Staff Induction Guide - Little Stoke Primary School

Little Stoke
Primary School
Staff Induction
Welcome to
Little Stoke Primary
We are really pleased to welcome you to our school.
This induction book will answer many of the questions
you may have in your first few weeks with us.
For answers to any routine questions ask any member of
staff who will be only too happy to help you.
If you have any questions or difficulties which cannot be
easily resolved, please see Scott Howes or Anne Sargent
who will help solve these or direct you to where you can
find additional support.
School team
Subject leadership
Daily Routines
Daily Timings
Teachers and Timings
Home time
Celebration assemblies
Themed curriculum
School drivers
Reading and Phonics
Foundation Subjects
Learning objectives and success criteria
Talk for Learning
Data captures
Learning Values and Behaviour
Learning Values
Head Teacher:
Deputy Head:
Year 1:
Year 2:
Year 3:
Year 4:
Year 5
Year 6:
Float Teacher:
Forest School/
Outdoor learning:
Business Manager:
Clerical Assistant:
Teaching Assistants:
Reading Support:
Mr Scott Howes
Mrs Anne Sargent
Mrs Sue Anstey
Mrs Anna Burness
Mr Matthew Toogood
Mrs Andrea Portergill
Miss Rosanna Griffiths
Mr Mark Blaszczyk
Miss Rebekah Williams
Mrs Anne Sargent
Miss Donna Southcott
Miss Lauren Price
Mrs Ruth Abrahams
Mrs Annette Pittaway
Mrs Galina Mametova
Mrs Mandi Mulley
Mrs Liz Rowen (EYFS)
Mrs Leigh Woodward (Y2)
Mrs Sue Silvester (Y3)
Mrs Annette Cann (NR)
Mrs Nichola Bird (Y5)
Mrs Paik Sun Green (Y4)
Mrs Andrea Barrow (Y2)
Mrs Diana Spencer (EYFS)
Mrs Jenny Courtier (Y1)
Mrs Mary Dury
Mr Frank Middleton
Jo Janes
Mary Dury
Nichola Bird
Breakfast Club:
Liz Rowen
After School Club:
Nichola Bird
Jodie Hollier
Jan Darlison (Head Cook)
Rachel Portch
Rona Beacham
Tracey Candy (Lead)
School Crossing Patrol:
Sarah Jacques
Karl Tomasin (Chair)
Rachel Hazell
(Chair – Staffing and Curriculum,
Safeguarding, SEN, English)
Stephen Wells
(Chair – Buildings and Finance)
Sean Canavan
Joy Harrison
(Vice chair, safeguarding)
Rod Mayall
(Health and Safety)
Damian McGrath (Computing)
Wayne Dunn (Data)
Clerk to the Governors:
June Wilkinson
The list below will support you in knowing who to target
questions at linked to specific curriculum areas.
Andrea Portergill :
Maths, Science and DT
Anne Sargent :
Mark Blaszczyk :
Computing, RE, PHSCE
NQT, student coordinator
Anna Burness :
EYFS, Phonics, NQT support
Rebekah Williams :
PE and Dance, Humanities
Rosanna Griffiths :
Geography (support)
Matthew Toogood :
History (support)
Lauren Price :
Outdoor Learning and
Donna Southcott :
Arts lead
TA support from Mandi Mulley
Leigh Woodward, Di Spencer
(Art) Anne Sargent (drama)
Lauren Price (music)
Children come into school
Sounds Fun! Phonics Groups
(except when it is Celebration Assembly)
Morning break
Warning bell for lunch
Lunch break begins
Warning on the playground for children
to pack away
Afternoon session begins
Key stage one to take 15 minute break during the
afternoon. Key stage 2 also have the option to take
the children out supervised by the class teacher.
Home time for key stage 1
Home time for key stage 2
Teachers and Timings
All teachers should be in classrooms by 8.45 to greet the children as they
Many teachers have a ‘bell time’ activity for the children to engage in. It is
a useful twenty minutes for those children arriving at 8.45. This may be
practicing spellings or responding to marking for example.
