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A DfE presentation pack for
school leaders: The 0-25 Special
Educational Needs and Disability
1. Introduction
Overview of slides
The 0-25 SEND Code of
Practice: 13 years in the
Building on best practice
2. The case for change
Support and Aspiration
2010 Ofsted Review
The impact on children and
young people
3. The reform vision
Joined up help across
education, health and care,
from birth to 25
Children and young people
at the centre
Person centred planning
A whole school approach
What does success look for
Wider reform
4. Implementation
• What schools need to be
ready for in September
• What schools need to do
from September
• Pathfinder learning
• Workforce development
5. What the reforms
means for ….
Classroom teachers
Teaching assistants
School nurses
Maintained nurseries
6. Reform in practice
Duties and regulations
Joined up help across
education, health and
From birth to 25
7. Engagement with
• What do the reforms mean
for parents?
• What schools need to do
• Advice and support
• Top tips
8. Support for schools
Local authority
9. Ofsted
• Inspection framework
• What does good SEN
provision look like?
10. Further information
1. Introduction
• Overview of slides
• The 0-25 SEND Code of Practice: 13 years in the making
• Building on best practice
1. Overview of slides
• The SEND reforms require a whole school approach to SEND. It is essential
that the whole school community, governors, teaching and non-teaching
staff, young people and parents, understand what the reforms mean for
• This slide pack has been designed to help school leaders in mainstream
schools engage governors and staff so that they understand what is
changing and what isn’t changing. It is not formal department guidance.
• The presentation is in sections to enable those using it to pick out the slides
most relevant to their audience. It is supported by further information and
links in the notes sections.
• The slides have been developed by the Department in partnership with the
Joint Professional Association SEND Forum, comprising representatives
from ASCL, ATL, NAHT, NASUWT, NUT and Voice; as well as Achievement
for All, London Leadership Strategy and organisations representing disabled
children and their families.
1. Introduction: The 0-25 SEND Code
of Practice - 13 years in the making
• The SEND reforms build on the best practice over the past 13 years since
the last Code of Practice was written.
• They aim to implement a new approach which seeks to join up help across
education, health and care, from birth to 25.
• The reforms give schools the freedom to develop what works for them in
partnership with their local authority, parents and young people.
1. Introduction: Building on best
“The staff are able to communicate
effectively. Everyone – parents,
outside agencies – feel that they
are being listened to and head.”
Ross Morris, autism advisory
teacher, Finham Park School
“We make quality first teaching a focus of
whole school CPD. We have looked
critically at our interventions for SEN
students to ensure that they address and
have an impact on a clearly defined need.”
Gary Phillips, headteacher, Lilian Baylis
Technology School
“We have focused our
attention on developing
dedication and motivation to
learn through having shared,
high expectations for every
child.” Maria Constantinou,
Deputy Head and Inclusion
Leader, St Mary’s CofE
School, Barnet.
2. The case for change:
• Support and Aspiration: A new approach to Special Educational
Needs and Disability (2011)
• 2010 Ofsted Review of SEND
• The impact on children and young people
2. The case for change: Support and
Aspiration Green Paper (2011)
The current system of SEN support is complicated, picks up issues too late,
has too much duplication, and is too focused on inputs rather than outcomes.
Too often young people find there is a ‘cliff edge’ of support between children
and adults services.
Parents find it difficult to navigate the system that is intended to help them, find
it adversarial, and complain that they have to tell their stories time and time
SEN can sometimes be ‘unhelpfully conflated’ with falling behind, and this may
have contributed to the growing number of pupils at School Action and Action
Plus - Lamb Inquiry 2009.
The Achievement for All pilot demonstrated that with the right support children
with SEN can be supported to achieve good outcomes.
2. The case for change: 2010 Ofsted
Review of SEND
• Ofsted review found evidence that the way the system is currently designed
contributed to widespread weaknesses in the quality of what was provided for
children with special educational needs.
• Some schools and other organisations were working well together and focusing
on the outcomes for the young person.
• What consistently worked well was rigorous monitoring of progress, with quick
intervention and thorough evaluation of its impact.
