APHG CH 3: Migration Population Changes from the Movement of People from Place to Place 1 Geogra phers look at Why & Where People Migrate: Migration: Permanent movt. of ppl across space, from 1 place to another Can be to another country, another city, another continent Geographers look at where ppl move from & to Emigration: move from a place; Immigration: move to a place Net migration = difference betwn the 2 More coming in: net in-migration; More out, net out-migration Mobility: how we move…. & migration is 1 kind of this Another is circulation: daily, monthly, yearly, seasonal Activity space: Area ppl wk & live in...(see lightning rds) • ** Give EX: for each of these 4 2 BIG geography question: WHY ppl migrate… b/c it causes big changes in cultures & economies in various regions New transportation technology means scale of movement (whether circulation or migration) is much larger now Relocation diffusion much faster, both culture & econ. Place is big part of this diffusion…in global econ., people can move to a place & still earn living (EX?) May move to reunite w/ others who have moved before (Chain migration) Though migration = type of relocation diffusion, can come about b/c of expansion diffusion 3 (Remember 3 types 3? See pp. 30-1) KEY ISSUE 1 (p.73): Why ppl migrate: **Who was "Ravenstein"? (reasons, distance, characteristics) & 11 laws of migration? A) Why ppl migrate: (Ravenstein’s laws) -push factors: force or encourage people to leave where they live -pull factors: influence ppl to come to a new place --sometimes is 1 or the other…sometimes both 3 major kinds of push/pull factors: economic, cultural, environmental BUT…often hard to say which it is main cause 4 1) Economic push & pull factors: often if seem to have no jobs in 1 place, will move to where seem to have jobs -can be country to country or region to region in same nation Econ. push & pull: can be job specific: natural resources (miners/engineers) & pop. growth EX? -this was pull for Europeans to US/Canada in 19th cent.-early 20th Also later in 20th, Asians then Latinos; In Scotland: found oil = immigration 5 Economic migration: Scene from Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath The Dust Bowl in the 1930s led to forced migration from the Great Plains to California & elsewhere: Pushed out from __?_ Pulled to_?_ 6 2) Cultural push/pull: can be forced or voluntary 2 main forced cultural: 1) slavery 2) polit. Instability: refugees refugees: people forced to leave b/c of persecution --based on race, relig., nationality, social group member, or polit. opinion -usually from wars & “polit. Instability” Refugees have no home until a country says can stay …or their former country change 17 (?) mill. ( international, internal/interregional) -largest international refugee groups = Palestinians, Iraq & Afghans… -largest internal: Sudan (Darfur), Colombia -also, Congo, Uganda NOTE: International ALSO known as TRANSnational 7 Refugees: Sources & destinations: Major source & destination areas of both international 8 & internal refugees. Political aspects can also be pull factors if move b/c want freedoms, etc (but other side…avoiding harsh..?) EX: Communists closed border of E. Berlin b/c of "brain drain“ by defection to W. Berlin (democratic govt.) & created Berlin Wall… Iron Curtain: an invisible barrier (separating communist regions from democratic regions…term came from Churchill) Now communism is gone, but is still some economic push/pull at work from E W Eur. 3) Environmental push/pull: pull to attractive regions or pushed from hazardous ones.. --b/c of communic. now, can live in remote attrac. regions & still have access to jobs, shopping, entertainment… EX’s? -Water? *pp. 84-85… list EX: of push/pull from environments 9 Hurricane Katrina Migrants A major natural disaster represents an environmental push factor for forced migration. 