Deutscher Kinderhospizverein e.V.


Children Hospice in Germany

The supply of life-shortening diseased children, youth and young grown-ups

Children's hospitals and pediatricians

SAPV-Teams (specialized ambulant palliative care)

Inpatient hospices for children

Outpatient children's Hospice Services

The last point on this list is the main focus of my speech ...

Figures, Data, Facts

Situation in Germany in 2014:

• 118 Outpatient children's Hospice Services

• 13 Inpatient hospices for children

• 2 Inpatient hospices for young grown-ups

The organization „Deutsche Kinderhospizverein“ includes in 2014:

• 2864 Members

• 20 Outpatient children's Hospice Services


• Families, we care for: 369

• Voluntary employees: 748

Characteristic features of children hospice work

• Many different diseases; less children getting infected with cancer.

• A lot of children, who are seriously – physically and mentally – handicapped and disabled.

• Caring for a long time; often for years; with many fellows in the care system.

• Children depend on their parents. The whole social environment has an important effect; children hospice work refers to the whole family.

• A large draw area implies long journeys to the families.

Life shortening diseases in childhood

Metabolic diseases, e.g. mucopolysaccaridosis

Genetic diseases

Muscular disorders, e.g. Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Severe brain damage, caused by a lack of oxygen at birth or caused by accident


The situation of the family

The course of disease of the child often spans years.

Meanwhile, the children of other families grow up - the own gradually lose their abilities and are approaching the final stage of life.

This has a deep impact on the partnership.

Siblings are heavily burdened.

The care of the sick child and the constant presence of illness, dying, death and grief lead to a massive mental and physical overload.

Social isolation

Prevelance of childhood diseases in Germany

22.600 children and adolescents with life shortening diseases


Approximately 28 children and young per 100.000 people.

Annually there 1.500 children and youth dying in Germany due to their disease, about 520 thereof due to cancer.

Financing of children hospice work

Sourcing by health insurance on basis of statutory provisions:

• § 39a SGB V for the outpatient children's Hospice Services

• § 132d SGB V for SAPV-Teams (specialized ambulant palliative care)

• Donations

• Voluntary work

What does outpatient children hospice work? (1)

Support of families with children, youth an young grown-ups suffering from a live shortening disease by offering:

• Psycho-social support

• Information

• Counseling

Support of the whole familiy means or includes:

• from the day of the diagnosis of a life-limiting illness

• in life and death

• and after the children, youth or young grown-ups have passed away

What does outpatient children hospice work? (2)

• Support and promotion of self-help

• Intermediation of other facilities

• Individual grief counseling

• Guidance for kindergarten and schools

Our aim is:

To balance the family system as well as the quality of life within the family. In other words strengthens resources in the family and improve quality of life.

The mode of practice in outpatient children's hospice services

The company of families focuses on the abilities, needs, and interests of affected children, their siblings and parents.

The action is carried out in close consultation with the parents, who are respected as experts in the interests of their children.

The coordination of outpatient children and youth hospice service is taken over by a full-time professional.

The accompaniment of families is carried out by trained volunteer staff.

The offer is free of charge to the families.

Precise help by volunteer staff ...

• being open to the concerns of the family

• listening

• provide with information

• providing further assistance if required

• child care sisters and brothers of the diseased child

• driving service if necessary

• recreational activities

• ... or simply be there

• ... and stay there - although it will be very difficult one day.

Further possible offers of outpatient children and youth hospice services

According to needs and capacities:

• family café

• holiday offers for children and youth

• possibilities for parents meeting each other

• groups, in which fathers can get together

• similar groups for mothers as well

• siblings are brought in contact groups

• groups for familiy members, which are in mourning after the child has passed away

Tasks of the full-time professional coordination

Contact the affected families in the region.

Acquisition and training of volunteers.

Support the volunteers in their work.

Coordination and documentation of the accompaniment in the families.

Public relations and networking; e.g. institutions of the health-social system, schools and kindergarten, paediatrics, childrens‘s clinic, children nursing service.

Limits of outpatient children's hospice services

Outpatient children and youth hospice services

• offer no paediatric nursing

• replace not neighborly help in communities

• replace not medical, psychological, therapeutic professionals or church chaplain

• accompany exclusively children and young people with life-limiting illness

Children Hospice in Germany

Thank you for your interest and your attention



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