Reptile Scavenger Hunt “The living fossil” RETICULATED PYTHON The living fossil order tuatara How do reptiles conserve water? sphenodonta Scientists agree on what killed the dinosaurs? Pasty feces 1 INVALID hypothesis on what killed the dinosaurs GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE Top of the tuatara’s head lays a…. Small mammals ate all the dinosaur eggs! When snakes move in a straight line RD 3 EYE Land dinosaur with 3 horns RECTILINEAR MOTION OLDEST CHELONIAN TRICERATOPS Small/short armed land dinosaur GALAPAGOS TORTOISE Organs that detect smell T-REX Horned pterosaur JACOBSON’S ORGANS Snake movement with 2 pts of contact DIMORPHODAN Lays eggs SIDEWINDER Bacteria carrying large lizard OVIPAROUS Venomous lizard KOMODO DRAGON Egg water GILA MONSTER Amniote diffusion membrane/waste removal AMNIOTIC FLUID “modified egg” in mammals ALLANTOIS Crocodilians with U-shaped snout PLACENTA African croc ALLIGATOR African venomous snake (aggressive) NILE CROCOCDILE Venomous Australian snake/aggressive BLACK MAMBA Most numerous reptile order EASTERN BROWN Carapacial Order SQUAMATA Ventral part of the turtle shell CHELONIA Ditches the tail/survival tactic plastron Indian crocodilian CAUDAL AUTOTOMY EGG WHITE GAVIAL Strangling Squamatan ALBUMIN