10 4) Intervening obstacles: try to go 1 place…can't get there…so go another place…or way In past was usually environmental (EX?) -transport. changed that & now more often it’s gov'ts. & politics ADD: ***Intervening opportunity: When on your way to migrate to new region, find an even better place (opportunity) and decide to stay there and not move on…) B) Distance of migration: Ravenstein's 2 main points RE: this: 1) internal 2) international (aka transnational) *2 types of internal migration 11 Internal migration: a permanent move w/in same country Most migrants relocate short distance & stay in same country Usually easier, plus have less "culture shock” b/c keep same culture 2 types of internal migr.: a) interregional (from 1 region to another) EX? -typically from farm to city (now sometimes to attractive rural areas) b) intraregional (move but stay w/in same region): most often is from older areas to newer suburbs areas 2) International migration: 2 types: voluntary (usually economic push/pull) & forced (usually cultural) 12 Zelinsky: Which demographic transition countries (Stgs. 1, 2, 3, 4?) migrate & to where? …says the stage of demographic transition affects migration patterns b/c is migr. results from social & econ. changes that produced demographic trans. Stage 1: not likely to migrate…though has daily or seasonal mobility; too poor, too isolated Stage 2: Are likely: CDR down, NIR up… plus techn. increases so usually see international…but also see some interregional, especially to cities from farms Stages 3 & 4: If migrate, usually is internal… -often cities to suburbs (suburb to city??) **Stg. 2 migrants usually migrate to stg 3 & 4 WHY? 13 Global Migration Patterns The major flows of migration are from less developed To more developed countries. 14 Middle East (aka ___ Asia?) w/o Israel indicated Note Bahrain 15 Region of & around Israel Note Port Said (Suez Canal) & Gulf of Suez 16 C) Characteristics of migrants: Ravenstein: most male--& adult individuals, & not w/ kids 1) gender of migrants: used to be most males b/c males worked outside homes -in 19th & much of 20th cent. = 54% males Reversed since 1990's, & now = about 54% female especially true of "undocumented" (?) Mex., the largest US immigrant grp. In '80's, 85% = male; since '90's, women = about 50% Shows change in Mex. pop.: more women come for jobs 17 2) Family status of migrants: According to Ravenstein: Long-distance migrants are mostly young adults, not kids or older people (p.78) especially in the past.. But # of kids immigr. to US now increasing -Most US migrants have less education. than US ppl, but usually more educa. than avg in their country… why? *Mex. immg. shows migra. transition AND distance-decay Most of Mex. to USA settle in US border states -Come from various parts of Mex, espec. interior Most work in agri. or clothing factories ***Most of Mexican migrants USED to work seasonally: Autumn US …. spring Mex. -often = main income for families (live on credit till return) NOW… More likely to bring families and stay… **Why do some US employers prefer to hire undoc.’s instead 18 of to those in w/ permission? K - 2: Where are migrants distributed …Globally & in USA? About __?__% of the world's pop. are migrants-(live in countries not born in) A) Global migration patterns: 3 Areas w/ "net out-migration" (p. 78) A__ A___ L_A__ 3 Areas w/ net in-migration: E__ N__ A__ O__ There’s some migra. from _____ to N. Amer. (E.E?) Migr.: usually from LDC's to MDC's…from stg 2 to stg 3 or 4 -40 mill. ppl in US born in other countries today (10th Ed.) -50% born in Lat. Am., 25% Asia, 25% Europe -most of Lat. Am. from Mex. Countries w/ the most immigr.: US, Austr., Canada, France, Germany, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, & U.K. But some countries have higher % of pop. as immigr.: USA = 12% Canada=18% UK & Germ.=6% Austral. 25% 19 New York Harbor & Ellis Island: Ellis Island is connected to New Jersey by bridge. Liberty Island and the Statue of Liberty are south of Ellis Island. (gifted 1885…dedicated 1886) 20 Ellis Island: Control of immigration given to to the Federal Govt. 1890. Congress appropriated $75,000 to build the 1st Federal immigration station 21 Map to go with Power of Place #21: Population Geography: US/Mexican Migration & 22 in Population Patterns Highest %: in Mid-East (about 50% immigr.!!) EX: United Arb. Emir.