In key stage one, teachers must ensure that TAs are standing by the
external doors to ensure that children do not go back outside after they
have been brought in.
After break times and lunch times, teachers MUST always be at their
playground door to meet the children. The children do not line up. They
should walk straight in when the hand bell is rung. Playground staff will
wait two minutes after the main bell before ringing the hand bell to give
staff time to get back to class from the staffroom.
At the end of lunchtime, the main school bell goes at 12.55 in order for
the children to pack away and the teachers to be at the playground
doors ready to meet the children.
Whenever children are moving around school as a class, the teacher
MUST be at the front of the line and move at a pace which keeps the
class together and in control. This includes the following times: moving to
and from assembly, PE and at home time. It is really important all adults
follow this procedure. Children should walk to and into assembly silently.
It helps set the right tone.
Key stage one children go into dinner immediately the bell
Key stage two children go out to play and are called in a class
at a time by the SMSAs
If you ask children to stay in for any reason, please make sure
they go into lunch at the right time with the rest of their
Children must NEVER be in classrooms unsupervised. If you
need to speak with children during break or lunchtime, it is
best to collect them from the playground when you are
There is the opportunity for each member of staff to have
one free meal each week if you would like to eat with the
children in the hall. This is entirely optional but it is a good
chance to talk with different children in an informal setting
and helps create a calm, community atmosphere in the dining
If you intend to take advantage of a free lunch or you want
to buy lunch to eat in the staff room, please order in the
morning on the clipboard provided and pay the kitchen
Home time
Both key stages need to allow sufficient time to pack up in
order to be ready to leave when the final bell goes (3.25 for
key stage one and 3.30 for key stage two)
Key stage one children leave through the door near their
classroom. It is the teacher’s responsibility to set up an
orderly systems which ensures that each child is visibly
passed over to the parent or carer who normally collects
them. Children should NEVER be allowed to go with anyone
else unless there has been a definite prior arrangement
notified by the parent.
Children who have not been collected should be brought to
the office.
Key stage two children are led down to the main entrance by
the teacher. The teacher should go outside with the children
as they disperse. This is a great opportunity to meet parents
informally. Many older key stage two children walk home
alone. Any children who are normally collected should come
back into school if no one is there to meet them.
Children should push their scooters or bikes whilst on
school grounds. All adults in school must reinforce this rule
to ensure the safety of pupils and their families.
Please see the termly rota for the days you are leading
assembly or supporting the lead.
For all assemblies there is a lead and two supporting teachers
which helps keep behaviour at its best.
Value assembly based on one of our eight
learning values or four school drivers
Singing Assembly
Usually led by a visiting speaker. If there is no
visitor, it is led by whichever teacher is on the
In class assembly linked to learning values or
drivers. This will explore these important issues
more deeply at an appropriate level for each
Celebration Assembly once a fortnight.
Alternate weeks assembly is led by a member of
staff and will look at festivals and celebrations
from a wide range of different cultures.
These happen every fortnight as listed on the assembly rota.
All staff stay in for these assemblies.
ALL children who are to be awarded any certificates should
take home a notification slip, inviting parents to the
celebration assembly by Wednesday at the latest.
Certificates need to be given to Scott by Thursday evening.
These will include :
Two or three value certificates per class
Any reading certificates (bronze, silver and gold)
Details of children who are to be awarded handwriting pen
Times Tables Awards
Any awards or achievements children have made outside of
school. Please write a note to explain these in more detail.
Our Themed Curriculum
We are very proud of our exciting themed curriculum which is
fully explained in the curriculum folder in your classroom.
The following checklist will help you to keep on track each short
term. These are essential components of the curriculum.
Parent summaries must go home by the end of the first week
Parent summaries, learning pathways and English overviews
must be on the teachers’ drive by the beginning of week 2
The theme title should be clearly displayed at the entrance to
the class and the class door ‘dressed’ to reflect the theme.
Each short term there must be a homework challenge
planned. Send home a sheet to detail what the challenge is
which should clearly indicate the date work must be
completed by. The homework sheets must be saved on the
teachers’ drive too.
In term 1 and then at least once more each subsequent long
term plan a curriculum event to which parents can be invited.
