TEST ADMINISTRATOR TRAINING (REQUIRED FOR DTCS, STCS, AND TAS) TEST ADMINISTRATORS Big Picture Objectives Understand the roles and responsibilities of test administrators Understand how to use valid test administration practices Be aware of what’s new this year in the statewide assessment system Learn where to find test administration resources and tools TEST ADMINISTRATORS Training Overview Training will cover the following topics: Test Administrator Training Accessibility Supports Test Security Smarter Balanced Administration* OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Administration* ELPA Administration* *Only required for TAs administering this assessment TEST ADMINISTRATORS TA Roles and Responsibilities Before testing: Provide students with an opportunity to become familiar with the test format and procedures Review student IEPs or education plans to identify appropriate test formats and accessibility supports Make arrangements for students who are not testing Review Test Administration Manual (TAM), Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM), and training notes During testing: Ensure that students receive the appropriate test (includes settings such as language and print size) Enforce test environment requirements TEST ADMINISTRATORS Test Environment Requirements Supervision at all times by a trained TA Quiet environment void of distractions Only accessibility supports listed in OAM made available to students Limited interaction with students Read student directions Administer accessibility supports appropriately No coaching TEST ADMINISTRATORS OAKS System Components Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) • Student demographic information collected • Student test settings entered Test Delivery System (TDS): TA Interface • Test sessions created • Students approved to test _______________ Item Tracking System (ITS) • Test questions created reviewed, and edited • Questions assembled into tests Test Delivery System (TDS): Student Interface • Students log into tests • Students take tests Online Reporting System (ORS) • Test results reported TEST ADMINISTRATORS Overview of Test Delivery System TA Interface Administer online tests, track progress, and manage students testing in your session Adjust test settings for individual students before they are approved to start the test Approve and submit print requests from students Student Interface Secure online test that must be accessed via a secure browser General Education Student Interface Braille Interface TEST ADMINISTRATORS New in the OAKS Portal New OAKS Portal URL: oaksportal.org New look and feel: Organization remains the same Register to receive alerts when announcements or resources are posted on the portal TEST ADMINISTRATORS New in the OAKS Portal (cont’d) New Organization of Resources & Resources Search Feature: TEST ADMINISTRATORS New in the TA Interface Session IDs: New three-part naming convention (not based on TA’s name) Easier to get back into sessions that were unintentionally closed or paused. Buttons added to message TA sees if the TA tries to start a new session and already has an active session: Rejoin session Close session TEST ADMINISTRATORS TA Interface at A Glance Used to create and manage test sessions and approve students All information is visible on one screen Tests in session Students needing approval to start testing Students with tests in progress Print requests TEST ADMINISTRATORS TA Interface (cont’d) Create and Manage Test Sessions List of available tests automatically displays upon logging in and remains on screen while monitoring students Select the tests for inclusion in the session and click [Start Session] System generates a Session ID that students will use to log in Test sessions automatically expire upon TA logout Sessions cannot be resumed Students may resume a paused test in any new test session that includes the applicable test subject and grade Example: TA creates a test session for students on Tuesday. To resume testing on Wednesday, the TA will create another test session for students to resume testing TEST ADMINISTRATORS TA Interface (cont’d) Student Test Settings and Approvals Approvals Preview (right) allows TAs to see students that need to be approved while monitoring test progress The complete list of students awaiting approval will display on a pop-up screen TEST ADMINISTRATORS TA Interface (cont’d) Student Test Settings and Approvals (cont’d) TEST ADMINISTRATORS 1 Student Log-in Student Login 1. Log in using First Name, SSID, Session ID 2 2. Confirm identity – “Is This You?” screen – First Name (same as in SSID upload), Enrolled Grade, DOB, School, SSID 3 3. Select Test – Student will see available tests by subject 4. TA Approval required to start test 5. Confirm test -- “Is this your test?” screen 4 5 TEST ADMINISTRATORS Do’s… TAs must read the Test Administration Manual and the Oregon Accessibility Manual, receive annual test administration and security training, and sign an Assurance of Test Security form before administering state tests. If you’re administering Smarter Balanced or OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences through the Braille Interface, you must also receive ODEprovided Braille Interface training If you’re administering the Extended Assessment, you must also receive ODE-provided Qualified Trainer or Qualified Assessor training TEST ADMINISTRATORS Do’s (cont’d)… Use the practice tests to familiarize students with the student interface, item types, and available accessibility supports. Read verbatim the student directions provided in the Test Administration Manual. Provide students with only those accessibility supports listed by content area in the Oregon Accessibility Manual that are appropriate for the individual student. TEST ADMINISTRATORS …and Don’ts Do not allow untrained aides, interpreters, volunteers, or substitutes to assist with test administration. Do not coach students (including requiring students to show their work). Do not allow students to access resources such as textbooks, class notes, or cell phones during testing. Do not allow students to talk to or help other students during testing. TEST ADMINISTRATORS Promising Practices TA reviews the TAM and OAM before testing, focusing on test security and content-specific accessibility options. TA seeks clarification from STC on any rules that are unclear before administering tests TA spaces students