Renewable Energy in Jordan Desalination of Brackish Water by Solar Energy By: Salah Azzam Director of Energy Research Program National Center for Research and Development 1 Introduction 1- RE Resource Assessment 2- Current RE Utilizations in Jordan 3- SOLAR WATER PUMPING IN REMOTE AREAS 4- SOLAR BRAKISH WATER DESALINATION 2 Introduction key research areas of NCRD include: Energy Research Program: Renewable Energy (Photovoltaic, Bio Energy (Biomass, Biogas, Bio fuel , Solar Water Heater, CSP, Wind Energy, EE,), and Oil Shale) Water and Food Research Program Biotechnology Research Program Nano technology Research Program Badia Research Program 3 Energy Situation in Jordan --I Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 Crude Oil and Oil Derivatives 4426 4454 4774 6141 Renewable Energy Natural Gas 128 2697 137 3086 141 2289 130 873 Imported Electricity 137 98 168 313 SUM 7335 7739 7357 7457 97% Natural Gas 12% Imported Electricity 4% Renewable Energy 2% 3% Local Energy Production Imported Energy Crude Oil and Oil Derivatives 82% Energy Situation in Jordan --- II Cost of Energy Consumed Energy Imported Bill (million JD) Energy costs as percentage of Imports & Exports Exports% Imports% GDP% 2008 2763 49 22.9 18.3 2009 1916 42.3 19.2 10.8 2010 2603 52.2 24 13.3 2011 4019 71 31 20 I- RE Resource Assessment Dr. Christina Class, INCOSOL 2012 6 Map of Global Solar Radiation over Jordan (MEMR) and Royal Geographical Center, developed by Risø in 1989 ,(W.h/m2/day) Solar Exclusion Map “Action Plan for high priority renewable energy initiatives in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Area” (REMAP), 2007 (REMAP Conclusions- solar potential • With all these restrictions, • 5% of the surface of Jordan is estimated to be suitable for developing solar plants. This figure would involve 100 GW = 250 TW.h • Solar generation capacity economic potential estimation has been carried out : reducing the economic potentially feasible area to 15 km to the 132 kV grid boundary. ► 1% of the surface of Jordan. This area means 20 GW of installed capacity, with an electrical production of 50,000 GWh, being the current annual electrical consumption in Jordan around 12,000 GWh Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), with cooperation with Royal Geographic Center, has provided wind resource map in Jordan at 50 m height a.g.l.: Exclusion Criteria • The application of this filter allows estimating the available area around 41 % of the total surface of Jordan. • Distance >1000 m of a Residential areas, noise < 40 db. • Distance < 100 m from the axis of a regional road, • Distance < 200 m from the axis of highway. • Lakes and dams (hydrology). Water covered areas are neglected in the estimation of wind. • Distance less than 75 km of a line of electric transmission. Wind Power Exclusion Map The application of this filter allows estimating the available area around 16 % of the total surface of Jordan. Taking into account these figures, the wind technical potential is 3.6 GW. Hydro-power Potential 1- King Talal dam spanning the river Zarqa, 5 MW. 2- Aqaba thermal power station 5 MW. 3- Khirbit Al Samra WWTP 3.5 MW The total capacity of hydropower is 13.5 MWe, the total amount of electricity generated, in 2012, by hydro-units was 57.6 GWh. Proposed RED-DEAD Canal : 800-1000 MW Biogas – Organic Waste Energy in fertilizers MWhth/a % N 907,130 50.9% P2O5 814,550 45.7% K2 O 61,184 3.4% TOTAL 1,782,863 Summary on potential for electrical power generation in 12 Governorates from 7 substrates, 96.5MW, 273 MW th Potential of Biogas Energy in MSW Landfills Waste deposited, Gg Average yearly deposition, (Gg) Years remaining for closure Quantity of methane generated per year (Gg) Quantity of methane generated (Gg)-2006 20 1,450.80 246 10 20 119.16 Mafraq 10 474.864 74 10 6.1 39 N.Shouneh 10 471.12 118 10 9.7 38.69 Russaifa 15 8,000.00 630 0 51.7 657.07 Al Ghabawi 25 1,606.00 803 23 66 131.9 Dhuleil 10 184.704 56 10 4.6 15.17 Salt 10 519.48 79 10 6.5 42.67 Der alla 3 153.504 74 10 6.1 12.61 Madaba 14 780.312 182 10 14.9 64.09 Karak 10 510.744 89 10 7.3 41.95 Tafila 13 223.08 31 10 2.5 18.32 Shobak 9 122.304 22 10 1.8 10.05 Ail 10 122.928 20 10 1.6 10.1 Ma’an 9 243.36 44 10 3.6 19.99 Aqaba 4 ----- ----- ------- ----- ------ Period of landfill, year Akaider Landfill sites in the middle region Al Ghabawi Dhuleil Salt (Humra) Der alla South shouneh Madaba Landfill sites in the southern region Karak Ghour mazra Ghour safi Tafila Al hussaineeh Shobak Ail Ma’an Alquairah Aqaba Landfill sites in the northern region Akaider Mafraq (Huseniyat) North badia Al ruaished Al azraq North Shuneh Total Energy in Landfills 356 MW Energy produced, 2020 203 MWe 49 Mwe 104MWe Solid Biomass • The olive cake represents the solid biomass resources in Jordan. • 47203 tons of olive cake is generated every year