Mennonite Educational Institute Secondary School Grade 9 Course Planning Week 2014-2015 Presentation Handout & Course Calendar available online at: urse_planning.php Important Dates Friday, February 28th Course Selection Sheets Due Block 1 Thursday, February 27th 7:00pm-9:00pm Hockey Academy Students Course Selection sheets submitted after they are due (after Block 1), should be submitted to the high school. Our Vision Statement MEI Secondary is a Christ-centered school which provides a broad spectrum of educational opportunities for the purpose of building community and preparing our students for a life of service. “Heaven’s calendar has seven Sundays a week. God sanctifies each day. He conducts holy business at all hours and in all places. He uncommons the common by turning kitchen sinks into shrines, cafes into convents, and nine-to five workdays into spiritual adventures.” Max Lucado (Cure for the Common Life) Purpose of Course Planning To help students make wise decisions regarding: completing MEI and B.C. Ministry of Education (Dogwood) Graduation requirements choosing courses that will help prepare them for life after high school taking advantage of opportunities to use gifts and strengths, to further develop potential and to serve God and others “You cannot be anything you want to be. But you can be everything that God wants you to be”. Max Lucado Top 10 Factors to Consider in Course Planning MEI grade promotion criteria 2. MEI Graduation Program requirements 3. MEI course pre & co-requisites 4. Keeping your post-secondary options open 5. Future career plans & life goals 6. University or College entrance requirements 7. Individual academic strengths & weaknesses 8. Individual interest, ability and spiritual giftedness 9. Exploration of a variety of educational experiences 10. Time and Resources to live a balanced life 1. Extra-Curricular Activities (athletic teams, clubs and activity groups) A great way to: Meet people Make new friends Feel Part of the MEI community Grow in areas of interests, abilities and skills The following is a list of some of the extra-curricular teams/activities MEI has offered in recent years: Athletic Teams A Basketball Tradition that has grown to also include: Cross Country Fencing Golf Volleyball Soccer Swimming Tennis Track & Field Athletic Excellence Since 1946 Clubs & Activity Groups Audio-Visual Assistance Chess Club & Knitting Club Connectors Graduation Committee Intramurals Homework Club Library Assistance Missions Teams Spring Production Prayer Meetings Christmas Banquet Committee Why Not Starting Your Own Club (talk to a teacher about your idea) Helpful Resources Parents Course Calendar calendar.pdf Teachers Other The and Student Services Counsellors Trusted Adults - eg. grandparents, youth pastor etc. Bible and Prayer Online Resources – see pages 3 - 4 in Course Calendar “You do something no one else does, in a manner no one else does it. And when your uniqueness meets God’s purpose, both of you will rejoice… forever.” Max Lucado Grade Promotion Students must complete 32 credits in grade 9,10 and 11. Required Courses that are not completed satisfactorily will usually be repeated in summer school or through other distributed learning options (distance education). Students must pass Bible 9 and 11 in order to return to MEI the following year. MEI Graduation Program Students must complete a minimum of 80 grade 10 – 12 credits (16 of the 80 credits must be grade 12 credits) and have a maximum of one study in grade 12. This includes: 60 Required Credits a. 56 required course credits b. 4 graduation transitions credits* 20 Elective Course Credits * Students will complete the Graduation Transitions requirement primarily on their own time, however, assistance and accountability will be provided. Applied Skills and/or Fine Arts Graduation Requirement Students must complete at least one 2 credits Applied Skills course and at least one Fine Arts course in grade 9. Arts & Social Sciences Communication Education Undecided Science Engineering Business Administration Medicine OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS Apprenticeship & Workplace Math 12 Foundations of Math 12 Pre-Calculus 12 60 % 67 % Technical College Trade School Work Force 50 % Apprenticeship & Workplace Math 11 50 % Apprenticeship & Workplace Math 10 50 % Math 9 (Essentials) Calculus 12 Foundations of Math 11 Pre-Calculus 11 67 % 60 % Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10 (Common Program) 60 % Math 9 Some Grade 10 Pre-requisites English 10 English 10 Honours 50% in English 9 English 9 Honours or teacher’s permission French 10, German 10 60% in French 9, German 9 or Spanish 9 or