ATV SAFETY AWARENESS PRESENTATION FOR TREE SCHOOL SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 2012 1 ATV SAFETY INSTITUTE WWW.ATVSAFETY.ORG Presented by: Frank Grace ASI / ATV Rider Coach 2 THIS PRESENTATION WILL COVER, What is the ATV Safety Institute? Pre-ride inspection Risk awareness Risk Management Riding gear Controls Oregon rules for ATV operation Safe riding video This presentation is not designed to replace an actual hands-on ATV Safety Training Class that I strongly encourage you to take. 3 What is the ATV Safety Institute? ATV RiderCourse o The ATV RiderCourse provides a fast-paced, half-day, handson training session which includes pre-ride inspection, starting and stopping, quick turns, hill riding, emergency stopping and swerving and riding over obstacles. o You'll also learn about protective gear, local regulations, places to ride and environmental concerns. o Bring your friends and family, and meet new friends to ride with. 4 Can I send my kids? o Definitely. o The ATV RiderCourse is a great way to get your kids off to a safe start. o A parent must be present for riders under 12. A parent should be present for riders under 16. 5 How much does it cost? o Maybe nothing if you recently purchased a new ATV. o Call ATV Enrollment Express toll-free at o 1-800-887-2887 o to find out if you are eligible for free training. o If you are not eligible for free training, you may take the ATV RiderCourse for a small fee. 6 Do I Use My Own ATV? o Yes. o If you don't have one yet, you may be able to make specific arrangements to have an ATV available at the training site. o Make sure your ATV is the proper size for the individual taking the training. (See the ATV Quiz at 7 What Should I Bring? o You must wear the proper riding gear at all times during training. Bring the following: o o o o o o o DOT-compliant motorcycle helmet Goggles or face shield Over-the-ankle boots ATV or motorcycle gloves Long pants Long sleeve shirt or jacket For more on proper riding gear, check out the working rider and recreational rider. 8 What is the riding area like? o Riding areas around the country differ somewhat, but they all include specific Stations. o At each station on the riding range, you will learn specific skills. o For an idea of what you will do at each station, see our ATV RiderCourse Riding Range. 9 Sounds Great! How do I enroll? o Call the ATV Enrollment Express toll-free at 1-800-887-2887. o They can tell you where the nearest ATV RiderCourse is and enroll you on the spot. o Or, visit and click on "Online Enrollment" to enroll in a half-day, hands-on course. o You can also enroll in one of our new online courses. o ATV enthusiasts can take our online courses in preparation for taking ASI’s half-day, hands-on ATV RiderCourse. o These online courses can also be used as a refresher after the hands-on course. 10 1 800 887 2887 W W W.AT VS A FE T Y.O RG 11 CHECK IT OUT 12 RISK AWARENESS The consumer Product Safety Commission has concluded that All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) may present a risk of Death or Severe Injury in certain circumstances. Over 3,498 people, including many children, have died in accidents associated with ATVs since 2004 Are ATVs dangerous? Could they have been prevented? See ATV Safety Institute handout 13 REPORTED ATV-RELATED FATALITIES (BY YEAR) ATVs with 3,4, or Unknown Number of Wheels Reported for the Period January 1, 1982 through December 31, 2009 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 ATV Fatalities (by year) Year 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 14 OREGON OPERATION LIFESAVER O R E G O N O P E R AT I O N L I F E S AV E R I S A B O U T H E L P I N G P E O P L E MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES. RAIL GRADE CROSSING AND RAILROAD TRESPASS INCIDENTS ARE CLAIMING FAR TOO M A N Y O R E G O N L I V E S E AC H Y E A R . T H E BY - WO R D S S AY I T A L L . . . T H E R I G H T C H O I C E S AT R A I L G R A D E C R O S S I N G S . . “LOOK, LISTEN & LIVE”. THE RIGHT CHOICES IN AND ALONG RAILROAD RIGHTS -OFW AY. . “ S TAY O F F, S TAY AW AY, S TAY A L I V E ” . USE THIS WEBSITE AS A RESOURCE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT HOW YOU CAN HELP MAK E A LIF ESAVING IMPACT. IF YOU D O N ’ T G E T I N VO LV E D , YO U ’ L L N E V E R K N OW W H AT DIFFERENCE YOU COULD HAVE MADE! CLAUDIA HOWELLS O R E G O N O L STAT E C O O R D I N ATO R 15 16 17 18 RISK MANAGEMENT o RECOGNIZE HAZARDOUS RIDING CONDITIONS o R E C O G N I Z E O W N R I D I N G A B I L I T I E S & YO U R AT V S CAPABILITIES o KNOW SAFET Y PRACTICES & FOLLOW THEM ( O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L , AT V R I D E R C O U R S E HANDBOOK, RIDING GEAR). o I G N O R E N E G AT I V E P E E R P R E S S U R E o B E H AV E R E S P O N S I B LY o CHOOSE TO REDUCE RISKS o PRACTICE SAFE DECISIONS 19 RIDING GEAR Function, fit, comfort, style Helmets (4 components) Eye protection Pants Shirt Gloves Boots Jacket Other body protection 20 CONTROLS o Parking brake o Brakes (front & rear) or linked / single control o Engine cut-off switch o Ignition switch o Lights; head, brake, running & tail lights o Fuel supply (unless o Other: 4x4, power steering fuel injected) 21 o BENEFIT OF SAFETY TRAINING PRACTICE SAFE RIDING PRACTICES o LEARN NEW OR ENHANCED RIDING SKILLS o UNLEARN BAD HABITS o INCREASE YOUR RISK AWARENESS o PRACTICE RISK MANAGEMENT (RIDE WITHIN YOUR SKILL LEVEL & WEAR SAFETY EQUIPMENT) o BE A ROLE MODEL FOR OTHERS o ENJOY THE RIDE MORE 22 WHO TO CONTACT, ATV Safety Institute Oregon Parks & Recreation 23 TRAINING CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE 24 RESEARCH SHOWS THAT WE RETAIN o 10% of what we read o 20% of what we hear o 30% of what we see o 50% of what we hear and see o 70% of what we say o 90% of what we say and do 25 Be Safe Ride Safe Practice Safety Enroll in an ATV Safety Class 26 QUESTIONS? LE T ’S WATC H A V ID E O 27 THANK YOU! Frank Grace 28