This could be an art workshop or a presentation for
There is an expectation that children will either have the
opportunity to go on a theme related visit during each long
term or have a visitor come into school to run a workshop
or event.
These are aspects of learning which we have
highlighted because they have particular relevance to
children in our school and will permeate every area of
our curriculum
• We want our children to have the highest
aspirations for themselves and to have an
open mind to the way their lives may change
and develop. We want to help them develop
a ‘I can do anything!’ attitude to life!
• We want to encourage the children to be
able to express an opinion and offer their
ideas on a range of topics and themes.
Children need to be encouraged to have a
voice and to be active participants.
• We want children to be excited about
learning just for the fun of learning or
knowing something new. Through our
curriculum we want to encourage this desire
for knowledge which helps make us into
interesting people.
• Our school and our community is a diverse
tapestry of different cultures, languages and
experiences. Through our curriculum we
want to celebrate this and develop in our
children an understanding of how everyone
contributes to the world we live in.
English is at the heart of our curriculum and should permeate all work the children
are engaged in.
Theme book
Books chosen should drive the theme and be at the centre of English work over
the course of the term. There will normally be one principle book which will be of
excellent quality in terms of language and themes
Into this other good fiction and non fiction material will be added to teach
specific skills and genres.
English Overview
The overview in a day by day initial plan of what which genres you intend to
cover, how the theme book will be used and a brief summary of the teaching
sequence. English overviews should be on the teacher’s drive by the first week.
This is a flexible document and will change considerably over the course of the
term. Please amend your copy as you go and keep it in your planning folder.
Teaching Sequence
This should be clearly shown on your overview. For example, if you are teaching
non chronological reports there may be evidence of the following: looking at non
fiction books, simple information sentences, lists and labels, work on index,
contents and glossary pages, alphabetical order, technical words, writing
definitions, note-taking (in a range of forms), writing up notes, use of formal
language, non fiction connectives, paragraphing, diagrams, writing introduction and
conclusions for example depending on the age of the children.
This work should build to a final, more sustained piece of writing which can be
used for assessment. This may be after three, four or five days or longer in the
case of narrative. The skills will always be taught in context and as far as possible
linked to the theme to give them meaning.
We use the South Gloucestershire text types and progression document to
ensure the teaching sequence is appropriate and the progression and
differentiation clear.
There is a common planning sheet for all classes to use which details key features
of that week’s main genre, main objective, differentiation, key questions, success
criteria etc. All planning to be put onto the teacher’s drive in the planning file each
week and annotated copies kept in blue planning folder
Planning sheets to be annotated to show evaluations. Lessons for the next days
may change with regard to your evaluations.
All work must be marked on a daily basis.
Green and pink highlighters are used to highlight where children are meeting
success criteria, or key targets (green) and two or three areas where they are not
A comment under green and pink blocks should be made at the end of the
writing. Comments should be specific and targeted. Children should have a clear
sense of what they have done well and what they need to work on next. Children
must respond to pink highlighting in green pen.
A next step/to improve my writing target should always be written. This may
continue through two or three pieces of writing until children show evidence of
achieving it
Success criteria must be used twice a week.(Y2-6) with progressive targets for
children written in Blue (must) Green (should) and Red (could). There must be
two further columns for pupils and teachers to tick achievement.
Year 1 will initially use more pictorial success criteria but will move progressively
towards this system from term 3 or 4 when appropriate.
Daily Writing
As a school we have agreed that there will be evidence of writing on a daily basis.
Often this will be in English but also through our themed curriculum in the afternoons
when children should be encouraged to transfer the skills they have learnt.
Encouraging an excitement and enthusiasm around reading is
a crucial part of our curriculum.
Our phonics programme ‘Sounds Fun!” takes place on a daily
basis (except when there is a celebration assembly). Sessions
are based on Letters and Sounds and children will be
working at a specific phase. Children should have regular
opportunity to learn through games and
activities using high quality resources. There are also Spelling
groups who work on a range of spelling activities.
There should be a visible, frequently changing display which
reflects sounds being learnt in phonics.
