The challenges of living in water All vertebrates inhabit one or other of two fluid media: air and water. These differ greatly in their physical characteristics. Air vs. water Density: water is 800 times denser than air. Because water is dense, aquatic animals don’t need strong weight-bearing skeletons. Gravity has little impact on their body structure. In contrast, gravity is a constant challenge for terrestrial animals. Air vs. water Viscosity: water is 18 times more viscous than air. Viscosity measures how easily a fluid moves across a surface. Because of this difference aquatic animals have to be much more streamlined than those that live in the air. Because air flows easily, tidal ventilation is possible in lungs. In water, it is difficult and very rare. Air vs. water Oxygen content: Oxygen makes up about 20.9% of the volume of air (209ml of O2 in a liter of air). Water is never more than 50ml per liter and is often 10ml or less. Low O2 content is another reason fish don’t use tidal ventilation. Because of the low O2 content of water, fish gills have evolved to be very efficient at extracting O2. Air vs. water Heat Capacity: The specific heat of water (amount of heat needed to change the temperature of one gram of water by one degree) is 3400 times greater than that of air. Thus, water resists temperature change. It heats and cools slowly. Hence an aquatic animal has a more stable thermal environment than an air-living one. Air vs. water Heat Conductivity: Water conducts heat almost 24 times as quickly as air. Because water is such a good conductor there is little variation in temperature within a body of water. If water gets too hot, a fish must go to deeper water and that may not always be possible. Air vs. water Electrical conductivity: water is an electrical conductor, but air is not (except at high voltages). Electricity therefore can be (and is) used by aquatic animals to detect other animals and also as a weapon. Pressure effects Water is much denser than air and pressure changes with increasing depth are very important to fishes. Every 10m increase in depth in water increases the pressure experienced by 1 atmosphere. Thus, a fish at 100m experiences 10 atmospheres of pressure. Pressure effects Because of pressure effects on the use of gas-filled structures as buoyancy aids, fish have had to evolve a variety of adaptations to remain at or near neutral buoyancy. In contrast, in air, extreme changes in altitude are required before significant effects of reduced air pressure are felt. Obtaining oxygen in water: Gills Fish exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide through the use of gills. The gills of teleost fish (the largest group of bony ray-finned fish) are enclosed in pockets of the pharynx behind the mouth (the opercular cavities). A flap of tissue (the operculum) protects the gills and also maintains the streamlining of the body. Gills Within the opercular cavity are a series of gill arches and from each gill arch project two sets of gill filaments. On each gill filament are numerous, small and thin-walled projections called secondary lamellae. Gas exchange takes place at the secondary lamellae. Oxygen-poor blood Gill arch Oxygen-rich blood Lamella Blood vessel Gill arch Water flow Operculum O2 Water flow over lamellae showing % O2 Figure 42.21 Gill filaments Blood flow through capillaries in lamellae showing % O2 Countercurrent exchange Gills Water flow is one way through the gills. Flaps just within the mouth and at the margins of the operculae prevent backflow. Many fish (especially less active ones or resting ones) depend on the pumping action of the mouth and opercular cavities (called buccal pumping) to maintain a steady flow of water across the gills Ram Ventilation For fast swimming predatory fish buccal pumping would be inadequate to supply their gas exchange needs. In fishes such as tuna, mackeral and swordfishes the ability to pump water has been reduced or lost. Instead these fish depend on ram ventilation. They swim with their mouths open which creates a steady flow of water across the gills. Northern Bluefin Tuna Counter current exchange The one-way flow of water across the gills is exploited by the fish to maximize oxygen extraction. The lamellae of the gills are richly supplied with blood, which flows in a countercurrent direction to the flow of water maximizing the amount of oxygen extracted. Figure 24.29 16.25 Counter current exchange Because the direction of blood flow is opposite the direction of the flow of water there is always an oxygen gradient between the water and the blood. Hence, oxygen always flows from the water into the blood. Gills are very efficient and can