teacher’s or Spanish 10 permission Apprenticeship & 50% or better in Math 9 Workplace Math 10 Essentials or in Principles of Math 9 Foundation Math & Pre- 60% or better in Principles of Calculus 10 Math 9 Choosing Courses with Pre-requisites Course Selection should be based on a student’s final mark in the required prerequisite course, however, if the required pre-requisite course is being taken in the second semester, students should base their course selection on their final mark in the required course the previous year. Students will still need to end up with the required pre-requisite in their requested course by the end of the semester, unless a Department Head or Teacher Designate waives the pre-requisite. Department Head/Teacher Who can waive a prerequisite: Biology – Mr. Loewen Chemistry – Mr. Dyck English & English Literature– Mr. Nickel French – Mrs. Vildort Geography – Mr. Funk History – Mr. Thiessen German – Mr. Janzen Law – Mr. Riemer Math – Mr. Balzer Physics – Mr. Galbraith Spanish – Mr. Peters B.C. Second Language Requirements Required Optional in Grade 8 in Grades 9-12 Remember: A grade 11 second language is required for direct general admission to SFU* and UBC, but is not required at BCIT, TWU, UFV, UVIC and most other B.C. colleges and Bible schools. *SFU will accept an introductory language 11 One Study Block is Available to: • Grade 12 students meeting MEI graduation requirements • Grade 11 students who are taking five of the following grade 11 or 12 MEI academic* courses in their grade 11 year (Sept. 2014 - June 2015): Biology, Chemistry, English, Foundations of Math 11, a Modern Language, Physics, Pre-Calculus Math 11 and Social Studies Note: 1. Study time is to be spent in the MEI library or designated areas, not in the hallways. 2. Grade 11 and 12 students may leave campus if they have formal consent from their parents (Consent forms available in the library) 3. Students may NOT have a Study in lieu of taking a Summer School, night school or online course outside of MEI External Credentials • Approved BC Ministry of Education courses, programs, and assessments developed outside the regular school system Examples: ICBC Driver Education, RCM Music Courses, Bronze Cross, Red Cross First Aid, etc.. Complete list of organizations and their courses is available on the web: t_cred.php Or search the course registry: y_web_search/search-home.en.php See Mr. Girard to process request for external credits. Required Graduation Program Examinations Grade 10 (20%) English 10 Apprenticeship & Workplace Math 10 or Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10 Science 10 Grade 11 Social Studies 11 Grade 12 (20%) (40%) English 12 or Communication 12 Course Change - Drop/Add Policy Deadline: Changes First Friday of the semester may be possible if prerequisites are met, classes are not being overloaded and there is minimal disruption to the rest of the student’s timetable. Important Date Friday, February 28th (Block 1) Course Selection Sheets Due Course Selection sheets submitted after they are due (after Block 1), should be submitted to the home form teacher. Completed Course Selection Sheets Will Have…. Enough courses to complete the timetable Elective choices selected and prioritized Two prioritized alternate choices selected and prioritized All Application Forms and/or Teacher’s Permission Slips attached (if applicable) All pre- and co-requisite(s) met Both a parent and a student signature List of Symbols Applied Skills Course Fine Arts Course Application Form Required (Limited Enrollment) Audition or Interview Required Course Permission Slip from Instructor Required Board Authority/ Authorized Course (Gr. 10, 11, 12) Graduation Program Exam Course (Gr. 10-12) Grade 9 Instruction Regarding How to Complete the Summary of my Choices How to fill out your course selection sheet Summary Of My Choices A full grade 9 program consists of 32 credits excluding optional Extended Day courses Credits 1. #_____ 2. #_____ 3. #_____ 4. #_____ 5. #_____ 6. #_____ 7. #_____ 8. #_____ 9. #_____ 10. #_____ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ How to fill out your course selection sheet Summary Of My Choices A full grade 9program consists of 32 credits excluding optional Extended Day courses Credits 1. #_____ 2. #_____ 3. #_____ 4. #_____ 5. #_____ 6. #_____ 7. #_____ 8. #_____ 9. #_____ 10. #_____ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ How to fill out your course selection sheet Summary Of My Choices A full grade 9 program consists of 32 credits excluding optional Extended Day courses Credits 1. #_102_ 2. #_____ 3. #_____ 4. #_____ 5. #_____ 6. #_____ 7. #_____ 8. #_____ 9. #_____ 