Getting Smarter with Advanced Metering Infrastructure Dave Hughes American Water Bentley Be Conference May 19, 2010 AMI for Water Utilities Best Practices for Selection, Acquisition & Implementation American Water Largest investor-owned water services provider in North America Serves 16.2 million people Operations in 32 states and Canada 7,000 employees 308 individual service areas Utility Only 71,500 km (45,000 miles) O&M Only of distribution mains Both Presentation Outline AMI Terminology and How AMI Works AMI and Improving Water System Operations AMI and Improving Hydraulic Models AMI Fostering a Fit Between Operations & Models AMR/AMI Terminology AMR - automated process that collects readings from customers’ meters without directly accessing the meter and can export reads to a remote central location AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) automated process that collects readings and other data, typically without going to the meter site, often two way communication to facilitate data transfer Ancillary devices – Actuators - using the AMI communication network to operate equipment (e.g., customer shut-off valves) – Sensors – using AMI communication to process information from monitors other than meters (e.g., leak detectors) Intelligent meters – Reading devices with internal data storage/analysis capabilities to provide information/alerts to supersede or supplement readings Interval Reads - providing multiple period water usage data at predetermined or remotely configurable time intervals with individual collection transmissions Advanced Metering Infrastructure First Hop (“LAN”) MIU Transponder Repeater Com Link 1 Transponder Encoder Intelligent CPU, Memory Other Sensor Encoder Actuator Meter Backhaul (“WAN”) Data Coll. Unit Com Link 2 Receiver Application Software Hardware CIS Other Systems Host Controller Meter Data Management System (Database) Mesh Network Architecture and Speed “Modified” or “partial” Mesh Network MIU MIU DCU MIU DCU MIU Collector/ Gateway MIU MIU MIU MIU MIU DCU MIU DCU MIU MIU MIU MIU MIU MIU “Full” Mesh Network MIU Improving Water System Operations Meter selection and accuracy Non Revenue Water Evaluation (DMA) System Leak Monitoring System Backflow Water Quality Monitoring Fixed Network Radio AMI Requirements Two way communication with MIU Synchronized time Programmable MIU units Battery Power! Smart Mesh Photos courtesy Sensus Photo courtesy Itron Photo courtesy Aclara Meter Age/Registration Change • • How long should meters be left in service? Most meters last a long time, only a few fail Function of: meter cost, installation cost, cost of water (& WW), volume passed, inflation rates, discount rate, rate of accuracy decline • 100 Accuracy 80 y = -0.2654x + 101.15 60 40 20 0 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 Yrs in Service (Data courtesy Kansas City Water Services Dept.) Large Meter Replacement Doubled Total Registration 350.0 300.0 Pre-Exchange Actual ADC 250.0 Post-Exchange ADC 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 1 3 5 7 9 11 Data courtesy San Diego 13 15 17 19 Water 21 Department 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 AMI Can Support Large Meter Management Right-sizing analysis Right-typing analysis Flow profile (depends on time interval) 30,000 low flow 25,000 high flow 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 3/ 2/ 20 09 3/ 3/ 20 09 3/ 4/ 20 09 3/ 5/ 20 09 3/ 6/ 20 09 3/ 7/ 20 09 3/ 8/ 20 09 3/ 9/ 20 09 3/ 10 /2 00 9 3/ 11 /2 00 9 3/ 12 /2 00 9 3/ 13 /2 00 9 - District Metering Areas of the system receive water supply from limited, metered mains. When metered use (overnight flow) is unusually high, that DMA is targeted for a leak survey. – Districts allow leak survey teams to focus on problem areas. – District metering promotes step testing to find leaks. – District metering quantifies leak for water audit analysis. AMI Can Help Track and Identify Non-Revenue Water Supply to system Variable NRW level suggests source is meter error or theft Controllable NRW constant level suggests source is leakage NRW Supply to system NRW Metered Usage Metered Usage Sensors Expand AMI Applicability Distribution system leak detection Conservation Backflow detection Automatic shutoff Pressure sensors Using AMI for Continuous Acoustic Monitoring (CAM) Acoustic monitoring interfaces to AMI systems to provide routine leak detection – FCS Permalog attaches to valve nut in street, transmits separately from meters – Gutermann Zone Scan units attach to valve nut, transmitter housed in valve box. Developing remote correlation capability. – Itron MLOG units attach to service line Find small leaks sooner, when they are easier to repair and can be scheduled Reduce crews or improve service level MLOG Acoustic Monitor Installed near a water meter. Easily strapped to service pipe or meter Maintenance-free, now able to survive meter pit environment. Battery Life – Radio MLOG 8 years and Fixed Network 15 years. Fixed Network AMR sends data to host on website daily. Mobile Units, a separate controller unit acquires up to 11 days of history. Permalog Acoustic