dhr. prof. dr. C.K.W. (Carsten) de Dreu


dhr. prof. dr. C.K.W. (Carsten) de Dreu - Universiteit van Amsterdam http://www.uva.nl/over-de-uva/organisatie/medewerkers/content/d/r/c.k...

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dhr. prof. dr. C.K.W. (Carsten) de Dreu

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen

Programmagroep: Work and Organizational Psychology

Weesperplein 4

1018 XA Amsterdam


T: 0205256865

T: 0205256860

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Profile Publicaties Nevenwerk


Professor of Psychology, University of Amsterdam (since 1998);

Specialized in neurobiological and psychological foundations of cooperation, conflict, g making, and creativity in humans

Fellow, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; Association for Psychologi

President European Association for Social Psychology (2008-2011)

Editor, J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. (Associate, 2011 - 2013); J. Org. Behav. (2001 - 2005)

H-index: 53; Total citations > 9,000 (Harzing/Google Scholar); > 3.5M Euro in Externa


Published > 150 research articles (e.g., Science, PNAS, Psych Bull, J Pers Soc Psych

Proc Royal Soc Biology); > 40 review chapters (e.g., Hndb Soc Psych, Adv Exp Soc P

Psych Rev) click here to download full curriculum vitae

Conflict and Creativity Lab

Many decisions are made in groups. Political action is the result of decisions made by gro politicians and advisors, international dispute resolution involves teams of negotiators, an management teams jointly decide on business strategies affecting the lives of numerous and customers. But even many more mundane decisions are the result of group processe about what marketing strategy a cross-functional product team proposes to upper manag what type of party to organize for a retiring colleague.

Sometimes group decisions are of high quality, reflecting creative problem solving by indiv groups and yielding new insights, ideas, products and services. Sometimes, however, the are of quite poor quality and the result of poor regulation of conflicting perspectives and in

In our Conflict and Creativity Lab, we investigate these and related issues to further unde

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dhr. prof. dr. C.K.W. (Carsten) de Dreu - Universiteit van Amsterdam http://www.uva.nl/over-de-uva/organisatie/medewerkers/content/d/r/c.k...

neurobiological, psychological, and social-contextual antecedents and consequences of d made by individuals and groups.

We develop and use game-experimental models of group decision making, including so-c information-pooling paradigms and bargaining games of trust, cooperation and competitio a variety of well-established tasks to gauge creative cognition.

We measure not only behavioral tendencies and human performance, but also psycholog neurophysiological variables that enable us to understand why individuals and their groups achieve creative solutions, regulate conflict of interest, and integrate diverse perspective quality judgments and decisions.

Recent Work on Neurobiology of Cooperation

The neuropeptide oxytocin regulates parochial altruism in intergroup conflict among hu


Oxytocin promotes human ethnocentrism, Proceedings National Academy of Science

Oxytocin modulates selection of allies in intergroup conflict . Proceedings of the Roya

B-Biological Sciences (2012)

Recent Work on Psychology of Creativity

Motivated information processing, epistemic social tuning, and group creativity. Journa and Social Psychology (2010).

When prevention promotes creativity: The role of mood, regulatory focus and regulato of Personality and Social Psychology (2011)

The cognitive cost and functionality of creativity under approach vs. avoidance motivat

Personality and Social Psychology (2012)

Working Memory benefits creative insight, musical improvisation and original ideation t task-focused attention. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2012).

Recent Work on Conflict and Group Decision Making

Now you see it, now you don't: Interests, issues, and psychological distance in integrat

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2010).

Social value orientation moderates in-group love but not out-group hate in competitive

Group Processes and Intergroup Relations (2010)

In competitive interaction displays of red increase actors' competitive approach and pe withdrawal. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2012)

Interest (mis)alignments in representative negotiations: Do pro-social agents fuel or re conflict? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2012)

Media Coverage (in Dutch)

Climate Gate en Tunnelvisie in de Wetenschap

Artsen Straffen Helpt Niet: NRC May 2007

Sociale Verbindingen (Idee66; 2010)

Liever Polderen dan Polariseren

Blije Bedrijven: NRC 2009

Illusie van de Zelfzucht: Groene Amsterdammer 2009

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dhr. prof. dr. C.K.W. (Carsten) de Dreu - Universiteit van Amsterdam

Besluitvorming NZ-lijn; Het Parool 2010 http://www.uva.nl/over-de-uva/organisatie/medewerkers/content/d/r/c.k...

Denkfouten over Diversiteit inOrganisaties

Past and Present PhD Students

Ernestine Gordijn (1998)

Ellen Giebels (1999)

Fieke Harinck (2001)

Bianca Beersma (2002)

Marjolein de Best (2004)

Gerben van Kleef (2004)

Wolfgang Steinel (2004)

Maria Dijkstra (2006)

Irene de Pater (2005)

Eric Rietzschel (2005)

Astrid Homan(2006)

Lotte Scholten (2007)

Femke ten Velden (2008)

Mauro Giacomantonio (2009)

Matthijs Baas (2010)

Ilona McNeill (2011)

Shaul Shalvi (2011)

Marieke Roskes

Daniel Sligte

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