The History of Beekeeping and Some Historical Beekeepers Roger Owens North Alabama Beekeepers Symposium August 2014 The History of Beekeeping “In my years of study and fascination with honeybees, I am always reminded from time to time there is always something new to learn or discover. Maybe that is how it is with nature. But the more I study the work of beekeepers that preceded us, the more I believe they had this figured out.” Roger Owens Beekeeper 2013 The History of Beekeeping How far back does mans relationship with honeybees go? This picture of a cave painting in a cave located in Spain has been dated at 7,000 B.C. But many have been found around the world. The History of Beekeeping Honey Bees trapped in Amber The Honeybee has been around for a along time as indicated by the fossils and bees trapped in amber. A Fossil of a Honey Bee The History of Beekeeping The Egyptians documented in their tombs and buildings the importance of the honeybee in there society. The History of Beekeeping The Egyptians used horizontal clay vessels to keep Honeybees. The History of Beekeeping Natural built Honeybee Colonies The History of Beekeeping Roman Apiary. In ancient times, the colony was destroyed during the harvesting of honey and wax. Sometime in the past, ancient beekeepers learned to used smoke to push the bees deep into the hive, and extract just the comb containing honey. Leaving the broad comb, so the colony could rebuild and survive. The History of Beekeeping Antique Beekeeping Equipment The History of Beekeeping Honey Bee Skep The History of Beekeeping Lorenzo Langstroth invented the removable frame hive, thereby making commercial beekeeping possible as we know it today. When he was ask how he came up with his invention, he responded with the following comment. “It was all made possible by a simple observation by an observant individual.” The History of Beekeeping Langstroth, WBC, Long Box, Warr’e Hive, Top Bar, British National Hive, Commercial, Perone, Darlington Long Deeps, etc……….. Modern Day Hive Equipment The History of Beekeeping Early on, Beekeepers were mostly farmers, that keep bees on their farm to pollinate crops and to use the honey for baking, as a sweetener, and wax for candles. They used what ever wooden material they had available to make their bee Circa 1930’s Beekeeper and Equipment The History of Beekeeping What is Surplus Honey? Many beekeepers remove what honey they consider surplus honey in late summer or early autumn. This practice began in the late 19th century. Until then, beekeepers left all the honey on the hive until the spring nectar flow was underway. Interesting Facts about Honey The History of Beekeeping Interesting Info about Comb The size of natural cells range from 4.8 – 5.4 mm in diameter. This varies between geographic areas, and according to those who kept such records the overall size has not changed from the 1600’s until the present time. The smallest cell diameters are seen at seal level nearest the equator, and increases with the distance toward cooler climates and higher altitudes. Of course the bee races also have influence as well. The History of Beekeeping Natural built Horizontal Comb Cells Natural Comb Cells Natural built Vertical Comb Cells The History of Beekeeping The State of Beekeeping and the The History of Beekeeping To lodge a complaint for label violation – adverse incidents contact the following: Alabama Agriculture and Industries 334.240.7242 Alabama Department of Environmental Management 334.271.7700 Pesticides are dangerous for Humans and Honeybees What is wrong with this picture? The History of Beekeeping Migratory Beekeeping The History of Beekeeping The Dangers of hauling Honeybees by truck. Should Honeybees even be moved except at night? Authorities first response is to protect the public, and reopen roadways. Usually the bees are destroyed as a result. Migratory Beekeeping The History of Beekeeping An interesting way to move Honey Bees and take advantage of blooming plants and trees along river banks and bottom land. Many cultures around the world use this method. Migratory Beekeeping The History of Beekeeping Is Mono-Culture helping or hurting our Honey Bees? Mono-Culture The History of Beekeeping This is typically what happens to bee colonies after the pollination season is over. What do you see wrong with this area? Do you believe this is good management practice? Migratory Beekeeping Holding Yards The History of Beekeeping Honey Bees use Nectar of flowers for carbohydrates, and Pollen as their Protein source in their diet. Since flowers have different pollen make ups , it would stand to reason that Bees would be healthier with a diverse Plant Diversity The History of Beekeeping The Honey bees primary function is to pollinate plants, not honey production. Even with all the pest such as Mites, Small Hive Beetle and others, the major contributor to honey bee decline is Biocides, and Management Practices. What will happen if we don’t stop the Honey Bee Decline? The History of Beekeeping “The skills that a person needs to succeed in Beekeeping is to pay close attention to details, while developing the habits of ………… Observation, Contemplation, and Implementation Roger Owens Beekeeper 2010 Historical Beekeepers Harry J. Lorenzo Whitcombe Langstroth Dr. C.C. A.I. Root Miller Karl Von Frisch Nephi Miller Frank C. Harry Laidlaw Jr. Pellett Rachael Carson Jim Bunch Honorable Mention Rossman Weaver Apiaries Apiaries Dadant Wilbanks Apiaries Historical Beekeepers “ A born Beekeeper never loses his enthusiasm.” “ If everything in the business of beekeeping were fully settled, and we know before hand just exactly the right step to take in any given case there wouldn’t be nearly as much fun in it.” Author of “Fifty years among the Bees”. Dr. C.C. Miller Historical Beekeepers Published “Gleaning in Bee Culture along with “ABC of Bee Culture” in 1879. A.I. Root Historical Beekeepers His work centered on investigations of the sensory perceptions of the honey bee and he was one of the first to translate the meaning of the waggle dance. His theory was disputed by other scientists and greeted with skepticism at the time. Only recently was it definitively proven to be an accurate theoretical analysis. Karl Von Frisch Historical Beekeepers In 1905 Nephi Miller coined the phrase “Migratory Beekeeping”. Although it means nothing like the Migratory Beekeeping of today. “I learned at an early age that research, learning, and application of natural principles could make my efforts fruitful.” Founded Miller Honey Company in Utah, and is still operated today by his family. Nephi Miller Historical Beekeepers “Understanding of the relationship of cause and effect”. “When on becomes to fully understand all that is represented in the combs, he is well on his way to success”. “Every locality will present peculiar problems of its own which must be recognized by the successful beekeeper.” “Beekeeping requires careful attention to details.” Authored many books, like “American Honey Plants”, “Practical Queen Rearing”, “A Living from Bees”, and was Iowa’s first Bee Inspector. Frank C. Pellett Historical Beekeepers He was interested in bee breeding and worked with his grandfather, Charles Quinn. They experimented with mating queen bees and control breeding and developed what became know as the Quinn-Laidlaw hand-mating method. Known as “the father of honey bee genetics”. Laidlaw published his classic text “Queen Rearing” in 1950. Harry Laidlaw Jr. Historical Beekeepers Life long Beekeeper, and a pioneer in the study of pollination, and was a leader in the fight against DDT. Successfully transported and supplied Honey Bees using his own aircraft, not trains. Author of “Bees are my business” published in 1955, described his life as a beekeeper, and the growth of his business. Harry J. Whitcombe Historical Beekeepers Early 1960’s beehives headed to California Jim Bunch operated a 28,000 colony operations from the mid 1940’s until his death at 82 years old. Jim Bunch Jim Bunch and his father Len early 1920’s Historical Beekeepers “If we are going to live so intimately with these we chemicals – eating and drinking them, taking them into the very marrow of our bones – we had better know something about their nature and power” Rachael Carson The History of Beekeeping and Some Historical Beekeepers Roger Owens North Alabama Beekeepers Symposium August 2014