• High aspirations and a determination to enable young people to be as
independent as possible led most reliably to the best educational achievement.
• The need for a continuing focus on, and the highest expectations for, disabled
children and young people and those with special educational needs is not just
an issue for schools and colleges, or even for all local services, but also for
national bodies, including Ofsted itself.
2. The case for change: The impact
on children and young people
• In 2012 at Key Stage 2, pupils with SEND achieved roughly half as well as
those with no identified SEND at English and Maths (43% achieved level 4 in
comparison with 91%).
• The percentage of pupils with SEND achieving 5 or more GCSEs at grade A*
to C was 22% in comparison with 69% with no identified SEND at Key Stage
• Around 30% of all young people with statements of SEND at 16 are not in
education, employment or training at 18 compared to 13% of their peers.
• Employment rates for those with learning difficulties are much lower still:
some data indicates less than 10% (NHS Information Centre for Health and
Social Care (2008).
3. The reform vision
• Joined up support across education, health and care, from
birth to 25
• Children and young people at the centre
• Participation in decision making
• A whole school approach
• What does success look for schools?
• Wider reform
3. The reform vision: Joined up
support across education, health and
care, from birth to 25
Participation of children, their parents and young people in decisionmaking.
Early identification of children and young people’s needs and early
intervention to support them.
Greater choice and control for young people and parents over support.
Collaboration between education, health and social care services to
provide support.
High quality provision to meet the needs of children and young people
with SEN.
Focus on inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning.
Successful preparation for adulthood, including independent living and
3. The reform vision: Children and
young people at the centre
happen, they can
be resolved early
and amicably, with
the option of a
Tribunal for those
that need it.
Joint commissioning
Having friends
views heard
Option of a Personal
Children and
young people with
and families
Making their
Extending choice and
control over their
Local offer
Children, young
people and parents
understand a joined up
system, designed
around their needs.
advice and
Integrated assessment and
Education Health and
Care plan is holistic,
co-produced and
focused on outcomes.
3. The reform vision: Participation in
decision making
Supporting and involving children and young people in decisions about
their support means having regard to:
(a) the views, wishes and feelings of the child and his or her parent, or the
young person;
(b) the importance of the child and his or her parent, or the young person,
participating as fully as possible in decisions relating to the exercise of the
function concerned;
(c) the importance of the child and his or her parent, or the young person, being
provided with the information and support necessary to enable participation
in those decisions; and
(d) the need to support the child and his or her parent, or the young person, in
order to facilitate the development of the child or young person and to help
him or her achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes.
3. The reform vision: A whole school
Engage parent
Child or
with SEN
Engage parent
Engage parent
Engage parent
3. The reform vision: What does success
look like for schools?
Positive outcomes for children, young people and their families
• Improved attainment and progression of pupils with SEN.
• Increase in the percentage of KS4 and KS5 SEN cohort going to, or remaining in,
Education, Employment and Training.
• Reduction in percentage of pupils with SEN receiving one or more fixed period
• Reduction in school absence of pupils with SEN.
Effective preparation for adulthood
• Better support received to prepare young people for a successful transition to
Positive experience of the system
• Planned and well managed transition at key points.
• Parents, children and young people get the right support at the right time and feel
that they are listened to and in control of their support, choices, decisions and
3. The reform vision: Wider reform
SEND reforms are a vital part of the wider educational reform to ensure all
children and young people have access to high quality teaching and equal
opportunities regardless of background or circumstance.
Enabling pupils with
SEN to access the
curriculum by
understanding their
needs and adapting
Identification of
SEN should be
built into the
approach to
monitoring the
progress and
development of
all pupils.
Standards of
teaching for pupils
with SEN and
progress made by
pupils should
considered as part
of the school’s
New teachers’ pay
Clear focus on the
progress of all
pupils – SEN
support crucial to
New floor standards
4. Implementation
What schools need to do to be ready in September
What schools need to do from September
Pathfinder learning
Workforce development
4. Implementation: What schools need to
do to be ready in September 2014?