appropriately or provides visual barriers to prevent students from seeing others’ tests. TA reads student directions verbatim and circulates through test environment to ensure proper testing conditions. TEST ADMINISTRATORS Test Administration Resources Test Administration Manual http://www.ode.state.or.us/go/tam Oregon Accessibility Manual http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=487 Best Practices Guide http://www.ode.state.or.us/go/tam Promising Testing Practices http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=2444 TEST ADMINISTRATORS In a Nutshell TAs must receive training each year Special training requirements for Braille Interface, Extended, and Kindergarten Assessments TAs enforce valid test environment for students When in doubt about a particular testing practice, before testing begins: Check the TAM and the OAM Check your training notes Ask your School Test Coordinator If all else fails, assume the answer is “no” STATEWIDE ASSESSMENT ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORTS (REQUIRED FOR DTCS, STCS, AND TAS) ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Big Picture Objectives Identify and understand the purpose of the statewide assessment accessibility supports Administer the statewide assessment accessibility supports appropriately ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Purpose Accessibility Supports… Are intended to reduce or even eliminate the effects of a student’s learning challenges during instruction and on the results of assessments. Do not compromise the learning expectations, construct, grade-level standard, and/or measured outcome of the assessment. Are the only supports allowed during testing. ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Know the Options Know the differences between the following statewide assessment accessibility supports: Universal Tools Designated Supports Accommodations ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Definitions Universal Tool Access features of the assessment that are either provided as digitally delivered components of the test administration system or separate from it. Universal tools are available to all students based on student preference and selection. Designated Support Access features of the assessment available for use by any student for whom the need has been indicated by an educator (or team of educators working with the parent/guardian and student). They are either provided as digitally delivered components of the test administration system or separate from it. Embedded designated supports must be assigned to the student in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) or from the TA Interface prior to test administration Accommodation* Changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access during the statewide assessments. Assessment accommodations generate valid assessment results for students who need them; they allow these students to show what they know and can do. *Note: Unlike the accommodations policy in place for prior Oregon Statewide Assessments, which made accommodations available for all students, beginning in 2014-15 statewide assessment accommodations are available only for students with documented Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Section 504 Plans. Many of the supports previously referred to as “accommodations” are now considered “designated supports” and so remain available to all students based on individual need. ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Modification Contrary to statewide accessibility supports, any practice or procedure that compromises the intent of the assessment through a change in the learning expectations, construct, or content that is to be measured, grade-level standard, or measured outcome of the assessment and is not listed in Oregon’s Accessibility Manual (OAM) is considered a modification. Assessments taken under any modified condition are counted as non-participants in all state and federal accountability measures and reports. ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Five-Step Process STEP 1 – Expect all students to achieve proficiency in the grade-level academic content standards STEP 2 – Learn about statewide assessment accessibility supports (cf. Resources slide) ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Five-Step Process STEP 3* – Select statewide assessment accessibility supports for individual students (e.g. Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) tool http://www.smarterbalanced.org/wordpress/w p-content/uploads/2014/08/ISAAP-Tool.xlsm) ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS *Documentation Students on IEPs or 504 Plans must have needed accommodations documented within their plans (cf.http://www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/testing/ad min/alt/ea/accommodations-statement-ieps.pdf). IEP teams are encouraged to include any/all other statewide assessment accessibility supports in a student’s IEP or 504 plan. Students who are English Learners or General Education and not on an IEP or 504 Plan should have needed statewide assessment accessibility supports documented within their cumulative file. ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Five Step Process STEP 4 – Administer statewide assessment accessibility supports during instruction and assessment STEP 5 – Evaluate and improve use of statewide assessment accessibility supports Oregon’s Statewide Assessment Accessibility Supports http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=487 OREGON ACCESSIBILITY MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4 ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORTS Smarter Balanced Mathematics & ELA ............................................................................................ 9 OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences ................................................................................... 24 Extended Assessments ................................................................................................................. 34 Kindergarten Assessments ........................................................................................................... 41 English Language Proficiency Assessment ................................................................................... 