Table of contents – Forests and climate change – Sustainable forest management – Biodiversity and forests – Tourism and forests The importance of forests • • • • • • Atmosphere Food and home Resources Prevent soil erosion Prevent flooding Stabilizing effect on the world´s climate Atmosphere • Atmosphere in forests is relaxing • Clean air Food and home • Provide food and home for animals Resources Wood is used for Houses Heating Furniture Floor Paper Prevent soil erosion Prevent flooding Stabilizing effect on the world´s climate • fossil fuels burned -> release carbon dioxide -> trees change carbon dioxide into oxygen and sugar Sustainable forest management • • • • Replant trees which were cut down Avoid deforestation Only cut down trees that grow fast enough Increase forest areas - Plant more trees than you cut down • Cut down trees which are dead or sick Right and wrong use of wood resource • Use handkerchief instead of tissue • Do not throw aways notebooks/exercise books, which aren`t filled up and recycle them then • Use every part of the tree that´s cut down • Recycle paper • Write on both sides of a paper • Do not cut down forest just because of money Sustainable tourism • - Sustainable tourism means visit nature without damaging it See nature in its original form experience nature from close up Facts about tourism • 980 million people travelled internationally in 2011 ( a 4% increase over 2010) and this is expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2020 • International tourists spend over US$700 per person on their travel • Travel and tourism represents approximately 10% of total global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (if it includes tourismrelated businesses (e.g. catering, cleaning) • Global travelling and tourism industry creates approximately 10% of the world's employment (directly & indirectly) Tourism affects National Parks • Tourism destroys nature (eg. picking of flowers, dropping rubbish) • Bicycle tours, cave tours in nature parks • National parks in Germany and Hungary References • • • • • • • • • • • • • Thank you for your attention! The unicorn group