Coach Carter Vocabulary battered (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: beaten persistently or hard; pounded repeatedly 3. Your own sentence stark (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: complete, harsh, or grim 3. Your own sentence dingy (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: lacking brightness or freshness; dull 3. Your own sentence pristine (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: clean; having its original purity; uncorrupted 3. Your own sentence sheepishly (adv.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: done in an embarrassed or bashful way 3. Your own sentence boring (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: penetrating, puncturing, or piercing 3. Your own sentence grapple (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to hold or make fast to something 3. Your own sentence vehemently (adv.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: done in an intense, passionate, or emotional way 3. Your own sentence Chapter Two façade (n.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: the front of a building 3. Your own sentence conspicuous (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: easily seen or noticed; readily visible 3. Your own sentence officious (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: assertive and commanding 3. Your own sentence exude (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to project or display; to give off 3. Your own sentence stipend (n.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: a periodic payment for services 3. Your own sentence quip (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to make a clever, witty, or sarcastic remark 3. Your own sentence dubiously (adv.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: done in a questioning or doubtful way 3. Your own sentence Chapter Three Corralled (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: collected, gathered, or captured 3. Your own sentence Miniscule (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: very small 3. Your own sentence Mimed (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: portrayed by gestures and bodily movements; mimicked 3. Your own sentence Gripe (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to complain naggingly or constantly 3. Your own sentence Nullify (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to declare legally void; to cancel 3. Your own sentence Impassive (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: without emotion; calm; unmoved 3. Your own sentence Pleading (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: begging or persuasive 3. Your own sentence Chapter Four Ruefully (adv.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: done to cause sorrow or pity 3. Your own sentence Keep in mind: You must use this word as an adverb. The child looked down ruefully at the food he had to finish before he could leave the table. Saunter (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to walk with a leisurely gait; to stroll 3. Your own sentence Sparse (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: thinly scattered or distributed 3. Your own sentence Radiating (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: emitting, projecting, or extending from something 3. Your own sentence Fluid (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: capable of flowing or changing shape 3. Your own sentence Chapter Five Wince (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to draw back or tense the body, as from pain 3. Your own sentence Crow (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to boast or to gloat 3. Your own sentence Bask (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to enjoy a pleasant situation 3. Your own sentence Riveted (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: fastened or fixed firmly 3. Your own sentence Trudge (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to walk wearily; to drag oneself 3. Your own sentence Chapter 6 Wheeled (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to turn, rotate, or revolve 3. Your own sentence Voluminous (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: of great size, extent, or form 3. Your own sentence Reluctantly (adv.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: done in an unwilling or struggling way 3. Your own sentence Quad (n.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: a building designating four levels or rooms 3. Your own sentence Perennial (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: enduring, lasting, or continuing for a long time 3. Your own sentence Chapter 7 Milled (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to move around aimlessly, slowly, or confusedly 3. Your own sentence Example: After losing his wallet on the hike, he milled around the woods for three hours. Immaculate (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: free from errors; spotlessly clean 3. Your own sentence Example: My uncle always keeps the inside of his car in immaculate condition. Smother (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to stifle or suffocate; to suppress 3. Your own sentence Example: We smothered the fire with heavy, wet blankets. Chapter 8 Elegant (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: refined and dignified; luxurious 3. Your own sentence Example: She wanted to eat in an elegant restaurant for our anniversary, so I chose The Grand Concourse. Shimmy (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to shake, vibrate, or wobble 3. Your own sentence Example: Every Christmas, Santa Claus has to shimmy up and down the chimney. Gape (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to stare with open mouth, as in wonder 3. Your own sentence. Example: He could only gape at the rest of the team as the puck went between his legs and into the net. Skulk (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to hide for some secret or evil reason 3. Your own sentence Example: The killer was skulking in the shadows, hiding from the police. Snaked (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: winded, twisted, or moved, 3. Your own sentence Example: The hiking trail snaked down the mountain. Example: The roller coaster car snaked its way along the tracks. Recite (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to repeat from memory 3. Your own sentence Example: For my English class, we have to recite an entire poem in front of everybody! Relic (n.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: an object of the past 3. Your own sentence Example: On the television shows, American Pickers and Pawn Stars, they try to buy and sell relics from America’s past. Chapter 9 Landscape (n.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: An overall view or outlook on something. 3. Your own sentence Example: You have to take a look at your financial landscape before making any major purchases. Muffled (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: quieted, silenced, or suppressed from sound. 3. Your own sentence Example: The muffled cries of the dog could not be heard over the furnace in the basement. Listlessly (adv.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: showing little or no interest in anything; showing indifference. 3. Your own sentence Example: Although he did them, he listlessly completed all of his chores around the house. Chapter 10 Dais (n.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: a raised platform at the front of the room for meeting seating 3. Your own sentence Example: The board members all sat at the dais for the budget meeting. Pursed (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: pressed together into folds or wrinkles; puckered 3. Your own sentence Example: After the little boy swore and realized his mother heard him, he immediately pursed his lips. Inform (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to give substance, character, or distinction to; to influence 3. Your own sentence Example: My parents hope the lessons and habits they teach me will inform my future life decisions. Negate (v.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: to nullify or cause to be ineffective; to reverse 3. Your own sentence Example: Her walking out of class only negated any progress she made with her teacher. Thronged (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: filled with people or objects; crowded 3. Your own sentence Example: Before the release of the new Jordan’s, the shoe store’s façade was thronged with eager customers. Chapter 11 Rout (n.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: any overwhelming defeat 3. Your own sentence Example: The game was a rout: Pittsburgh 13 and New England 41. Absolute (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: complete; outright; total 3. Your own sentence Example: The cafeteria broke out into absolute mayhem after the fight started. Tentative (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: not definite or positive; uncertain 3. Your own sentence Example: Although I would like to see a few movies over Christmas break, my plans are really tentative for the entire break. Emblazoned (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: decorated; ornamented; depicted 3. Your own sentence Example: Every can of soda you drink has the company logo emblazoned across the front of it. Dejected (adj.) 1. Guess: 1-5 words 2. Definition: depressed in spirits; disheartened 3. Your own sentence Example: The day he lost his job, he came home completely dejected.