with a rate of increase of 4.5% every year. Geothermal Potential Most of these wells are discharging thermal water range in temperature from 30 to 62 Co. Azraq Well (Az-1) is the classic example of these wells. Azraq well is located about 2 km south west of North Azraq. Another well of importance is Smeika -1 well which is located at 17 km north of Safawi town. The temperature is 57°C and the total dissolved solids are about 600 ppm with high H2S smell. Several wells have been drilled during the oil exploration project by Natural Resources Authority. Summary Assessments of Renewable Potentials in Jordan Source Theoretical Potential SOLAR Energy 20 GW WIND Energy 3.6 GW Biogas from biomass 96.5 MWe and 273 MWth Biogas in Landfills 356 MWe Hydropower 600-1000 MWe Geothermal 1-Direct uses : residential and District heating, Agricultural uses, 2-Further exploration in high thermal gradient areas (Azraq Basin) II-CURRENT RE UTILIZATIONS SOLAR ENERGY – SOLAR WATER HEATERS • 12% in 2012 according to the last survey done by Department of Statistics (DOS). The total energy output was estimated at 380 GWh yearly. the total savings in the primary energy was 61, 218 toe. • Assuming 24% penetration in the year 2020, The resulting energy savings are projected to be 760 GWh, or primary energy savings of 122436 toe. SOLAR PV • the total installed capacity was 0.5 MW in the year 2006, and 1.6 MW in 2012. Most of these units have been installed in the remote areas of Jordan, for the purpose of lighting, water pumping systems and have the capability of producing 3.21 GWh per year. Therefore, the savings in the primary energy is equivalent to 399 toe. • This is expected to rise to 100 MW in the year 2020, equivalent to 182.5 GWh per year, or 45493 toe in saving primary energy. WIND ENERGY • Two wind farms are in operation in the Northern Part of Jordan. The first was installed in AlIbrahemya in 1987 with a capacity of 320 kW. The second wind farm was installed in Hofa with a capacity of 1,125 kW. In 2006, the total capacity of these two wind farms was 1.445 MW with output of 3.16 GWh per year, equivalent to 789 toe of primary energy mix). • It is expected that 500 MW will be available in 2020, with a capacity of 109.5 GWh. This has a potential saving of 272,957 toe of primary energy. Biogas • In 2006, the total installed capacity of bio-energy was about 3.5 MW in the Russaifa Biogas Plant, and Khirbit ALsamra WWTP has installed, 6.5 MW in 2011, working on digestion of waste water, a total of 10 MWe is the total installed capacity in the year 2012. Capable of producing 74.46 GWh yearly. This has a potential primary energy equivalent savings of 18561 toe. The Jordan Bio–Gas Company (owned equally by CEGCO and Greater Amman Municipality) has continued to work on the organic waste treatment at the Rusaifa waste land fill. • In 2007, the volume of solid and liquid waste treated, reached around 5440 tons, and the amount of electricity generated was 9,494 MWh, The plant consists of two parts, the first part seeks to restrict and use the gas emissions from the Rusaifa landfill for generating energy, and the second part handles the organic waste treatment away from the source. The waste treatment takes place via a special reactor for producing the bio–gas and organic fertilizers. Solid Biomass-Olive Cake • 47203 tons of olive cake is generated every year with a rate of increase of 4.5% every year. • Used for direct firing for domestic heating, fueling boilers, and in cement industry. • The heat content in one kg of olive cake is equivalent to 0.46 kg of crude oil. The olive cake resources is equivalent to 21,241 t.o.e and saving 22 359 toe in primary energy. Hydropower • The King Talal Dam has a 10 MW capacity installation, and there is a small hydropower project in Aqaba Water Company, • The Khirbit Assamra WWTP installed 2 small micro hydro turbines of 3.5 MW at the inlet of the plant, to utilize the kinetic energy in waste water flows from the height difference between Amman and Zarqa cities. the total capacity of hydropower is 13.5 MWe with output 101 GW.h/year which is potential saving of 250.57 toe of primary energy. • • • Very small power plants could be developed in the urban water supply systems, but only for very small capacities. The only strong potential seems to be in the canal Red Sea – Dead Sea (600 MW), and in pumping storage in Al-Wehda Dam (200 MW). Current and Future Installations of RE The RE Contribution in 2012 Sector The Expected RE Contribution in 2020 Produc Produced Capacity, ed Energy MW Energy ( TOE Primary Energy Saved (TOE) Capacity, (MW) Produced Energy (GWh) Produce d Energy, (TOE) Savings in the Primary Energy (TOE) Solar Water Heaters Concentrated Solar Power(CSP) Photovoltaic (PV) 158 380 5556 61218 316 760 65260 122436 0 0 0 0 100 182.5 15695 46162 1.6 3.21 