Guided reading should happen on a daily basis, usually after
lunch. Guided reading record sheets should be used for each
Reading time after lunch must be engaging and well
structured. Activities should be planned which encourage a
wide range of reading experiences, both individual and
collaborative. Reading time should not extend beyond 1.25.
Activities may include reading from different genres,
comprehension work, following instructions to make
something, reading linked to the theme for example. It could
include response to marking in some way and will often
provide a follow-on activity from the previous day’s guided
reading group.
A time for
seeing the
purpose in
A time to
A time to
move into
Children all
A wide
range of
A wider
range of
An integral part
of other learning
We use a broadly cursive style which is taught consistently
throughout the school.
In terms of practice, little, often and highly structured is the
key to children developing good handwriting. Short bursts of
teacher modelled, class handwriting is infinitely more valuable
than giving the children large passages or groups of letters to
practice unsupervised.
Link joins to phonic blends and spelling patterns where
Key stage 2 classes should be aiming to move children onto
writing in pens once they have developed a neat, consistently,
joined style.
Every key stage 2 class should have a handwriting star chart
displayed on which children collect ten stars in order to earn
a pen licence. When you see evidence of neat, joined writing,
children earn a star.
Children must keep up a high standard of handwriting to
keep their pen licence.
Any withdrawn licences need to be earned again with
children gaining 3 – 5 new stars.
Years 1,3,4,5 will follow the new curriculum. The maths coordinator has medium
term plans available.Years 2 and 6 to follow the old curriculum.
All year groups to follow the school’s calculation policy for the methods of
calculation. Calculation policy is available as a document for each class and also on
the Teacher’s drive in the planning folder under Maths.
There is a common planning sheet for all classes to use which details mental
maths, main objective, key questions, success criteria etc. All planning to be put
onto the teacher’s drive in the planning file each week and an annotated copy
kept in the blue planning folder.
Planning sheets to be annotated to show evaluations etc. Lessons for the next
days may change with regard to your evaluations.
Planning is expected to show steps in progression so that children not only show
progression within a lesson, but also over a series of lessons. E.g. For Y4 subtraction TU with no exchange, subtraction with exchange from T to U, 
subtraction with exchange H to T,  Worded problems,  mixed + and –
worded problems  two step worded problems.
Try to be creative, use your environment and link to topic work not just book
work from a published scheme.
All work must be marked.
Children must respond to misconceptions/ errors in green pen.
Teachers then need to respond to the children’s corrections.
Comments written should be informative, not simply – ‘well done’.
Success criteria must be used twice a week.(Y2-6) With progressive targets for
children written in Blue (must) Green (should) and Red (could). There must be
two further columns for pupils and teachers to tick achievement. A next step
comment should be written where appropriate.Year 1 need to move
progressively towards this system .
Times tables:
In the New Curriculum all children must know their tables up to 12 x 12 by Year
All classes to have a times table ladder displayed visibly on their wall. Children
have markers on it to show their progression.
Children are tested once a week in a five minute timed test on their table they
are learning. The test encompasses multiplication and corresponding division facts.
Please see maths coordinator for details.
Children are awarded a badge for success in the Celebration assembly. The
awards are grouped e.g. Red badge – for knowing the 2, 5,10 times tables.
Problem Solving:
Each term we take a different form of problem solving to develop. Details and
examples will be will be given before the term starts. For 2014-5 the program will
Term 1- Worded Problems
Term 2- Diagram problems and visual puzzles.
Term 3- Finding all possibilities
Term 4- Logic problems
Term 5- Worded problems
Term 6- Finding rules and describing patterns.
You will be expected to develop these types of problems over the term at least
once a week, though this may be linked to the maths you are currently doing. E.g.
finding all possibilities could be about adding five different numbers.
Cross curricular
Please link your subjects, particularly Science, DT and the Humanities to Maths.
Children are expected to show maths at the level they are working at in crosscurricular subjects.
Foundation Subjects
(additional information)
This will be taught discretely in three blocks in terms 1, 3 and 5.
