Presentation by Prof. Andrzej Babuchowski, Permanent

Andrzej Babuchowski
Agriculture and Fisheries Section
Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland
to the European Union
20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to
emissions from 1990
increase 20% share of renewable energy in final energy
improved by 20% the energy efficiency
10% share of biofuels in the general consumption transport fuels
Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy
from renewable sources and amending and subsequently
repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC
Deadline of implementing this directive is the 5th of December
2010 r.
In Poland, Ministry of Economy is responsible for this action
Sets mandatory targets in the share of renewable energy in
the general energy balance in 2020:
 for EU – 20%
 for Poland - 15%
The share of biofuel was set out on 10%, both EU and Poland
Definining of sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids
(directive RES, art. 17)
The greenhouse gas emission saving from the use of biofuels and
bioliquids shall be at least:
 35% - from the 1 st of April 2013
 50% - from the 1 st of January 2017
 60% - from the 1 st of January 2018
Biofuels and bioliquids taken into account for the purposes shall
not be made from raw material obtained from land :
 with high biodiversity value
 with high carbon stock
 that was peatland in January 2008
Agricultural raw materials cultivated in the Community and
used for the production of biofuels and bioliquids shall be
in accordance with the requirements and standards
establishing common rules for direct support schemes for
farmers under the CAP in accordance with the minimum
requirements for good agricultural and environmental
condition (regulation nr 73/2009)
The Commission shall report on national measures taken to
respect the sustainability criteria for soil, water and air
 in respect of both third countries and Member States that are
a significant source of biofuels/raw material for biofuels
consumed within the Community
 the EC shall report every two year
 the first report shall be submitted in 2012
„Polish Energy Policy up to 2030”
 Development of Agricultural
for 2010 – 2020
Objective: promotion of investments on biogas plant end biogas
Energy Law
 Regulation of Ministry of Economy
Objective: Provide to increasing share of agricultural biomass
In current regulation proportion of agricultural biomass is
increasing up to 100% in 2017 (or 60% depend on type of
instalation) in total amount of burning biomass
In project of this regulation share of agricultural biomass is
decrease up to 75% in 2017 (or 30% depend on type of
instalation) in total amount of burning biomass
It is not compatible with „Polish Energy Policy up to 2030”
These acts protects forests!
EU 27
81 426
87 332
91 807
102 315
4 346
4 844
4 919
5 186
 Act
on biocomponents and liquid biofulels
 „National Target
2007 – 2013”
Should provide substitution of fuels used in transport by
biofuels on the minimum level 5,75% in 2010 and 10% in
 „Multiannual Biofuels Promotion and Other
Renewable Fuels Programme for the Years
2008 – 2014”
Positive impact on the environment - reduce greenhouse gas
Security of energy supply
Promoting technological development and innovation
Providing opportunities for employment and regional development,
especially in rural and isolated areas
However, widespread use of RES generates costs relates to the
introduction of new technologies
The policy of rural and agricultural development should
contribute to mitigation the climate change and adapting to
its effects. The policy should promote a number of actions
 water management – in order to improve water retention and flood protection
 protection against erosion
 afforestation - improved retention and protection against erosion, absorption
of greenhouse gases
 modernisation of transport - construction and power solutions in view of
energy efficiency
 biodiversity protection - the indigenous species are at risk of being driven out
Rural areas development is linked with electrification. RES
should be the instrument to this actions, because of the
possibility to:
Reduce losses in electricity transmission
Improve the energy input parameters
Being the impulse to develop of rural areas - new workplaces
Opportunity to diversify and increase farm income
Import of energy biomass requires carrying out
a comprehensive analysis of economic, environmental and
social effects of such activity
It is unacceptable to import biomass which is not produced
in conformity with sustainability criteria
Import of agriculture biomass for energy purposes should be
limited to the quantities which are really needed
The import of biomass and biofuel should not be the basic
for realization of the Climate - Energy Package aims
Funding bioenergy in rural areas from the
Regional Operational Programmes
The following projects are financed:
•< 20 million PLN (ca. 5 M€)
•< 10 million PLN (ca. 2.5 M€).for small
hydro-power stations up to 10 MW as
well as electricity produced from biomass
or biogas
Rural Development Programme 2007 - 2013
 Modernisation of agricultural holdings
 Diversification into non-agricultural activities
 Support for business creation and development
 Basic services for the economy and rural population
Within Rural Development Programme, selfgovernments can be supported for bio energy
projects (Measure 321) on conditions that the
projects are made in:
•Settlements belonging to the rural
•Settlements belonging to municipal/rural
communities excluding towns above 5
thousand inhabitants
•Towns of population below 5 thousand
Project can involve more than one settlement
Measure 321 – Basic services for economy
and rural communities
Beneficiary - rural communities:
Max. value of the investment - 3 million
PLN (0.75 M€)
Grant - 40% of the value of investment
Article. 28, Council Regulation (EC) 1698/2005 on support for
rural development by European Agricultural Fund for Rural
Development (EAFRD) provides that support in the framework
of Added value to primary agricultural and forestry
production RDP action, may be granted only for products
included in Annex I of the Treaty of UE
This means that the support is not for RES
RDP for food enterprises and farmers
Food enterprises
Measure 123 – Increase added value to primary
agricultural and forestry production
Beneficiaries - SMEs
Max. value of grant 20 million PLN (ca. 5 M€)
Intensity of support – up to 40%
Measure 311 – Differentiation for nonagricultural activities
Beneficiaries – farmers and memebrs of
their families
Max. value of grant 0,100 million PLN (ca.
25 000 €)
Intensity of support – up to 50%
Measure 312 – Establishment and
development of microenterprises
Beneficiaries – private or legal entities with
less than 10 employees and turnover below
0.5 M€
Max. value of grant 0,300 million PLN (ca.
75 000 €)
Intensity of support – up to 50%
 Operational
 Regional
Operational Programme
 National
Fund for Environmental Protection and
 Bank
Protection of Environment
One of the priorities of polish presidency is:
„Biomass, renewable sources as and element of
energetic security improvement and economy
development in EU”
Conference of Ministerial – the 16th of July 2011,
Sopot, Poland
„Energetic utilization of agriculture biomass as
an important element of the Common Agricultural
The basic and priority task of agriculture in the EU is food production
The production potential of agriculture will be an important source to
meet the increased demand for bioenergy raw materials
Agricultural crops for energy purposes should use environmentally
friendly technologies. It is important to follow the demand on food
products (forecasts indicate an approximately 50% increase in demand for
food in 20-30 years)
It is needed to place particular emphasis on the use by-products and
waste from agriculture and agri-food industry for energy purposes
Agriculture biomass for energy purposes should be used locally,
especially in micro and mini plants. Biomass transport for distance more
than 50-100 km does not support energy policy
Thank you for your attention