Here - Pitt County Schools

All of our retirees are stars. Each
one has a unique quality that
makes them special. Before each
profile, you will see words that
describe just how special each
retiree is.
Ann Adams
As the head of guidance you couldn’t find a
more organized, professional, and polite
person. Ann had the ability to bring out the
best qualities of her students and her
department ,which has helped it to run so
Not to mention, she was a great dresser!
You will always catch Mrs. Adams dressed to
impress . You could hear her coming down
the hallway before you saw her because she
always had heels on. We will certainly miss
seeing and hearing you in halls of JH Rose!
-JH Rose Administration Team
23.8 Years of Service
Guidance Counselor
J.H. Rose
Cathy Powell
The best way in which I will remember and can
describe Mrs. Powell is through her famous
sayings. One of her favorite quotes was the
classic, "Why are you STILL talking?"
One of my favorites was any time a child denied
being involved in an incident, in which they were
clearly the instigator, you will hear Cathy say,
"Honey, you are in the middle of it like a hair in a
She will be missed!
-Will Sanderson, Principal
Grifton School
30.7 Years of Service
6th Grade Math/Science Teacher
Grifton School
Tireless effort…
Cathy Keeter
Cathy Keeter worked tirelessly for this school
district. She lived and breathed Exceptional
Children. So much so, that we routinely checked
on Cathy after her retirement to make sure she
was still living and breathing without us.
We miss Cathy and are grateful for her many years
of service and dedication to the children of Pitt
County. Children in this district are better off
because of Cathy, and one cannot ask for a better
legacy than that. We wish Cathy all the best and
will always love her and appreciate her.
6 Years of Service
Director: Exceptional Children
Pitt County Schools
-Cheryl Olmsted
Assistant Superintendent of Educational
Programs and Services
Cathy Marsh
Mrs. Cathy Marsh is the "Queen of Sixth Grade
Math." She has taken great pride in teaching her
content area and working to ensure that her
students grasp the concept. It was not
uncommon to see Mrs. Marsh sing a silly song,
create a funny story, or do a cool dance to engage
her students.
Each day that you walk into her classroom, it was
evident that Mrs. Marsh loved math, but most
importantly she loved her children. The Raider
Community will truly miss Mrs. Marsh. We wish
her the best as she starts this new phase of her
-Tracy Cole, Principal
AG Cox
22 Years of Service
6th grade Math Teacher
A. G. Cox Middle School
Cindi Brown
During Cindi's first tenure at Farmville Central, she
was an energetic leader in the Math department
with a passion for teaching kids and collaborating
with colleagues. She was an integral part of the
School Improvement Team as she served as chair for
many terms. Her organization, enthusiasm, and
team spirit were sorely missed when she left to go to
DH Conley.
Many years later when she returned as the
instructional coach, she returned with the same
enthusiasm and team spirit. She was a great asset
to young teachers looking for guidance from a
seasoned teacher with a vast toolbox of ideas. She
was also a comfort to other experienced teachers
who could rely on her to provide seamless support in
all situations. Her jaguar spirit was still alive and
29 Years of Service
Instructional Coach
Farmville Central
-Brad Johnston, Principal
Farmville Central
Cindy Cobb
Cindy Cobb began her career as a Speech/Language
Pathologist in August, 1983, with Pitt County Schools
and has served students ranging in age from
preschool to high school over her 30 year
career. She has worked in 12 different schools or
sites in the county and has served under 25
principals and 6 Exceptional Children’s
Directors. Since 2003, she has been based at H. B.
Sugg Elementary.
In 1987, she was chosen Falkland’s “Teacher of the
Year”. From 1996-2006, she served as the county’s
Speech/Language Liaison. She is a member of the
American Speech/Language and Hearing
Association and the North Carolina
Speech/Language and Hearing Association. Cindy is
a Pitt County native and her Sugg Bundy family
wishes her the best in her retirement. We will miss
-Dr. Nicole Smith, Principal
H. B. Sugg
30 Years of Service
Speech Language Pathologist
H.B. Sugg
Clarissa Lee
May you always have work
for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold
always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright
on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain
to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend
always be near you.
