World War I - Cleveland History

Alliance System
Austrian Archduke
declares war on Serbia
(Russia’s ally)
Germany declares war
on Russia and
“No Man’s Land”
-Area between armies
Trench warfare
Stalemate (1914-1917)
American Neutrality
-Lots of Germans &
British blockade
German U-Boat attacks
-Sank the Lusitania
-Zimmermann Note
a. Allies
b. pacifists
c. socialists
d. Lusitania
e. militarism
i. Central Powers
f. nationalism
j. “no man’s land”
g. imperialism
k. Woodrow Wilson
h. trench warfare l. Zimmermann note
m.Archduke Franz Ferdinand
n. Emperor Wilhelm II
______ 1. His assassination sparked World War I.
______ 2. This British liner was sunk by a German U-boat.
______ 3. These people opposed World War I because they perceive all wars as evil.
______ 4. These people opposed World War I because they saw it as an imperialist struggle.
______ 5. In 1914, this alliance consisted of France, Britain, and Russia.
______ 6. In 1914, this alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.
______ 7. This contained a suggestion of an alliance between Mexico and Germany that deeply
angered the American people.
______ 8. This long-term cause of the war involved the development of the armed forces and their
use as a tool of diplomacy.
______ 9. Closely linked with industrialization, this long-term cause of the war involved a contest for
______ 10. In the Battle of the Somme, this resulted in the exchange of seven miles of territory at
the cost of 1.2 million casualties.
______ 11. This long-term cause of the war encouraged competitiveness between nations and
encouraged various ethnic groups to attempt to create nations of their own.
1. Describe how the U.S. mobilized for war.
2. Show how the government promoted the war.
3. Summarize Wilson’s 14 points.
Selective Service Act
-The Draft
World Industrial Power
Convoy System
-Cruiser & Destroy
-American Expeditionary
New Weapons
-Machine Guns
-Chemical Weapons
-Shell Shock
Alvin York
-Killed 25 Germans and took
132 prisoners.
-Conscientious Objector
-11/11/1918 @ 11:00 AM
-22 Million Deaths, $338 billion
a. Alvin York
b. convoy system
d. Selective Service Act
c. mechanized warfare
e. conscientious objector
______ 1. This term describes a person who opposes warfare on moral
______ 2. This began with the introduction of the tank and the airplane
as weapons.
______ 3. This involved merchant vessels traveling in large groups with
naval ships acting as guards.
______ 4. This required men to register with the government in order to
be randomly selected for military service.
______ 5. Armed only with a rifle and a revolver, he killed 25 Germans
and, with 6 other soldiers, captured 132 prisoners.
Government Authority
-War Industries Board
-Economic Boom
-Food Rationing
-War Bonds
-George Creel
-Espionage & Sedition Acts
The Great Migration
-Thousands of AfricanAmericans move North.
Women move into
Spanish Flu: 500,000 deaths
1. Under the National War Labor Board, the nation’s main wartime
regulatory body, industrial production in the United States
increased by about 20 percent.
2. George Creel was a muckraking journalist who led the
Committee on Public Information, the nation’s first propaganda
3. Under the immigration quota system, a person could be fined
and/or imprisoned for interfering with the war effort.
4. The Great Migration was a large-scale movement of hundreds
of thousands of Southern African Americans to Western farms.
1. No Secret Treaties
2. Freedom of the seas
3. Free Trade
4. Arms reduction
5. Colonial Benevolence
6-13. Self-Determination
14. League of Nations
Creates 9 new countries.
No German Army.
$33 Billion in Reparations.
War-Guilt Clause
-Blamed Germany for war
U.S. refuses to sign the treaty
and creates their own peace
treaty with Germany.