Initiate a review of your school’s SEN Policy engaging governors and staff, parents
and young people.
Publish your SEN policy as set out in the SEND Information Regulations 2014.
Tell parents about the reforms and explain to them how the transition will happen,
make staff aware of the reforms and start essential training needs.
Engage with LAs in relation to the requirements, in particular the development of
the local offer and their process for transferring from statements to EHC plans.
Ensure the SENCO has the right qualifications and explore how the SENCO fits
into strategic management of the school.
Have arrangements in place to support pupils with medical conditions.
4. Implementation: What schools
need to do from September
Review and refresh the school’s process for the early identification and assessment
of SEND to follow the graduated approach.
Review pupils currently on SA/SA+, engaging the child and parent in decision
making and planning and being clear about the extra support that they need, what
impact you expect support to have and by when.
Review and refresh the schools procedures for effective engagement to ensure
children, young people and parents are involved in decision making and planning.
Review how the schools support pupils with SEN with their transition to post-16
education and preparing for adult life.
SEN support isn’t about ‘compliance’ – it’s a cycle of continuous improvement.
4. Implementation: Pathfinder learning
31 Pathfinder authorities have been testing the reforms. They found:
families feel more in control, better informed and more satisfied with
the services they receive;
professionals are finding genuine partnership working with families is
highly rewarding and generates better results; and
the reforms are bringing about a culture shift in assessment and
planning, with a growing emphasis on personalisation, multi-agency
working and outcomes-based approaches.
“It was really rather lovely to feel... heard on an equal footing!...Sometimes it used to feel
as if being a parent was itself a disability. Now I feel that I am part of the team…Now it
feels as though there is someone on my side. Before I felt like the enemy.”
Parent from South East pathfinder
4. Implementation: Workforce
development needs in schools
Elements of training
Overview of legislation and Code of Practice (including role of SENCOs)
Operational elements – Local Offer and EHC Plans
Links between SEN and disability reforms and wider changes (e.g. funding
Principles of effective key working – covering four key working functions
Coordination and facilitation of multi-agency meetings
Potential for negotiation/conflict mediation training
Overview of legislative background
Calculating resource requirements
Managing delivery of Personal Budgets (including providing support to parents
if required)
Outcomes 
Defining outcomes
5. What the reforms mean for …
Classroom/subject teachers
Teaching assistants
School nurses
Maintained nurseries
5. What the reforms means for
Must have regard to the SEND Code of Practice and should oversee the
implementation of the reform and provide strategic support to the head
Must publish information on the school’s websites about the implementation
of the governing body’s or the proprietor’s policy for pupils with SEN.
Must ensure that there is a qualified teacher designated as SENCO.
Must cooperate generally with the local authority including in developing the
local offer and when the school is being named in an EHC plan.
Must ensure that arrangements are in place in schools to support pupils at
school with medical conditions.
Must also publish information about the arrangements for the admission of
disabled children, the steps taken to prevent disabled children being treated
less favourably than others, the facilities provided to assist access of disabled
children, and their accessibility plans.
5. What the reforms mean for heads
Should take overall responsibility for implementing the SEND reforms (see
preparation and implementation slides).
Ensure that the SENCO is able to influence strategic decisions about SEN.
Ensure the wider school community understands the implications of the
reforms for whole school improvement (from governors to classroom
teachers and teaching assistants).
Put in place arrangements to ensure parents are regularly engaged in
discussions about the progress of their child (at least three times a year).
Ensure a process is in place for involving parents and young people in
reviewing provision and planning for those currently on school action/plus
and any newly identified pupils with SEN.
Develop relationship with post 16 providers and explore how you will
support pupils with SEN with their transition to post 16 education.
5. What the reforms means for SENCOs
The SENCO role is a strategic one working with the senior leadership to
review and refresh the SEN policy and then with the classroom/subject
teacher to review its practice ensure every child with SEN gets the
personalised support that they need. The role involves:
• overseeing day-to-day operation of school’s SEN policy;
• coordinating provision for children with SEN;
• liaising with designated teacher where a Looked after Child has SEN;
• advising on graduated approach to SEN Support;
• advising on use of delegated budget/ other resources;
• liaising with parents of children with SEN;
• links with other education settings and outside agencies;
• liaising with potential next providers of education;
• working with head and governors on Equality Act; and
• ensuring that SEN records are up to date.