Blocks for cycle one are as follows:
Year 3 and 4 – The Viking struggle for the Kingdom of England
Year 5 – Anglo Saxons
Year 6 – Changes in Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age
Year 3 – 6
An aspect or theme in British History that extends chronological knowledge beyond
An aspect of local history
Blocks for Cycle two are as follows:
Year 3 and 4 – The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain
Year 5 – Anglo Saxons
Year 6 – Changes in Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age
BLOCK 2: Year 3 – 6
An aspect or theme in British History that extends chronological knowledge beyond
An early Civilisation, Ancient Greece, A non-European society to contrast with
British history
Year group focus to be decided
Foundation Subjects
Hall timetables will be displayed in the staffroom. Negotiate with staff
direct for any changes you want to make.
Children need to change for PE. Spare kit has been purchased for each
class but children should be encouraged to bring in their own shorts
and T-shirts and trainers for outdoor games.
In years 5 and 6 boys and girls change separately. The parent room can
normally be used for year 5 girls and the area outside year 6 for year
6 girls.
There is a timetable for afternoon sessions in the ICT suite.
For morning sessions, teachers usually book informally by writing a
note up on the staff room whiteboard.
The art supplies are all stored in the art cupboard opposite the large hall.
Children should not access this unsupervised. Please keep it tidy and
organised and see Mandi Mulley if anything is running low. Drapes and
material are in the cupboard next to year 6.
Donna Southcott will be teaching half an hour of Spanish to every key
stage 2 class as part of the time when she releases you. This is statutory
and timetables will have to be flexible to accommodate this.
These are the minimum planning requirements for all staff.
English Overview
Weekly learning pathway
Curriculum parent summary
English plan (daily)
Maths plan (daily)
Guided reading plan
In additional to the above, teachers will use the National
Curriculum to plan sequences of work for science and the
foundation subjects.
In PE we are using the LCP scheme of work
For computing and RE we are following the South
Gloucestershire schemes of work. We also have our own
scheme of work for PHSCE. Mark Blaszczyk can provide more
information on all these subjects.
Blue planning folders must be kept up to date and should be
available at all times in classrooms.
AFL – Learning Objectives and Success Criteria
These develop capacity for self and peer assessment.
Precise, decontextualized learning objectives.
2-3 colour differentiated success criteria ladders should be
used in both English and Maths each week.
Blank box to add personalised issues and next step targets.
Success criteria generate a short term target and children’s
progress with this can be tracked through their books
Use the ‘To improve my writing box----‘ for this purpose
AFL – Marking
Needs to be immediate and purposeful.
Use green to highlight where success criteria has been met.
Use pink to highlight where an area needs developing or
focusing on.
Comment at the end of the writing to clarify each colour.
Children respond appropriately in green pen
Response needs to be as soon as possible and be looked at
by the teacher.
In English develop more precise response, redrafting not just
Teachers should respond to children’s response. This is
particularly important in maths where misconceptions may
not have been corrected through initial response.
See English and Maths pages for further details.
AFL - Questioning
The value of good questioning:
Challenges children to move from being passive recipients to
being active learners
Helps children to make connections
Encourages children to think creatively
Is a useful tool for assessment
Planning for questions:
Develop hierarchy to questions
Plan questions in sequences
Use questions to link the learning to real life
Devise more questions which encourage children to think
more creatively
Develop mathematical questioning to unpick misconceptions.
Use the word ‘might’ and ‘could’ to suggest that questions
asked do not have pre-decided answers.
Use Blooms taxonomy question stems to support planning of
quality questioning.
AFL - Talk for Learning
Talk for learning bubbles should be displayed in all classes
with a class photo from week 2 and teachers need to build in
activities to remind the children what these mean.
Children are increasingly aware of strategies for talk and how
this impacts on their learning. However, certain areas which
your children need work on may need specific activities
Supporting children to develop the vocabulary they need to
express ideas and emotions is key to both learning and
developing positive behaviour. This needs to be evident from
Plan opportunities to develop more sustained, purposeful talk
linked to themes, values and learning skills.
Develop strategies to record evidence of talk.
