PROFESSIONALISM as a Master Teacher

If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts
~Albert Einstein
Presented by Lisa Walker
Review Last Meeting
• Growth Mindset
• QTE (Quality of Teacher Evaluation)
• Self-Reflect and score your own QTE
• TEAM 1 & 3 scored the lowest
• TEAM 5 scored the highest
What we are about
The Ah-ha moment
The educator will:
• Articulate the importance of feedback in
• Make connections between feedback
and professionalism
• Utilize feedback to write evidence
statements that incorporate the MT role
What we know
Feedback percentages
Types of Feedback
Student responses
Student data
TCAP data
TVAAS data
Evaluation data
Common Formative Assessments
Summative Assessments
Master Teacher Requirements
Minimum of 60 support hours logged
Attend 3-day Coaching Institute
10 observations
Reflective Practice contact and manager of integration in
Coordinate a calibration session with administrators and PIT
crew once a semester
Deliver PD to faculty (Reflective Practice & Teacher
Effectiveness Initiative mandatory)
11 best practice captures shared with Monica Jordan
Commit to ongoing professional development
SCS Coaching Standards
Standard 1
Analyze &
Accurately diagnose
teacher performance
using the TEM rubric,
prioritize the most
important skills for the
teacher to develop,
and provide small and
actionable feedback
to the teacher.
Analyze trends in
caseload or school
performance and
prioritize actions
based on results.
Standard 2
Standard 3
Select, design,
practice, and
execute active
interventions that
improve a
performance on
the TEM rubric.
Efficiently share
with teachers
analyses of their
performance and
development steps
while maintaining
the teachers’
investment and
promoting selfreflection.
openly and
consistently with
colleagues and
other coaches.
Standard 4
evaluate teachers’
proficiency on the
TEM rubric and
use evaluation
Standard 5
Motivate teachers
with a consistent
message of high
expectations for
teachers and
students, promote
a culture of rigor,
and protect the
conditions under
which teachers will
be able to acquire
new skills.
Professionalism Indicators
• Indicator 1: Professional Growth and
• Indicator 2: Use of Data
• Indicator 3: School and Community
• Indicator 4: Leadership
What does good evidence look
• Good evidence does not have to be written in paragraph form.
• Good evidence should be able to answer what you’ve done
and tell the impact it had on your class or school.
• Good evidence is reflective.
• Tells what you are doing, why you are doing it, and the
impact it had on you, your instruction, your student’s
achievement, and/or your school.
Feedback in Depth
Feedback Article Jigsaw
• Article Jigsaw, Step 1:
• At your table, number off 1-3, repeating those numbers if there are
more than 3 at your table.
• Independently read the article that corresponds to your number (see
• Article 1: Giving Effective Feedback
• Article 2: 7 Keys to Effective Feedback
• Article 3: The Art of Feedback
• Article Jigsaw, Step 2:
• At your table, summarize your article for your tablemates by noting
the following:
• A brief summary of the main point of the article (1 minute)
• 2 characteristics of effective feedback noted in your article (2 minutes)
• A key quote from the article that you found meaningful (1 minute)
• Continue until each of the 3 articles has been reviewed and each
person has had a chance to report out.
Feedback as a Master
How do you solicit feedback in your role?
How can you utilize the following data as feedback?
How MTs provide feedback
• Evaluations
• Post-Conference
• 3 R’s: Reinforcement, Refinement, Recommendations
• School-wide data
• Professional Development
• Coaching Other Teachers
Some MT data
Evaluations MT’s have done
How do you get feedback?
Verbal feedback from teachers you evaluate
Examine growth in OASYS (Rubric Explorer)
Announced Scores
Unannounced Scores
Obstacles are those frightful things you see
when you take your eyes off your goal. ~
Henry Ford
Apply the Feedback
Show the growth
Filter your Feedback-MT role
• Classroom Teacher
• What is effective and
not effective?
• What will give me the
biggest bang for my
• Focus on the goal
• Master Teacher
Reflective Practice
Professionalism and
Master Teacher Role
• Directions: Using the MT agreement, the Coaching Standards
and your table’s assigned professionalism indicator, document
examples of evidence you have due to your role as a MT.
• Questions to consider as you go:
• What do I do as a Master Teacher?
• Why do I do this?
• How has this impacted my students, myself, or my school?
On your chart paper document the following:
1. Indicator assigned
2. Examples of evidence for that indicator
3. How it might impact yourself, students and/or school.
Table Swap
• Swap your paper with a table nearby that has a different
• Discus what is written and add anything missing.
• Swap back.
• Share whole group.
Professional Growth and Learning
Support hours
TEM 3.0 certification training
Master Teacher trainings
QTE self-reflection
Reflective Practice captures
Ongoing PD
Coaching Standard 2:
Develop. 3: Communicate
Use of Data
• Rubric Explorer data
• Feedback from observations
• Partners with PIT, PLC Lead
Teacher or Coach, LC, and
Administration to identify
needs in school
• Coaching Standard 1:
Analyze & Prioritize, 2:
Develop, 3: Communicate, 4:
Assess, 5: Inspire
School and Community
• Maintains Confidentiality
• Fidelity to TEM 3.0
evaluation process
• Reflective Practice PD
• Coaching Standards 3:
Communicate, 5 Inspire
• Leading PD for faculty on TEM
3.0 rubric
• You are a Master Teacher
• Coaching teachers in the
• Support provider for teacher’s
on a PLP
• Coaching Standard 1: Analyze &
Prioritize, 2: Develop, 3:
Communicate, 4: Assess, 5:
Evidence Example
• As a Master Teacher, I conducted 10 formal observations on
faculty members. 3 of those teachers were on a track ½, 3
were on a track 3/4, 1 was on a track 5 and 3 were new
teachers. Below is a synopsis of the growth they
demonstrated from the observation I completed to their final
• The 3 track ½ teachers: I completed their announced. I
recommended 100% from TLAC because their engagement was
lacking. Since this observation, these teachers have scored at or
above expectations on each of their unannounced observations.
• The 3 track ¾ teachers:
• The growth in these teachers has impacted not only the teachers,
but their student achievement data on the DEA tests. They have
gone from…. To ….!
Questions & Reflection
• Write a solid evidence statement for your professionalism selfscore as it relates to you as a Master Teacher.
• Get feedback from someone at your table.
Feedback for us
• Buckets of feedback
• Choose a bucket topic:
Reflective Practice
Best Practice Captures
Coaching Teachers
Today’s Training (feedback)
• Write a piece of feedback regarding your chosen bucket topic
for us to consider for next year.