5. What the reforms mean for
classroom/subject teachers
Classroom and subject teachers are at the heart of the new SEN Support system,
driving the movement around the four stages (assess, plan, do, review) of action with
the support guidance of the SENCO and specialist staff.
The classroom teacher should:
Focus on outcomes for the child: Be clear about the outcome wanted from any
SEN support.
Be responsible for meeting special educational needs: Use the SENCO
strategically to support the quality of teaching, evaluate the quality of support and
contribute to school improvement.
Have high aspirations for every pupils: Set clear progress targets for pupils and
be clear about how the full range of resources are going to help reach them.
Involve parents and pupils in planning and reviewing progress: Seek their
views and provide regular updates on progress.
5. What the reforms mean for
learning support assistants/teaching
• LSA/TAs are part of the whole school approach to SEN working in partnership with
the classroom/subject teacher and the SENCO to deliver pupil progress and narrow
gaps in performance.
• It is for schools to decide how they deploy teaching assistants depending on their
level of experience. To be most effective the support they give should be focused on
the achievement of specific outcomes within the graduated approach to SEN
support agreed with parents in the context of high quality teaching overall.
• LSA/TAs can be part of a package of support for the individual child but should
never be a substitute for the teacher’s involvement with that child.
5. What the reforms mean for school
Where schools have nurses, they can be part of the integral part of the whole
school approach to SEN and Disability in that they can:
• support effective communication with all professionals, children, young people
and families to ensure that they are supported to achieve positive health and
educational outcomes;
• provide clear information and actions for all involved with the child or young
person’s individual health care plan (where they have one under the pupils with
health conditions duty);
• identify specific training requirements around health needs for education
support staff;
• take part in the review of the Education, Health & Care plan;
• clarify roles and responsibilities of key health workers; and
• support plans for transition to adult services / colleges.
5. What the reforms mean for
maintained nurseries
Providers are required to:
• follow the standards set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage framework,
which includes supporting children with SEND;
• use their best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEN gets the support
they need, ensuring that children with SEN engage in the activities of school
alongside those who do not have SEN;
• adopt the new SEN Support approach – they are no longer required to record on
early years action / early years action plus;
• work in partnership with parents/carers to develop a plan of support;
• admit a child, where the nursery is named in their EHC plan;
• co-operate with the local authority in developing the local offer; and
• have a qualified teacher designated as a SENCO.
6. Reform in practice
Duties and regulations
Legal duties
Definition of SEN
Support for pupils with
medical conditions
Information regulations
The local offer
School admissions
From birth to 25
Transition from early years
to primary, to secondary to
Preparation for adulthood
Joined up help across education,
health and care
Joint commissioning
EHC assessment and plans
Personal budgets
Transition from statements and
learning difficulty assessments
SEN Support
The graduated response
Assessing and reviewing progress
The school census
Mediation and appeals
6. Reform in practice: Legal duties
The main legal duties on schools will not change, but the way they will be met may
change. Schools must continue to:
• meet their Equality Act duties for pupils with disabilities;
• use their ‘best endeavours’ to meet pupils’ SEN – this means doing everything
they can to meet children and young people’s SEN;
• inform parents when pupils receive support for special educational needs and
involve them in reviews of progress;
• admit a young person, where the school is named in an EHC plan;
• co-operate with the local authority in developing the local offer; and
• have regard to the new 0-25 SEND Code of Practice.
New duties require schools to:
produce and publish online a School SEN Information Report;
appoint a suitably qualified or experienced member of staff as SENCO (National Award);
make arrangements to support pupils with medical condition and schools must have regard
to statutory guidance supporting pupils at school with medical conditions.
6. Reform in practice: Definition of SEN
The reforms do not change the definition of SEN:
A child and young person has SEN if they have learning difficulty or
disability which calls for special educational provision to be made.
