Learning Intention: Understand the Maori concepts of Taonga and Kaitiakitanga I Know I Will Be Successful When: I can incorporate Maori concepts into my responses Do Now: 50 Words About What You Need to Work on Most For Practice Exams A Natural or Cultural resource found in the environment that is highly prized Can You Think Of Anything Else? Tourism Caring for the environment in a sustainable way and protecting it for future generations Maori believe there is a deep connection between humans and the natural world. This connection is expressed through kaitiakitanga – a way of managing the environment People are not superior to the natural order; they are part of it. A Kaitiaki is a person or group that is recognised as a guardian by the tangata whenua (tribal group with authority in a particular area). Ngāi Tahu tribe are kaitiaki of the pounamu (greenstone) resource in the South Island. Te Āti Awa ki Taranaki, protest about sewage and industrial waste polluting tribal fishing areas. Ngāti Toa tribe worked with the residents’ association to place a rahui (restriction) on taking seafood, so the local fishery could be replenished. Ngāti Kahungunu, Rangitāne, Muaūpoko and Ngāti Raukawa have come together to address pollution of the Manawatū River. The Te Rarawa people are working to protect the kūkupa (wood pigeon). Describe how Pounamu is an example of a Taonga… Explain ways in which Ngai Tahu is acting as Kaitiaki of Pounamu… Compare & Contrast three perspectives from the clip… Reflect on why Maori need to act as Kaitiaki of Pounamu… https://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=KhuGWu4-SHI Describe how local fish is an example of a Taonga… Explain ways in which Greenpeace is acting as Kaitiaki of fish… Compare & Contrast three perspectives from the clip… Reflect on why Sealord need to act as Kaitiaki of NZ Fisheries… 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6XU3j9uu6A 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6nwZUkBeas 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8OAKADo9yg