10. #_____ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ How to fill out your course selection sheet Summary Of My Choices A full grade 9 program consists of 32 credits excluding optional Extended Day courses Credits 1. #_102_ 2. #_____ 3. #_____ 4. #_____ 5. #_____ 6. #_____ 7. #_____ 8. #_____ 9. #_____ 10. #_____ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ How to fill out your course selection sheet Summary Of My Choices A full grade 9 program consists of 32 credits excluding optional Extended Day courses Credits 1. #_102_ 2. #_____ 3. #_____ 4. #_____ 5. #_____ 6. #_____ 7. #_____ 8. #_____ 9. #_____ 10. #_____ _Bible 9 ___________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ How to fill out your course selection sheet Summary Of My Choices A full grade 9 program consists of 32 credits excluding optional Extended Day courses Credits 1. #_102_ 2. #_____ 3. #_____ 4. #_____ 5. #_____ 6. #_____ 7. #_____ 8. #_____ 9. #_____ 10. #_____ _Bible 9 __________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ How to fill out your course selection sheet Summary Of My Choices A full grade 9 program consists of 32 credits excluding optional Extended Day courses Credits 1. #_102_ 2. #_____ 3. #_____ 4. #_____ 5. #_____ 6. #_____ 7. #_____ 8. #_____ 9. #_____ 10. #_____ _Bible 9 ___________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __2____ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ How to fill out your course selection sheet Summary Of My Choices A full grade 9 program consists of 32 credits excluding optional Extended Day courses Credits 1. #_102_ 2. #_065 3. #_____ 4. #_____ 5. #_____ 6. #_____ 7. #_____ 8. #_____ 9. #_____ 10. #_____ _Bible 9 ___________________ _Socials Studies 9 __ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ ___2__ ___4__ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ How to fill out your course selection sheet Summary Of My Choices A full grade 9 program consists of 32 credits excluding optional Extended Day courses Credits 1. #_102_ 2. #_065 3. #_289_ 4. #_303_ 5. #_040_ 6. #_063_ 7. #_____ 8. #_____ 9. #_____ 10. #_____ _Bible 9 ___________________ __2____ _Social Studies __ __4____ _English 9 _________________________ __4____ _PE 9 Boys_________________________ __4____ _Math 9 ________________________ __4____ _Science 9 ________________________ __4____ __________________________________ _______ __________________________________ _______ __________________________________ _______ __________________________________ _______ How to fill out your course selection sheet Summary Of My Choices A full grade 9 program consists of 32 credits excluding optional Extended Day courses Credits 1. #_102_ 2. #_065 3. #_289_ 4. #_303_ 5. #_040_ 6. #_063_ 7. #_____ 8. #_____ 9. #_____ 10. #_____ _Bible 9 ___________________ __2____ _Social Studies __ __4____ _English 9 _________________________ __4____ _PE 9 Boys_________________________ __4____ _Math 9 ________________________ __4____ _Science 9 ________________________ __4____ __________________________________ _______ __________________________________ _______ __________________________________ _______ __________________________________ _______ How to fill out your course selection sheet Summary Of My Choices A full grade 9 program consists of 32 credits excluding optional Extended Day courses Credits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. #_102_ #_065 #_289_ #_303_ #_040_ #_063_ #_028_ #_189_ 9. #_583_ 10. #_046_ _Bible 9 ___________________ __2____ _Social Studies __ __4____ _English 9 _________________________ __4____ _PE 9 Boys_________________________ __4____ _Math 9 ________________________ __4____ _Science 9 ________________________ __4____ _Foods & Nutrition 9 __________________ ___2___ _Textiles 9 _________________________ __ 2___ _French 9 __________ ______ ___4___ __Art 9______________________________ __2___ How to fill out your course summary Optional Extended Day Courses: # 198 Intro.Leadership__ _2_ # ____ _______________ ___ How to fill out your course selection sheet Alternate Courses: A1. # ____ _______________ ___ A2. # ____ _______________ ___ How to fill out your course selection sheet Alternate Courses: A1. # 583 _Design 9 A2. # 099 _Music/Drama _ _2_ _ _2_ *****IMPORTANT***** Review carefully your summary for completion and accuracy and make sure it is signed ______________ Student Signature __________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Attach Course Permission Slip or Application Form(s) (if required) THANK YOU ! For taking the time to come tonight. We hope that it was helpful to you. We look forward to seeing you here next year! Drive safe and God bless.