SEND Reforms Multi-agency training day 6th November 2014 Intended Outcomes • • • • • • Develop awareness and understanding of the new SEND Reforms Develop shared understanding of the Graduated Approach and the expectations/challenges for settings, schools and colleges Introduce Rochdale’s Local Offer Introduce the process of applying for a new EHC needs assessment Introduce the process of converting Statements to EHC plans Discuss the format for professional advice Where are we now and how did we get here? 1995 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 2004 DDA amendment 2011 Support and Aspiration Green Paper 1998 DDA amendment 2005 DDA amendment 2013 Learning Difficulty Assessments Statutory Guidance 2001 Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (SENDA) 2010 Equality Act 2014 Children and Families Act 2001 SEN Code of Practice 2001 Inclusive Schooling 2010 Ofsted Review of SEND 2014 Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0 – 25 years The Legislative Journey Ref : Lancasterian Outreach and Inclusion Service (LOIS) The person is ‘faulty’ Focus on diagnosis and label Person has to fit into society Person has to adapt to the world around them The impairment is the problem Person is a passive receiver of services Person is highly dependent and needs to be cared for Need to cure or at least normalise Professionals know what’s best and make the decisions Ref : Lancasterian Outreach and Inclusion Service (LOIS) The person is unique and valued for themselves Person participates fully in society and has equal access to opportunities Environment is adapted to the person Person is in control of services and people who support them Diagnosis supports understanding Society is the problem Person is encouraged to be as independent as possible Person’s needs and how they can be met are considered Professionals allow the person to make informed choices about provision Ref : Lancasterian Outreach and Inclusion Service (LOIS) The Challenge … just 3 of almost 100 documents issued to schools since September The Big Picture • In force since September 2014 • Some transitional arrangements • Provisions for those in youth custody do not come into force until April 2015 Who must have regard to the Code? • Local Authorities (education, social care and relevant housing and employment and other services • Governing bodies of schools including non-maintained special schools • Governing bodies of further education colleges and sixth form colleges • Proprietors of academies • Management committees of pupil referral units • Independent schools and independent specialist providers • All early years providers • National Health Service Commissioning Board • Clinical Commissioning Groups • NHS Trusts • Local Heath Boards • Youth Offending Teams and relevant youth custodial establishments • The First-tier Tribunal (SEN and disability) Main changes from 2001 Code • Covers 0-25 age range and includes guidance relating to disabled CYP as well as those with SEN • Clearer focus on participation of CYP and parents in decision making at individual and strategic levels • Stronger focus on high aspirations and improving outcomes for CYP through support that enables those with SEN to succeed in education and make a successful transition to adulthood • SEN Support replaces Action and Action+ • EHC plans replace Statements and LDAs Includes guidance and information on: - Joint planning and commissioning to ensure cooperation between education, health and social care - Graduated approach for education and training settings - Relevant duties under the Equality Act 2010 - Relevant provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Principles (1) • All children have a right to education that enables them to make progress so that they: - achieve their best - become confident individuals and live fulfilling lives - make a successful transition into becoming an adult • All children with SEN or disabilities should have their needs met When making decisions about SEN or disabilities, the LA must: • Have regard to the views, wishes and feelings of CYP and their parents • Make sure that CYP and their parents participate as fully as possible in decisions that affect them • Provide support to children and young people and their parents so that children and young people do well educationally and can prepare properly for adulthood • Give CYP and parents access to impartial information, advice and support • Involve CYP and their parents in developing provision and services Also, services that provide help for CYP need to work together to the CYP’s benefit Principles (2) • • • • • • • Participation of CYP and their parents in decision making Early identification and early intervention Greater choice and control for CYP and their parents over support Collaboration between education, health and social care to provide support High quality provision to meet the needs of CYP with SEN Focus on inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning Successful preparation for adulthood, including independent living and employment Definitions of SEN (1) A CYP has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A CYP has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she: - has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age or - has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age Definitions of SEN (2) For children aged 2+, SEN provision is educational or training provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for other CYP of the same age. For a child under 2 years special educational provision means educational provision of any kind. A child under compulsory