The Roadmap of cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the energy sector until 2050 Institute of Energy Strategy Deputy General Director Alexey Gromov The EU-Russia Energy Dialogue Brussels, 18th February 2011 EU and Russia: energy market interdependence • Energy markets are globalizing • Russia is a key supplier of energy for EU • EU is a key market of energy for Russia • Oil market as global factor • LNG market is globalizing • Russia develops alternative export markets • EU develops alternative import sources 2 Russia and EU need common long-term Energy Vision • Long-term global social and economic vision 250 • Nature – Society – People system 200 • Mathematical modeling 150 • global energy modeling • macroeconomics modeling 100 • Technology foresight 50 • energy foresight • non-energy foresight 0 1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 • Energy sector analysis Fact Факт Reference scenario - Energy-intensive Инерционный сценарий Stagnation scenario - Energy savings Стагнационный сценарий Innovative scenario - Energy efficiency Иннновационый сценарий • Key trends • Key events 3 Global energy trends: shift to the developing countries 12 10 36 Global energy consumption, btoe 30 8 24 6 18 4 12 2 6 0 1950 1970 1990 2010 ОЭСР, факт Fact OECD Инерционный сценарий, ОЭСР Reference scenario, OECD Stagnation scenario, OECDОЭСР Стагнационный сценарий, Innovative scenario, OECDОЭСР Иннновационыйсценарий, 2030 2050 0 CO2 emission, billion tonnes 1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 РС, факт Fact non-OECD Инерционный сценарий, РС Reference scenario, non-OECD Stagnation scenario, non-OECD Стагнационный сценарий,РС Innovative scenario, non-OECD Иннновационый сценарий, РС 4 Global energy trends: shift to the low-carbon energy 20 Reference scenario – carbon-intensive + geopolitics btoe 16 Stagnation scenario – renewables + climate policy 12 Innovative scenario – smart energy + market 8 4 Uncertainty is very high Renewables are key factor 0 2010 2050, reference scenario Oil Nuclear New renewables Gas Biomass 2050, stagnation scenario 2050, innovative scenario Radical change in energy mix may happen and may not Coal Hydro 5 European energy market: uncertainty is related with renewables and regulation 6000 EU electricity generation, bln mWh 2500 5000 EU primary energy consumption, mtoe 2000 4000 1500 3000 1000 2000 1000 500 0 0 2010 2050, 2050, 2050, reference stagnation innovative scenario scenario scenario Fossil fuel Nuclear Hydro Renewables 2010 Oil Nuclear New renewables 2050, reference scenario Gas Biomass 2050, 2050, stagnation innovative scenario scenario Coal Hydro EU share in global primary energy demand declines from 14,5% to 11-12% 7 European energy market: shift from commodities to service and to technology • • • • • • Energy efficiency: €40 bln in 2009 Energy service: €10 bln in 2009 Smart grids: €30 bln in 2009 Renewable energy market: €50 bln in 2009 Carbon markets: €70 bln in 2009 EU as the global leader in new low-carbon energy Energy commodities market 2010 Energy service market 2030 Energy technology market 2050 7 Russia in global energy sector Trend Slowing demand for Russian energy Shift of demand to Asia End of oil era Risk for Russia Slowing growth of economy & export Growing competition in Europe Economic crisis Climate policy Limited export opportunities Irreversible lag for Russia in energy and economy New-generation energy sector Requirement for Russia Optimization of export pipeline projects New export destinations in Asia Reduce dependence on oil exports New markets Modernization and innovative development of energy and economy To achieve these goals, Russia needs cooperation with European Union 8 Key challenge for Russia: oil prices: wave dynamics and downward trend 120 Долл. 2009 г. за баррель Downward trend 100 From commodity market to service & technology market 80 Volatility reduction 60 The end of oil business 40 20 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Фактические цены Brent Fact Инерционный сценарий Reference scenario Stagnation scenario Стагнационный сценарий Innovative scenario Инновационный сценарий 9 EU and Russia cooperation: common opportunities Oil & gas Energy efficiency Modernization Arctic fields EU-Russia Centre for Common investment development energy innovation in Russia Projects of Cooperation in Interconnection of common interest renewable energy power systems Oil prices forecast Heating efficiency in Cooperation in smart Russia: EU experience greed development Oil market is needed regulation Common vision of Regional and Import of equipment the transit municipal energy and technology problem cooperation Creation of common pan-European energy space is a key goal Objective differences between Russia and EU should be regarded 10 Thank you for your attention! Institute of Energy Strategy Tel. +7(495) 698-52-34 Е-mail: