Presents INNOVATIONS IN WATERPROOFING SYSTEMS An AIA Continuing Education Program Credit for this course is 1 AIA/CES Learning Unit for HSW credit. Course Title: INNOVATIONS IN WATERPROOFING SYSTEMS Course Number: POL07A 1 An American Institute of Architects (AIA) Continuing Education program Approved Promotional Statement: InfoSpec is a registered provider with The American Institute Of Architects Continuing Education Systems. Credit earned on completion of this program will be reported to CES Records for AIA members. Certificates Of Completion for non-AIA members available on request. This program is registered with the AIA/CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA or Ron Blank & Associates of any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product. Questions related to specific materials, methods, and services will be addressed at the conclusion of this presentation. 2 An American Institute of Architects (AIA) Continuing Education program Course Format: This is a structured, face to face course. Course Credit: 1 Health Safety & Welfare (HSW) learning unit (LU) Completion Certificate: A copy is sent to you by email upon request. When you fill out the Form B please indicate if you need one. Also please make sure the information you provide is legible. Send email request to: Design professionals please make sure and indicate request of certificate of completion when filling out the Form B at course conclusion. All AIA and non- AIA members who request a certificate of completion will be sent a copy of your certificate to the email address you provided in the Form B. Please make sure that when print your information that it is legible. If we can not read your writing we can not process your credit. 3 Course Objectives After completing this course the participants will have a better understanding of the following: • Waterproofing Solutions that Protect the Owner’s Investment By… – Improving Indoor Air Quality – Protecting Your Concrete Floors And Walls – Preserving Structural Integrity 4 “Do You Know Why Most Vapor Barriers Fail?” 5 "85% of Vapor Barriers Fail" What do we mean ? Vapor barriers are a well known problem area in the design and construction field. The problem comes from damage during construction. There is significant disagreement on what materials to use, where to place vapor barriers, and how to specify construction methods to avoid damage. 6 Where does the "85 %” failure rate come from? The specific quote is taken from a consultant's report to the city of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety: "…With respect to HDPE (vapor barriers), please be aware that under normal field applications it has been observed to experience a high failure rate reported to be as high as 85% in some cases." The full report, along with a listing of nine large projects known to be leaking and a Los Angeles Times article, can be found at this weblink: 7 8 Need More Proof ? ASTM E 1643 - 98 SPECIFICATION: Standard Practice for Installation of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs FROM THE EXCERPTS ABOVE, IT LOOKS LIKE: 1. Everybody on the ASTM committee agrees that these vapor barrier materials are likely to fail. 2. The committee does not agree on a solution. 9 The following slides include: I. A definition of vapor barriers II. A discussion of current vapor barrier standards III. A series of construction photographs which demonstrate the potential for construction abuse and damage to vapor barriers IV. Extracts from materials standards, construction specifications, and engineering bulletins: ASTM Portland Cement Association (PCA) American Concrete Institute (ACI) 10 Typical Commercial Grade Vapor Barrier Source: Portland Cement Association (#12958) 11 DEFINITION OF VAPOR BARRIERS The industry uses various terms for vapor barriers: • • • • • • Vapor Retarders Vapor Barriers HDPE Polyethylene Film Reinforced polyethylene films Membranes, etc. Most of the industry considers the terms to be interchangeable. This presentation will use the term "Vapor Barrier" 12 Vapor Barriers are virtually impermeable polyethylene films which, according to ASTM E 1643 "...provide a method of limiting water vapor transmission upward through concrete slabs on grade…” 13 Vapor Barrier Configuration Adapted from PCA Concrete Floors on Ground Engineering Bulletin 075, Fig. 3.2 One Typical Vapor Barrier Configuration 14 Historically, few construction projects used vapor barriers. However, use has increased in recent years because of concerns about: Damage to flooring above the slab by moisture Concerns about toxic mold Intrusion of chemical vapors and other hazardous contaminants from underground 15 PROPERTIES FOR COMMERCIAL GRADE VAPOR BARRIERS PROPERTIES FOR COMMERCIAL GRADE VAPOR BARRIERS PROPERTY TESTS AS LISTED IN ASTM E 154 AND ASTM E 1745 PROPERTY ASTM TEST # CLASS A CLASS B CLASS C PERMEANCE TO WATER VAPOR E 96 B < 0.3 PERMS < 0.3 PERMS < 0.3 PERMS TENSILE STRENGTH E 154 SECTION 9 > 45.0 LBF > 30.0 LBF > 13.6 LBF PUNCTURE RESISTANCE TO 1" STEEL ROD E 154 SECTION 10 2200 GRAMS 1700 GRAMS 475 GRAMS PUNCTURE RESISTANCE TO FALLING DART D 1709 B 2200 GRAMS 1700 GRAMS 475 GRAMS TYPICAL BARRIER THICKNESS D 1000 0.015" 0.010" 0.006" Note: Puncture resistance requirements are expressed in GRAMS, instead of pounds. (2200 grams = 4.85 pounds, 475 grams = 1.05 pounds) 16 Notice how thin this vapor barrier is Source: Portland Cement Association (#V2/144_5) 17 On most large projects, steel reinforcement (REBAR) is installed over the vapor barrier. The purpose of rebar is to minimize future cracking of the concrete slab, and to reduce warping or curling. Source: (#a00305) 18 Rebar installation includes cutting, which creates both sparks and sharp edges. Source: (#204602) 19 Rebar must be fastened at intersections to keep it evenly spaced. In this photo, the rebar is being welded together. If this job had used a vapor barrier, holes could have been burnt. Source: 20 After rebar installation is complete, there are usually many areas where sharp edges touch the vapor barrier. Source: (#a00306-section zoom) 21 There is also a lot of foot traffic on jobsites, as well as equipment. Source: Portland Cement Association (#82_5a) 22 Sometimes larger equipment is driven over the vapor barrier. Source: (#a00305-section zoom) 23 For this placement, 15 workers are standing in the mix, each one endangering the vapor barrier. Source: Portland Cement Association (57_19) 24 Vigorous tool use. Source: Portland Cement Association (Vol. 2 #34) 25 Vibration of the concrete is a widely used method of consolidation. One manufacturer, Vibco, offers vibrators with head diameters between 1-3/8” and 3”. HEAD DIAMETER VIBRATIONS PER MINUTE 1-3/8" 18,000 3" 16,000 IMPACT FORCE - POUNDS IMPACT FORCE - GRAMS 450 LBS 204,116 GRAMS 3200 LBS 1,451,956 GRAMS Sources: Wycotool (Vibrator Drawing) Vibco (Vibrator Specifications) 26 If you haven't seen enough unintentional construction damage, we should mention intentional vapor barrier damage: ASTM E 1643 - 98, section 6.3: "Avoid use of stakes driven through vapor retarder" PCA Engineering Bulletin 075, page 15: "The practice of intentionally punching holes through a vapor retarder to allow bleed-water to exit the slab bottom is unacceptable because it defeats the purpose of the membrane." 