Monitor Installed on operating nut of water valves. Magnetic bottom secures unit Newer model more robust for valve box environment Battery Life 5–10 years Unit sends leak or no leak condition through to network, Datamatic will send data For Mobile Units, a separate controller unit acquires data StarZoneScan Acoustic Monitor Installed on operating nut of water valves. Magnetic bottom secures unit Connects directly to AMR Transmitter in valve box Battery Life – 10 years Fixed Network AMR sends condition through network Zone Scans to be used to correlate leaks. Fixed Network & CAM Data Collector Units CAM SOFTWARE Meter Reads, Meter Status Acoustic (leak) Data Billing Meter reads Acoustic (leak) Data Meter Transmitter Units Billing, and recent Meter reads Selected Reports Selected Meter reads MLOG Water Meter Water Meter Water Meter American Water Computer Schematic courtesy of Hexagram The Meter/AMR/AMI/Acoustic Monitoring Relationship Maze Meters Network AMI Acoustic Monitors Aclara Neptune Gutermann Neptune Badger Itron Mueller Systems Actaris Elster Metron Farnier Datamatic Itron MLOG Itron 2nd generation Metrotech Badger Permalog Sensus Elster Echologics Mueller Systems Sensus KP Electronics Using Acoustic Monitors Deploy units about every block. Leaks are detected usually up to 400 feet (some systems 1000 feet). Leak sound does dissipate over distance especially where pipe materials changes from metal to plastic and back. User detection skills improve with experience. In time, history and knowledge of background noise sources helps discern between leak and other noise. Pinpointing leaks normally accomplished by one technician and leak noise correlator in between 30-90 minutes. Correlators can be compromised by daytime noise. Mixed results from overnight correlation units. How Continuous Acoustic Monitoring Works Monitor “listens” and identifies the minimum sound in intervals in early morning hours. The single nightly data point broken down into frequencies associated with leak noise and shows the leak noise frequencies . The monitor reports on highest differential between lowest noise displayed and highest overnight sound. The software interprets changes and magnitude of sounds to rate the location as a possible source of a leak. Continuous Leak Survey Data There is a typical brief initial noise peak as leaking pipe smoothes and moves soil away from pipe The software displays a history showing the noise level at each day. Find the Leak that Never Surfaces This leak was destined to flow to the nearby river or into the storm sewer above without coming to the surface for years. Found by acoustic monitoring Initial Results 2005 487 MLOG leak detecting sensors were installed in Connellsville in Spring 2005. From June to December 2005 46 leaks were reported in Connellsville (18 in 2003, 12 in 2004). 24 of the 46 leaks were identified by acoustic monitors and repaired in advance of surfacing. Another 10 were MLOG identified before surfacing but appeared before repair made. The remaining 12 surfaced and were repaired. With the reduction of blowoff flow and leaks, flow is consistently down about 255,000-285,000 gpd in 2006. NRW Volume Connellsville, 2006 140 annual flow (gpm) of detected leaks 120 NRW volume 12 month average 100 80 60 40 20 0 1/1/2006 4/1/2006 7/1/2006 10/1/2006 Piloting Results Connellsville 2005-2008 200 leaks occurred during period of which 154 detectable. Undetectable leaks largely due to sudden breaks. Of the 154 leaks, 64 (42%) were detected and repaired before surfacing and 31 (20%) were detected acoustically but surfaced before repairs were made. The major cause for not detecting overnight leaks (38%) is believed to be the use of plastic and repair clamps for ferrous pipe main repairs that lessen leak noise transmission. Evaluating the Benefits/Costs of AMI-Based CAM Significant leakage and non-revenue water? – Minimal payback if there are few leaks to find What kind of leakage? – Acoustic monitoring best at finding hidden leakage How much are leaks costing? – Beneficial if your water is expensive and/or scarce. Staff/crews available to pinpoint, repair promptly? MOBILE AMR/MLOG Reduction 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% NRW change from MOBILE AMR 5.0% NRW change from FIXED NETWORK AMR 0.0% 0. 0% 3. 0% 6. 0% 9. 0% 12 .0 % 15 .0 % 18 .0 % 21 .0 % 24 .0 % 27 .0 % 30 .0 % 33 .0 % 36 .0 % 39 .0 % 42 .0 % 45 .0 % 48 .0 % INCREMENTAL Benefit/Cost of AMI Acoustic Leak Detection Direct Benefits Improved reduction in water losses Reduction in leak detection staffing and equipment Direct Costs Sensors, installation Additional leak detection crews Ongoing sensor repair, replacement Computer, Indirect Benefits Indirect Costs Improved reduction in risk/cost of major failures Additional Unit Additional repairs less costly Extended Better Better life of mains perception of system reliability understanding of replacement needs software X cost of digging up mains cost of main and service repairs Backflow Alerts Water running backwards is a sign of poor operation, emergency or improper customer activity Intelligent