MTS Working Group San Francisco F2F Agenda Aram Shumavon and Alan Becker Kevala Dec. 9, 2014 Revisions to Valuation of DER: Walking, Jogging, Running Walk Jog Run Q1, 2015 – H1 2016 2017- 2020 2020 and beyond Improved Visibility Utility Plans and Products Mature Markets Heatmaps, Test Areas Statewide Rollout of Proven Analytical Framework Market Integration 2 2 Walking - Short Term Revisions to Valuation of DER Focus on granularity and visibility. Methodology Outline: 1) Reduce friction by leveraging existing platforms January 2015 deliverables? 2) Publicly available inputs, assumptions Preference for public prices, etc. – there is not time for anything else. 3) Geospatial quantification Ability to differentiate between the value of the same resource in two locations. 4) Circuit level granularity, where possible; substation where not Combination of feeder and busbar granularity 5) Integrate of bulk power system and end user customer market signals Opex reduction, Capex avoidance, DR benefits, reliability improvement, etc. 6) Start to include a more comprehensive set of benefits Societal, environmental, health, jobs, etc. 3 3 Integrate Disparate Elements Existing Avoided Cost tool has serious limitations Static & blunt, but pervasive Inadequate, but familiar New valuation options are difficult to implement in a quickly e.g. Jobs benefits are likely to be highly contentious Policy makers need a tool to compare across alternatives e.g. Is a dollar spent avoiding a capacitor bank on one substation more valuable than load reduction elsewhere? 4 4 How Then to Bring the Pieces Together? We propose to modify the RMI/E3 DERACT as the basis for AB 327 DRP evaluation by: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Increasing the geographic granularity Adding additional benefit cost data Improving ease of use, accuracy, visibility, and speed Providing a framework for developing Jog and Run phase tools Establishing a mechanism for signaling probable evaluation mechanisms to other PUC proceedings 5 5 E3 Framework DRP Avoided Cost: Potential Granularity Upgrades Component Current Granularity (RMI/E3 DERACT) Potential DRP Granularity Data Source Energy Zonal LMP Node CAISO Losses Utility Utility Utilities, GRC Ancillary Services Statewide Statewide CASIO Emissions Statewide Statewide RMI/E3 DERACT Capacity System value (no use of LRA values) LRA-specific CPUC RA program T&D Capacity Utility (SCE, SDGE), climate zone (PGE), Substation, LRA (non-CAISO) (substation data was in NEM report, but not made public) Avoided RPS Statewide Statewide 6 Utilities, GRC RMI/E3 DERACT 6 For WG Consideration DRP Avoided Cost: Potential Analysis Expansion Component Current Potential DRP Granularity Data Source Transmission Capacity N/A LRA, Zone (Utility Capacity Projects 5-10 Yr Plans + CPUC assumption on >Yr 10 planning) Energy savings from transmission unloading N/A CRR path, LMP nodes Industry assumptions (i.e. Sandia NL) Capacity savings from LRA unloading N/A LRA LRA vs. System CAISO prices Fuel Price Hedge physical hedge N/A Utility, TEVAR model NREL assumptions, TEVAR model, GRCs Market-Price Suppression reduced wholesale energy prices N/A Statewide, CAISO NREL assumptions Reliability Routine Outages N/A Utility SAIDI statistics + Value of Service assumptions (Brattle Report, etc) Resiliency Major Event Outages N/A Industry assumptions (i.e. DOE) Emissions Health impacts N/A Air Basin, combination of air basin and LRA Industry assumptions Societal jobs, etc N/A Statewide Industry assumptions Additional A/S Volt/VAr, ramp(?) N/A Circuit Industry assumptions (i.e. NL) 7 7 Low Hanging Fruit for Localized Valuation Improvements e.g. LMP Node Level analysis is currently integrated for EE avoided cost and various DER investment 8 8 …And the Expansion of New Cost Categories e.g. Air quality geographies are known and market prices are transparent 9 9 Allowing Us to Leverage Multiple Datasets into a New Avoided Cost Tool Initial incorporation of RMI/E3 DERACT completed. Next steps include sample data integration 10 10 Leveraging the Familiar : Improved Granularity and Transparency Combining OpEx vs. CapEx breakdown, cost/benefit product, avoided cost tool (if applicable), geography and data source 11 11