
 The
following questions are multiple
choice and each question is a key idea
from Chapter 4.
 There are additional study ideas to help
prepare you for the test at the end of the
power point
The name of Mesopotamia comes from it’s
location, which was
 in
mountain foothills.
 between two rivers.
 at the site of the earliest cities.
 near a region f many conflicts.
between two rivers.
The environment of Sumer was
 high
and cold, with sharp mountain
 thickly forested, with heavy storms.
 hilly and dry, with many stones.
 low and flat with little rain.
 low
and flat with little rain.
Why were Sumerian communities called
 Each
of them had its own ruler and farm
 Each of them kept records.
 They were all part of one great empire.
 They all depended on each other for
Each of them had its own ruler and farm
Which fact allowed Neolithic people to
farm in the foothills of the Zagros
 Shallow
canals watered the fields.
 Harsh climates are good for grains.
 The region had plenty of rain.
 Goats can live on dry grass
 The
region had plenty of rain.
What development caused food shortages
in the Zagros foothills?
 Increase
in population.
 Overuse of soil.
 Fighting between villages together.
 Change in climate.
Increase in population.
 What
solution did people in the Zagros
foothills find to fix the problem of food
 Joining
villages together.
 Constructing reservoirs.
 Moving to the south.
 Building terraces.
Moving to the south.
One factor that made farming difficult in the area
of Sumer was _____________________.
 lack
of rainfall
 growth of weeds
 rocky soil
 steep hillsides
lack of rainfall
Why did the rivers flood in the spring?
 Ice
that had formed on the rivers broke
into bits.
 Snow melted in the mountains where the
rivers began.
 Heavy rain fell throughout the area.
 Strong winds blew from the Persian Gulf.
Snow melted in the mountains where the
rivers began.
What was the chief purpose of dams
and reservoirs?
water for later use.
To allow travel by boat.
To protect villages from attack.
To make it easier to fish.
Store water for later use.
 If
you were in ancient Sumer, you might
see a levee beside a river. Why was the
levee built?
 To
control workers
 To prevent floods.
 To load barges.
 To irrigate crops.
To prevent floods.
Why was silt a problem for the people of
 It
ruined the soil for planting.
 It dried up the rivers.
 It clogged the irrigation canals.
 It ruined the soil for planting.
It clogged the irrigation canals.
 Why
did the villages of Sumer depend on
each other?
 They
had to fight off attacks from empires
to the east.
 They formed caravans to safely visit the
 They exchanged different kinds of
natural resources.
 They cooperated to keep the water
systems working.
They cooperated to keep the water
systems working.
 Using
natural resources found in the
environment, Sumerians built strong
walls with _________________.
 Logs
with pointed tips
 Bricks made of mud
 Rocks shaped into squares
 Reeds cut near the rivers
Bricks made of mud
 The
people of Sumer constructed moats
to _______________.
 Bring
drinking water into towns
 Get crops to grow better
 Protect cities from attack
 Make villages work together
Protect cities from attack
 Which
phrase belongs in the empty box?
Sumerian farming
 Large
scale private estates.
 Abandoned archaeological sights.
 Bands of hunters and gatherers.
 Self-governing cities.
 Self-governing
Be able to draw and label a Sumerian city-state. Your
drawing must include the following features:
A river
A city wall
A moat
An irrigation system
The location of crops
After you complete your diagram, select 3 of the features
on your diagram that were a Sumerian response to
geographic challenges. For each of these 3 features,
briefly explain these points:
 What geographic challenge led to the feature
 Describe how the feature fixes the geographic
Study the map on page 34 of your text and be able
to answer the following questions while looking at
the map?
What are 2 Mesopotamian city-states shown on the
 About how long is the Euphrates River according to
this map?
 The Tigris and lower Euphrates rivers flow in a
generally _______ direction until the reach the
southeast body of water called the ____ _______.
 What major physical feature lies between the
waters of the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf?
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