www.southeast-europe.net/en/ Tisa Catchment Area Development TICAD KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler - pihlervladimir@yahoo.com Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic - ducklingster@gmail.com Project managers Urban and Spatial Planning Institute of Vojvodina www.zavurbvo.co.rs March 2011 Tisa Catchment Area Development www.southeast-europe.net/en/ EU Characteristics of the planning legislation - Spatial Planning has developed through time in response to the particular legal, socio-economic, political and cultural forces of a country or region; - Spatial planning traditions are specific to each EU Member State and are commonly not transferable from one situation to another; - The spatial and environmental planning should play the key role in coordination and integration of different interests in achieving the sustainable regional development. What is expected of spatial planning today at the level of the European Union and its regions? Location of Serbia in the context of Europe and European spatial planning families The Territorial Agenda of the European Union - Towards a More Competitive and Sustainable Europe of Diverse Regions - Strengthening regional identity and better utilisation of potentials of the regionally differentiated EU territory NUTS 2 Regions KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Tisa Catchment Area Development www.southeast-europe.net/en/ Characteristics of the planning legislation SERBIA - Potential candidate country for membership in the European Union - harmonization of legislation with regulations of the EU - Basically Spatial planning in Serbia is regulated by the Law on Planning and Construction from 2009 published in the Official Gazette number 72/09. The package of laws: - The laws on environmental protection from 2004, - The law on strategic impact assessment, - The Law on Regional Development from 2009, - Law on Tourism 2005, … and Set of general long-term and midterm strategies on the national level KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Tisa Catchment Area Development www.southeast-europe.net/en/ Characteristics of the planning legislation Planning System and Spatial Plans in relation to the levels of government Level of government Spatial plans Republican level (National assembly, Republican Ministries) The Spatial Plan of Republic of Serbia The Spatial Plan for Special-Purpose Areas The Regional Spatial Plan Autonomous Provinces or The city of Belgrade (Assembly of an Autonomous Province, Assembly of the City of Belgrade) The Regional Spatial Plan (if on its territory) The Spatial Plan for Special Purpose Area (if on its territory), Municipality level (Assembly of municipality or group of municipalities) The Spatial Plan of Local Communities Obligation to harmonise national sectoral strategy and lower level spatial plans with the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia. KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Tisa Catchment Area Development NUTS 1 www.southeast-europe.net/en/ AP Vojvodina Regional Spatial Plan of AP of Vojvodina AP Vojvodina 21.506 km2 Population: 2.031.992 The city of Belgrade NUTS 2 7 counties (NUTS 3) 45 municipalities (LAU 1) (6 cities and 39 municipalities) Starting position • Legislation “Official gazette 72/09 и 81/09 • Spatial plan of Republic of Serbia • Implementation of European territorial development agenda LAU1 Central Serbia NUTS 3 • Context and the position of AP Vojvodina • Scientific survey in collaboration with the University of Novi Sad Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Tisa Catchment Area Development www.southeast-europe.net/en/ Institutional aspects of spatial planning in AP of Vojvodina -Multiple actors- One of principal preconditions is to enable participation of stakeholders and transparency of decision-making processes in all forms of planning, and especially sectorial planning; Government of AP of Vojvodina -Provincial ministriesUrban and spatial planning institute of Vojvodina Scientific institutes Public enterprises Sectorial institutions Experts, NGOs, individuals LOCAL COMUNITIES KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Tisa Catchment Area Development www.southeast-europe.net/en/ Methodological basis and the organisation - Mechanisms for horizontal and vertical cooperation and coordination between sectors and administration levels. KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Tisa Catchment Area Development www.southeast-europe.net/en/ Coordination and the Phases of the Regional Spatial Planning and the Strategic Environmental Assesment KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Tisa Catchment Area Development www.southeast-europe.net/en/ Coordination and the Phases of the Regional Spatial Planning and the Strategic Environmental Assesment KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Tisa Catchment Area Development www.southeast-europe.net/en/ Coordination and the Phases of the Regional Spatial Planning and the Strategic Environmental Assesment first phase second phase The Draft of the Concept of planning document The Draft Planning document - Analytical determination of key problems and SWOT - Defining the long tem vision and guiding principles - Defining objectives for the territorial development - Ongoing activity - Defining territorial priorities in scope of the regional development in Vojvodina KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Tisa Catchment Area Development www.southeast-europe.net/en/ Team coordination and sythesis team Team of experts Coordinators Responsible planner Institutions, experts Responsible planner Coordinators KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Team for the synthesis Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Tisa Catchment Area Development www.southeast-europe.net/en/ GIS Functions in planning - Operational function - Management function - Strategic function - Communication function KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Tisa Catchment Area Development www.southeast-europe.net/en/ Vision and guiding principles Vision for spatial development of AP Vojvodina is to be: articulated through the network of regions in Republic of Serbia and through the network of European regions; competitive with the dynamic economic development, organized and with protected natural and cultural heritage, improved environment, multicultural and socially coherent. Principles Territorial cohesion (reduced territorial disproportions) Decentralization and polycentric development (enhancing development of local potencials) Regional competitiveness and accessibility (basis for accelerated economic development) Integration (territorial cooperation) Regional identity (harmonization of territorial specificities) KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Tisa Catchment Area Development www.southeast-europe.net/en/ first phase: Output results •the platform for sustainable and competitive territorial development and regional development of Vojvodina •It presents the basis for decision making on lower level spatial development plans (Special purpose area spatial plans, municipal spatial plans) •Established ground for intensified participation of all stakeholders and consultation processes as well as horizontal and vertical integration and harmonization of spatial development KEY ROLE OF SPATIAL PLANNING IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES - REGIONAL SPATIAL PLAN OF AP OF VOJVODINA - Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler Thank you for your attention. Msc Arch Vladimir Pihler - pihlervladimir@yahoo.com Msc Tamara Zelenovic- Vasiljevic - ducklingster@gmail.com Project managers Urban and Spatial Planning Institute of Vojvodina www.zavurbvo.co.rs