47 APPENDICES Appendix A: Grade 12 OAKS Retest .............................................................................................. 55 Appendix B: Guidelines for Signed Interpretation Support (For OAKS, Extended Assessment, and Kindergarten Assessment Only) .................................................................................................... 74 Appendix C: Selection, Administration, and Evaluation of Accessibility Supports (STEPS and TEACHER TOOLS) .......................................................................................................................... 80 Appendix D: Oregon’s Accessibility Panel ................................................................................... 106 Appendix E: APPROVAL PROCESS FOR A NEW ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORT................................... 108 Appendix F: National Assessment Of Educational Progress (NAEP) ........................................... 111 Appendix G: Accessibility Guidelines For Classroom Activities ................................................... 123 Appendix H: Resources And Practices Comparison Crosswalk ................................................... 125 Smarter Balanced Resources ..................................................................................................... 132 INDEX .......................................................................................................................................... 133 ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Working with Accessibility Supports http://sbac.portal.airast.org/practice-test/ Significant Shifts (per OAKS-Smarter Crosswalk) Support Comment Alternate response option Smarter AT device certification process ASL ASL only Calculator, hand-held Accommodation Calculator, online Restricted access Formula and conversion sheets (ODE-provided) Non-allowable List of common transitions/transitional phrases Non-allowable Manipulatives Non-allowable Print on demand Text-to-Speech Accommodation Designated Support (items); Accommodation (passages) Designated Support (items); Accommodation (passages) Translations (stacked) Non-allowable (ELA-Writing) Read-aloud ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS TIDE Settings ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS TIDE Settings (cont’d) ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS TIDE Settings (cont’d) ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS TIDE Settings (cont’d) SMARTER BALANCED ASL Video SMARTER BALANCED Calculators (Scientific, Graphing, & Regression) SMARTER BALANCED Color Overlay SMARTER BALANCED Dictionary SMARTER BALANCED Expanding Passages SMARTER BALANCED Expanding Passages (cont’d) SMARTER BALANCED Glossary SMARTER BALANCED Masking SMARTER BALANCED Streamlined Mode SMARTER BALANCED Stacked Spanish/English Translations SMARTER BALANCED Volume Control Click to adjust the volume. ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Zoom Levels ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS OREGON ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORTS UPDATES The Interim Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) is posted (cf Online Resources slide for link). The final draft of OAM will be released following review by Oregon’s Accessibility Panel in October. Accessibility supports may change in the future if additional tools, supports, or accommodations are identified for the assessment based on state experience and research findings. ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Do’s… Refer to the Oregon Accessibility Manual for implementation guidance. Refer to student’s IEP, 504 Plan or cumulative file to determine which accessibility supports must be provided. ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS … and Don’ts Indicate “as needed” or “as appropriate” when documenting accessibility supports Choose every accessibility support available for an assessment “just to be safe” Assume the same accessibility supports remain appropriate year-after-year Provide an accessibility support for the first time on the day of testing Provide the same accessibility supports for every student in the class, grade, or program ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS …Don’ts (cont’d) TAs may not provide instruction or give suggestions regarding process. TAs may not choose to administer an accessibility supports for all students in a class or a grade. If you can’t find it in the TAM or OAM, don’t do it. ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Promising Practices Develop a process to determine appropriate statewide assessment accessibility supports for students not on IEPs or 504 Plans Develop a system to inform students of available accessibility supports and allow them to request consideration for use during testing Encourage students to “do their best” Ask a student if he/she “needs a break” if they appear to lose focus ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS Online Resources Oregon Test Administration Manual and Webpage: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=486 Oregon’s Statewide Assessment Accessibility Webpage & Manual: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=487 Smarter-OAKS Accessibility Crosswalk: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=487 Smarter Practice/Training Test https://oakspt.tds.airast.org/student Promising Practices: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=2444 ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS In a Nutshell Accessibility supports are selected and administered for individual students Accessibility supports used during state testing must be selected from the Oregon Accessibility Manual Providing accessibility supports for the first time during state testing is not allowed Administration of accessibility supports for one student must not interfere with the testing conditions of another student TEST SECURITY (REQUIRED FOR DTCS, STCS, AND TAS) TEST SECURITY Objectives Understand principles of secure test administration Understand how to maintain security of printed test materials Learn how to avoid and respond to test improprieties TEST SECURITY Definition and Purpose Purpose: To protect the integrity and confidentiality of secure test items, prompts, and passages. The security of these materials is necessary so that they can be used in later years to measure trends in performance. In addition, test security helps to ensure test results