Rainfall Runoff Management CNMP Core Curriculum Section 4 – Manure Wastewater Storage and Handling CNMP Development Core Training Curriculum These course materials have been developed as a cooperative effort between five land-grant universities and The Natural Resources Conservation Service. Copyright Information Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111. Copyright © 1995-2006, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. Objectives 1. Keep the clean water clean 2. Recognize rainfall runoff effects on: • storage volume in liquid manure systems • application logistics and nutrient content Required Materials • Animal Waste Management Field Handbook, Part 651, Chapter 10, Agricultural Waste Management System Component Design. • NRCS Conservation Practice Standard 558 Roof Runoff Structure. • Supplemental Resources – AWM and NOAA addresses and resources Rainfall Runoff Management Rainfall Runoff Management Divert Clean Water Rainfall Runoff Management Clean Water Diversion Rainfall Runoff Management Roof Runoff Rainfall Runoff Management Runoff Volume Characteristics 1. Rainfall Amount 2. Infiltration 3. Evaporation 4. Drainage Area Rainfall Runoff Factors to Consider: 1. Normal precipitation from runoff area 2. Normal precipitation minus evaporation on Storage Structure 3. Emergency Storm from runoff areas 4. Emergency Storm on Storage Structure Runoff Management Normal Precipitation and Evaporation is based on County and Weather Station rainfall record data. Runoff volume is based on this climate data and Runoff Curve Number information. Normal Precipitation Climate Data Sources: *AWM Software *NOAA *State or Local Month Prec. (in) Evap. (in) January 4.73 1.60 February 4.32 1.90 March 5.85 3.00 AWM Data: April 4.24 4.00 State: TN May 4.82 4.90 June 3.80 5.50 County: Loudon July 5.08 5.60 August 3.86 5.20 September 3.41 4.30 October 3.29 2.90 November 4.27 1.80 December 4.83 1.70 Totals 52.50 42.40 Typical Station: TN5158 25 Yr, 24-Hr Storm Event: 5.6 inches Evaporation Storage and treatment facilities require an allowance for precipitation less evaporation for the most critical design period. Evaporation Evaporation Factors effecting free water surface evaporation 1. Effects of salinity 2. Coloration 3. Floating surface material, such as bedding or crusting Local records are available for average monthly evaporation. The Runoff (Q) Equation Factors • • • • Q = Runoff in inches P = Rainfall in inches Ia = Initial abstraction in inches S = Potential maximum retention after runoff begins in inches Runoff Curve Number (RCN or CN) • CN = 1000/(10 + S) • The RCN’s were developed by examining rainfall runoff data from small agricultural watersheds Runoff Depth for selected CN’s and rainfall amounts Rainfall (in) CN=60 CN=80 CN=95 4.0 0.76 2.04 3.43 6.0 1.92 3.78 5.41 8.0 3.33 5.63 7.40 Infiltration Cover description Curve Numbers for hydrologic soil group Cover type & hydrologic condition A B C D Pasture, grassland, or range, good condition 39 61 74 80 Bare soil, pervious areas, no vegetation 77 86 91 94 Impervious areas, paved lots, roofs, driveways 98 98 98 98 Infiltration Runoff Factors: *soil hydrologic characteristics *type of cover Infiltration Runoff Curve Number (RCN) of 90 is representative of an unpaved or unsurfaced feedlot A paved or surfaced feedlot typically has a RCN of about 97 Infiltration Month Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Total Precip (inches) 3.18 2.60 2.34 1.96 2.57 3.04 Runoff % (inches) 36 1.14 27 0.7 24 0.56 20 0.39 20 0.51 22 0.67 3.97 (Runoff from an earth feedlot near Dallas, TX.) Class Example: • Calculate the runoff depth from a 6-inch rainfall: 1. On a pasture with good hydrologic conditions and “B” hydrologic soil group 2. For an unsurfaced feedlot with a RCN of 90 (Hint: look at slide #19 & #20) Class Example: 1. From slide 19- CN is 61; & slide 18 with CN of 61, the runoff depth can be interpolated for the 6-inch rainfall to be 2.01 inches 2. From slide 18, CN of 90, the runoff depth from interpolation is 4.86 inches (Note: same rainfall, over twice runoff on feedlot) Determining Runoff Volume • Runoff Volume is dependent on: – Surface area – Rainfall depth – Surface type (paved vs. unpaved) • Maps in Appendix 10C of AWMFH can be used to determine runoff volumes from surfaced or unsurfaced feed lots – Surfaced, CN 97 – Unsurfaced, CN 90 Determining Runoff Volume Runoff Volume = Surface Area (ft2) x Rainfall (ft) x (% Runoff from Surface ÷ 100) In-Class Exercise A 6.0 acre open beef feedlot is being constructed near Ames, IA. The annual rainfall at Ames, IA is 30 inches. The earthen portion of the lot is 5.5 acres, and the concrete portion is 0.5 acres. Using the Annual Runoff charts for surfaced (CN 97) and unsurfaced (CN90) feedlots, determine the volume of runoff that will leave the 6 acre feedlot in Ames, IA. In-class Exercise 1 acre = 43,560 ft2 Concrete Area _______ ft2 Earthen Lot Area _______ ft2 Annual Rainfall _______ ft CN 90 Runoff Percentage ______ % CN 97 Runoff Percentage ______ % In-class Exercise Runoff Volume = Area x Rainfall x (CN % Runoff ÷ 100) Total Runoff Volume = Runoff Volume earthen + Volume of Runoff concrete • • • • • Concrete Area 21,780 ft2 Earthen Lot Area 239,580 ft2 Annual Rainfall 2.5 ft CN 90 Runoff Percentage 23 % CN 97 Runoff Percentage 55 % In-class Exercise Runoff