Data Captures
There are five points in the school year where data is
collected following assessments by class teachers. These
are approximately:
October half term
February half term
End of April
Teachers will need to:
Use formative and summative assessments to level
Enter data on SIMS
Complete attainment and progress data sheets
Complete carroll diagrams twice a year
We have eight learning values which we are continually
reinforcing with the children. They aim to encourage positive
learner dispositions which will help the children with every
aspect of their academic learning and their personal
development.These values are:
Try new things
Work hard
Push Yourself
Understand Others
Don’t Give Up
There is detailed information about each of these in the
Chris Quigley book ‘Secrets to Success’ which you will have a
copy of.
Children who are awarded certificates for these learning
values in celebration assembly will be given the chance to
complete a speech bubble to go with their photo on display.
This will happen immediately after celebration assembly for
about twenty minutes.
Please read the school behaviour policy and ask any questions you
may have.
As a school we place high importance on teaching children the
skills they need to behave well and how to modify and adapt their
behaviour when necessary. Ultimately our aim is always to show
children how to take responsibility for their own actions.
Consequently, there is no ‘one method fits all’, approach to
behaviour. Rather we place the emphasis on noticing and praising
good behaviour and talking to children when things go wrong,
helping them to verbalise how they could have behaved differently
and putting in place systems for this to happen in the future.
Rewards can be individualised to the class. For example:
team points – these can be given out generously and recorded
on some kind of chart in class
achievement awards – children collect these on an achievement
card and earn a certificate in celebration assembly when it is
class devised systems such as earning free time with marbles in
a jar or raffle tickets which are used to award a small prize or
being selected for celebration assembly
Sent to Head, particularly after sustained improvement of
During the first few days of term, all classes talk through a set of
class rules, worded in the positive and based on encouraging
mutual respect and good learning attitudes. These need to be age
appropriate and understood by all.
We recognise that in the vast majority of cases good behaviour
can be achieved through a whole range of low level strategies
which should be tried initially. For example:
Praising a child for doing the right thing, coming alongside a child,
tactical ignoring, facial expression, talking quietly to the child,
reminding of rules, visual prompts, distracting, when/then
strategies, agreement frames, clear behaviour expectation (eg
not ‘Stop tapping’ but ‘Put that down’ followed by ‘thank you’)
These should be an integral part of your classroom behaviour
management strategies.
Sanctions should be measured and sequential. Except in extreme
circumstances, it would be expected that the earlier sanctions would have
been tried before the latter. The certainty of a sanction is a measure of its
effectiveness, not the severity. For children, the knowledge and experience
that difficult behaviour will be dealt with is often an effective behaviour
management strategy. Sanctions should be logical rather than punitive and
as far as possible link directly to the problem behaviour.
All classes run a visual warning system of some kind. The format may
vary but it is often in the form of green, yellow and red boxes which
children’s names move between if necessary and many classes have a
‘gold star’ style option for children whose behaviour remains
consistently good which often generates some kind of reward.
When behaviour does not improve with these warnings, children can
be given a short period of ’time out’, either in class or being sent to
another class. This should be for a fixed time and should not interrupt
the lessons of the class the child is sent to.
It is sometimes appropriate for children to miss short periods of
playtimes. This is particularly apt when poor behaviour has resulted in
missed learning.
If poor behaviour persists or is being a disruption to the learning of
other children, the child should be sent to the deputy head.
At this point the school may choose to contact parents and/or the
pupil may be put on report.
If the child refuses to move or is being verbally or physically
aggressive, a message should be sent to the office to ask the head to
come to your class.
Children should ALWAYS be taken to another class by a responsible child
or another adult if one is available. NEVER sent children on their own.
It is also not appropriate for children to be sent to work on their own
outside of class as a sanction. It is very rare that asking a child to do this
will result in improved behaviour or a higher standard of learning. Most
importantly, children who are already probably cross and disengaged
should not be left unsupervised in the corridors.
Safeguarding is the responsibility of EVERY member of staff.
We recognise that there is nothing of greater importance in
our school.