27 Summary of the problem: 1. Increased concerns about vapor penetrating slabs 1. A. Moisture damages flooring 2. B. Toxic mold from moisture vapor 3. C. Chemical vapor intrusion 4. D. Lawsuit potential 1. The industry standard is Vapor Barriers made of polyethylene: 1. A. Thin 2. B. Industry standard for puncture resistance: so low that it is expressed in GRAMS 1. ASTM E 1643 states that polyethylene vapor barrier materials are highly vulnerable to construction damage. 2. The big problem is construction damage. 28 THE INDOOR AIR QUALITY PROBLEM Under-Slab Membrane 29 The Next Generation of Under-sealing Waterproofing Membranes 30 Problems: Sick Office Solutions: Happy Office These Products Act As Barriers To: • • • • • • • Moisture/Water Methane Gas Radon Gas Toxic Contaminants Termites Pesticides Stress Cracks Below grade selfsealing membrane system with a level of protection never before available. 31 THE UNDER-SLAB MEMBRANE ACTS AS A BARRIER TO WATER & MOISTURE Polyethylene Rubberized Asphalt Geo-textile Fabric • Reduces the amount and severity of cracking -more facts 32 UNDERSLAB WATERPROOFING APPLICATION 33 UNDER SLAB APPLICATION UNDER-SLAB MEMBRANE • 20 Mil Vapor Barrier - 500% Extra Thickness for Protection • Stress Absorbing/Barrier Formulation • Geotextile Fabric for Mechanical Bond to Concrete 34 Underslab Membrane at a grade beam 35 36 THE BLIND SIDE MEMBRANE ACTS AS A BARRIER TO WATER & MOISTURE Polyethylene Rubberized Asphalt Geo-textile Fabric 37 NEGATIVE SIDE MEMBRANE FOUNDATION WALL APPLICATION BLIND SIDE MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING SYSTEM • Geotextile Fabric for Bond to Concrete • Stress Absorbing Barrier Formulation • High Density, High Strength Polyethylene 38 Blindside Membrane with Shot-crete 39 Blindside Membrane 40 Blindside Membrane 41 THE SPLIT SLAB MEMBRANE ACTS AS A BARRIER TO WATER & MOISTURE 20 mil. Polyethylene Rubberized Asphalt 42 BETWEEN SLAB WATERPROOFING APPLICATION SPLIT SLAB MEMBRANE • 20 Mil Backing - 500% Extra Thickness for Protection 43 Balcony application of Split Slab Membrane 44 Split Slab Membrane 1,100 penetrations detailed with 1- or 2-part liquid membrane 45 THE PROTECTED WALL MEMBRANE ACTS AS A BARRIER TO WATER & MOISTURE 20 mil. Polyethylene Rubberized Asphalt 46 VERTICAL WALL WATERPROOFING APPLICATION PROTECTED WALL MEMBRANE • Built-in Protection (Drainage Composite Optional) 47 Protected Wall Membrane 48 ANTI-FRACTURE MEMBRANES Anti-fracture membranes protect ceramic tile by providing a stress absorbing layer between the substrate and the tile. If the concrete substrate underneath cracks, the stress of the crack is not transferred up to the brittle ceramic tile. The stress is absorbed by the rubbery nature of the rubberized asphalt. 49 GUARDING TILE FROM STRESS FRACTURES CERAMIC TILE LATEX MODIFIED THINSET ANTI-FRACTURE MEMBRANE COMPONENTS Fabric-bond to Thinset Stress Absorbing Membrane CONCRETE CRACK 50 FREEZE / THAW CYCLES OVERLAY OVERLAY OLD CONCRETE SLAB OLD CONCRETE SLAB PAVEMENT BASE During cold weather, slabs contract away from each other. PAVEMENT BASE In hot weather, slabs expand towards each other. 51 IN SUMMARY: Under-slab Membranes seal out: • Moisture • Termites • Methane Gas • Radioactive Radon Gas • Mold • Pesticides and Other Toxic Chemicals Under-slab Membranes act as ANTI-FRACTURE MEMBRANES FOR SLABS • Continues sealing even under new cracks or moving joints • Reduces the amount and severity of cracking in slabs above the membrane. • Provides waterproofing, not just a vapor protection. 52 Course Questions This concludes the continuing education course. The next 15 minutes will be focused on discussing the course material. 53 THIS CONCLUDES: INNOVATIONS IN WATERPROOFING SYSTEMS An AIA Continuing Education Program Credit for this course is 1 AIA/CES Learning Unit for HSW credit. Course Title: INNOVATIONS IN WATERPROOFING SYSTEMS Course Number: POL07A 54