Vol.earthen= Area x Rainfall x (CN 90 % Runoff ÷ 100) = 239,580 ft2 x 2.5 ft x 0.23 = 137,760 ft3 Runoff Vol. concrete= Area x Rainfall x (CN 97 % Runoff ÷ 100) = 21,780 ft2 x 2.5 ft x 0.55 = 29,950 ft3 Total Runoff Vol. = Runoff Vol. earthen + Runoff Vol.concrete = 137,760 ft + 29,950 ft = 167,710 ft3 Runoff Management AWM uses a more conservative approach to estimating runoff from runoff areas as compared to tables in AWMFH. AWM includes a climate database with monthly precipitation and evaporation. Runoff Management AWM allows input based on Pervious and Impervious watershed Impervious - concrete, roofs Curve Number of 98 - cannot be modified Pervious - manure pack or other CN of 90 - can modify Emergency Storm Runoff Variables 1) Depth of 25year, 24-hour storm on storage structure 2) Depth of 25year, 24-hour storm from runoff areas to storage structure 4 Components of Runoff 1 4 3 2 Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts Site Visit – Sample CNMP Dairy Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts Identify Areas that contribute runoff Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts Rainfall on Open and Concrete Lots To Storage pond Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts Runoff from roofs Roof Area Roof Area Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts Rainfall on Storage Structure Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts Concrete Areas that Contribute Runoff Silage Bunker Runoff Condition when Full Drain- to storage pond Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts Silage Bunker Condition when empty To Storage pond Runoff = 6000 ft2 Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts Impervious Areas Roof Runoff: Concrete Lot: Roofed Feedbunk: Silage Bunker: Total: 30,420 ft2 10,000 13,100 1,320 6,000 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts 30,420 sf Total Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts 1. Assuming a sufficient storage of 90 days. 2. What can we do to reduce runoff into the storage structure and increase the storage period? 3. Why would you need more than 90 days of storage? Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts 1. What can we do to reduce runoff into the storage structure and increase the storage period? • Enlarge pond, gutter roof, diversions 2. Why would you need more than 90 days of storage? • Land application restraints, climate, crop needs, etc Critical Storage Interval • Based on initial site conditions, the critical storage interval for the sample CNMP dairy was determined to be 151 days, November - March Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts 20,420 ft2 What If we Gutter 10,000 sq ft? Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts Adequate storage for 120 to 150 days; enough to survive critical winter months of Dec thru March by Guttering Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts How much clean water is removed by guttering? 115,980 cu. Ft. (all runoff areas) -77,850 cu. Ft. 38,130 cu. Ft. (clean water removed) 38,130 cu. Ft. x 7.48 gallons/ cu. Ft. = 285,212 gallons Benefits of Guttering: 1) 10 to 12 hours less pumping per year 2) storage period is increased (120 to 150 days) 3) low cost ($6.00 linear foot) $6.00 x 150 linear feet = $1000 to $2000 Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts 10,420 ft2 What if we install more roofs & gutters? Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts Adequate storage for 180 days; IDEAL by Guttering and Roofing Determining Rainfall Runoff Amounts Roofing? 115,980 cu. Ft. (runoff from all areas) -39,730 cu. Ft. 76,250 cu. Ft. (clean water removed) 76,250 cu. Ft. x 7.48 gallons/ cu. Ft. = 570,350 gallons Benefits of Roofing & guttering: 1) 20 hours less pumping per year 2) storage period is increased Disadvantage: COST - $5.00 sq. ft. x 10,000 sq. ft. = $50,000 Decision-maker's Alternatives GIVEN: It was determined that existing storage capacity is not adequate to last through winter months. SOLUTION: Look at the previous alternatives and discuss each with the decision-maker. Decision-maker's Alternatives Alternatives: >>>> Objectives met: >>>> Cost: >>>> #1 #2 Increase Gutter existing storage roof (10,000 sf) structure Increased Increased storage storage (to 120-150 days) Reduced pumping time Moderate Low $15k-$20k $6/ linear ft $1k-$2k #3 #2 plus additional roofing & guttering (10,000 sf) Increased storage (to 180 days) Reduced pumping time High Roof $5/sq ft = $50k + $2 = $52k Runoff Management Summary 1. Keep the clean water clean (diversions, roofs & gutters) 2. Evaluate and appropriately collect contaminated runoff into storage structures or properly treat runoff from the heavy use areas (pervious or impervious) 3. Consider the effect of rainfall runoff on application logistics and nutrient content of the waste material 4. Design a runoff management system with adequate capacity Questions or Comments? Gutter Design Procedure 1) Compute the capacity of the selected gutter size 2) Compute the capacity of the downspout 3) Determine whether the system is controlled by the gutter capacity or downspout capacity and adjust number of downspouts if desired 4) Determine the roof area that can be served Gutter Position Gutter Design Final Step: •Adequate discharge pipeline or trough based on gutter/downspout design capacity •Material Quality