=74+% Kuwait 68+% -main reason is oil (petroleum) industry b/c Arabs won't do the “dirty & dangerous” oil work B) Immigration to USA: US = 3rd highest pop. & most are descended from immigrants …since 1820, 75 mill. 3 main eras of US immigr.: Colonial Period Mid-1800's-1914 1970 now 23 1) Europ. immigration to US (mid-19th cent. to about 1914): 40 mill. Eur. came to US… -about 24 mil. others to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, southern Afri., & southern South Amer. Germany: most Eur. immigr. to USA (7.2 mil) Italy=5.4 mil UK = 5.3 mil Ireland=4.8 mil Russia/former USSR = 4.1 mil NOTE: Germany #’s hi b/c of Poland was once included Were THREE peaks of EUROPEAN migration 24 1st peak of Eur immigr.: 1607-1850's: At 1st, 90% from Great Brit., thru 1840… (4.3 mill.) 1840-1860 most = N. & W. Eur., including Ireland (?) & Germ. 2nd peak of Eur. Imm.: few in 1860's (why?); up in 1870's -1880's: peaked (1/2 mill.+ per year) -still N & W Eur. ……mostly German & Irish… Then Norway & Sweden got Industri. Rev. …& pop. up, so Scandinavian USA #'s up Fewer farms at home…moved to get farmland or city jobs ESPECIALLY around Great Lakes 3rd peak of Eur. immgr.: 1890's thru about 1914 Almost 1 mill. per year!! 1907 = 1.3 mill. Most E. + S. Eur: Italy, Russ., Romania, Austria-Hungary -Indus. Rev. diffused, …CDR down, CBR up, NIR up …ppl looking for jobs In 1910, 14% of US pop. had at least 1 foreign-born parent In N-E, Michigan, Montana immigr. were 20% of pop. 25 Immigrants to the US 26 2) Impact of Eurp. immig.: Eur. imm. declined since 1914 (10% of US immigr. Euro. since 1980) a) Eur. demographic transition: After 1800, rapid pop. growth = emigration out of Eur. CDR down; technology up; pop. up, opportunity down Food production not efficient b/c of split-up family farms To fix: "the enclosure movement”: many pushed off family farms…forced to sell -could go to cities & work factories…or move for farmland MANY Eur. countries forced small farms together…forced ppl off farms (in Engl called "the enclosure movement” ) -many came to US (also Austral., Canada, etc) b/c lots of farmland *USA was Eur.'s "safety valve": Over-pop. drained to US Now Eur. at Stg. 4, so have low NIR & can meet needs of 27 their own pop. ….so less need to migrate b) Diffusion of European culture: 60 mill. Europeans migrating brought world-wide culture changes -50% of world's ppl speak Indo-Europ. languages -Christianity now largest single religion -Eur. art, literature, music, philosophy, & ethics became recognized world-wide…more acceptance -Eur. political systems & econ. systems also diffused Problems from Eur.: Boundaries made w/o concern for local ethnic grps & customs later became big trouble (like WWI) Also forced new values & political domination on colonies, especially Asian & African areas Eur. also used resources of those countries -the wealth back to the colonial power, not build econ. of dominated colonies This policy is known as imperialism (“empires”) 28 3) Recent immigration from LD regions: 1930's-40's: immigr. down in USA (Great Depression…then WWII) US: more emigration than immigr. …so = __ ?__ 1950’s: immigr. up again…. & more in '60-70's Huge #’s in '80's & '90‘s--highest ever (mostly Asia/Lat.Am) Asian steadily up…but Lat. Amer. fluctuates… a) Immigration from Asia: 1800-1950 only 1 mill. total to US -mostly Chinese, Turkish, & Japanese immigr. -since 1975, about 7 mill. from Asia…in late '70's thru '80's, Asia = #1 in immigr. to USA (Vietnam?) -in '90's, top 3 from Asia were China, Philippines, & Vietnam (50%+) Thru 20th cent., most Asians to US from China (includes Taiwan) & India… (2 most pop. countries, Both Stg. 2) Canada: 40%+ of immigr. are Asians; but they get more Eur. than US…& less Latin Amer. (what theory?) 29 per capita, Canada: 50% more immigr. than US b) Immigration from Latin Amer.: From 1820-1960, about 2 mill. came from Latin Amer. 1960-2000: were 10 mill. In 1980, Mex. passed Germany as country that sent most immigr. to US: so far 9-11 mil.,…& 100,000 per yr. In 1990's from Lat. Am.: 2nd highest = El Salvador (war); 3rd = Cuba; 4th = Haiti -1986: Immigra. Reform & Control Act (R. Regan): visas given to several hundred thousand undoc. immigr. who'd come in yrs. b4 (amnesty) #'s went up in 1990: 1.5 mill.; 1991: 1.8 mill in 1 year…most ever So….US immigr.