can be used in accountability reporting. Definition: A test impropriety is any instance where a test is not administered in a manner consistent with the Test Administration Manual or OAR 581-0220610 Administration of State Tests. TEST SECURITY Test Impropriety Statistics Some numbers from the 2013-14 school year: 133 districts reported at least one test impropriety 730 total improprieties were reported 1,000 student tests were impacted Test Impropriety Trends: Non-allowable resources (including cell phones) Student coaching Student given the wrong test Student cheating and talking Unsecure test environment Mishandling of secure test materials Breach of student confidentiality Missing the shipping / data entry deadline Student tested under wrong SSID TEST SECURITY Secure Testing Environment A quiet environment, void of distractions and supervised by a trained test administrator Visual barriers or adequate spacing between students Student access to only those supports listed in the Oregon Accessibility Manual All paper test materials collected and accounted for after each testing event – including printed reading passages (or test items) Student data is treated as confidential – no e-mailing names and SSIDs together TEST SECURITY Student Coaching Definition: Providing students with any type of assistance that may affect how a student responds; includes both verbal cues and nonverbal cues to the correct answer Examples: Leading students through instructional strategies such as Think Aloud Asking students to point to the correct answer or otherwise identify the source of their answer Requiring or rewarding students for showing their work Requiring students to raise their hands and receive permission before moving on to the next item Reading aloud test content for which the readaloud or text-to-speech are not approved designated supports or accommodation TEST SECURITY Potential Consequences Test opportunities may be invalidated in cases where test validity was compromised. Students will not receive additional test opportunities. If the district determines that the testing impropriety qualifies as gross neglect of duty, then the district must report it to TSPC within 30 days. Personnel may then be subject to disciplinary action as determined by TSPC. Districts may also evaluate cases according to their own Human Resource policies. Private schools and programs may have their access to state tests revoked. TEST SECURITY Do’s… TAs must ensure that students use the correct SSID and take the correct test. TAs must securely shred test materials such as printed test items or reading passages, draft responses, scratch paper, or other paper hand-outs written on by students after each testing event. Test materials must be securely stored at all times. Test improprieties must be reported within 1 day of learning of them to ode.testsecurity@state.or.us, and the district investigation must be completed within 30 days. If a DTC cannot investigate an impropriety, the district must assign someone else to the task. TEST SECURITY …and Don’ts TAs must not review or analyze secure test items Students must not access non-allowable resources such as notes, text books, cell phones, iPods, or e-mail Students must not remove test materials from the test environment TAs must not copy or retain any test materials, including secure test booklets, writing prompts, or reading passages DTCs, STCs, and TAs must not share their OAKS log-in information with anyone (even other authorized users) TEST SECURITY Promising Practices Non-allowable resources TAs closely review the Oregon Accessibility Manual prior to testing and examine the test environment to ensure that all nonallowable resources are removed. This includes covering up posters that contain non-allowable content. TAs remind students of the rules and post reminders outside the lab. For cell phones, TAs create procedures for collecting all cell phones before students enter the test environment. Student cheating TAs provide space or visual barriers between students. TAs circulate through the test environment to monitor students. Student coaching TAs limit interactions with students to the verbatim student directions in the Test Administration Manual and appropriately administer accommodations. TAs do not require students to show their work or otherwise provide students with feedback during testing. TEST SECURITY Promising Practices (cont’d) Mishandling of Secure Test Materials Using colorful materials to identify which students have printed test materials remaining at their stations. When setting up the test environment, the TA should ensure that the TA’s computer is set to print in the computer lab where the students are testing. The TA uses the class roster to mark which students received printed test materials (e.g., reading passages or test items) and how many each student received. The TA then matches the class roster to the printed test materials collected at the end of the testing event to account for all printed test materials. TEST SECURITY Promising Practices (cont’d) Student given wrong test TA works with STC and other appropriate staff to identify students designated to take the Extended Test or to test in Braille or English-Spanish. For students on an IEP, TA reviews IEP to identify needed accommodations STC and DTC ensure that student settings are updated in TIDE to restrict access to online tests for students taking the Extended Test and to update other test settings (e.g., language, print size) for students Before approving students to start a test, the TA reviews student settings Student tested under wrong SSID For young students or newcomer ELs, the school includes student picture on student SSID card TA carefully reviews student names before approving students to test TEST SECURITY Promising Practices (cont’d) Unsecure test environment TA does not leave the test environment unsupervised or allow untrained staff to enter the test environment (this includes substitute teachers). Missing data entry deadline DTC communicates with staff ahead of time about upcoming deadlines. In case of unplanned staff absences, staff cross-train. Several days before the deadline, the DTC ensures that all necessary materials are collected. TA review/analysis of test items If students have a concern about a test item, the TA reads the script from the Test Administration Manual directing the student to the Student Comment