Make Up mij - Psychology Research Institute

Groups and individuals at work
1. Full title
The functioning and performance of individuals and groups in organizations
2. Research group
Work and Organizational Psychology
Program director: Annelies van Vianen
3. Members of the group
Senior staff
Matthijs Baas, Bianca Beersma, Carsten de Dreu, Arne Evers, Lindred Greer,
Astrid Homan, Madelon van Hooff, Edwin van Hooft, Annebel de Hoogh,
Severine Koch, Aukje Nauta, Barbora Nevicka, Irene de Pater, Femke ten
Velden, Machteld van den Heuvel, Annelies van Vianen.
Adi Amit, Gosia Goclowska, Mariska Kret, Shaul Shalvi, Freddie Zerres.
Hillie Aaldering, Yujie Cheng, Seval Gundemir, Jessie Koen, Özüm Saygi,
Marieke Roskes, Daniel Sligte, Tim Theeboom.
4. Membership Research Schools and other Research Institutes
Research of the group is embedded in the Kurt Lewin Institute.
5. Research topics
In today’s world of rapid changes due to economic and labor market pressures
it is vital to understand how people manage their careers, regulate professional
learning and development, and work together to produce creative ideas, and to
jointly achieve high quality decisions. The research group “Individuals and
Groups at Work” (IGW) deals with issues of cognitive as well affective
adaptation and regulation in changing organizational contexts. These issues are
studied at the individual level, the group level, and the cross-level interaction
between these levels. IGW aims to develop and test theory around (1)
individual adaptation, self-regulation, and behavior (e.g., career adaptability,
motivation, decision making, creativity and innovation), (2) group regulatory
processes and performance (e.g., leadership, power, team innovation, conflict
and negotiation, group judgment, and decision making) and (3) the cross-level
interaction between individual and group level (determinants of) regulatory
processes (e.g., the interaction of organizational cultures, leaders, groups, and
IGW undertakes both fundamental and applied research and it uses a multimethod approach that allows for triangulation and cross-validation, and enables
evidence-based practice with regard to (self-)regulatory processes in
6. Program development
Astrid Homan was appointed as assistant professor
Barbora Nevicka was appointed as assistant professor
Machteld van den Heuvel was appointed as assistant professor
Gosia Goclowska was appointed as postdoc for two years
Freddie Zerres was appointed as postdoc for one year
Lindred Greer left August 2012 and received an associate professorship at the
Madelon van Hooff left August 2012 and received a tenured assistant
professorship at the Radboud University Nijmegen
Shaul Shalvi left September 2012 and received an assistant professorship at
Ben Gurion University (Israel).
Severine Koch left September 2012
Adi Amit left September 2012 and received an assistant professorship at Open
University in Raanana (Israel).
7. Composition of research input of academic staff in 2012
Full professors (HL)
Associate professors (UHD)
Assistant professors (UD)
Other tenured research staff
Total tenured research staff
Non tenured research staff
Ph.D. students (AIO)
Research assistants
Total non tenured research staff
1. Academic publications
1.a. Refereed articles
Aaldering, H. & Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012). Why hawks fly higher than doves:
intragroup conflict in representative negotiation. Group Processes &
Intergroup Relations, 15(6), 713-724.
Baas, M., Dreu, C.K.W. de & Nijstad, B.A. (2012). Emotions that associate
with uncertainity lead to structured ideation. Emotion, 12(5), 1004-1014.
Beersma, B. & Kleef, G.A. van (2012). Why people gossip: An empirical
analysis of social motives, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of
Applied Social Psychology, 42(11), 2640-2670.
Dijkstra, M.T.M., Beersma, B. & Cornelisse, R.A.W.M. (2012). The emergence
of the Activity Reduces Conflict Associated Strain (ARCAS) Model: A test
of a conditional mediation model of workplace conflict and emplyee strain.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 17(3), 365-375.
Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012). Oxytocin modulates cooperation within and
competition between groups: an integrative review and research agenda.
Hormones and Behavior, 61(3), 419-428.
Dreu, C.K.W. de, Greer, L.L., Handgraaf, M.J.J., Shalvi, S. & Kleef, G.A. van
(2012). Oxytocin modulates selection of allies in intergroup conflict.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 279(1731), 11501154.
Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012). Oxytocin modulates the link between adult attachment
and cooperation through reduced betrayal aversion.
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(7), 871-880.
Dreu, C.K.W. de, Shalvi, S., Greer, L.L., Kleef, G.A. van & Handgraaf, M.J.J.
