Turkey (RTUK)

RTUK Annual Progress Report 2012-2013
IBRAF 3th Annual Meeting
19-20 December 2013
RTUK- International Relations Department
IBRAF Expert
RTUK Annual Progress Report 2012-2013
Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTUK)
National Legislation
Main Novelties introduced by the New Law
Work Done Following the New Law
Ongoing Studies and projects
SKAAS Project
RTUK in International Relations
● Television (T) : 25 national, 15 regional, 207 local
● Radio
: 38 national, 98 regional, 922 local
● Satellite
● Cable
● Digital
: 284 TV, 59 radio channels
: 90 TV channels, 4 radio channels
: 3 digital platforms and 1 IPTV platform
Together with cable and satellite there are approximately 625 TV
broadcasters in Turkey.
There are 3 digital platforms (Digiturk, Teledunya, D-Smart) and 1 IPTV
(Tivibu) operating in Turkey. They give numerous channel packages,
movie channels, pay-per-view channels, interactive services.
Radio and Television
Supreme Council (RTUK)
The Radio and Television Supreme Council founded in 1994 is
an administratively and financially autonomous and impartial
public legal person for the regulation and supervision of radio,
television and on demand media services sector.
The main functions of the Supreme Council are:
To take essential precautions, in the field of media services,
for securing freedom of expression and information, diversity
of opinion, media pluralism and competition environment for
avoiding media concentration; and for protecting public
Radio and Television
Supreme Council (RTUK)
In order to achieve its primary objectives, Supreme Council;
monitors and supervises the broadcasts of media service
makes and deploys the television channel and radio frequency
plannings in the framework of frequency bands for the
terrestrial radio and television broadcasts
determines the required administrative, financial and
technical standards for a broadcast license; grants broadcast
licenses to those of such companies which fulfill the required
qualifications; supervises them and revokes the broadcast
licenses when required
perfoms other functions and use its powers determined by the
Broadcasting Law No:6112
Radio and Television
Supreme Council (RTUK)
The Supreme Council is composed of 9 members elected by
the Turkish Parliament.
The members of the Supreme Council is elected in the
General Session of the Turkish Parliament from among these
nominees on the basis of the number of deputies of each
political party.
Radio and Television
Supreme Council (RTUK)
The term of the Supreme Council members is six years.
The Supreme Council members elect a President and a
Deputy President from among its members by holding a
The term of office of the President and Deputy President is
two years.
Radio and Television
Supreme Council (RTUK)
Revenues of the Supreme Council are;
Broadcast licence fees from media service providers;
Annual usage fees for television channel, multiplex capacity
and radio frequency to be collected from public and private
media service providers broadcasting through terrestrial
A three percent share of monthly gross commercial
communication revenues of media service providers
excluding their sponsorship revenues.
When needed, treasury aid to be obtained from the budget of
the Presidency of the Turkish Parliament.
Other Revenues,
Radio and Television
Supreme Council (RTUK)
National Legislation
New broadcasting law No 6112 on the Establishment of Radio
and Television and Audio Visual Media Services
was adopted by the parliament on 15 February 2011
entered into force after its publication in the Official Gazette
No 27863 dated 3 March 2011.
Draft law was prepared by RTUK within extensive consultation
with stakeholders namely, broadcasting sector, public
institutions, NGOs. New Law No 6112 brings broad changes to
its predecessor Law No 3984. It principally aims the compliance
to EU AVMS Directive and addresses various sectoral issues
including technological developments.
Main Novelties of
The New Law No:6112
Lays down regulatory basis for transition to digital terrestrial
broadcasting after frequency planning and its allocation.
Lays down regulatory basis to new broadcasting technologies
such as IPTV, DVB-H, HDTV etc.
Definitions of the former law are renewed and/or extended
according to AVMS Directive, such as: media service provider,
on-demand media services, product placement, commercial
communication etc.
Media ownership rules are revised and liberalised.
Removes the dual regime by incorporating public service
broadcaster to the same provisions and supervision as
commercial broadcasters.
Work Done Following The Law
Following the new Broadcasting Law, studies for secondary
legislation have gained momentum. Up to now 14 by-laws
prepared following the extensive consultation with the
stakeholders, have been put into force after their publication in
the official gazette. Some of them are as follows:
Radio and Television Supreme Council Cable Broadcast
Radio and Television Supreme Council Satellite Broadcast
Regulation on Administrative and Financial provisions to be
complied by Media Service Providers, Platform and Infrastructure
Many other By-Laws such as the ones on employment of the
experts in the Supreme Council; the rights and duties of the
heads of units; Commercial Communications Revenues etc.
Ongoing Studies
Smart Signs
Informative system for the protection of children from harmful
Study visits by the experts from our counterparts such as
Macedonia, Kosovo, Ukraine, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,
Regular informative montly meetings on sectoral issues.
Other routine and complementary studies, public surveys, monthly
assessment of complaints etc.
SKAAS (Digital Recording, Archiving and Analyzing System)
“Private media service providers are obliged to retain the recordings
of each broadcast for one year.”
Turkish Radio and Television Supreme Council has designed a
“SKAAS” (Digital Recording, Archiving and Analyzing System)
Project was implemented as a National Project with The Scientific
and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and
RTUK stores TV and radio channel broadcasts on satellite, cable,
terrestrial and internet medium, and analyses sound and video files
more quickly and effectively by SKAAS.
SKAAS archives over 100 national TV channels and 100 radio
channels digitally.
All radio and television broadcasts can be monitored and watched
via computer by authorized experts
By the help of an interface developed within the Project, at weekly
Council meetings, Supreme Council members can follow and
evaluate the experts reports on their agenda, watch the video clips
attached to reports and give decisions about broadcasts
By SKAAS project, RTUK staff can easily reach information which
provides an effective coordination between them. This leads to the
shortening and the effectiveness of the decision making process.
Digitalisation Process
RTUK started to work on terresterial digital frequency planning in
2000 and launched its pilot project to test digital broadcasting in
major cities but it was interrupted for various reasons including the
verdicts of the supreme court on Anten A.Ş. in 2009 and several
times since then, until the new Broadcasting Law came into force
on 3 March 2011.
In accordance with the new law, the process restarted and the
frequency planning has been completed.
The tender for frequency allocation has been carried out in March
2013. However the switch over process is expected to be
completed in the following two years.
Digitalisation Process
The standards have been determined: DVB-T2 (Digital Video
Broadcasting -Terresterial) and MPEG-4 (Moving Picture Experts
Anten A.Ş has been established in 2012 by the TRT (National
Public Broadcaster) and national private broadcasters to build
Transmitter Tower to all cities.
Products using other standards will not be available at the
domestic market to avoid the confusion and protect the
Set top box /decoders will be supplied by subsidy programs or via
a promotion campaign of daily newspapers etc.
International Relations
Rtuk joins in Council of Europe Experts Meetings, European Union
Regulatory Authorities Working Groups and actively takes part in
international organizations such as EPRA, BRAF, MNRA
RTUK arranges bilateral protocols and expert visit under these
RTUK Annual Progress Report 2012-2013
RTUK- International Relations Department
IBRAF Expert
19-20 December 2013