= N+W Eur S+E Eur Asian Lat. Am. But reason why = same: poor home conditions hope for econ. opportunity & social advancement in US Lat. Amer. most now in stage 2…but US no longer wide open Land growing scarce & "frontier" that was open to all b4 is 30 now closed Migration from Asia to the U.S. Migration in 2006. The largest #’s of Asian migrants come from India, China, the Philippines, & Vietnam. 31 Migration from Latin America to U.S. Mexico: the largest source of migrants to the U.S., But migrants have also come from numerous other Latin American nations. 32 Undocumented Immigration: Mexico to Arizona The complex route of one group of undocumented migrants from a small village north of Mexico City to Phoenix, Arizona. 33 Undocumented Immigrants in the US California, Texas, & Florida are the leading destinations for undocumented immigrants to the U.S. 34 U.S. Mexico Border at Tijuana The U.S. side of the border is uninhabited and separated from Mexico by a fence 35 4) Destination of immigrants w/in US: which go where?? Tend to be clustered: (these are internat’l. migrants) -about 1/4 in Calif. -1/4 in NY/NJ -about 1/4 in Tex/Fla/Illinois -last 1/4 in other 44 states Immigr. used to come by water…….now land & air -from Mex. Go mostly to Calif/Tex/Illin -from Carib.: go to NY/Fla. -Asians … go mostly to Calif./NY … - E. Europ. ….to NY & Illinois ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 things influence where to go: a) -proximity can influence: EX: = Mex. to Tex/Calif (d.d?) b) –going to same culture: others go where is large settlements of ppl. from their own countries…i.e., Iranians to Calif., Poles to Illin. This = chain migration: settling in place b/c of large # of36 others of your culture there (EX: Italians NY, etc.) 5) Undocumented immigration to US: Those coming w/o permission (illegally); no sure #’s -US may have 11-12 mill undoc. immigr. According to I.N.S. (?): most Mex. (about 5 mill) -Next: other Lat. Amer. ( about 2 mil.) -About 2 mill. from rest of world (Asia, Eur., Can., & other places) But most from Mex. …& they want to work, but have no visas (?) (What are “aliens?”) About 1/2 of undoc.'s come legally (students, tourists) -stay after permission expires other slip over borders Once here, get fake "documents" (birth certif., alien registra. card, SSN = $25)… When caught INS escorts them back…and most not prosecuted b/c of time/$$--& many come right back 37 1986 IRCA (? ): tried to help curb this, but many who qualified would not come forward b/c feared Immigration & Naturalization Service (INS) (La Migra) -IRCA also made it crime for employers to hire undoc's Now can be fined or imprisoned if they hire undoc’s Employers are required to verify their workers a) Crossing US-Mex border “fence”: It’s easy …b/c broken in many places …(often harder to get to the border than get across it) USA has border guards, but not enough…It is a HUGE area Coyote (aka polleo) : “people smugglers” who bring them in -entire trip can cost several hundred $$ Maquiladoras: US industries on Mex. Side of border that have close location to US markets, but use cheap 38 labor of Mex. \Why do we need to control undocumented immigrants? It can hurt our unemployment rate Increases needed human services (schools, kids med’s., etc.) often w/o paying taxes Why can undoc's be helpful? Often do jobs others won't 39 Migration to U.S., by region of origin Most migrants to U.S. were from Europe until the ’60’s. Since then, Latin Am. & Asia have become the main sources of U.S. immigrants. 40 Net Migration (per population) Net migration per 1,000 population. The U.S. has the largest number of immigrants, but other developed countries also 41 have relatively large numbers. U.S. States as Immigrant Destinations : California is the destination of about 25% of all US immigrants; another 25% go to NY & NJ. Other important destinations include FL, TX., & Illinois. 