And may God fill your heart
with gladness to cheer you.
29 Years of Service
5th grade Teacher
Elmhurst Elementary
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher
explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires” - William Arthur
-Donna Gilliam, Principal
Connie Potter
Mrs. Potter is a very kind and sweet person known
as "The Worm Whisperer" of Wintergreen
Intermediate. She has conducted all of the Meal
Worm Experiments for the 3rd grade for many
years!! What are we going to do? The worms
always behaved so well for her. Her peers are
also going to miss some of her famous
sayings: "Are they coming to observe me
today?" Do you think they will come in
today?" Where is my pocketbook?", "Watch my
pocketbook for me." "Do you have my
pocketbook?" The fondest memory that all of us
have of Connie is her luggage. She rolls out 3
suitcases every day after work and rolls them
back in the next morning. Here is to using your
luggage for vacation instead of papers to be
graded. Best wishes on your new journey in life.
-Dawn Singleton, Principal
Wintergreen Intermediate
8.5 Years of Service
3rd grade Teacher
Wintergreen Intermediate
Dawn Singleton
Mrs. Singleton was one of the first teachers
that I met when I came into the profession. She
was a role model then and she continues to be
one today. Mrs. Singleton’s training expands
across the county and probably across the state
which demonstrates her ability to mold and
shape the lives of others. Her knowledge of
curriculum continues to amaze me and her
dedication to this profession is impeccable.
29 Years of Service
Wintergreen Primary
& Intermediate
Dawn, I am honored to have been your
colleague and your evaluator, but what means
the most is being your friend. Good luck and I
know you will continue to do great things in the
field of education. You will be missed.
-Dr. Delilah Jackson
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Debby Avery
Debby started and ended her “official” teaching
career in a hospital setting. Thirty-eight years ago
she taught at Lennox Baker Hospital in Durham.
She’s spent the last 7 years teaching at PCMH,
now Vidant Medical Center. In between she
taught at WH Robinson and Wintergreen Primary
and Intermediate Schools. She was also a
Program Specialist and the LEA Representative for
a Howell’s Center. Debby has been an adjunct
instructor at ECU also.
Debby is married to Cordell Avery. They have 2
adult children and 2 precious grandchildren. We
wish Debby well as she segues into retirement.
-Shirley Alpers
Hospital Teacher
33 Years of Service
Hospital School Teacher
Vidant Hospital School
Deborah Langley
We know Mrs. Langley to be a great teacher,
friend and mentor. Mrs. Langley held the
highest academic and social expectations for
all students.
Math can be a challenging subject that causes
anxiety for many students, however; it did not
take long before students realized they had a
patient and supportive teacher that truly
desires for all of her students to succeed. She
will be dearly missed!
- JH Rose Administration
29.9 Years of Service
9-12 Math Teacher
J. H. Rose
Gentle Spirit…
Dolly Hathaway
Mrs. Hathaway has such a beautiful, gentle
spirit. It is obvious to everyone who has ever
worked with Dolly that she loves life, her
family and the children she has served.
Thank you, Mrs. Hathaway for your dedicated
service to children and their families!
-Cathy Kirkland, Principal
Eastern Elementary
25 Years of Service
ESL Teacher
Eastern Elementary
Donna Stuckey
Mrs. Donna Stuckey served as a special
education teacher at A.G. Cox. She was an
extremely conscientious employee who truly
loved her students. Mrs. Stuckey was firm,
but fair with all of her children. She was
always able to bring out the best in children
and encouraged them to prepare for life in
high school and beyond.
Since her retirement in March, we have truly
missed her smile and animated story
telling. At this time, the A.G. Cox "Raider"
Community, wishes her continued happiness
in her retirement.
29.1 Years of Service
Exceptional Children’s Teacher
A. G. Cox Middle School
-Tracy Cole, Principal
AG Cox
Evelyn Lenzy
Mrs. Lenzy is and was affectionately
known as “Miss HR.” She was the
definite HR cheerleader. She could
handle any situation and find humor in
the worst situations. I knew if there was
anything I needed to know she was the
one to go to. I really appreciate her
words of wisdom, her protection, and
friendship. If I had any money, I would
hire her to be my “Bodyguard. “ We
miss you and hope you are still smiling
and having fun.
