The land of Churches & Temples The land of Diverse Culture The land of Sun, Sea and Sand The land of glorious past GOA AT A GLANCE 1 Number of Districts 2 2 Number of Blocks/Talukas 12 3 Number of Clusters 110 4 Number of VECs 177 5 Population-2011 Census 14.57 lakh ELEMENTARY SCHOOLs AT A GLANCE 2011-12 S. NO SCHOOLS 1 PRIMARY 2 UPPER PRIMARY GOVT + GOVT AIDED UNAIDED 1079 132 421 19 ENROLLMENT AT A GLANCE-2012 S. N SCHOOLS ALL MANAGEMENT 1 PRIMARY 128148 2 UPPER PRIMARY 105984 CHILD FRIENDLY ELEMENTS MS GRILLS AND VERANDAHS Compound Wall Compound Wall ADDITIONAL CLASSROOMS PROVISION OF 40” LCD MONITORS WITH COMPUTER CONNECTIVITY • 105 Government Upper Primary Schools benefited from the scheme of Learning Enhancement Programme • • • • STATE e-LEARNING PROGRAMME Vedanta-Sesa Goa Foundation in collaboration with the Directorate of Education and Goa SSA launched the Computer Aided Learning (CAL) Programme. 295 Government and Government Aided Upper Primary Schools covered in this programme About 574 upper primary school teachers received training while the CRCs and BRCs also were involved in this programme. E-learning soft ware installed in the schools with available infrastructure and equipments. FREE TEXT BOOKS (2012-13) *As per normal pattern Std I to IV children to be supplied with free text books by the State Primary : 59,303 students x @ Rs 150 per child = 88.95 lakhs Upper Primary: 60,513 students x @ Rs 250 per child = 151.28 lakhs ========================================== Total outlay =240.24 Lakhs Primary Teachers(2012-13) 4 days English subject 4 days CCE 2 days Maths UPPER PRIMARY TEACHERS 2 days Maths 2 days Social science 3 days CAL 3 Days CCE Total No. of teachers to be Trained : Block Level teacher training : 6706 x 200 x 10 days = 134.12 lakhs Cluster Level Teacher training : 6706 x 100 x 10 days = 67.06 lakhs Training of Head Teachers : 1600 x 200 x 10 days = 32 Lakhs Training of Resource Teachers : 300 x 200 x 10 days = 6 lakhs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Cost of teacher Training: 239.18 lakhs -------------------------------------TOTAL…………. ………………………. ………. 13.95 LACS PROCUREMENT OF HARDWARE UNDER CAL (2012-13) Coverage of Govt Upper Primary schools not covered under LCD Scheme: LCD’s --------------------- 9 schools x 0.80 = 7.2 lacs Electrification of 9 schools x 0.30 = 2.70 lacs 1 Computer in the library 9 x 0.35 = 3.15 lacs Electrification of library rooms 9 x 0.10 = 0.90 lakhs -----------------------------------------------------------------------Total 13.95 LACS PROPOSALS FOR CIVIL WORKS(2012-13) Furniture Grant (one time ) @ Rs 500 per child for each Govt Upper Primary School if Civil works is less than 1/3rd of total budget i.e 33% Total eligibility 11588 students x 500= 57.94 lakhs North District 7070 students x 500 = 35.35 lakhs South District 4518 students x 500 =22.59 lakhs Colleagues, before coming to the rules & regulations followed by GSSA, you may like to recollect the important points of the procurement procedure prescribed in Chapter IX of the Manual on Financial Management and Procurement, shared with us by the Technical Support group, SSA during the 34th Quarterly Review Meeting of Finance Societies: Controllers of State Implementation Procurement Procedure It is mandatory to follow the procurement procedure prescribed in Chapter IX of the Manual on Financial Management and Procurement, and it is not permissible to follow the State Procurement Procedure in SSA Cont/- Procurement Procedure The SSA procurement procedure does not give any exemption to SSI Units, Micro & Small Enterprises, Khadi, Handicrafts and other such units for free issue of tender documents, payment of EMD, SD, price preference, etc. Cont/- Procurement Procedure The State Govt. prescribed financial ceiling is followed for various methods of procurement unless prescribed by MHRD. Methods of Procurement The different methods of procurement followed in SSA are: • Open tender • Limited Tender • Single Tender • Without tender/ quotations • Through Communities Methods of Procurement The various steps involved in Procurement under Open Tender are: i. Preparation of tender document ii. Notification/ Advertisement iii. Issue of Tender Documents iv. Pre-bid Conference v. Submission of Tender Documents Cont/- Methods of Procurement vi. Public Opening of Tender vii. Evaluation viii. Selection of lowest evaluated responsive