42 K-3: WHY Migrants Face Obstacles: A) Controlling Immigr.: Policies of host countries: 1) USA: US quota laws: 1921: 1st US restrictions of immigr. Quota Act ('21) & National Origins Act ('24) Purpose: restrict Asians coming in to W. coast (Chin./Japan.) Q-A set # of ppl from each country allowed in w/in 1 yr. -# based on % of people already here, so it favored Europ. (especially N & W, not E & S: 1890 was “line”) These laws were made to keep "other types" out -’20’s: W. Coast began to fear the "yellow peril"…large # of Asians into Pacific Coast area... West Coast laws were passed to also restrict land ownership of Asian immigrants ….but not European immigr. 43 Laws stayed same …until 1965 1965 Immigration Act passed which had no country quotas, but set quotas by hemisphere: 170,000 E. & 120,000 W. 1978: global quota (290,000), w/ max. of 20,000 per country 1990 Immigra. Act: # up to 500,000 global quota. Preferences w/in these #'s: -if have family here …get some preference (chain migr.?) -skilled workers & talented professionals get certain # of visas -also some for those from countries w/o many US immigr. Asians use system well…. -get in w/ profession, then bring family 1 by 1 Some are poor & trying to get ahead…..but most are young professionals… -MD's, PhD's, researchers, etc who see US as better chance for advancement 44 Other countries resent this & say these US preferences cause "brain drain" of their best & brightest ppl http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/03/10/us/20090310-immigration-explorer.html (2) Temporary migration for work: guest workers vs. time-contract workers: Many, esp. W. Eur. & Mid-East, use guest workers as temporary workers Most of Asia uses time-contract workers In Eur. most g-w have govt. protections: min. wage, etc Guest-wkrs. can be as high as 10% of pop. (Switz. & Luxembourg) They do low status, low skill jobs others won't... -garbage collectors, dishwashers, bus drivers,45etc. Advantages for guest-worker's home country: --Lowers unemploy. Rates --$$ sent home by workers stimulates local economies UK: when gave up colonies, said those could choose UK or home citizenship…but couldn't bring families later Most EUR. guest workers from N. Afr., MidEast, E. Eur., Asia Countries often favors those from former colonies EX’s: France: Algiers & Morocco 46 UK: India, Jamaica, etc Guest Workers in Europe Guest workers emigrate mainly from E. Europe & North Africa to work in the wealthier countries of W. Europe. NOTE: ADD term! Counter-migration: Deportation of illegal immigrants 47 Turkish Kebab Stand in Germany 48 ----------------------- 3) Time-contract workers: Japanese, Filipinos, Indians, etc.,to various colonies, etc., needing workers in mines, plantations, etc …stayed there after contract’s up Western US: Chinese (late 1860's) for RR construction About 29 million Chinese now live in places other than China EX: Singapore pop. = 75% Chinese Asian countries also have "illegal" workers EX: Taiwan: around 50,000, but like USA, they do work others won‘t 49 4) Economic migrants vs. refugees: Why it matters? B/c are treated differently in some countries EX: US, Canada, & W. Eur: allow refugees in if fleeing undemocratic (Communist) govt. (political asylum) Espec. in Vietnam, Cuba, Haiti Econ. migrants: usually not let in w/o a special skill Refugees can get priority treatment RE: admission EX’s: a) Emigrants from Cuba: 1959 Cuban communist revol. & Fidel Castro: US saw Cubans as polit. refugees -Castro took over businesses/farms, etc, & opponents were jailed -US still prohibits business/govt dealings w/ Cuba (but what about China?) 1960: 600,000 Cubans allowed into US… mostly went to Fla. 2nd wave of Cuban refugees Mariel boat-lift 50 1980: 2nd Cuban immgr. flood--Mariel (port) boatlift… Castro released polit. prisoners …but also criminals & mental patients …& 125,000 came to US Most joined families, got "sponsors," or had skills -rest held in camps til 1987 when Cuba took back 2,500 criminals& mental patients US then allowed only 20,000 Cubans per yr. 51 b) Haitian Emigrants : racial vs. political issue? 