GCSE PE - Myton School PE Department

Topic 1.1.2 : Opportunities for getting
involved in sport
Can you name the 4 levels that are
missing from this picture and explain
Government Initiatives
PE School and Club Links (PESSCL)
3. The organisation Sport England
4. The Youth Sport Trust TOP link
5. Active Kids programme
Get into a group of 4/5.
You will be assigned 1 initiative per group.
In your group you will need to brainstorm the key
points on the paper provided using no more than 20
One of your group will then act as spokesperson for
your group and will explain the initiative to members
of other groups.
The remainder of the group members will go out into
the marketplace and get information on each initiative
from other groups.
Each member who has collected information will then
feedback to the group to help them make notes.
• This is responsible for the initiatives
that have an impact upon sporting
participation and achievement in state
• State education is directed centrally by
the Government and every state school
in the country must follow the same
National Curriculum
• All teachers are trained using the same
‘Q standards’ to ensure that the
National Curriculum is taught
consistently across the country
• Every child has the right to free education in
school from the National Curriculum
• All children learn the same content and are
examined consistently across the country
• The National Curriculum has been compulsory in
all state schools since 1989
• There are 4 key stages:
Specific requirements for each Key Stage are
different although similar themes throughout
• Competence (body and
mind skillfulness)
• Performance (applying
• Creativity (problem
solving, techniques and
• Healthy, active lifestyles
(physical activity for
The study of PE should include activities that cover at
least four of the following:
• Outwitting opponents – Games activities
• Accurate replication – Focuses on actions, phrases and
• Exploring and communicating ideas, concepts and
emotions – Examines choreography and expression
• Performing at maximum levels – Focus on speed, height,
distance, strength or accuracy
• Identifying and solving problems – Overcomes
challenges of an adventurous nature
• Exercising safely and effectively – To improve health
and well-being, as in fitness and health activities
The current minimum requirement for PE per week is:
• KS3 pupils should have at least 2 hours of PE
• KS4 pupils should have at least 1 hour of PE
• KS5 pupils are not required to do any sport
The new national strategy (2008–2011) states that all
children should be entitled to a minimum of 5 hours of ‘high
quality PE’
All children aged 5-19 will be offered opportunities to
participate in a further 3 hours per week of sporting
activities provided through schools, FE colleges, clubs
and community providers
PE, School Sport and Club Links
Recent initiatives revolve
largely around PESSCL
• Launched in 2002
• The key aim is to
increase participation for
all between the ages 5–16
PESSCL Strategy had 7 key areas of work
all complementing the whole strategy:
• Specialist Sports Colleges
• School Sport Partnerships
• Gifted and Talented
• Sporting Playgrounds
• Step into Sport
• Professional Development
• School/Club Links
• Swimming
To examine the effectiveness of the PESSCL
initiatives, every school in the country must
complete a PESSCL survey and collect data on
sports participation
The results show that participation has grown
every year
Currently (2010) 85% of young people aged 5 16 have access to 2 hours per week of high
quality PE and School Sport
Sport England Objectives…
Start: increase participation in sport in order to improve the
health of the nation, with a focus on priority groups
Stay: retain people in sport through an effective network of
clubs, sports facilities, coaches, volunteers and competitive
Succeed: create opportunities for talented performers to
achieve success
There are 4 types of attitude to sport:
Couch potato
Negative attitude, hard to reach
Need to change attitude and raise
awareness on healthy active
Mild enthusiasts
Keen but could do more
Need to increase access and
reduce drop out
On the subs’ bench
Could be persuaded if sport was
made to be attractive
Need to give incentives and make
sport accessible
Sporty types
Keen to stay
Need to provide pathways to elite
sport and push to keep athletes
The Youth Sport Trust is a registered charity, established in 1994
Aims include:
• To enhance the quality of their PE and sporting opportunities
• To increase young people’s participation and enjoyment of PE and
school sport
• To give young people the chance to experience and enjoy different
types of activity
• To ensure young people receive the best teaching, coaching and
resources possible
• We want to help our young people to live healthy and active lives
How we achieve our aims
• Through educational sporting programmes which are delivered
through schools, partners, trusts, foundations and government
• Support specialist school colleges. They also raise the standards of
teaching and learning in PE and school sport, and across the curriculum
• The YST have introduced a range of
TOP schemes designed to improve
sport in the UK
• TOP programmes give young
people of all ages and abilities the
chance to make the most of the
opportunities that PE and sport can
• They encourage all young people,
including those with disabilities,
teenage girls and gifted and talented
athletes opportunities to thrive
• It also provides resources, training
and ongoing support to teachers
and coaches
TOP Play
TOP Link
TOP Play offers 4–9 year olds
the chance to develop their
core physical and movement
TOP Link encourages 14–16
secondary school students to
organise and manage sport or
dance festivals in local
primary schools.
Sainsbury’s TOP
An exciting programme,
offering alternative out-ofschool hours activities to 7 to
11 year olds, comprised of
training, resources and
TOP Sportsability
This focuses on the
integration of disabled and
non-disabled young people
(all ages) through a variety of
sporting challenges.
Run by the Youth Sports Trust
and Sainsbury's
Aims to give young people
the chance to try new, fun
activities, learn life skills and
get excited about having a
healthy lifestyle
One Active Kids voucher is
earned per £10 spent
To encourage healthy eating
there are bonus vouchers for
fresh fruit, vegetables and
Sainsbury’s Active Kids
vouchers can then be donated
to any UK school, Scout or
Guide group participating in
the scheme and redeemed for
almost 1,000 different pieces
of exciting sports equipment
Vouchers can also be redeemed for over 50
different types of cooking equipment
including bread-makers, steamers and
Partnerships have also been formed with
the Rugby Football Union, Premier Rugby,
English Basketball and English Netball, so
pupils can go and watch matches as a way
to get inspired to do more sport
Schools also have the option to collect their
vouchers for ‘partner schools’ in
developing countries, and those in less
privileged areas of the UK, to donate
specially selected packages of sports
equipment through the Sainsbury’s ‘Active
Kids Fund’
Sainsbury’s has donated £52million worth
of sports equipment and experiences to
over 31,000 UK schools and nurseries since
the launch of Active Kids in 2005
Tasks 23, 24 and 25
Revise for test next lesson.
Use task 26 to see what your need to
revise from this unit.