bidder based on post qualification ix. Negotiation with lowest tenderer. x. Contract award xi. Contract performance Methods of Procurement The State Government standard bidding documents are to be used. Reasonable price is to be charged from the prospective bidder for the bidding documents. The tendering period for an open tender contract is not less than 30 days from the date of sale of tender documents. Cont/- Methods of Procurement The sale of bid documents should commence the day after the date of notification/ advertisement in newspapers, and should close one day before the last date for receipt of bid documents. The bid documents purchased by one supplier cannot be transferred to another supplier. Earnest Money Deposit • Earnest Money Deposit is calculated at 2% of the estimated contract value • If the EMD furnished by the supplier falls short of 2%, even by a fraction, his bid is to be rejected as non- responsive. Earnest Money Deposit • The validity period of EMD is up to 45 days beyond validity period of tender. Thus if the tender bid is valid for 90 days, the validity period of EMD is 135 days from the date of opening of the bid. Earnest Money Deposit • If the supplier does not agree to extend the bid validity period, his EMD cannot be forfeited. • If the supplier refuses the arithmetical correction carried out at the time evaluation, his EMD is to be forfeited. of Technical Specification • Deviation of specification cannot be allowed after opening of tenders. • Normally, brand name in specifications should be avoided. technical Opening of Bids • Conditional discount offered by the bidder should not be taken into account for evaluation. • Negotiations, if any are to be held only with the lowest bidder. • Security Deposit is to be calculated @ 5% of the contract value. Opening of Bids • If the lowest bidder fails to deposit the Security Deposit within the stipulated time or within extension granted, his EMD stands forfeited. • Single tender can be accepted, if publicity for open tender was adequate, specifications were restrictive/ unclear and bid prices were reasonable. not Limited Tender Items normally covered in a limited tender contract are: Goods including books, uniforms, TLE, TLM, School Equipment, Hiring of Vehicle, operation and maintenance of equipment. A minimum of three quotations are to be obtained in a limited tender. Single Tender The items normally procured under single tender are: Articles specifically certified as of propriety nature Manufactured by particular firm Goods including books Teaching material School grant Hiring of Vehicle & Operation and Maintenance of equipment. Items not covered by above categories, purchases made by exceeding single tender financial ceiling are not admissible under SSA funds. Community Construction It is mandatory to entrust all schools related civil works, except multistoried buildings in urban areas, to community It is necessary to enter into an agreement with the community for civil works construction and agreement format prescribed by MHRD is to be used for this purpose. Goa GSSA follows the procurement procedure of FM & P Manual and Financial Ceilings as prescribed by the State Govt. The limits prescribed under general Financial rules (GFRs 135 to 185). Methods of procurement Open tender Financial ceilings Items purchased Above Rs. 25 Free Text Lakhs books ( SCERT) Amount ( In Rs.) Rs. 1,76,95,460/- Methods of procurement Financial ceilings Items purchased Limited Upto Rs. 25 Plastic Chairs Tender Lakhs Amount ( In Rs.) Rs. 28,26,312/- Methods of procurement Single Tender Financial ceilings Items purchased For Proprietary NIL items Amount ( In Rs.) NIL Methods of procurement Financial ceilings Items purchased Through DGS Rate Contract Computers, & D rate UPS, Printers contract and peripherals Amount ( In Rs.) Rs. 51,41,600/- Methods of procurement Financial ceilings Without Upto Rs. quotation 15000/- on each occasion. Items purchased Stationary Amount ( In Rs.) Rs. 8,500/- Methods of procurement Financial ceilings Reserved Through Goa Items Handicrafts, RR SSI DC Items purchased Furniture Amount ( In Rs.) Rs. 4,12,057/- Methods of procurement Financial ceilings Items purchased Amount ( In Rs.) Through For School Child Friendly @ Rs. 40000/- Community related civil Elements per VECs works, ( Slides, See- entrusted to saw, Swing) communities. throughVECs Total Rs. Rs. 26083929/-