1957-1986 Duvalier dictators (dad & son) ruled Haiti cruelly (Papa Doc & Baby Doc…) US: said were econ., not polit. refugees -said Cuba was b/c tied to USSR…but many said it was b/c Haitians were black…they sued & many got in ’90’s: military coup in Haiti… = same problem… (Aristide) -eventually many got in, but US often said b/c of econ., not political reasons…Haiti is W. Hemsph.'s poorest Now: govt. is better, but many still try to get to US More recent: Earthquake! A poor country is devastated especially hard w/ this kind of event 52 c) Vietnam’s Emigrants : war ends 1975; 1000’s who had helped US allowed in (US "airlift") Many who could not get out (not "important" enough?) were persecuted b/c had helped US Many left by boat ("boat people" ), hoping US Navy pick them up (= US "soil") & hoped could then apply for admission to US…& some did get in More left in '80's, but VN was old news, so seen as econ. Many places, including Asian gov’ts (esp. Thailand) refused them entrance, even pushing boats back out to sea….so many drown 1996: many sent back to 'Nam About 1/2 mill. VN came to US since end of war 53 --about 1 mill. elsewhere Migration of Vietnamese “Boat People” Many Vietnamese fled by sea as refugees after the war w/ the U.S. ended in 1975. Later boat people were often considered economic migrants. 54 Fall of Saigon 1975 55 B) Cultural problems living in other countries: Immigr. often used as "scapegoats" for local econom. problems by politicians 1) US attitudes to immigrants: "new" arrival often seen as suspicious & Eur. immigra. pushed West -as frontier became "full" & closed, wanted to close entrance to new people as well --hostile to Germ. & Irish, but was worse for E & S Europeans: Poles, Italians, Russ.,etc. -govt. study in 1911 concluded these were "racially inferior" groups… “w/ very violent natures..”, etc -this was pure prejudice 56 -CA now trying to deny schools, etc., to undoc's 2) Problems w/ guest workers: Europe: workers: young men, alone w/ language & cultural barriers -both workers & host country see as temp., but many do end up saving $$, bring families & stay 57 AntiImmigration Protest in Spain Spanish youths attacked Moroccan immigrants in El Ejido, Spain, after an alleged murder. 58 W. Eur. & Mid-E: now lower econ. growth, so restrict #'s of G-W’s more -paid some to leave, but home country won’t allow them back b/c of econ. probl. there -many Eur. govt. & public pushing for more immigr. restriction -Asian/Pacific countries have also (p. 92, Fiji & Indian prob.) -though many feel anti-immigr. ideas are valid, actually have little scientific basis & often seems to be same ol' racism junk2) Middle East G-W problems: fear "pollution" of culture by g-w & many are expelled…or controlled Refuse to allow them to marry there, so go home to 59 marry & most go back home stay Emigration from China Various ethnic Chinese peoples have distinct patterns of Migration to other Asian countries. 60 K-4: Why folks migrate within a country (interregional vs. international): A) Interregional migration (betw. regions of a country): 1) Within the USA: a changing center of population: At each census (? yrs..) this is computed It shows where the “balance” of pop. is… The central point if all were evened out on a flat plane a) 1790: began in Chesapeake Bay (about 77º W. long.), now in Missouri (+-92º W) Moved which direction? __ then later __ __ ?: LIST some Intervening obstacles to this west. movt. b) early settlement of interior: began 1790…by 1830 cent.of pop. moved to W.Va…free land brought folks to Mississippi Canals (EX: Erie) 1816-40, 3,326 mi. of US canals ! Diffusion of steam-boats also sped westward settlement 61 Center of Population in the U.S. (aka “population-weighted centroid”) THIS slide ADDED 10/05!! The “geographic center” of a country is the place in the center most equidistant physically EX: for the contiguous USA, the NGS places the geographic centroid near Lebanon, KS. The geographic center of the entire U.S. moved to just NE of Belle Fourche, SD, in 1959 (? WHY?). The population center of U.S. (population centroid) has consistently moved westward, mainly because of the opening up of Western territories and later the cheap land available thru the Homestead Act of 1862. It has more recently (since when???) also begun to move southward w/ migration to the southern sunbelt. 