(2012). Oxytocin motivates non-cooperation in intergroup conflict to protect
vulnerable in-group members. PLoS One, 7(11).
Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012). Oxytocin, attachment, and self-regarding preferences
in humans: rejoinder to Bartz. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(7), 1108-1110.
Dreu, C.K.W. de, Nijstad, B.A., Baas, M., Wolsink, I. & Roskes, M. (2012).
Working memory benefits creative insight, musical improvisation, and
original ideation through maintained task-focused attention. Personality and
Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(5), 656-669.
Dries, N., Esbroeck, R. van, Vianen, A.E.M. van, Cooman, R. & Pepermans, R.
(2012). Psychometric Characteristics and Construct Validity of the CAAS
(Career Adapt-Abilities Scale) - Belgium Form. Journal of Vocational
Behavior, 79, 674-679.
Evers, A.V.A.M., Muñiz, J., Bartram, D., Boben, D., Egeland, J., FernándezHermida, J.R., Frans, Ö, Gintiliené, G., Hagemeister, C., Halama, P., Iliescu,
D., Jawarowska, A., Jiménez, P., Manthouli, M., Matesic, K., Schittekatte,
M., Sümer, H.C. & Urbanek, T. (2012). Testing Practices in the 21st
Century: Developments and European Psychologist's Opinions. European
Psychologist, 17, 300-319.
Evers, A.V.A.M. (2012). The Internationalization of Testing Reviewing:
Trends, Differences, and Results. International Journal of Testing, 12(2),
Freese, Ch., Nauta, A. & Heijden, B. van der (2012). I-deals and Employability.
Redactioneel. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 15(2), 4-13.
Gelfand, M.J., Leslie, L.M., Keller, K. & Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012). Conflict
cultures in organizations: How leaders shape conflict cultures and their
organizational-level consequences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(6),
Goclowska, M.A. & Crisp, R.J. (2012). On counter-stereotypes and creativity
cognition: When interventions for reducing prejudice can boost divergent
thinking. Thinking Skills and Creativity.
Greer, L.L., Saygi, O., Aaldering, H. & Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012). Conflict in
medical teams: Opportunity or danger? Medical Education, 46(10), 935-942.
Greer, L.L., Homan, A.C., Hoogh, A.H.B. de & Hartog, D.N. den (2012).
Tainted visions: the effects of visionary leader behaviors and leader
categorization tendencies on the financial performance of ethnically diverse
teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(1), 203-213.
Gutnik, D., Walter, F., Nijstad, B.A. & Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012). Creative
performance under pressure: an integrative conceptual framework.
Organizational Psychology Review, 2(3), 189-207.
Hollenbeck, J.R., Beersma, B. & Schouten, M.E. (2012). Beyond team types
and taxonomies: A dimensional scaling approach to team description.
Academy of Management Review, 37(1), 82-106.
Hooft, E.A.J. van & Born, M.P.H. (2012). Intentional response distortion on
personality tests: Using eye-tracking to understand response processes when
faking. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97, 301-312.
Huiskamp, R., Heijden, B. van der, Lange, W. de & Nauta, A. (2012). Het
ultieme doel van personeelsmanagement: over dialoog en derde contracten in
volwassen arbeidsrelaties. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 15(4), 13-36.
Ilies, R., Pater, I.E. de, Lim, S. & Binnewies, C. (2012). Attributed causes for
work-family conflict: emotional and behavioral outcomes. Organizational
Psychology Review, 2(4), 293-310.
Kleef, G.A. van, Homan, A.C. & Cheshin, A. (2012). Emotional Influence at
work: Take it EASI. Organizational Psychology Review, 2(4), 1-29.
Kleef, G.A. van, Homan, A.C., Finkenauer, C., Blaker, N.M. & Heerdink,
M.W. (2012). Prosocial norm violations fuel power affordance. Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology, 48(4), 937-942.
Klehe, U.-C., Vianen, A.E.M. van & Zikic, J. (2012). Coping with economic
stress: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Organizational Behavior,
33, 745-751.
Koen, J., Klehe, U.-C. & Vianen, A.E.M. van (2012). Training career
adaptability to facilitate a succesful school-to-work transition. Journal of
Vocational Behavior, 81, 395-408.
Kret, M.E. & Gelder, B. de (2012). A review on sex differences in processing
emotions. Neuropsychologia, 50(7), 1211-1221.
Kret, M.E. (2012). De invloed van een niqab op het herkennen van
gezichtsexpressies. De Psycholoog, 47(10), 10-19.