137.6 399 100 182.5 15695 45493 Biogas Thermal, CHP, MWth 15.7 117 10053 29141 78.5 584.511 50268 145704 Biogas Electricity, CHP, MWe 10 74.46 6404 18561 50 372.3 32018 276811 21,241 22359 31862 33539 Solid Biomass 47 Kton dry/year Wind Energy 1.445 3.16 272 788.84 500 1095 94170 272957 Geothermal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hydropower 13.5 101 8645 25057 13.5 100.521 8644.8 25057 Total 200 678.26 157524 5698 968159 5.28% 2.11% 18.5% 10.7% Percentage of Renewable Energy in the Total Energy Conclusions • The country has a good potential of RE resources, especially the solar energy. • The country has drafted policies and regulations to promote technology deployment, (e.g. the renewable energy and EE has a national priority), • The country has ‘Enabling Environment’ to deploy the technology like: • The Existence of National Plans for R&D and Innovation, • Adequate Human and Financial Resources, • The Existence of RE & EE Labs. Conclusions Solar/Wind Atlas GIS Model For Data Manipulation and Maps • Building Digital Solar/Wind Atlas for Jordan based on Satellite and Land Measurements for DNI (Direct Normal Irradiance), GHI (Global Horizontal Irradiance), and DHI (Diffused Horizontal Irradiance). • The development of new/more advanced models for assessing wind resources for wind farm development, wind turbine design, spatial planning, policy promotion, and other uses. II- WATER Pumping Using Photovoltaic in Remote Areas Dr. Christina Class, INCOSOL 2012 29 ~100 PV Installations in Jordan 1985-2011 10 kWp/year 112.1 kWp Water Pumping 72.5 kWp Rural Electrification 21.6 kWp Telecomm. 27.2 kWp Brackish Water Desal. 236.4 kWp Total Cost Items for a Diesel Pumping System • Land • Well digging • Well casing • Site preparation • Guard room • Site enclosure • Diesel Engine • Water pump • Water storage tank • Fuel storage tank • Installation • Piping • Inspection • Service • Fuel • Fuel transportation 31 Cost Items for a PV Pumping System • Land • Well digging • Well casing • Site preparation • Guard room • Site enclosure • Water storage tank • PV array • PV array foundation • PV array support structure • Cabling • PV array installation • Inverter • Piping • Submersible electric pump • Pump installation • Inspection • Service 32 Levelized Water Pumping Cost (LWC) Specific Water Pumping Cost Comparison 0.0754 0.0700 0.0600 JD/m3 0.0500 0.0402 0.0400 0.0300 0.0200 0.0100 0.0000 PV Diesel 33 III- A PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM FOR SMALL SCALE BRACKISH WATER DESALINATION IN REMOTE AREAS Overview Introduction The System System Sizing Measurements Economic Analysis Conclusion 35 Introduction PROJECT SITE 36 The System 37 Photovoltaic System Sizing example: water pumping altitude difference: 40 m 3 m3/h during 6 working hours recovery rate (RO): 60 % 30 m3/day 3.27 kWh/day taking into account efficiency of the inverter, motor, pump as well as charge and discharge loos rate required daily output taking into account the efficiency of the PV cells, the daily input is 63.75 kWh/day to retrieve the size of the PV array, we assume a solar radiation of 5.5 m2 / day using the PV array size and panel area, maximum power delivered into load and a safety factor, we calculate the peak power of the PV generator 38 Overall Results Element PV Array Sizing Result 10.113 kWp Battery Capacity 43.5 kWh maximum PV charging current 208.33 A maximum rated AC power output 10.4 kVA 39 Measurements 40 100 9000 90 8000 80 7000 70 6000 60 5000 50 4000 40 3000 30 2000 20 1000 10 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Temperature [C] Average Daily Solar Radiation [W\m.m] 10000 0 Dec Month Temperature and Solar Radiation in 2011 41 100 9000 90 8000 80 7000 70 6000 60 5000 50 4000 40 3000 30 2000 20 1000 10 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Temperature [C] Average Daily Solar Radiation [W\m.m] 10000 0 Month Temperature and Solar Radiation in 2011 42 100 900 90 800 80 700 70 600 60 500 50 400 40 300 30 200 20 100 10 0 0 3 6 9 12 Time 15 18 21 Temperature [C] Average Solar Radiation [W\m.m] 1000 0 Temperature and Solar Radiation on June 14th 2011 43 Efficiency Data 44 Economic Analysis PV System capital investment and personnel costs battery exchange every 7 years inverter and charge controller exchange after 7 and 10 years resp 2.33 JD / m3 Diesel system capital investment and personnel costs generator replacement after 5 years filter exchange after 200 working hours lubrication oil exchange 15 x per year overhaul costs Diesel incl transportation 4.60 JD / m3 45 Summary successful installation of a PV system for RO desalination of brackish water in the Jordan valley has been running for 16 months data collection started and will enable further research economically very feasible approach but high initial investment costs 46 Thank you! 47