FF, AH, CL, EW, EP, SD, LJ, MD, KM, VP, G W State 5 strands of PESSCL strategy KW, AK, ES, EJ, RS State 4 strands of PESSCL strategy State 5 strands of PESSCL strategy State 3 strands of PESSYP strategy State 4 strands of PESSYP strategy Create a booklet of the healthy schools programme. Create a booklet of the healthy schools programme. Stating key terms throughout. State 6 strands of PESSCL strategy State 4 strands of PESSYP strategy State 5 strands of PESSYP strategy Create a booklet of the healthy schools programme. Stating key terms Create a booklet, clearly explaining the throughout. different sections of the healthy schools programme. Stating key terms throughout and giving relevant examples Progress PESSCL Specialist Sports College Professional Development School/ Club Links School Sport Partnerships Swimming Gifted & Talented Step into Sport PESSCL PE & Sport Investigation The benefits to schools & clubs Creating partnerships between schools and clubs helps to create continuity between school sport and sport in the wider community. Linking with schools can benefit clubs by increasing their membership and raising their profile in the community. They can also gain access to school facilities. School sport benefits by gaining access to more specialist club facilities and equipment. Students benefit from a wider range of opportunities, for example, to officiate at competitions. PESSYP Launched in 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0KOIRigcX Q&playnext=1&list=PLF2766B27EEDB2AD5 5 HOUR OFFER PESSYP Key terms PESSYP – NATIONAL GOVERNING BODY (NGB) – INFRASTRUCTURE – SSP - National Healthy Schools Programme National Healthy Schools Programme Long term initiative to improve the health and achievement of children and young people The intention is that children will make informed health & life choices The programme is closely linked to PE in schools Whole-School Approach In order to be successful it needs everyone to work together, children, parents, school staff and the whole school community A whole-school approach to physical and emotional wellbeing and is focused on 4 core themes. National Healthy Schools Programme Healthy eating Physical Activity Personal, Social & Health Education Emotional Health & Wellbeing Create a booklet about the National Healthy Schools Programme Extra-Curricular Provision Extra-Curricular activities can be Made available in a number of ways. Range of Activities Normally more activities than in the set curriculum. Why? Could be more recreational rather than competitive. Fitness Training & aerobics for example STAFF How do staff influence extracurricular? Staff Attitudes Experience STAFF Abilities Interests What else might impact extra-curricular activities? Develop Club Links in Extra-Curricular Not just major games also alternative providers such as healthy clubs or golf clubs. Why is extra-curricular important? And what advantages are being gained by providing it? 1. 2 reasons why PE is offered in schools 2. What is cross – curricular? 3. Name 3 ways in which PE is actually made available 4. What activity could you do for ‘exploring & communicating ideas, concepts & emotions’ 5. What activity could you do for ‘accurate replication of actions, phrases & sequences’ 6. What does PESSCL stand for? 7. Name 3 strands of the PESSCL 8. What does SSCo stand for? 9. What is the main aim of PESSYP? 10. What is a ‘whole-school approach’? 11. What is the National Healthy Schools Programme? 12. What are the 4 core themes of the NHSP? 13. What is the difference between recreational & competitive? 14. How can staff influence extra-curricular provisions? 15. What could be a solution to a lack of facilities? Home Learning Revise for your milestone