school age has SEN if likely to fall into the previous definition when they reach compulsory school age or would do if provision was not made for them. Broad Areas of Need Communication and Interaction Cognition and Learning Social, emotional and mental health difficulties Sensory and/or physical needs Disabled CYP Equality Act 2010 definition of disability: - a physical or mental impairment which has a long term and substantial adverse effect on CYP’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities. Substantial – ‘more than minor or trivial’ Long-term – ‘a year or more’ Definition includes long term health conditions. Equality Act 2010 – basic points • Duty to be anticipatory • Duty to make reasonable adjustments to enable access and participation • Duty to avoid putting disabled people at a disadvantage Activity – 30 minutes FIRST In mixed groups – nominate someone to scribe and someone to feedback, read through information from the Code regarding one specific area and identify: 1. Key points/messages (no more than 5) 2. Implications/issues/challenges in terms of how we support settings/parents/CYP THEN Identify actions for your team and any multi-agency working that needs to take place Record on flip chart The Graduated Approach – expectations UNIVERSAL Quality First Teaching – all teachers to adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils (Teacher’s Standards 2012), every teacher is responsible and accountable for all pupils in their class wherever or with whoever the pupils are working with SEN SUPPORT Personalisation Additional to and different from - Inclusive ethos - Flexibility of approach - Assess – Plan – Do – Review Person centred planning with the young person and parents/carers Outcome focused planning Small group and individualised programmes Specialist support and advice EHC PLAN Activity Consider the interventions below and decide where on the graduated approach you would place them: ability set for literacy weighted cutlery workstation visual timetable Social Use of Language Programme (SULP) scribe move & sit cushion time out card laptop Chewelry differentiation metacognitive/ thinking skills programme nurture group Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) iPad Toe by Toe Circle of Friends Think about: • How did you decide where to place the interventions? • What makes the difference between Universal and SEN Support? Interventions and the Graduated Approach Frequency Length Individualisation Catch up or long term Some of the time or most of the time Same as the rest or personalised The Graduated Approach – support UNIVERSAL SEN SUPPORT EHC PLAN LOCAL OFFER ( THERAPY INVOLVEMENT EPS RANS IDP online: Dyslexia BESD Autism SLCN Research sites: Sutton Trust Education Endowment Foundation Communication Trust SEND Gateway SCOPE Learning Together toolkit ssionals/learning-together Sources specific to individual needs e.g. National Autistic Society, Dyspraxia Foundation, Communication Matters Implementing the Reforms – what’s happening now? For the January census – School Action/School Action Plus -> Universal or SEN Support How do schools make that decision? • Review what’s already happened at SA and SA+ • Decide whether or not the child’s needs are being met? (This decision will need to be evidenced) • Are school ready/able to put in place interventions/support? • What are the views of staff/parents/young person? When SEN Support is not enough Unless it is clearly apparent that the CYP has severe and complex needs, settings must demonstrate that they have ‘exhausted’ resources and strategies at Universal and SEN Support levels before applying for an EHC plan including how they have used their funding. SEN Funding in schools Element 1: An amount of money for each pupil in the school, funding based on the total number of pupils in the school. Element 2: An additional amount of money to help make special educational provision to meet children’s SEN, called the ‘delegated SEN budget’. In Rochdale, all schools, including academies, are getting £4000 for each pupil. Based on results at end of EYFS and KS2. This is the core budget for each school and it is used to make general provision for all pupils in the school including pupils with SEN. The government has recommended that schools should use this notional SEN budget to pay for up to £6,000 worth of special educational provision to meet a child’s SEN. Element 3: High Needs Block - Top-up funding If the school can show that a pupil with SEN needs more than £6,000 worth of special educational provision, it can ask the local authority to provide top-up funding to meet the cost of that provision. Requesting an EHC Needs Assessment NB – the following were originally links however they are now available on the Rochdale Schools Intranet and Rochdale’s Local Offer as named below. To access the forms on the RSI simply go to the SEN page. • Criteria – Graduated Response to SEN in Rochdale • Request Form – EHC 01 Stat Assess Req Form (editable) • Advice Template – EHC Needs Assessment – Advice Template • Advice Guidance – Guidance for advice providers Send to Local Authority, considered at multi-agency panel held every two weeks • Panel Checklist – Guidance EHC Request (editable) (To access the forms on the Local Offer, first go to the Rochdale website, search for Local Offer, then SEN & Disability Services on the left hand side of the screen, then keyword SEN Assessment Team and the forms are on the left hand side. Currently submissions can only be accepted in paper format.) Activity - Outcome or Provision? 