-Dr. Delilah Jackson
Assistant Superintendent of Human
40.3 Years of Service
Secretary of Licensed Personnel
Human Resources
Floyd Pugh
“The Floor Man”…
He always made the floors here shine
like no one could ever believe. People
would come in and say, "Who does your
floors!" And with a smile, I would reply
Mr. Pugh.
6 Years of Service
Custodian & Bus Driver
South Central High School
He took pride in his work, which makes
him hard to replace.
He worked hard, even when physical
issues came over him and he never
wavered and no excuses ever were
He will be truly missed here at South
-Greg MacDaid, Assistant Principal
South Central High School
Geralene Bruton
She did it her way. (Sinatra)
Mrs. Bruton is a true leader in every
sense of the word. She lead in her
classroom by making sure all of her
students had the tools necessary to
make it in high school and in life.
Mrs. Bruton is respected by her
students and the community she
serves. She is the living definition of a
pillar of the community.
-Will Sanderson, Principal
Grifton School
24 Years of Service
grade Language Arts Teacher
Grifton School
Helen Uebler
Mrs. Uebler has been in education for over 31 years.
She started as a Teacher Assistant at Ayden
Elementary. She then worked in the migrant program
for the Farmville schools and then joined the Falkland
staff in 1983 until she retired--devoting an amazing 29
years to our school. She was truly "Mother Falkland"
teaching hundreds of students in kindergarten and
giving them a solid foundation for their school success.
She possessed a wonderful talent for singing that she
incorporated as teaching strategy by teaching songs
and chants.
31 Years of Service
Kindergarten Teacher
Falkland Elementary School
Mrs. Uebler also wrote Falkland's school song. The halls
seem so much quieter without our "songbird," Helen
Mary Uebler. Mrs. Uebler was a teacher leader in the
school and district serving on several committees and
serving as grade chair. She was sweet spirit and would
help with any tasks asked of her. She is truly missed by
all, and we thank her from the bottom of our hearts for
her dedication to our children, school and staff.
-Shammah Barrett, Principal
James Rankins
Coach Rankins has a heart of gold, and
it was all for the students. He always
said that the players were his priority,
not the game and not the winning! His
coaching style placed emphasis on the
person and not the player.
He embodies the true human spirit of
being a caring, helpful, person that lead
with dignity. He leaves behind the legacy
of the “Rankins Floor” in the Rose
Garden and grateful hearts!
-JH Rose Administration
29 Years of Service
Teacher & Coach
J. H. Rose High School
Janice Branch
After working as a nurse, Janice Branch
continued a career in service as a
teacher assistant at Pactolus School.
She has provided valuable support to
teachers and students. She has a
generous, kind spirit that has put smiles
on countless faces.
-Betty Tolar, Principal
6.5 Years of Service
Teacher Assistant
Pactolus School
John Coleman has had a nomadic career in education.
He began his teaching career in Florida and New Jersey.
When he couldn’t be satisfied in the north or the south,
he moved to North Carolina and began working with Pitt
County Schools.
John Coleman
He started at EB Aycock as a teacher, but was soon
moved to the Assistant Principal position. He moved on
and became the Assistant Principal at CM Eppes. Not
long after that, he became the Principal of South
Greenville Elementary School, Grifton, AG Cox, and
finally South Central High School as a principal. He
moved to Central Office ,and now he’s at Elmhurst
Elementary as an interim principal. John is such a
John has moved and worked at the pleasure and needs
of this district .We are forever grateful. We will miss
John and wish him the very best in his retirement, and
we pray that his wife can keep him in one place!
