Mythical Creatures

QUESTIVITIES™: Fascinating Creatures: Dinosaurs and Others.......
1. List all the reasons which might explain why the dinosaurs became extinct.
2. In what ways is a dinosaur like a dragon? In what ways are they different?
3. What would happen if a fascinating and unusual animal was found in a remote area
of the world today?
4. How do you explain why people in the past created stories about mythical creatures?
5. Would you rather be a real animal or a (mythical) make-believe one?
6. How would you feel if you were able to have a make-believe animal for a pet?
7. What is your most favourite family of dinosaurs?
8. Why are modern people fascinated with mythical creatures?
Active Questions
• List all the questions extinct animals in Australia would ask modern people.
• List all the questions which near extinct animals would ask modern people.
• List all the questions which a dinosaur would ask a whale.
J. Farrall, AISSA 2014