62 Center of Population in the U.S. (aka “population-weighted centroid”) The pop. center of U.S. has consistently moved westward, w/ the US population’s migration west. It has (since when???) also begun to move southward 63 w/ migration to the southern sunbelt. Echo Canyon, northeastern Utah Echo Canyon was one of many obstacles to 19th century wagon trains heading west. 64 c) Settling Great Plain: US filled in East Coast … …then West Coast Didn’t fill in GP until new farm methods allowed “sodbusting” (new plows) & new barbed-wire eased wood-dependence + RR Barbed wire: allowed for settling and blocking off areas d) Rustbelt: Michigan, Pennsylvania, NY, NJ, Illin. New jobs where? South new migration e) Afri-Am. Migrations: 1) forced from Africa to Western Hemisphere 2) 1900 – 1930: Great Migration: from South to Chicago, Detroit, NY, L.A. b/c of “Jim Crow” laws 3) 1970’s: began to “come home” back to new South after C.R.A.’s (?) 65 Homestead Act: 1862 Build a home, live 5 yrs on land, & get 160 acres (for just a small fee for filing ownership) Encouraged the settling of the West, Southwest, Great Plains, and Great Lakes regions 66 Advertizing Free or Cheap ($1.25 per acre) land!! 67 68 Territory NW of the River Ohio (the Northwest Territory), organized, incorporated territory of the USA that existed from July 1787 until March 1803 69 Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo 70 71 2) Interregional migration in other countries: a) Russia: Urged interreg. 1st by forced migration -then by incentives to move to Far North & Siberian regions -had nat. resources, but no one to work them b) Brazil: Made a “forward capital”: All ppl on coasts…so moved capital & built Brasilia, new cap. to encourage settlement of the interior c) Indonesia: 1969: paid ppl in seeds, resources, farming materials, etc., to leave Java (hi-pop) & settled other islands 72 Brasilia, Brazil was created as Brazil’s new capital in 1960 and since then has attracted thousands of migrants in search of jobs 73 d) Europe: (interregional w/in other countries) Per cap. Income + unemployment = determines migration: net immigration = highest incomes EX: Italy’s Mezzogiorno (south) has 40% of land, 35% pop., but 24% of $, so people migrate from SN (N has $$) e) India: govt. limits migration: EX: migration (or visiting) to State of Assam is limited to protect ethnic ID of Assamese -protects jobs b/c it borders Bangladesh & many of other cultures began to come in -so govt. limits international migr. 74 B) Migration w/in a region: Rural, Urban, Suburban, Counterurban, Gentrification 1) Rural to urban: Since 1800: most common = intraregional migr. World: 5% urban 1800; today over 50% urban USA: 1800 5% urban 1920 = 50% urban today = 75% Same in most other MDC’s; now those moving from LDC to MDC showing same pattern, but don’t have the same resources So have great poverty in these cities EX: Sao Paulo, Brazil: 300,000 in each year looking for opportunity; can’t find housing, so live in favelas (squatter areas w/ no elec., water, paved streets, etc.) 75 Rural Urban Suburban Counterurban Favela in Sao Paulo, Brazil 76 77 2) Urban to Suburban: In MDC’s folks choose this lifestyle, not forced by jobs USA: about 6 mill. per yr. Ur Sub (vs. 3 mill. S U) …same in Canada & W. Eur. 3) From Metropol. to non-Metro: Counter-urbanization: (U R) --for 1st time, see folks moving to “boonies” (rural or small town areas) by choice -sometimes “mini-farms” but don’t make living from agric. (have horses, etc.) -can b/c of communication (computers) transport., etc. Many farmers going under b/c of prices & costs of farming… -US (& other MDC) farms are now mostly corporate, not family 78 4) Suburban to urban: = gentrification: mostly “young upwardly mobile” (yuppies) who want, night life, more cosmopolitan environment, more cultural access… Reclaiming older, run-down urban areas & making it “upscale” 79 Gentrification renews run-down areas...BUT it often takes away affordable areas from ppl who have lived there for generations 80 Interregional Migration in the U.S. Average annual migrations between regions in the U.S. in 1995 & in 2003. Calculate: Which region has the highest in-migration? 