extract up to 85% of the dissolved oxygen in the water. Counter current exchange All counter current exchangers work on the principle of maintaining a concentration gradient along the length of the structure. In the gill, blood entering the lamellae is deoxygenated and it encounters water that has had much of its oxygen removed. However, the concentration gradient ensures the water gives up oxygen to the blood. Counter current exchange As the blood flows through the lamellae its oxygen concentration increases, but because of the countercurrent arrangement, it is always encountering water with a higher oxygen content than is in the blood so the blood continues to gain oxygen until it is saturated. Counter current exchange Countercurrent exchangers are widespread among vertebrates. For example, they are found in the flippers of whales (to reduce heat loss from the body), in the lungs of birds (to maximize oxygen extraction), in the salt glands of seabirds (to concentrate salt) and as we will see shortly in the swim bladder of fishes (to maintain high gas pressure in the swim bladder). How fish obtain oxygen from the air Some fish that live in water with low oxygen content cannot obtain enough oxygen to survive using their gills alone. These fish supplement their oxygen intake by using lungs or other accessory respiratory structures. Tropical Asian anabantid fish (which include the common pet fish tetras and gouramis) have vascularized chambers in the rear of the head called labyrinths. The fish gulp air at the surface and it is transferred to the labyrinth where gas exchange takes place. Pearl Gourami Tetra. images/SerpaeTetraWFCh_C2418.jpg Lungs Lungs obviously are most associated with tetrapods, but they evolved in fish millions of years before the first tetrapods evolved. In fact lungs have evolved independently multiple times in different lineages of fish. Lungs Embryonically, lungs develop as outpocketings of the pharyngeal region of the gut. In lungfishes and tetrapods lungs develop from the ventral surface of the gut. However, in gars (a primitive bony fish) lungs develop on the dorsal surface as is also true in teleosts. South American Lungfish Australian Lungfish Shared/StaticFiles/animals/images/primary/gar.jpg Longnose gar . Lungs Increased surface area increases the efficiency of lungs. Ridges and pockets in the wall of the lung increase surface area and these alveolar lungs are found in lungfishes and tetrapods (both groups also have paired lungs). Gars in contrast have a single alveolar lung whereas bichirs (a group of African air-breathing fish) have paired non-alveolar lungs, but one lobe is smaller than the other. Armored Bichir Swim bladder Teleosts have evolved extremely fine control over their buoyancy and can remain neutrally buoyant, which provides large energy savings. Most pelagic teleosts have a swim bladder, which evolved from paired lungs of Devonian fishes. Swim bladders are found mainly in fish that occur in the upper 200m of the water column. The swim bladder’s wall is impermeable to gases, but can expand a lot. Swim bladder A gas-filled bladder is affected by depth changes so the fish must be able to add and remove gas to remain neutrally buoyant. Gas can be secreted into or removed from the swim bladder so that the fish remains at neutral buoyancy. Swim bladder Some fishes (e.g. trout, goldfish) gulp or release air by opening a pneumatic duct that connects to the esophagus. These fishes are referred to as physostomous (Greek phys = bladder, stom = mouth) More derived teleosts (physoclistic; Greek clist = closed) have discarded the pneumatic duct and instead secrete gas into the swim bladder using a gas gland. Gas gland When arterial blood arrives at the gas gland it enters a layer of tissue called the secretory epithelium and here lactic acid is released. This decreases pH which causes oxygen to be released by the hemoglobin because the hemoglobin’s oxygen affinity (Bohr effect) and oxygen capacity (Root effect) are reduced. Gas gland The release of oxygen raises the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood above that in the swim bladder and so the oxygen flows into the swim bladder. Rete mirabile In deep sea fish a very high gas pressure must be maintained to resist the pressure of the water. For example, at 2000 meters gas at a pressure of 200 atmospheres (more than the oxygen pressure in fully charged steel cylinder) must be maintained in the swim bladder even though the oxygen pressure in the fish’s blood is only 0.2 atmospheres (oxygen pressure at sea level). Rete mirabile Why doesn’t the oxygen in the swim bladder flow out into the blood? Because of a structure called a