Feature. To identify content covered on the test, the TA refers to the Test Specifications and Blueprints TEST SECURITY In a Nutshell Only authorized staff who have signed an Assurance of Test Security Form may have access to the test environment or secure test materials. TAs must limit interactions with students during testing to what is permitted by the Test Administration Manual and Oregon Accessibility Manual. Scratch paper and all other printed materials written on by students during testing must be collected and securely shredded at the end of each testing event. DTCs must report all test improprieties to ODE within 1 day. Report form is available online TEST SECURITY Online Resources Test Administration Manual and Best Practices Guide: http://www.ode.state.or.us/go/tam Oregon Accessibility Manual http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=487 Promising Practices: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=2444 Test Security Forms: http://www.ode.state.or.us/go/testsecurity OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE, SOCIAL SCIENCES, AND GRADE 12 RETEST (REQUIRED FOR DTCS, STCS, AND OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND GRADE 12 RETEST TAS) OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Objectives Understand how to navigate the OAKS Online Test Delivery System and the processes related to online testing Administer OAKS Online Science, Social Sciences and 12th Grade Retests (Reading, Writing, and Math) appropriately OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Schedule 2014-15 OAKS Online Test Window: January 6 – June 12 Each test opportunity is subject to a 45day expiration period OAKS ONLINE GRADE 12 RETESTS Retest Opportunities Grade 12 students who did not meet or exceed the standard for reading, writing, and/or mathematics may opt to retest for Essential Skills purposes. One opportunity in writing which must be completed on-line (no paper/pencil version of the test). Window: January 6-March 13. Up to three opportunities in reading and mathematics. Window: January 6-June 12. OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES Test Opportunities For students in grades 5 and 8, there are two OAKS Science and Social Sciences test opportunities per subject Retesting students in grades 5 and 8 who have already met requires explicit parental consent Three test opportunities for students in High School; no restriction on retesting OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Before Testing Review Section 7.0 Administering the OAKS Online Assessments and Section 11.0 Administering the Grade 12 Writing Retest of the Test Administration Manual, as well as Appendix E and your training notes Identify students taking the Extended Assessment Identify students to be tested and their test settings Make sure you have the correct SSID for each student Identify students who need stacked Spanish/English or Braille format Identify students who need accessibility supports Provide students with opportunities to become familiar with the test format and technology OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Test Administration Monitor to ensure that students only have access to the allowable resources listed in the Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM). NEW If breaking up the test into multiple sessions, allow students to finish all presented items on the screen before pausing the test. If students pause the test for more than 20 minutes, they will no longer be able to return to previously answered or marked items when they log back in. OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE & SOCIAL SCIENCES STUDENT INTERFACE Click to open periodic table Toggle between test pages. Click to view list of item pages. Pages with marked items will be indicated. Select item/item page to navigate. Save button appears on technology enhanced items Pause test button. End test button. Click for item type tutorial. Click to open calculator Zoom in/out buttons (to adjust text size). Click to view student help Click to select a comment about the item. Click to mark item for review. Click to adjust the volume. OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Calculators (Scientific, Graphing, & Regression) OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Color Overlay OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Expanding Passages OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Expanding Passages (cont’d) OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Masking OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Stacked Spanish/English Translations OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Zoom Levels OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Do’s… Do use the TA Training Site and Practice Tests to become familiar with both the TA and Student Interfaces before testing begins Do review the OAKS Online TA User Guide for descriptions of all features of the TA and Student Interfaces before testing begins Do review Sections 7.0, 11.0 and Appendix Eof the TAM before testing begins Do carefully review student settings for each student before approving them to test OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS …and Don’ts OAKS Online users must not share their login information and passwords, even with other authorized users. Do not use last year’s OAKS Secure Browser. Old secure browsers should be uninstalled before installing the new secure browsers. Do not approve students to test until you are sure the students are taking the correct test at the right time. Do not let tests linger; they will expire after 45 calendar days. OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Promising Practices Before the start of the testing window, the district exposes students to the online test environment using the practice test site. The district uses the practice test to identify students who may need accessibility supports to fully access the online test. The district restricts students who should not use the system from accessing the online test. OAKS ONLINE SCIENCE • SOCIAL SCIENCES • GRADE 12 RETESTS Online Resources Test Administration Manual http://www.ode.state.or.us/go/tam Oregon Accessibility Manual: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=487 OAKS Online User Guides http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=391 OAKS Portal (Practice Tests) http://www.oaksportal.org