAT) will meet
(OBJECTIVE/GOAL) as determined by
By October 31, 2013, 60% of required Classroom
Walkthroughs, CWTs will be completed by trained personnel as indicated by Teachscape report.
By January 31, 2014, 75% of required Classroom
Walkthroughs, CWTs will be completed by trained personnel as indicated by Teachscape report.
By April 31, 2014, 85% of required Classroom
Walkthroughs, CWTs will be completed by trained personnel as indicated by Teachscape report.
1. Collect Baseline data- During the month of August
2013, 243 discipline slips were submitted to the office.
2. Write the IMO- By October 12, 2013, There will be a 5% decrease in the number of classroom referrals submitted to the principal and leadership team.
3. Review IMO data following the completion date
(Post-data) - During the month of October 2013, the data showed there was a 10% decrease in office referrals at 219 .
• The IMOs are written as benchmark statements under the PIP/TIP priority in the building ACSIP.
• There will be a PIP/TIP priority for the 2013-14 and a PIP/TIP priority for the 2014-15 PIP/TIP.
• There will be IMOs for the 2013-14 PIP/TIP and the 2014-15 PIP/TIP.
• Modify/update the PIP/TIP to reflect the current reality
• Gather data
• School leadership team or staff will analyze the actions connected to the IMO. (The IMO may or may not be attainable.)
• Targeted Professional Learning (Professional
• Adjust the next IMO (if applicable)
• Establish an IMO Calendar(monthly/quarterly)
• Inform the staff of the current focus of the
• Assign an individual(s) to gather/maintain data
• Maintain an Evidence Box/Documentation File
• Teams review/analyze data to determine if
IMO was met or not met
• Determine next steps
Hot Springs Summit ALE: Simple
Solutions to IMO Documentation
Room 205
Ashdown L. F. Henderson Intermediate
Ashdown Junior High: Room 201
Creating and Analyzing Data Digitally
• All monthly reports submitted by the ADE SIS may be accessed in Indistar.
• IMO Quarterly reports are submitted by the
ADE SIS to denote the progress made in meeting the IMOs based on the documentation of evidence presented.
• The conversation that occurs around the leadership table and in PLCs focuses on literacy, math and science data, CWT data, accountability, high expectations, reaching the AMO through the
IMOs, data walls, evidence of student engagement, climate of the building, culture of the school which leaves to shared leadership and data driven decision making.
• IMO charts are visible in the classrooms and
TLI data is posted after the module is complete so students and teachers can discuss the results.
• Students are now charting their own data for self-assessment.
• Students are provided with a safety-net mentor.
• PTOs have been organized for the first time in years at some schools.
• Community members are volunteering in the classrooms as guest speakers.
• Area businesses are participating in Career
Fairs during parent-teacher conferences.
• Parents are involved in school surveys and data disaggregation.
• Leadership team looks at relevant data to determine areas of need-- whether it be tardies, discipline referrals or other areas.
• What we try to diminish: tardies, absenteeism, discipline referrals--classroom and elsewhere.
• Create transparency in all areas.
Focus Areas Best Practices and/or Where we Where we want to are now
Best Practices/ be
1. Change in Teacher and
Leader Practice
2. Student Progress and
3. Student Safety and
4. Family and Community
ADE School Improvement Specialists
Pam Clark:
Cell #501-580-9707
Teena Bell:
Cell #501-205-6133
Chante’le Williams: chante’
Cell #501-580-7614