meters are capturing backflow alarms internally The WaterRF project demonstrated the feasibility of direct alarms to alert operators of system problems “Backflow alerts” also provided indication of meter issue. Sample data Field Test Results – PA system Installed 60 backflow meters out of 5000 meters – locations strategically selected Found 13 instances of backflow in one year from six locations – 24 instances, 11 locations in 2 years – Some patterns from main breaks – Several locations suggest pump surge issues and warrant further investigation Other Monitoring applications Continuous Water Pressure Monitoring – Useful method to calibrate hydraulic model or spot system anomalies – Unexpected low pressure during high flow periods suggests unexpected demand (theft?) or poor hydraulic conditions (low C factors or closed valves) – Unexpected low pressure during all flow conditions suggests leakage. – Could place on hydrants and equip with alarms to spot authorized and unauthorized hydrant use Other Monitoring applications Water Temperature Monitoring – Changes in temperature (associated with surface water supplies in temperate climates) may be a trigger for water main failures – Abnormal changes in temperature may indicate higher flow into an area or water quality issue. Water Quality Monitoring and Drinking Water Security Monitoring as a precaution to threats – Intentional: • Physical - (i.e. arson, cyber-attack, sabotage, terrorism, vandalism) • Psychological - (i.e. hoaxes, incitement of panic, misinformation) – Unintentional: • Intrinsic system failure- Computer and system component failures • Cascading effect failures- Source water contamination from chemical spills, power loss Early warning could avoid or mitigate impact of such attacks Deploying Water Quality Monitors What parameters to monitor Types of monitors - Contaminant detection, communications & reliability On-line data management (alarms) Selecting sites for sensor deployment Cost estimates for sensor deployment Multi-parameter Water Quality Monitors – Probe Systems Sensor Reliability Percent Adjustment 100 90 Uncorrected 80 70 60 Corrected (5%-25%) Deleted (>25%) 50 40 30 20 10 0 Temp SC Chlorine pH ORP DO Turbidity (212,846) (212,778)(110,135) (212,846) (150,468)(132,308) (132,308) Sensor (number of measurements) Making Sense of Sensors Determining anomalies (alarms) from WQ data: Need to identify baseline water quality information & understand sensitivity Have sound sensor QC to determine performance issues Ascertain impact of environmental parameters on baseline or operational Define degree of deviations from baseline that would constitute an alarm Sensor Location Cost of Units forces optimization Contaminant concentration Injection site Duration (or rate) of injection Exposure All non-zero demand nodes assumed to be equally vulnerable to introduction of the biological or chemical contaminants. Time delay from detection to implementation of a mitigation response assumed to be zero. Practical Locations Optimal Locations Actuators: Remote Shutoff Valves Can be operated by fixed network and mobile AMI Open, closed and “trickle” position Self-exercising Issues with installation, regulations, cost. Shutoff Valve Economics High cost to install throughout a system – – – – – PORTABLE TRANSCEIVER WATER METER Units are expensive Risk of vandalism Cost to adjust plumbing Control units have cost Where is the payback Potentially useful for property transfers, vacation properties, collections, multiple feed customers. WATER VALVE PORTABLE UNIT WATER METER WATER VALVE TRANSCEIVER WATER METER WATER VALVE I - PHONE WATER METER WATER VALVE AMI Can Improve Hydraulic Models Demand analysis Pressure Monitoring AMI Fostering the Merger of Model & Ops System Anamolies Hydraulic Models and Demand Customer accounts can be assigned by code to nodes in model and hourly interval data can be derived by AMI and incorporated – Average day – Peak day – Variations for temperature/season Use in a neighborhood can be assigned for projecting growth Pressure Monitoring System pressures can be gathered from field monitors to find anomalies. – Low pressure regardless of demand suggests continuous flow (leakage) – Low pressure that follows high demand suggests closed valves, lower C valves in pipes – Sudden drops in pressures at some sites (like hydrants may help identify illegal water use Ultimate Modeling Pressure and use can follow predictable patterns depending on day of week, temperature and recent precipitation. Imagine dialing into model these parameters and obtaining predicted levels of pressure and flow and comparing to field data. Sudden deviations from model can be used to track leaks, maintenance activities (flushing) and other unusual events. Impacts of new mains, pump changes can be evaluated and model recalibrated. Questions Dave Hughes 856 346 8320 AMR/AMI Technology Risk Management Technical obsolescence Lack of standards Lack of interoperability Application and third party software Battery life Excessive failure rates; system failures, product recalls Radio frequency incursion Programming errors