-Cheryl Olmsted
Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services & Programs
28 Years of Service
Principal , Elmhurst
District Director for High School
Improvement Grant
Judy Beckert-Jones
There are not enough words in the dictionary
to praise Judy Beckert-Jones for her hard
work and dedication to the Pitt County
Schools preschool program. She has been
instrumental in providing thousands of
students a nurturing place to grow and
become life-long learners. Judy was a strong
leader, an encouraging mentor, an advocate
for her staff, and most importantly, an
advocate for children. Her legacy continues
through the passionate teachers she has
supported and inspired. She always
referred to Third Street Pre-K Center as “the
little school that makes a big difference”.
She is remembered as the educator that
made a BIG difference.
-Cheryl Olmsted
Assistant Superintendent of Educational
Services & Programs
18 Years of Service
Pre-K Site Coordinator
Sadie Saulter Educational
Kenneth Joyner
Kent Joyner has retired this year after 30
years of service for Pitt County Schools.
Kent has been the Courier for Facility
Services most of his time here. All of the
main office and individual school offices
will miss him very much. He did a lot of
little extra things to help everyone out.
We at Facility Services will miss him most
of all. He has been an excellent employee
and good friend to many of the guys here.
We wish him well in his retirement years.
If you see Kent cruising around on his
motorcycle be sure to give him a wave.
30 Years of Service
Mail Courier
Facility Services
-Joseph Kernen,
Maintenence Supply Supervisor
Facility Services
Kim Jessup
Mrs. Jessup was like the "mother" of the 3rd grade and of
Wintergreen staff. So many mornings she would bring in
biscuits and say "Dear, come and get you a biscuit." "Have
you had a biscuit this morning?" “Eat this biscuit, it will
make you feel better." Not only did she help us with
curriculum, she also made us gain weight at the same
time. One of the funniest things she said was the day she
walked into her classroom and her new Smart Board was
mounted on the wall. This was her favorite piece of
equipment. "Ok, it is time to retire when the wall is smarter
than I am." After that she began to say, "This Smart Board
isn't working....I'm used to ole timey teaching." Ding Dang
Smart Board - Ms. Sears, come in here and help me!!"
Another phrase that Kim used numerous times over the
years was, "Don't tell the boss I said that" … "Is the boss
Kim will be missed not only by her peers but also by many of
the students that she has taught over the years. Teaching
was truly her calling. Best wishes on your new journey in life.
-Dawn Singleton, Principal
Wintergreen Intermediate
29 Years of Service
3rd Grade Teacher
Wintergreen Intermediate
Laura Jones
One looks back with appreciation to the
brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those
who touched our human feelings. The
curriculum is so much necessary raw
material, but warmth is the vital element for
the growing plant and for the soul of the
— Carl Jung
Mrs. Jones recognized that in order to
educate a child she must first establish a
trusting relationship with them and their
families. I am grateful I had an opportunity to
witness and be a recipient of her warmth in
teaching those around her.
32 Years of Service
Exceptional Children’s Teacher
G. R. Whitfield
-Monica Jacobson, Principal
GR Whitfield
Linda Jordan
It has been a privilege working with Mrs.
Jordan at Ayden Elementary School. She has
made a difference in the lives of many
children and their families. She has also
made a difference in the lives of those with
whom she works.
Mrs. Jordan may be retiring from her position
with Pitt County Schools, but she is not
retiring from working. She will continue to
share her love and passion for learning with
all those she meets. She is a true
blessing. Congratulations, Mrs. Jordan, on
your retirement!
-Teresa Byrum, Principal
Ayden Elementary
28 Years of Service
Exceptional Children’s
Teacher Assistant
Ayden Elementary
Lucy Garris
Mrs. Garris is one of the kindest and most
nurturing people you could ever want to work
with. Her smile and laugh are infectious. Her
positive personality makes people smile.
Everyone will miss her famous
sayings: "Nobody has time for that
foolishness!" "I just got to get me a
moment!!" "Shewwww Lordy, I am just tired
of thinking!"
15 Years of Service
3rd Grade Teacher Assistant
Wintergreen Intermediate
Her retirement will definitely leave big shoes
to fill. Wintergreen will miss you but wishes
you the best of luck on your new journey in
-Dawn Singleton, Principal
Wintergreen Intermediate
Lynwood Horne
Mr. Lynwood Horne was very enthusiastic
about his responsibilities as a custodian at
Farmville Central. His dedication and
commitment to the job will be tremendously
He always had a big smile on his face and he
worked tirelessly to make sure that the
school was the cleanest in Pitt County.