A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty
or disability if they have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the
majority of others of the same age or has a disability which prevents or
hinders them from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for
others of the same age in mainstream schools.
6. Reform in practice: Support for
pupils with medical conditions.
• The reforms place a duty on governing bodies to ensure that
arrangements are in place in schools to support pupils at school with
medical conditions; these arrangements should show an understanding
of how medical conditions impact on a child’s ability to learn, as well as
increase their confidence and promote self-care.
• Governing bodies should ensure that school leaders consult health and
social care professionals, pupils and parents to ensure that the needs
of children with medical conditions are effectively supported; staff
should be properly trained to provide the support that their pupils need.
• Governing bodies should ensure that the appropriate level of insurance
is in place and appropriately reflects the level of risk.
• These changes should give parents and pupils confidence in the
school’s ability to properly support pupils with medical conditions so
that they have full access to education, including school trips and
physical education.
6. Reform in practice: Information
The SEN information report sets out information about the school’s SEN policy
and its implementation.
They should publish information about their current arrangements in September
Schools should ensure that the information is easily accessible by young people
and parents and is set out in clear, straightforward language. It should include
information on the school’s SEN policy and named contacts within the school for
situations where young people or parents have concerns. It should also give
details of the school’s contribution to the Local Offer and must include
information on where the local authority’s Local Offer is published.
6. Reform in practice: The local offer
The duty on schools to co-operate with the local authority in developing the
local offer is aligned to the requirement on schools to publish SEN
information, which gives details about their individual approach to identifying
and supporting children with SEN (and all the other requirements in the
Regulations and set out in the Code).
The local offer should be useful for schools. It must include information on
services across education, health and social care and from birth to 25; how
to access specialist support; how decisions are made including eligibility
criteria for accessing services where appropriate; and how to complain or
Many LAs are already working with their parent carer forums and other
organisations, including young people, to ‘co-produce’ their local offer.
Regulations and the SEN Code of Practice outline who local authorities
must consult in developing and reviewing their local offer and how they
should do this.
6. Reform in practice: School
The Act does not change existing duties on schools and LAs about
• It maintains the general principle, that children and young people
with SEN should be educated in mainstream settings.
• Schools including Academies must admit a child named on an
EHC plan.
• Parent and young people can request for a school to be named in
an EHC plan - the LA must comply with their wish except in
exceptional circumstances.
6. Reform in practice: Joint
• Joint commissioning is how partners agree how they will work together to
deliver joint outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
• Schools should be involved in the commissioning process to influence
decisions about commissioning provision for children with SEND
generally and will need to be directly involved in commissioning provision
for individual pupils.
• The commissioning of services is based on need. Partners may draw
their data from a number of sources and should ensure they take account
of all children and young people, not just those with EHC plans or
registered disabled.
6. Reform in practice: EHC
assessment and plans
EHC plans should be:
• clear, concise, readable and
accessible to parents,
children, young people and
• specific on special
educational needs, outcomes
and special educational,
health and care provision
needed, with clearly identified
• supportive of preparation for
key transition points; and
• portable.
In Greenwich, families are setting up password-protected
websites personalised with music, short films and written reports
to bring their EHC plans to life. Professionals regularly post
video clips and other information to keep the plan up to date.
6. Reform in practice: Personal
A personal budget is an amount of money identified to deliver parts of the
provision set out in an EHC plan.
Families can request a personal budget as part of the planning process (in
drawing up Plan or at Annual Review).
Can include funding from education, health and social care – in education,
funding for personal budgets will be for more specialist or individualised
provision (funded through the high needs block) rather than services the
school is expected to provide as part of the local offer.
A local authority must secure a school’s agreement where any provision,
bought by the parent/young person using a direct payment, will be
provided on the school’s premises.
6. Reform in practice: Transition from
statements and learning difficulty
Children and young people who have a statement or receive provision in
further education as a result of a LDA will be transferred to the new system
– young people in further education with an LDA will transfer to the new
system by 1 September 2016; and
– children and young people with a statement will transfer by 1 April
To ensure that support continues for these children and young people, the
legislation relating to statements and LDAs will remain in force during the
transition period.