rete mirabile (miraculous net), which stops this loss. Rete mirabile The swim bladder is supplied with blood via an artery. Before the artery reaches the swim bladder it divides into an enormous number of thin, parallel capillaries that run parallel to but in the opposite direction to a similar array of venous capillaries. Figure 24.27a Rete mirabile (below) Figure 24.27b Figure 24.27c Rete mirabile Let us assume the swim bladder contains gas at 100 atmospheres. Venous blood leaving the swim bladder thus contains oxygen at that pressure. As the venous capillary leaves the swim bladder it runs parallel to incoming arterial blood which contains blood with a slightly lower partial pressure of oxygen. Rete mirabile Oxygen thus flows from the venous capillary to the arterial capillary. Along its entire length from the swim bladder the gas pressure in the venous capillary is falling as it gets further from the swim bladder, but the pressure is always higher than that in the parallel arterial capillary so gas always flows from the venous capillary to the arterial capillary. Thus the rete acts as a trap that keeps gas in the swimbladder. Ovale To release gas from the swimbladder, fish use a structure called the ovale. The ovale is a muscular valve that connects the swim bladder to a capillary bed. When the ovale is opened the high pressure of oxygen in the swimbladder causes it to diffuse into the capillary bed and enter the blood stream. Deep Sea fishes Many deep sea bony fishes deposit oils and lipids in the gas bladder. Others have lost the gas bladder entirely. Fish that migrate over a large vertical distance tend to depend more on oils for buoyancy than gas because oils are incompressible and thus unaffected by pressure changes. Buoyancy in sharks Cartilaginous fish do not possess a swim bladder. To compensate they store large amounts of low density oils in their enlarged livers (which may represent 25% of their body mass). Sharks also have high concentrations of urea in their blood, which also reduces their buoyancy. Buoyancy in sharks Pelagic sharks have the largest livers and contain the most oil. Liver tissue has an average density of 0.95 g/ml With the liver removed the tissue density of a shark is about 1.06-1.09 g/ml (water is 1g/ml), but with the liver included average density falls to approximately 1.007 g/ml. A 460 kg tiger shark thus has an effective weight of only about 3.5 kg. Large liver of a great white shark Buoyancy in sharks Bottom-dwelling sharks such as nurse sharks can afford to be more negatively buoyant. They have smaller livers and there is less oil deposited in the liver. Nurse sharks Tiger Shark Diving mammals For air-breathing vertebrates lungs and pressure pose a different series of challenges. Air contained within the lungs becomes pressurized with increasing water depth. Under high pressure nitrogen in the lungs is forced into the blood stream. Diving mammals As an animal ascends the pressure falls and the nitrogen gas comes out of solution. If the animal comes up too quickly, bubbles of nitrogen may form in the tissues causing decompression sickness (“the bends”). Diving mammals To avoid this problem, diving mammals breathe out before they dive and their thoracic cavity actually collapses at about 150m depth which forces air out of the lungs. To avoid an accumulation of nitrogen over time whales and seals do not perform multiple long dives, but alternate deep dives with surface time, which allows nitrogen to leave the blood stream. Vision in water Air and water have different refractive indices so light bends as it passes through an air water boundary. Thus, to an observer on land, an object in water appears closer than it really is. Vision in water The corneas of terrestrial and aquatic organisms both have a refractive index of about 1.37. For terrestrial vertebrates light is bent when it passes through the air-cornea interface. Thus, the cornea can play a major role in focusing. Vision in water For aquatic vertebrates there is too little difference in the refractive indices of water and the cornea for the cornea to assist in focusing. In fish, therefore, the lens is largely responsible for focusing. As a result, fish have spherical lenses with a high refractive index and the whole lens is moved in and out to focus. Vision in water Light is absorbed by water and disappears with depth. It also can be scattered by suspended particles. Thus, vision is often of limited use. Hence, fish must often depend on other senses. Other sensory systems in water For fish a distinction between taste and smell is pointless. Chemoreception is a better term. In fish chemoreceptors often occur over the entire body