Use of models – can they help ● Benchmarking F&S vs computer simulation Financial vs physiological ● Yield-gap analysis/diagnosis The French & Schultz water-use efficiency concept 5 4 Grain yield (t/ha) Grain Yield (t/ha) 20 kg/ha/mm 3 0m 2 1 110 mm 1m 0 0 100 200 400 300 1 m 500 Water use (mm) April to October rainfall (mm) French and Schultz (1984) WUE data – southern NSW 1990-2005 Grain yield (t/ha) 10 Evaporation? Bethungra Gundibindjal Harden Condobolin 8 6 20 kg/ Rainfall Distribution 4 2 Stored water? 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 April - October rainfall (mm) 600 Accurate benchmarking Fine-tuning French and Schultz to account for: - stored moisture at sowing [Fallow rainfall - 80 x 0.5] - un-used water at harvest [Post-flower rain - 50 x 0.5] - impact of late sowing [-10% WUE per month delay] (Robertson and Kirkegaard AJAR, 2005) 500 500 y = 0.9034x - 24.435 2 450 RR =0.54 = 0.5472 2 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 2 350 50 0 0.9106x - 79.766 Ry2==0.78 R = 0.7822 400 g/m2 Yield Simulated yield (g/m2) Simulated yield (g/m2) g/m2 Yield 450 300 400 April-Oct rain (mm) April – Oct rainfall 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 in-crop rain + start SW -end SW (mm) Seasonal water supply 600 Accurate benchmarking Simulation models (APSIM) – Yield-ProphetTM: Advantages: Can account for specific season, soil and management factors Can investigate “what-ifs” e.g. response to inputs but… Requires accurate and detailed soil information, validation Diseases and other undiagnosed constraints Are they tuned to the present, or the possibilities? Measured yield (t/ha) Benchmarking yields Predicted yield (t/ha) Consultants: Chris Duff, Geoff Pitson, John Sykes, Greg Condon Financial vs physiological benchmarks System innovation which increase $GM without excessive risk Water-limited potential 20 kg/ Leading RETURN Ave $GM/ha Current status Average INVESTMENT RISK 12 kg/ Investment framework - map current grower performance Efficiency Frontier Production ($) H G A C H = Environmental potential G = Maximum marginal return A = region’s best growers B B = underperforming growers Expenditure on inputs ($) Current fro ntier A C = risk-adverse growers Yield gap analysis and diagnosis GENETICS MANAGEMENT INFLUENCE Previous history 3+ yrs Soil structure Soil fertility Weed seedbank MANAGEMENT Previous crop Pre-crop fallow 1 yr 0.5 yr Diseases Nitrogen Water Weeds Weed control Stubble Grazing In-crop Sowing date Variety, N Tillage/residue Fertiliser Plant protection Increase soil water capture and storage Crop vigour/reduce evaporative loss Canopy management/harvest Index Kirkegaard and Hunt (2010) Journal Experimental Botany The gap is significant but closing slowly Western Australia (Fischer 2010) 3.0 WL Potential yield Grain yield (t/ha) 2.5 y = 0.0141x - 25.7 R² = 0.489 slope= 0.5% 2.0 y = 0.0248x - 47.9 2 R = 0.355 slope= 1.4% 1.5 Farm yield 1.0 0.5 0.0 1975 1980 1985 1990 Year 1995 2000 2005 2010