NBA-MGNREGA Convergence on sanitation campaign

Presentation by M.S.Jawaid, Director, PMU
Bihar State Water and Sanitation Mission (BSWSM)
Out of total population in the world defecates in open,
about 60% are from India (WHO Report)
In India, about 4 lakhs children below 5 years of age die
due to diarrhoea (WHO Report)
About 15,000 tones of human feces is spread in the
open land everyday in Bihar
36% of the world’s population (2.5 billion people) lack
improved sanitation facilities, and 768 million people
still use unsafe drinking water sources (WHO/UNICEF
JMP 2013)
As per Survey conducted by Water and Sanitation
Programme (WSP)-World Bank in Bihar, construction
of toilet is 4th priority in rural Bihar
About 80% of the disease can be prevented by
providing safe water and proper sanitation.
About 44% of water borne diseases can be prevented
by only washing hand with soap after defecation and
before taking food.
Women go for defecation in open before sunrise or
wait for sunset
Toilet is necessary for the dignity and convenience for
Mode of transmission of human excreta (5 F)
(Finger, Fly, Fluid, Food and Field)
In 1 gm of human excrete
 100 Eggs
 1000 Parasites
 10,00,000 Bacteria
 1,00,00,000 Virus
It should be –
Faces inaccessible to insects & animals
Not pollute water source
Require less water for flushing
Easy to maintain
Require less space
Produce manure
Pit (VIP)
Low cost
Require less space
Require less water
Easy to maintain (i.e. no
recurring cost)
 No chance of water pollution
 Produce manure
 Slope of pan - 25-28
 Water seal - 20 mm
 Eco-friendly
Higher Cost
Require more space
Require more water
No fully odourless
Maintenance is costly (i.e.
recurring cost for emptying)
 Chance of water pollution
 Do not produce manure
 Slope of pan - 15-18
 Water seal - 50 mm
 Not eco-friendly
Hence leach pit toilet is the
best and cost effective
option for safe disposal of
human excreta
It is a myth that septic tank
Toilet is the best…..
To improve the quality of life of rural people.
To achieve the Nirmal status for the rural areas
of the State by year 2022 through:
 Making the rural areas Open Defecation Free
 Adoption of hygiene and sustainable sanitation at
Home, Schools and Anganwadis.
 Community managed environmental sanitation
systems focusing on solid & liquid waste
“Demand driven approach" with emphasis on
awareness creation leading to collective behaviour
change .
Community led & people centered strategies with
saturation approach for accelerating sanitation
Provision of incentives for individual household toilet
Intensive Information Education and Communication
(IEC) Campaign.
In TSC only BPL family was given incentive for toilet construction. No
incentive was given to APL families.
 NBA covers all BPL and identified categories of APL families, viz
 SC/STs
 Small/Marginal farmers
 Landless labourers
 Physically handicapped and
 Women headed households
 Incentive for toilet construction under NBA
 Central Share of incentive Rs 3200
 State Share for per toilet Rs 1400
 Minimum Beneficiary Contribution Rs 900
 Rest of the APL families (other than BPL and identified APL families
under NBA) will be covered under Lohiya Swachatta Yojna (LSY)
Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM)
Under TSC there was a provision for SLWM, but no financial
assistance capped for GP.
Under NBA, SLWM is precast to project mode for each GP with
financial assistance capped as per population of the GP.
The total assistance for SLWM projects under NBA as per
household of the GP is as follows:
 Rs.7 lakh for a GP having up to 150 households,
 Rs.12 lakh up to 300 households,
 Rs.15 lakh up to 500 households and
 Rs.20 lakh for GPs having more than 500 households.
The Centre : State/ Panchayat for SLWM is 70:30
School Toilet
All the pre 2006 rural Schools has to be provided with double unit toilet separately for
boys in girls
In Post 2006 Schools toilet has to be constructed through SSA
Unit cost of school toilet is Rs.35,000 with Central & State ratio 70:30.
Anganwadi Toilets
All the Anganwadi Centre running in the Government building has to be provided with
Baby Friendly Toilet
In those Anganwadis, which are in private buildings, the owner has to construct the
Unit cost of a toilet is Rs.8,000 with Central & State ratio 70:30.
Community Toilet
Community toilet of upto 2,00,000 can be constructed under NBA with Central , State
and beneficiary share ratio 60:30:10.
Beneficiary has to give undertaking for its maintenance
Detail process of construction of IHHL is given in SMARIKA of Workshop.
A model of toilet has been constructed for demonstration.
Mode of construction of IHHL- From NGO to Beneficiary.
 Awareness creation of beneficiary.
 Changing behavior of beneficiary.
 Gaining confidence of beneficiary.
(beneficiary is approaching for incentive of NBA only.)
 Utilizing money of NBA released to BDOs/GPs earlier from DWSC.
 Releasing incentive amount to BDOs/GPs for IHHL
 Verification of toilet construction by beneficiary.
 Releasing NBA/MGNREGS amount to beneficiary after toilet
 Ensuring construction of toilet from IAY beneficiary.
 Releasing NBA/MGNREGS amount to IAY beneficiary.
Bihar State Water and Sanitation
Mission (BSWSM)