-Brad Johnston, Principal
Farmville Central
6 Years of Service
Farmville Central
Margie Perkins
Mrs. Perkins is a kind, generous and
dependable person. She has the ability to
warm the hearts of others with her
sweetness. She loved her job and took it
seriously by always doing her part. We
thought of her as the Energizer Bunny
because she just kept going and going.
She will be missed by the North Pitt staff. We
will never find another Margie Perkins.
-Bridget Tyson, Child Nutrition Manager
North Pitt High School
18 Years of Service
Child Nutrition
North Pitt High School
Role model…
Marie Lewis
Marie embodies the true human spirit:
dignity, caring, helpfulness, friendliness
and leadership. Marie has influenced
students by helping them to utilize their
leadership skills. She has inspired
students throughout Pitt County by
introducing new role models and a desire
to read through the “Dream Team”
experience. Marie comes off as tough, but
what we and students know is that she’s
just a marshmallow.
- JH Rose Administration
29 Years of Service
Math Teacher & Coach
J.H. Rose
Michele Lee
Mrs. Lee has been a dedicated employee
at Wahl-Coates for 22 years. With her
strong classroom management and
patience, she is able to turn our "at risk"
students into success stories. We are
happy for her but sad for WahlCoates. WE LOVE YOU MRS. LEE!!
-Chena Cayton, Principal
30 Years of Service
2nd grade Teacher
Wahl-Coates Elementary
Pamela Little
Mrs. Little is one of the most patient, kind and
nurturing teachers you could ever want to
meet. Her love for her students was evident
daily in her classroom. She always sent out
"meeting reminders" so everyone knew where
they were supposed to be. She never failed to
always tell folks, "Have a good one!" When she
was confused or frustrated, she would throw up
her hands and say, "Oh my goodness!!" Pam is
a woman of very strong faith. She works
tirelessly for her church and touches many
young lives with the summer youth camps she
is in charge of.
The one thing she will never have to worry
about again is scheduling an IEP meeting. She
never scheduled them on a Friday because that
was her standing hair appointment day. She
didn't know that all of Wintergreen knew
that. Wintergreen wishes you well on your new
journey in life.
-Dawn Singleton, Principal
29 Years of Service
Exceptional Children’s Teacher
Wintergreen Primary
Patricia Darden
Ms. Darden has devoted 20+ years to
public education. As a graduate of Mount
Olive College, Ms. Darden has devoted
many years to the Pitt County School
System and H. B. Sugg School. Teachers
who work with her will say "you can't ask
for a better TA."
Ms. Darden does not hesitate to go above
and beyond. She is conscientious, selfdriven, and takes initiative to simply get
things done for children. We honor Ms.
Patricia Darden and say thank you for
always putting children first!
18 Years of Service
Teacher Assistant
H. B. Sugg
-Dr. Nicole Smith ,Principal
HB Sugg
Pearlie Dixon
Although she may be small in stature she
is a strong-willed woman that has put her
faith totally in God's hands. Mrs. Dixon is a
hardworking woman that is very direct,
but understanding. She believes in
treating everyone with love and kindness,
but also lets them know when she feels
they are out of line.
From safely transporting students to and
from school to maintaining the up keep of
the building, you can always count on
Mrs. Dixon. Her hard work and
dedication to serving faculty, staff, and
students at Wellcome is well appreciated
and will be missed.
-Maurice Harris, Principal
20.5 Years of Service
Bus Driver/Custodian
Peggy Elks
Mrs. Elks has always been on time and
very dependable. She established great
relationships with the staff and
students. She always told great jokes and
stories in the cafeteria and she especially
loved getting her hugs from the children
first thing in the morning.
