Mobile Feeding Sites 2013 Colorado Summer Food Service Program Increase your feeding sites by thinking outside of the box! Park Pools Community or Rec Centers Playgrounds Libraries Apartment complexes Churches Housing projects Camps Schools Migrant centers Mobile home parks Purpose Rural To reach children living in rural areas Rural Pockets To reach children living in pockets of poverty 3 Pockets of Poverty To determine pockets of poverty the following sources may be used: 1. School data 2. Census Block Group (CBG) data OR State Agency approved data such as; local zoning data, housing authority information, and economic surveys. 4 Rural The use of nontraditional means of meeting the nutritional needs of lowincome rural children during the summer is encouraged. Question: Will you bring the site to these children? OR Will you bring the children to the site? 5 To bring the site to children : The bus and/or mobile feeding vehicle stops in a number of places and provides meals to children at each stop along its route, with the children eating on or near the bus and/or mobile feeding vehicle . (1) Each stop must meet site eligibility criteria (2) Meal service must be supervised (3) Meals must be consumed on site (4) Times of meal service must be established (5) Food safety must be ensured and State and local health and safety standards must always be met (6) Vehicle drivers must have the appropriate motor vehicle licensing (7) Efforts should be made to inform residents along the route of the program’s availability. 6 To bring children to the site: Children transported by bus or vehicle to a designated meal service site. (1) Children must be transported safely in vehicles in good condition by properly licensed drivers. (2) The site must follow all SFSP regulations (3) In accordance with the definition of “Operating costs” at Section 225.2, the cost of transporting children to feeding sites in rural areas is an allowable operating cost 7 Planning Equipment Staff Holding Serving Dining Food Safety • • • • Hot & cold storage Pans & utensils Seating & awning Hand washing station, gloves, & thermometer Preparing food Driver Serving food Monitoring • • • • Hot or cold meals? Licensed Set up, serve, & pack up Preoperational, first week, & within first four weeks Operational Costs Administrative • Food • Equipment • Gas • Vehicle • Kitchen & Site Labor • Driver • Office Staff –bookkeeper & secretary • Monitors • Administrator Sponsors That Implemented A Mobile Feeding Plan In 2012: Colfax Community Network Colorado Springs D-11 Food Bank for Larimer County Food Bank of the Rockies Jefferson County School District Mapleton School District Thompson Valley School District 9 As traditional summer school programs have Colorado Springs D-11 declined, so has transportation to school sites. This impacted participation at summer school sites for various reasons: Parents were either unable or unwilling to drive 10 children to school when no other program available. Many children had to walk long distances to school sites. Hot weather making it unappealing to walk even short distances to school sites. Major streets to cross making it hazardous for children. Colorado Springs D-11 These conditions set the stage for outside the box thinking and the resulting implementation of mobile summer food service sites. If children couldn’t get to the program sites then the program would go to them. Mobile site selection was based on the following criteria: Geographical location with 51% or more 11 documented free and reduced population. Driving time and distance from central kitchen Possible participation numbers The ability to not only provide eating area but coverage in the event of inclement weather. Janine Russell Assist Dir. Food & Nutrition Services Colorado Springs School District 11 719-520-2930 Each Truck has the Following Equipment: Item 6’ polypro. table Heavy duty vinyl tablecloth Milk Barrel- holds 100 ½ pt. cartons Pan rack, 5” tall Insul Ice pillows Insulated rack cover Sheet pans or cambro containers 5 gallon water vat with spigot Food thermometer Alcohol wipes for thermometer HACCP Daily Temperature log Small three ring binder to hold logs PolyJohn portable hand washing station Or –5gal beverage container with spigot 2 gallon bucket to catch grey water Plastic shoe box container with lid Hand soap Hand Antiseptic gel or liquid 30 gallon trash can with bag liner First aid kit Serving utensils Serving gloves Meal program paperwork/ clipboard Pens, pencils, steno notepad, stick notes Signage – Justice for All , Meal time, meal consists of , etc. Table top sign holders Briefcase to hold all office items Truck banner advertising SFSP 12 phone Cell Smiling faces Purpose Serving area Serving area Freezer panels keeps milk cold Holds pans of food for route Keeps food cold on pan rack Keeps food cold on pan rack Holds food on pan rack Water option for meal Food safety Food safety Food safety Food safety Hand washing Approximate Cost $49.95 $5-10.00 Western Dairy Assoc. $700+ $172/case – case covers 3 racks $287 per cover $10+ per pan $40+ $4.00 $5.00 for box of 100 or so Hand washing $180 Hand washing Holds single fold paper towel Hand washing Child use before meal service Holds trash Employee safety Food safety Food safety Program Program $2.00 $1.00 $1.00+ $1.00 $30+ $15.00 $434.00 Program Program Program Program Safety and program Program $40+ Many of the items listed may be obtained from a kitchen site without added equipment expense. D-11’s Mobile Site Menu A two week cycle upscale cold menu was created. The intent was to make this an appealing meal that would entice children to come