81 Which has the highest out-migration? Intra-regional Migration in the U.S. Average annual migration among urban, suburban, & rural areas in the U.S. during 1990s. Largest flow was from central cities to suburbs. What 2 new patterns do we sometimes see? 82 Net Migration by County, 2000-04 Rural counties in the southwest and Florida have had net in-migration, while there has been net outmigration from rural counties in the Great Plains 83 Erie Canal 84 Where am I from?? Below are some dates. Using your knowledge of migration, give your BEST answer to the question, “Which world region am I MOST LIKELY from?” (You’ll have these on your test…wanted you to see them 1st!) N. Africa Mideast Latin Am. Sub-Saharan Africa W. Europe N. Europe E. Europe S. Europe Asia I came…. 1. To the US in 1898 5. To US in 1977 2. To US in 1850 6. To US in 1987 3. To W. Euro. in 2004 7. To US in 1998 4. To Mideast in 1998 8. To US in 1793 85 MATCH…Creating TIMELINE!! REDO!! -1066 -1750 -1898 -late 1940’s -1965-75 -1588 -1776 -1914 – early ‘50’s -1991 -1607 -1845 -1941 -2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -Persian Gulf War - WWII -Revolutionary War -Vietnam Conflict/War -Korean Conflict/War -Spanish-Amer. War -Mexican-Amer. War -Normand Invasion -Iraq War -Jamestown Settlement -WWI -Louisiana Purchase -defeat of the Spanish Armada -Medical Revolution -Northwest Land Ordinance (NW Territories) -Industrial Revolution begins 86 TEST EX’s for REVIEW: (CH 2 + 3) 1. Most people live in cities (urban areas) in which of these regions? a. East Asia b. South Asia c. Southeast Asia d. W. Europe 2. The lowest crude birth rates are typically found in countries in which stage of the demographic transition? a. Stage 1 b. Stage 2 c. Stage 3 d. Stage 4 3. Monte Zeto has a CBR rate of 24 & a CDR rate of 12 while Nawa has a CBR of 35 & a CDR of 12. Which country has a higher natural increase rate? a. M-Z b. Nawa c. same in both countries 4. What do each of the following possibly indicate about DT stages?: Which stage could it be & why? a. Lot of people are migrating b. Low CBR c. low emigration, hi CBR, hi CDR, low NIR 5. Pop. pyramids on board: a, b, c: What can you surmise RE: each? 87 6. Malthus: Who? Said what? What got right? What wrong? (Ch 3 Review) 1. 3. 5. 7. political; economic; environmental 2. economic Ireland; Germany 4. southeast Mexico 6. Mexico set quotas based on nationality & numbers already in US from specific nations 8. economic advancement 9. relocation of rural people to urban areas creating an increase in the number and percentage of urban dwellers 10. large-scale migration to the suburbs b/c of pull by a suburban lifestyle 11. in-migr.: out-migr.: Net in- or out-migr.: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. True True True False True True False True 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. True True True True False False False 88 Possible WRITING ASSIGNMENTS: Copy below. Answer each in good paragraph/discussion form 1) Describe changes in the movement of the U.S. center of population (p. 92-93) and reasons for those changes. 2) Describe the major intraregional & interregional migration patterns within the United States in recent yrs. (map p. 94) **3) COPY this into your note books: Title: Center of Population, USA a) Explain what Center of Pop. means. b) OUTLINE how this has moved from the Chesapeake Bay in 1790 thru the present, using some brief explanations. 89 ASSIGNMENTS: **TIME-LINE: Create a timeline showing when which countries & areas immigrated into the USA 1620 – present **MAP assignment directions: --on maps given, use COLOR-CODED main countries that USA had immigrants coming from --Draw ARROWS colored the same color as the countries, 90 showing then immigration to the USA Immigration Case Studies Read the Case Study & respond using complete sentences…a min. of 6-7 total. 1) Summarize the topic & events in this 2) What does ambivalent mean and to what is it referring in this study? 3) Explain how some Europeans respond to immigration ----------Pp. 108-9------------7-8 sentences min. 1) Summarize this entry. 2) Compare and contrast US attitudes of the past & present RE: immigration. 91