Local authorities will be expected to transfer children and young people to
the new system in advance of key transition points in their education such
as when they move from primary to secondary school.
There will be Independent Supporters on hand for families who need them,
to help make the transfer as simple as possible.
6. Reform in practice: SEN Support
SEN support replaces School Action / School Action Plus. It is the category of
support for children with SEN but not on EHC plans.
• It focuses the system on the impact of the support provided to that
individual child, rather than how children access support according to
the category they fit into.
• It places emphasises on a graduated approach (assess, plan, do and
• The aim is to improve the experience and outcomes of school for all
pupils ensuring high quality teaching and learning.
6. Reform in practice: The
Graduated Response
6. Reform in practice: Assessing and
reviewing progress
Classroom or subject teacher working with the SENCO should assess where a
child is not making adequate progress, despite high quality teaching targeted at
an area of weakness.
They should draw on evidence from a clear analysis of pupil’s need such as:
teacher’s assessment and experience of the pupil;
information on pupil progress, attainment, and behaviour;
individual’s development in comparison to their peers;
the views and experience of parents;
the child’s own views; and
advice from external support services.
6. The reform in practice: The school
• All new pupils with SEN who will not be on EHC plans should be
recorded under SEN Support from September 2014.
• Schools should review the provision for those currently on SA/SA+ to
SEN Support by the January 2015 Census.
• Children and young people who are newly assessed for statements must
be assessed under the new EHC plan arrangement and should be
recorded under the school census from September 2014.
• Children and young people with existing statements transfer to the new
system by April 2018.
6. Reform in practice: Mediation and
Disagreements to be resolved at the local level through non-judicial means.
Local authorities must make disagreement resolution services available to
parents and young people. Use of the disagreement resolution services is
voluntary and has to be with the agreement of all parties.
There will be no loss of rights to appeal to the Tribunal but parents and young
people will have the opportunity to go to mediation before appealing.
Before registering an appeal with the Tribunal parents and young people will
have to contact an independent mediation adviser for information on mediation.
Following this they can decide if they want to go to independent mediation – the
local authority would have to attend and the mediation would take place within
30 days.
This offers parents and young people the chance of getting earlier resolution of
their dispute without the stress of having to go through an appeal at the
6. Reform in practice: Transition
from early years to primary, to
secondary to FE
Educational settings should plan and prepare children and young people for
their transition between phases of education. They should:
review the SEN support provided or the EHC plan before they move on;
share information with the setting that the child or young person is
moving to; and
agree with parents and pupils the information to be shared as part of the
planning process.
6. Reform in practice: Preparation for
Support needs to start early and should centre around the child or young person’s own
aspirations, interests and needs to enable children and young people to achieve their
ambitions in relation to:
• Higher education and/or employment - including exploring different
employment options, such as support for becoming self-employed and help
from supported employment agencies;
• Independent living - enabling people to have choice and control over their
lives and the support they receive and their accommodation and living
arrangements, including supported living;
• Participating in society - including having friends and supportive
relationships, and participating in, and contributing to, the local community; and
• Being as healthy as possible in adult life.
7. Engagement with parents
What do the reforms mean for parents?
What schools need to do
Advice and support
Top tips
7. Engagement with parents: What
do the reforms mean for parents?
A core principle of the reforms is that parents of children with SEN and
young people with SEN should participate in decision making.
Parents should know what they can reasonably expect their local
school, college, local authority and local services to provide.
Schools and local authorities should work with parents and carers to
plan what services their children need.
Local authorities have a duty to provide information, advice and support
on SEN to children and young people directly, as well as to parents; this
has been extended to include children and young people with
disabilities (even if they don’t have SEN) and their parents.
7. Engagement with parents: What
schools need to do
Reassure parents that, just because the system is changing, that does not mean
that children who have SEN won’t get the support they need.
Explain the new system to parents so they understand what is changing and
what is not changing in their school.
Be clear when changes are being made and what impact they will have - ensure
parents understand how the school determines “outcomes”
Clarify what role parents and pupils will have to influence the changes.