and very low concentrations can be detected. Both sharks and salmon can detect odors at concentrations of less than 1 part in a billion and home in on the source of a smell. Touch In terrestrial vertebrates in the inner ear, hair cells play a major role in hearing. Similar clusters of these cells in fish form neuromast organs that are distributed over the head and body. In jawed fishes (and amphibian larvae) the neuromast organs are often arranged in one or more canals (the lateral line system) that runs along the side of the body. Lateral line system The fluid-filled canals of the lateral line system are open to the outside. The neuromasts are located inside in the canals and are very sensitive to vibrations in the water. The hair cells in the neuromasts have cilia embedded in a gelatinous structure (the cupula). When the cupula is displaced the cilia bend and a nerve impulse is triggered. Figure 24.10 Lateral line system The neuromast cells can detect water currents of as little as 0.025mm/sec. Because neuromast cells are distributed across the body, differences in arrival time of pressure waves can be used to locate the source of a disturbance (e.g. an insect on the surface of the water). Electroreception Many fishes, especially sharks can detect electric fields. By detecting the faint bioelectric fields that surround all animals sharks can locate prey buried in sand or sense prey at night. Organs of Lorenzini The bioelectric detectors are called ampullary organs of Lorenzini and are found in the shark’s head. In rays they are also on the pectoral fins. The receptor is connected to a surface pore by a canal that is filled with an electrically conductive gel. Organs of Lorenzini Because the canal runs quite deep under the epidermis the sensory cell can detect when there is a difference between the electrical potential in the surrounding tissue and in the distant pore opening. The electroreceptors are very sensitive and can detect minor changes in the electrical field around the shark. Figure 24.10 Organs of Lorenzini The threshold for detection is less than 0.01 microvolts per cm, which is comparable to the best commercially available voltmeters. The electrical activity sharks detect is due to muscle contraction, the firing of motor nerves and also potential differences due to chemical differences between organisms and their surroundings. Electric shark repellents fbjSA Regulation of the internal environment Organisms are not impermeable and aquatic vertebrates face considerable challenges in regulating their internal environments. Fish in freshwater environments face the problem of being flooded with water, whereas those is seawater can be drained of water. Kidneys Kidneys play a central role in regulating the internal environment. The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron (of which there are usually thousands to millions) each of which produces urine. Kidneys The blood is first filtered through a cluster of capillaries called the glomerulus to produce a non-selective filtrate. The filtrate is then processed so that essential metabolites (amino acids, glucose, etc.) and water are retrieved. The final fluid, which may differ greatly in its composition depending on circumstances, is urine, which is voided to the outside. Marine fishes Marine bony fishes are hypoosmotic to sea water and lose water by osmosis and gain salt by both diffusion and from food they eat. fishes balance water loss by drinking seawater and actively excrete salt through their gills. They produce little urine. These Gain of water and salt ions from food and by drinking seawater Excretion of salt ions from gills Osmotic water loss through gills and other parts of body surface Excretion of salt ions and small amounts of water in scanty urine from kidneys (a) Osmoregulation in a saltwater fish Freshwater fishes Freshwater animals constantly take in water from their hypoosmotic environment They lose salts by diffusion. Freshwater animals maintain water balance by excreting large amounts of dilute urine Salts lost by diffusion are replaced by foods and uptake across the gills Osmotic water gain through gills and other parts of body surface Uptake of water and some ions in food Uptake of salt ions by gills Excretion of large amounts of water in dilute urine from kidneys (b) Osmoregulation in a freshwater fish Nitrogen excretion Proteins and nucleic acids both contain nitrogen. When these substances are metabolized they are broken down to ammonia. Ammonia is very soluble in water, but also toxic and must be excreted quickly. Because ammonia can be lost through the gills easily most fish excrete ammonia. Nitrogen excretion In vertebrates