By: Ramzi AbouSaid President of the Lebanese Energy Society Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 SOLAR PV IN LEBANON IS IT FINALLY FEASIBLE? FACTS AND HOPES THE DOMAIN In SOLAR PV is no more a Luxury, it is simply Successful Feasible Alternative Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 a country exhausted with utility blackouts exceeding 30% of daily hours with little hopes for a near future change for this sad reality In a country where electrical energy bill contributes almost 6% of GDP. In a country where the public utility budgetary heavily falls under devastating deficit of over $2B/annum In a supposedly “touristic” country where environment and clean means of generating energy is another essential virtue. In a county where diesel backup generator is one other default household appliance. In a country blesses with long solar hours of over 2000 h/year With the overwhelming decrease in PV prices along with the acceptable local Financial facility and Grants. INTERNATIONAL PV PRICE GRAPH Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 SYSTEM PRICE GRAPH Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 OPTIMUM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND COSTS Off grid On-Grid Cost about $3K/Kwp and no batteries are needed Best for net metering There should always be a backup generator running during utility blackouts. Sizing is made against maximum power generation. Example: Power plants, Industrial facilities, Micro grids in private compounds, ext. Interactive (Combination between On and Off-Grid) Cost about $5K/KWp Best for Home and small application with limited power requirement Acts as a good backup system during blackouts Surplus energy will be injected to the grid when available. Storage capacity is reduced due to limited Autonomy requirement. Examples: Households, Schools, offices, etc.. Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 Cost about $10K/Kwp Best used in very remote places( rarely found in Lebanon) Sized against the worst months of the year Examples: Remote areas such as resorts, Communications BTS, protected area INTERACTIVE SYSTEM RE Energy Generator Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 ~ Energy Flow Net Meter Utility Generator Back UP Battery Load LOCAL SOLAR RESOURCE (LEBANON) 1450Mwh/Kwp/Year Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 Average Solar Insolation : 5.4Kwh/sqm/year Average Temperature: lower 20C Average Specific Production (Lebanon): SOLAR ENERGY COST (ROUGH ESTIMATE) Cost of Energy = Initial system cost / amount of production over Life time Cost of Solar KWh from on-grid solar= $3000 / 1450 /25= about $0.085 While Current Cost of KWh from EDL ranges between $0.08-0.12~$0.10!!!!! Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 Kwh = cost of Kwp / production(Kwh/Kwp/year) System Life time ENERGY COST (ACTUALLY PAID) * Application specific and may vary due to Diesel price and the amount of blackout periods as well as various load curves. Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 Actual Energy Cost for consumers working both on EDL and Back up diesel Generator* 1. 100% Diesel Generator: $0.35-0.5/ KWh 2. 50% EDL, 50% Diesel Generator: about $0.30/Kwh 3. 70% EDL, 30% Diesel Generator: about $0.22/Kwh 4. 100% EDL about $0.10/Kwh PAY BACK PERIOD (DIFFERENT SCENARIOS) $0.30/KWh Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 $0.22/KWh Incentives are Critically important: loans and Grants (NEEREA) FACILITY AND GRANTS NEEREA Scheme (10-14years loan, 15% grant) for 25KWp Solar PV System: (Rough Estimate) Monthly Installments (W/o grant) $730 Monthly installments Equivalent Energy (15% Grant) Monthly Bills $620 $875 $0.22/Kwh cost: Monthly Installments (W/o grant) $730 Monthly installments Equivalent Energy (15% Grant) Monthly Bills $620 $640 Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 $0.3/Kwh cost: EXISTING PROJECTS Total installed capacity all over Lebanon is disappointedly less than 1MWp all in all Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 There might be a gap for an accurate statistical information about existing project and types integrated locally. A rough estimate would be as follows: Privately funded project sector: ~ 300Kwp Externally Funded project (UNDP, USAIS, UNIFIL, GTZ….): ~ 500Kwp Public Sector: <30KWp 3-4Years pay back period against 100% diesel @ $0.75/Kwh Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 40Kwp On-Grid (Micro-Grid environment) 70Kwp On-Grid (Micro-Grid environment) Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 3-4Years pay back period against 100% diesel @ $0.75/Kwh 2Kwp interactive (Back up with Net-metering) 2Kwp interactive (Back up with Net-metering) 8-10Years pay back period Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 8-10Years pay back period Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 FEED IN TARIFF (NEVER TOO EARLY) 1. Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 Going one step Further with Net Metering and merge the scheme with some “Lebanese customized” FET (Feed in Tarrif) practice: as to have a hybrid N.M-FET system: In such a case only surplus power be sold to EDL at a higher rate above the break even value ($0.22-0.25/KWh exported from net balance). Average EDL actual cost $0.17-$0.18/Kwh Ex-factory, while the maximum cost for EDL is as high as $0.38 (according to the 2010 MOPE National plan with current diesel price ). Why not buy RE energy at this already existing prices?? According to the MOPE plan the selling price of Kwh will have to rise to about $0.15/Kwh as of 2014. why not start increasing the RE price portion to encourage implementation.?? Each KWp installed by the consumer will help increasing the National grid Capacity already in sever deficit. Thus reducing the cost of investment required to increase this Capacity from the government side. PRIVET RE PLANTS (IT IS THE CORRECT TIME) Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 With the significant decrease in PV price, the energy produced from a good solar PV plant located in somehow low land cost, may currently achieve a cost of production of about USD$0.10-$0.15! The Utility is in urgent need of each additional MW to increase local capacity and accepting to buy Energy as high as $0.25 and to produce it with diesel at shocking cost of $0.35/Kwh If the government is not willing, or the least not capable, to engage in proper investment, then why not open the door for the private sector to conclude this job? All it takes is to accept to buy RE at reasonable price lower than EDL maximum cost but higher than the subsidized rates. Setting a buying rate with long term contracts while setting a Cap for production. BOT is one simple approach!!! CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Net Metering is an excellent startup and is a MUST to realize big RE systems, but is certainly not enough!! 2. Net Metering is more effective in niche sectors such as industrial and commercial applications where energy is needed and cost most. 3. Currently Net Metering is more Feasible when the actual cost of energy from the consumer side is above $0.2/Kwh. Further steps to push the sector forward: 1. Additional Financial incentives 2. More grants proportion to encourage the first few systems. Hopefully Arriving to 30-50% with Special funding with grant for few pilot projects.. 3. Obligatory codes and attractive incentives should be imposed in the Building law to encourage the use of RE. 4. Taxation and Facilities especially for industrial and commercial projects. 5. Additional incentives from EDL especially for big size systems. 6. Ultimately FIT or Modified FIT schemes should be adopted Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 1. Lebanese Solar Energy Society (LSES) In Short: LSES main objectives focus on developing solar energy in all its aspects and gradually guarantee a “Quality Label” linked to the design, manufacturing, installation, exploitation, education programs, training , marketing, awareness , etc.. WWW.LSES-LB.ORG Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 1) To get together associations of professionals, as well as individuals interested in the development of solar energy in all its various aspects. 2) To develop education programs and training sessions regarding the various applications of renewable energies in general and more particularly direct solar energy. 3) To set up gradually "Quality Label" with a view to guarantee the quality of services linked to the design, manufacturing, installation and exploitation of solar energy fields. 4) To encourage development and protection of the manufacturing of solar systems, in order to achieve a good quality of the equipment for the benefit of the users. 5) To inform and lead the public opinion on any matters regarding solar energy for the benefit of the national economy and environment in Lebanon. 6) To take part in scientific activities and to participate in appropriate exhibitions and seminars. 7) To back any initiatives to elaborate laws and to improve the existing ones, with the aim of developing the solar energy market, as well as other renewable energies. Solar PV In Lebanon/ Ecorient 2012 Contact Info: Ramzi AbouSAID President of Lebanese Energy Society