back. The meal not only had to meet USDA criteria but also had to meet our healthy nutritional guidelines. Entrée examples: Asian Noodle salad with Teriyaki Chicken BBQ Chicken Wrap Chef Salad American Sub These were served with either fresh veggies and/or fruit (sourced locally whenever possible), sometimes a side salad such as Potato Salad, and milk. These items were all produced and individually pre packaged at the central kitchen. Each meal averaged $1.10-$1.32 in food cost. 13 D-11’s Mobile Site Training In addition to our regular SFSP training we held training for our mobile staff covering: • Food safety and sanitation unique to mobile routes • Customer service aspects of respecting private property management wishes • Rules regarding meal service in city parks We established good partnerships so that the locations could be used the next year. 14 Food Bank of the Rockies The 2012 Lunchbox Express Operated 9 sites Served 1,620 breakfasts Served 21,232 lunches The meals were prepackaged, USDA approved that could be served at locations throughout the Denver metro area such as Parks, Schools playgrounds, Libraries etc… Wherever there are children that need a meal. The bus had a scheduled time to arrive at each site and a scheduled departure time. This schedule allows them to be at multiple sites on the same day. These types of mobile delivery systems are essential to the success of our Summer Food Service Program. 15 Sheryl Stroup, Operations Manager Nutrition Network, Food Bank of the Rockies Food Bank of the Rockies The cost of a delivery truck (3/4 ton fully equipped with refrigeration and oven units) is approximately $77k. For more information contact Lee who will connect you to their purchasing department. LEE BOTELER, CMS (Ret), USAF Director, Nutrition Network Department Food Bank of the Rockies 10700 E. 45th Avenue Denver CO 80239 Direct: 303.375.5844 Main: 303.371.9250 Toll Free: 1.877.460.8504 16 Jefferson County School District R-1 17 Jefferson County School District R-1 Bus Conversio n Costs Bench Tables - $2,260. 80 Generator - $8,437. 00 PA System - $175. 00 Awning - $740. 90 Outside Tables/Chairs - $460. 00 Generator Installation - $2,312. 50 Electrical Installation - $2,450. 00 Total: $16,835. 40 Graphics - $3,687. 40 Grand Total - $20,522. 6 4 J e r r y J o n e s , F o o d S e r v i c e Fa c i l i t i e s S p e c i a l i s t J e f fe r s o n C o u n t y P u b l i c S c h o o l s , Food & Nutrition Services 8 0 9 Q u a i l S t , B l d g . 1 , L a ke wo o d , C O P h o n e : 3 0 3 - 9 8 2 - 2 5 8 0 | j a j o n e s @ j e f fc o . k 1 2 . c o . u s 18 In 2010, we began to evaluate our county and found that there were pockets of poverty not being reached through Kids Cafe. In addition, as community awareness increased at our current sites, we received calls from parents, asking if there is a Kids Cafe near their neighborhood. Larimer County is a place where poverty is sometimes hidden. After researching hidden mobile home communities, talking with families, teachers, community programs, school district officials, we decided to launch Kids Cafe into two pilot neighborhood sites. 19 The Food Bank for Larimer County (FBLC) Kristin Bieri Programs Director Food Bank for Larimer County 1301 Blue Spruce Fort Collins, CO 970-493-4477 office Program Model/Logistics 20 The Food Bank for Larimer County (FBLC) has a central commercial kitchen in Fort Collins. All meals and snacks are prepared in the commercial kitchen and delivered by two drivers daily. Food is delivered hot, and placed in electric hot-hold Cambros boxes at each site. A commercial cooler is provided for each neighborhood clubhouse where all cold foods are stored. The health department in Larimer County requires each site be food licensed, which takes about 3 weeks. One paid staff member and several volunteers serve food, run programs, and complete required SFSP paperwork. Monitoring is done by staff from FBLC. The Food Bank for Larimer County (FBLC) To plan these pilot Kids Club sites, all stakeholders were brought together: The library The local school Church Community management The meal service schedule was: Monday and Wednesday Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-10:00 breakfast 9:30-10:00 breakfast 10-12pm Literacy 10-12pm Healthy Kids Club 12-12:45 Lunch 12-12:45 Lunch At Harmony Road, ADA was 80-100 children, simply walking out of their homes into a safe and close-by clubhouse. At Maple Terrace, a smaller low-income apartment community, ADA was 25-40 children. Another site was added in 2012, Timber Ridge, serving 1,416 lunches and 759 breakfasts during a 10 week program. 21 The Food Bank for Larimer County (FBLC) Resources for Mobile Feeding Colorado States USDA Successful sponsors Colorado Springs D-11 Food Bank for Larimer County Great examples from other states Baltimore, Maryland Chicago, Illinois Fresno, California Omaha, Nebraska Best practices Model Programs booklet Equipment & Funding 22 Food safety equipment Video- How to build a hand washing station You Can Do It! Create a “Mobile Feeding Unit” Children in Colorado need your help. Over 340,000 children in Colorado are eligible for free and reduced meals during the school year. Help provide meals to these children during the summer months. Special Thanks to: Sheryl Stroup, Food Bank of the Rockies Lee Boteler, Food Bank of the Rockies Kristin Bieri, Food Bank for Larimer County Janine Russell, Colorado Springs School District D-11 Linda Stoll, Jefferson County Public Schools Jerry Jones, Jefferson County Public Schools Abbey Vannoy, Hunger Free Colorado For providing their time and informatio n on mobile feeding 24