Ensure parents are involved in on-going planning, progress reporting and
decision making.
Sign post parents to further information and support.
7. Engagement with parents:
Advice and support
Local authorities will need to ensure that there is sufficient support and
advice available for children, young people and parents/carers.
Parents/carers can also get advice from:
 Their local Parent Carer Forum
 The Parent Partnership Network
 Independent Supporters
 Contact a family helpline
7. Engagement with parents: Top tips
Embed parent
engagement in
your whole
school strategy
Parent carer
engagement and
participation is an
ongoing process and
relationship – not a one
off consultation
Remember that
Remember that
we’re both working
towards the same
goal - to improve
the outcomes for
our children.
Listen to what we
think – we don’t
want to always feel
like we are fighting
for our child
Make sure you have
specific strategies to
communicate with parent
carers who have literacy
difficulties or English as
an additional language.
8. Support for schools
Local authority
Support for schools: Local
LA will work with schools to ensure there is appropriate provision in place to
support children with SEND.
Through the local offer schools will be able to access information about
provisions and services available in their area.
For children with more complex needs, the LA will work with schools to
conduct an assessment for EHC needs.
Joint commissioning arrangements should enable partners to make best
use of all the resources available in an area to improve outcomes for
children and young people in the most efficient, effective, equitable and
sustainable way
8. Support for schools: Funding
Schools need to engage with their LA as part of the schools forum on how
money is distributed and the process for seeking high needs top up funding.
Funding for schools is provided by central government to local authorities
through the Dedicated Schools Grant. LAs distribute this to schools by
using a local funding formula.
Schools are given an additional amount, referred to as the ‘notional SEN
budget’ it covers around £6,000 per pupil with SEN, over and above core
For each pupil whose high level needs cost more than £6,000 per year, the
local authority can provide high needs top-up funding.
Schools can buy in specialist support to meet children’s SEN.
9. Ofsted
Inspection framework
What does good SEN provision look like?
9. Ofsted: Inspection framework
• Inspectors inspect mainstream, special schools and pupil referral units
using the framework for maintained schools and academies or the
framework for independent schools.
• During maintained school inspections, Ofsted inspectors consider the
extent to which schools meet the needs of disabled pupils and those who
have special educational needs (SEN) using the four key judgements of
achievement, quality of teaching, behaviour and safety, and the quality of
leadership and management.
• Inspectors evaluate the progress of all pupils, including those whose needs,
dispositions, aptitudes or circumstances require expert teaching and, in
some cases, additional support. This specifically includes disabled pupils,
as defined by the Equality Act 2010, and those who have special
educational needs.
• When judging the achievement of disabled pupils and those who have
SEN, inspectors consider how much progress they have made since joining
the school from their starting points.
9. Ofsted: What does good provision
for children with SEN look like?
• High aspirations for all students, including those who have SEN.
• Ensure those pupils in most need receive the most expert support.
• Focus on enabling pupils to make the best possible progress, and to increase
their independence, so that they are well prepared for their futures.
• Leaders ask challenging questions about the progress and attainment of
every pupil or young person. They use whatever information is available to
compare their pupils’ progress against that of other pupils who started at the
same level, at the same age, across the country. They do not make excuses
for lower rates of progress. They focus on ensuring teaching is strong, that
staff meet the needs of all pupils, and provide well targeted challenge in
• There is a very well-understood view of how to help an individual become
self-reliant and independent.
• Ambitions and views expressed by the young people are taken into account
when devising the curriculum and style of support.
• The best schools that meet the needs of pupils with the most complex social
and emotional needs understand and make use of the community in which
the children live as well as the one in which they are educated.
10. Further Information
• Search the SEN Gateway which provides access to all information,
training materials and advice funded by DfE and produced by
voluntary and community organisations to develop at
• Visit the pathfinder website at for case
studies, video clips, evaluation reports and information about delivery
partners who are supporting the reforms
• For further information from VCS organisations that are working to
support the reforms visit:
• Access the Preparing for Adulthood support materials