All staff will have undertaken whole school basic
safeguarding/child protection training before working with
If you have concerns regarding any child in school you
MUST verbally report concerns to Scott Howes (Child
Protection Officer or Anne Sargent (Deputy Child Protection
Record your concerns on a yellow welfare concern form. You
should have copies of this in your classroom or they can be
collected from the school office.
Completed forms should be given the Child protection
Officer or Deputy Child Protection Officer.
Follow up your concern. Check with the Child Protection
Officer or Deputy Child Protection Officer what has
happened as a result of your report.
Every member of staff must ensure they have read and fully
understood the school safeguarding policy and their
responsibilities regarding this.
Any other incidents or issues raised by parents must be
recorded on an incident form which you should have blanks
of in your classroom.
Fire – Assembly Point Key Stage 2 Playground
Fire Warden – Ruth Abrahams & Annette Pittaway
On hearing the alarm (continuous bell)
All pupils, staff and visitors to leave the building through the nearest safe exit and
assemble in silence on the KS2 playground facing field.
If pupils, staff and visitors are in the KS1 part of the school they are to assemble
on KS1 playground and as soon as the gate is opened to the school field they are
to file through to join the rest of the school on KS2 playground for the roll call.
Senior teacher in KS1 to be responsible for unlocking the gate from the KS1
playground to the school field. Fire Warden is responsible for unlocking the
emergency vehicle entrance. (Keys in red ‘fire’ file on filing cabinet in school office
with daily register). Set also located in the KS1 hall.
Everyone should move quietly and quickly – walking only.
All class teachers should do an initial head count of class once children are
lined up.
KS1 children to walk from their playground, through the gates to the KS2
playground to be registered.
All class teachers to ensure classroom doors are shut behind them (internal
and external).
All Class teachers are responsible for ensuring class helpers/visitors exit
building along with class.
Key Stage 1 leader to check the pupil toilets once their classes have left the
building. Scott Howes to check hall and KS2 toilets.
Fire Wardens to take class registers and visitor book to KS2 playground for
class teachers to take roll call.
Teachers to stand the field edge of the playground to take roll call. Pupils to line
up facing their teacher looking onto the school field
Visitors should stand with class they are visiting.
Inform Head immediately if any pupil/staff member or visitor is missing.
No-one should enter the building while the fire bells are ringing.
Like many buildings of this age, there is asbestos in the fabric of the
structure. Although this does not pose a health risk in itself, it is
important to follow these guidelines.
Only staple into proper display boards which have been
mounted on the walls.
Use blu tack to fix displays to other areas. This applies to all
ceilings too.
Please report any damage which breaks the surface of the
ceilings or walls.
If you have concerns, ask the School Business Manager for
guidance in relation to the school Asbestos management plan.
Children should not be photographed or videoed unless
permission has been given by parents.
Make sure you have a signed permission slip for every child.
Ask parents directly if permission is not given. Usually parents
are happy to allow photos to go on display in the classroom
even if they do not want photos or videos on the internet.
Sometimes parents just need reassurance over how the
photographs will be used.
Only use school photographic equipment. Please do NOT use
personal cameras or mobile phones.
See school safeguarding and ICT policy
A few important reminders----STAFF CONDUCT
At Little Stoke Primary School, we come together for the same purpose:;
to ensure that children grow and learn in a happy, caring environment. We
expect high levels of professionalism from all staff and that all members of
our community will treat each other with respect. Most problems can be
resolved through a continuing and open dialogue with each other. Any
particularly difficult issues should be sorted out through the line
management system to ensure we maintain a positive and productive
working environment.
It is important, as professionals, that we dress appropriately when we are
working with children. As a general rule we expect staff to dress with a
smart, casual appearance.
Denim and trainers should not be worn for work.
Clothes should not be too revealing and there should be an
awareness by staff of whether what they are wearing is suitable for
the activities they will be engaged in during the day.
There is an expectation that staff will change for P.E. and it is
acceptable to stay in PE kit for that part of the day.
As a member of staff you are expected to maintain appropriate levels of
confidentiality in order to preserve the privacy of children and their
families and the reputation of the school. Any breach of these
expectations will be dealt with through disciplinary procedures.
Please ensure your are familiar with the social media policy available on
the website.