Her smile and great personality will surely
be missed in the Wintergreen cafeteria for
many years to come. We wish you the best
on your new journey in life, and we send
you off with much love from Wintergreen
7 Years of Service
Child Nutrition Assistant Manager
Wintergreen Primary
-Dawn Singleton, Principal
Wintergreen Primary
Rebecca Thomas
The aim of art is to represent not the
outward appearance of things, but their
inward significance.
Mrs. Thomas looked beyond the face of
children and into their hearts. She used
this to help create “masterpieces” to go
forth into the world!
-Dr. Lionel Kato, Ed.D.
Farmville Middle
10 Years of Service
Art Teacher
Farmville Middle School
Richard Mercer
Rev. Richard Mercer started his journey at
Farmville Central in 2002. Rev. Mercer
has been a joy to work with and his award
winning personality was welcomed by all of
his colleagues and the students.
You could always get an encouraging word
from him as he took pride in his work as a
custodian and as a bus driver. There was
never a dull moment with him around and
he was always eager and ready to do
whatever was asked of him.
-Brad Johnston, Principal
Farmville Central
11 Years of Service
Bus Driver/Custodian
Farmville Central
Sandy Matthews
The best teachers teach from the heart, not
from the book.
— Author Unknown
Ms. Matthew's dedication is responsible for
productive adults, hopeful children and
grateful parents. She gives her all to her
students each day by providing a classroom
where they can thrive. Ms. Matthew's also
makes sure that students are cared for and
safe outside of school. We stand and
applaud her as an inspiration to all of
us...students and teachers alike.
32 Years of Service
8th Grade Math/ScienceTeacher
Ayden Middle School
-Jeff Theus, Principal
Ayden Middle School
Sandra Jones
Sandra Jones came to Pitt County just a few
short years ago. Pitt County was fortunate
to benefit from Sandra’s expertise and
willingness to work hard, even though she
was able to retire at the time she came to
us. In her two short years here, she
managed to implement the largest
assessment process ever to be
implemented in Pitt County aside from the
state assessments.
We are grateful to have had her more than
capable assistance during this trying time,
and we wish her well in her restful
retirement years. SMILE: We know she’s
already working again!
1.8 Years of Service
K-8 Curriculum and Instruction
-Cheryl Olmsted
Assistant Superintendent
Educational Programs & Services
Sharon Kinsley
"Did Sharon tell you recently that
she's retiring?...Has Sharon told
you lately that she's retiring?...By
the way, Sharon's retiring!"
-Carla Frinsko, Principal
15 Years of Service
4th Grade Teacher
Creekside Elementary School
Susan Ward
“We make a living by what we get, but we
make a life by what we give”
-Norman MacEswan
Ms. Susie Ward has taught at Northwest for
four years. She taught fourth grade for two
years, one year in Reading Recovery, and
one year in kindergarten. She has served
on various committees throughout the
school. Her dedication and service to
students at Northwest is truly appreciated.
She will be missed.
-Dennis Teel, Principal
11 Years of Service
Kindergarten Teacher
Northwest Elementary School
Sylvia Steele
"Real success is finding your lifework in the
work that you love."~David McCullough
We are fortunate that Sylvia found her love
in teaching and caring for her students at
-Lavette Ford, Principal
11 Years of Service
Kindergarten Teacher
Northwest Elementary School
Vera Goode
Mrs. Goode served as my right hand for
many years. She is the “Goldest”
administrative assistant I have ever known.
Her professionalism and attention to detail
was just what I needed as a new HR
As I grew into this job, she was right by my
side. There will never be another like her. I
am still amazed how you knew what I was
thinking before I even told you. I can see
that you have left those traits in others as
well. I know you called during Teacher of the
Year  That’s my Ms. Vera. We miss you
and I hope that you are shopping.
7 Years of Service
Human Resources Specialist
-Dr. Delilah Jackson
Assistant Superintendent of Human
Vicky Mizelle
Vicky Mizell has served as a role
model for Pactolus students and
staff. She has dedicated her
career to guiding children toward
academic and social success. She
has added special touches at
Pactolus School that make our
staff feel like a family.
-Betty Tolar, Principal
30 Years of Service
Teacher Assistant
Pactolus School