nitrogen is also excreted as urea and uric acid. Both are less toxic than ammonia. Nitrogen excretion Urea is produced from ammonia and has two advantages. It increases the osmotic concentration of the blood so in the sea dehydration is reduced because the concentration gradient between the blood and seawater is reduced. Urea is less toxic than ammonia so it can be stored when there is too little water for the urea to be excreted. Nitrogen excretion The production of urea was an important trait that facilitated the invasion of the land. Lobe-finned fishes however probably evolved urea production because it reduced osmotic dehydration. Uric acid requires very little water for excretion and is the main form of nitrogen waste in dry environments. Temperature regulation Because of the high heat capacity and heat conductivity of water it is difficult for organisms to maintain a difference between their body temperature and the surrounding water temperature. In air, in contrast, it is comparatively easy to do so. For fish, however, there is much less variation in the temperature of water over time and many fish live in water that hardly changes temperature over a year. Temperature regulation Historically the terms poikilotherm (variable heat) and homeotherm (same) were used to categorize organisms into those whose body temperatures varied over time or stayed constant. However, often organisms don’t fit neatly into these categories (e.g. hibernating mammals let their temperatures fall) Ectotherm and Endotherm however are better terms as they describe the sources of heat and most organisms use a combination. Temperature regulation of aquatic vertebrates: fish Many fishes display regional heterothermy in which they keep the core of the body much warmer (up to 15ºC) than the surrounding water. In some sharks, such as the mako and great white, countercurrent heat exchangers keep the core 5-10ºC warmer than the water Temperature regulation of aquatic vertebrates: fish Tuna have myoglobin rich swimming muscles which produce a lot of heat and are kept at about 30ºC, again by a rete system. Tuna and sharks also use rete in the brain and eyes to retain heat in those organs. In billfishes (swordfish, marlin, sailfish) the superior rectus muscle of the eye has evolved into an exclusively heat generating structure that keeps the brain and eye warm. Swordfish, marlin, sailfish Blue Marlin Temperature regulation of aquatic vertebrates: fish Being able to keep portions of the body warm is a big advantage to these fish. Because of their high core temperature, tuna muscles can work more efficiently and the fish can swim much faster. It also allows the fish to enter cold water that would otherwise slow their body functions. Swordfish, which diver deeper and spend more time in cold water, have better heated organs than do marlin and sailfish which spend less time in cold water. Temperature regulation of aquatic vertebrates: mammals Because aquatic mammals breathe using lungs they don’t risk losing heat through blood flow to gills and can keep the whole body at a high temperature. Fully aquatic mammals such as cetaceans (whales and dolphins) and seals use a thick layer of blubber as insulation and countercurrent heat exchangers limit heat loss from the flippers. Temperature regulation of aquatic vertebrates: mammals Semi-aquatic mammals (e.g. beavers and otters) use thick, water-repellant fur coats to trap air, which is a good insulator. Similarly, diving birds trap air in their feathers for the same purpose. Importance of body size Because surface area increases as a square function of a linear dimension, but volume increases as a cube function, larger animals have proportionally less surface area than smaller animals of the same shape. It is not surprising therefore that selection has favored large body size in marine mammals and birds. Importance of body size Large body size also plays a big role in temperature regulation of leatherback turtles (the largest of all marine turtles at up to 850 kg). Leatherbacks are the most specialized turtles and have replaced their shell with a a leathery body covering. Leatherback Turtle Importance of body size Leatherbacks are pelagic and range from Alaska and Norway south to the tips of South Africa and South America where water is often frigid. The turtle’s large body size and heat exchangers in the flippers however, enable the animal to maintain a body temperature 18ºC higher than surrounding water. Other species of turtles are no more than half the size of leatherbacks and are confined to much warmer waters because they cannot maintain a large temperature difference between themselves and the environment.