1. By the end of Year 6 Bob will be holding conversations with other children and adults 2. A language programme to be devised by a speech and language therapist 3. Mabel will be able to read and spell 100 words 4. A gross motor skills programme to be undertaken regularly 5. Will achieve 5 GCSEs at A to C level 6. Will attend trampoline club three times a week 7. To be able to tell a trusted member of staff how he’s feeling 8. To shower, dress and wash hair independently 9. To access community 10. Homework differentiated to Madge’s needs 11. To extend numeracy and literacy skills 12. To attend SULP group 13. To use a move and sit cushion. 14. To be able to travel independently using public transport to and from college 15. Will use a BigMack to join in circle time Writing Advice - Outcomes • Specific- must contain a verb • Measurable- how will we know it has been achieved • Achievable- small steps • Relevant- will it make a difference? • Timed- by when? Writing Advice - Provision • Specific • Quantifiable What is it? Who’s going to do it? When is it going to be done and how often? How is it going to be reviewed? EHC Needs Assessments Advice and information must be sought* as follows: (CoP paras 9.45-9.52) – – – – – – – – The child’s parent or young person, and wherever possible the child Current educational institution attended, or person responsible for educational provision Health care professionals An Educational psychologist Social care (from children’s or adult services) From Y9, advice on preparing for adulthood and independent living From any person requested by the child’s parent or young person Any other advice or information which the LA considers appropriate e.g. from a youth offending team *The LA must not seek further advice if it has already been provided and the person providing the advice, the LA and the child’s parent or young person are all satisfied that it is sufficient for the assessment process. New EHC Plans – the process – 20 week timescale 3 Weeks Decision made/ Assessment Started 6 Weeks Initial Person-Centred Visit/ Advice due in 8 Weeks Initial My Plan drafted from advice/ initial meeting 10 Weeks Indicative budget generated. My Plan Meeting 12 Weeks 13 Weeks Updated proposed plan to admin for formatting Checked by manager 14 Weeks Proposed plan issued 18 Weeks Settings consulted with, any changes made to plan 20 Weeks Final Plan Issued Sections of an EHC Plan (My Plan) SEE ADDITIONAL DOCUMENT – SECTIONS OF A MY PLAN Conversions – the timetable* Current Year Group To be converted in Current Year Group To be converted in <1 15/16 12 (if staying in school) 16/17 0 15/16 13 (if staying in school) 15/16 1 15/16 14/15 2 16/17 12/13/14 (if leaving school for F.E.) 3 16/17 Electively Home Educated 17/18 4 16/17 5 14/15 6 17/18 7 16/17 9 14/15 10 15/16 11 14/15 *Further information available on the Local Offer (path as previously detailed) – Rochdale’s Local Transition Plan Conversions – the process – 14 week timescale -4/6 Weeks School to send out invites to parents, young person and professionals- request up to date information from all parties. Parents or young person supported to complete the My Story and give their views -2 Weeks All up-to date information collated and circulated to relevant professionals and YP/parents. Formal notification of start of Transfer review. 10 Weeks Person Centred Transfer Review (held instead of the Annual Review)- consideration of personal budget Annual review form and all up to date advice sent to the LA. Decision made whether to issue a plan or to cease to maintain the Statement. Plan drafted by LA officer Plan issued with opportunity for YP/Parents to comment 12 Weeks Any alterations made and Final Plan Issued 0 Weeks 2 Weeks 6 Weeks Conversions – preparing for the transfer review • • • • Up-to date information/advice Parents view Young person’s views Independent Supporter Role Building a Workforce to Make the Reforms Work Activity: What is important to young people with SEN and disability? What would CYP and families in Rochdale say about how professionals in Rochdale work with them and others? The Cultural Shift We need to: – Put the CYP and family at the centre of the team – Empower CYP and families to make informed choices and have their voice heard – Acknowledge parents as the expert – Shift away from the professionals telling the family the child’s problems and what they need to do to – Listen to the family’s priorities and feelings and deliver services accordingly – Work together to provide the best possible care for the child and family What have we got to help with this? Mission To improve outcomes for disabled children and their families through services working together more effectively on the front-line Strategy Improving information sharing among practitioners and with parents/carers Embedding a common approach to assessment, working in partnership with families Support multi agency and partnership working Key processes & tools Information Sharing Practice & Cross Government Guidance Common Assessment Framework Lead Professional/Key worker Education, Health and Care Plans and the family service plan Information booklets and background information file Useful Links • • • • • • • • SEN Code of Practice SEND guides – Early Years, Schools, Further Education, Parents, CYP, Health, Social Care Young Person’s Guide to the Children and Families Act 2014 Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions Reasonable Adjustments for Disabled Pupils Equality Act – Advice for Schools Equality Act – Advice for Further Education Transition to the New 0 to 25 SEND system NB – UNDERLINED TEXTS ARE HYPERLINKS TO THE DOCUMENTS ONLINE, HOWEVER YOU MUST BE RUNNING THE SLIDE SHOW FOR THESE TO WORK