Kret, M.E. & Gelder, B. de (2012). Islamic context influences how emotion is
recognized from the eyes. Frontiers in Psychology, 3(110), 1-13.
Kwaadsteniet, E. de, Homan, A.C., Dijk, E. van & Beest, I. van (2012). Social
information as cue for tacit coordination. Group Processes & Intergroup
Relations, 15, 257-271.
McNeill, I.M., Higgins, E.T., Dreu, C.K.W. de & Nijstad, B.A. (2012). The
price of a piece of cheese: value from fit between epistemic needs and a
learning versus an outcome focus. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making,
25(3), 315-327.
Nauta, A. & Dreu, C. de (2012). Een pleidooi voor valorisatie van de arbeidsen organisatie psychologie. Gedrag en Organisatie, 25(3), 222-231.
Nijstad, B.A. & Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012). Motivated information processing in
groups: Progress, puzzles, and prospects. Research in Organizational
Behavior, 32, 87-000.
Roskes, M., Dreu, C.K.W. de & Nijstad, B.A. (2012). Necessity is the mother
of invention: Avoidance motivation stimulates creativity through cognitive
effort. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(2), 242-256.
Shalvi, S. (2012). Dishonestly increasing the likelihood of winning. Judgment
and Decision Making, 7(3), 292-303.
Shalvi, S., Eldar, O. & Bereby-Meyer, Y. (2012). Honesty requires time (and
lack of justifications). Psychological Science, 23(10), 1264-1270.
Spisak, B. R., Homan, A.C., Grabo, A. & van Vugt, M. (2012). Facing the
situation: Testing a biosocial contingency model of leadership in intergroup
relations using masculine and feminine faces. The Leadership Quarterly, 23,
Stallen, M., Dreu, C.K.W. de, Shalvi, S., Smidts, A. & Sanfey, A.G. (2012).
The herding hormone: Oxytocin motivates group conformity. Psychological
Science, 23(11), 1288-1292.
Velden, F.S. ten, Baas, M., Shalvi, S., Preenen, P.T.Y. & Dreu, C.K.W. de
(2012). In competitive interaction displays of red increase actors' competitive
approach and perceivers' withdrawal. Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology, 48(5), 1205-1208.
Ven, C. van de, Nauta, A., Pater, I.E. de & Vianen, A.E.M. van (2012).
Iedereen een i-deal? Onderzoek naar dialoog en i-deals bij UMC’s en ING.
Tijdschrift voor HRM, 15(2), 79-102.
Vianen, A.E.M. van, Klehe, U.-C., Koen, J. & Dries, N. (2012). Career adaptabilities scale - Netherlands form: psychometric properties and relationships
to ability, personality, and regulatory focus. Journal of Vocational Behavior,
80(3), 716-724.
Vianen, A.E.M. van (2012). Reflectie op de Arbeids- & Organisatie
psychologie en haar toekomst. Gedrag en Organisatie, 25, 312-319.
Wanberg, C., Basbug, G., Hooft, E.A.J. van & Samtani, A. (2012). Navigating
the black hole: Explicating layers of job search context and adaptational
responses. Personnel Psychology, 65, 887-926.
1.b. Non-refereed articles
1.c. Books
1.d. Book Chapters
Aaldering, H., Greer, L.L., Kleef, G.A. van & Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012).
Tegenstrijdige belangen in vertegenwoordigd onderhandelen: Versterken of
verminderen pro-sociale vertegenwoordigers intergroeps conflicten. In M.
Strick, M. Baas, L. van Dillen, R. Dotsch, D. Lakens & M. de Vries (Eds.),
Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2012 (pp. 13-16). Groningen: ASPO Pers.
Evers, A.V.A.M., Braak, M.S.L., Frima, R.M. & Vliet-Mulder, J.C. van (2012).
COTAN Documentatie. In Cotan Documentatie. Amsterdam: Boom test
Heerdink, M.W., Kleef, G.A. van, Homan, A.C. & Fischer, A.H. (2012).
Conformiteit aan een boze meerderheid: De relatie tussen emoties van een
meerderheid, waargenomen acceptatie en conformiteit. In N. van de Ven, M.
Baas, L.F. van Dillen, D. Lakens, A.M. Lokhorst & M. Strick (Eds.),
Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2011 (pp. 71-74). Groningen: ASPO Pers.
Janz, K., Buengeler, C., Eckhoff, R.E., Homan, A.C. & Voelpel, S. (2012).
Leveraging age diversity in times of demographic change: The crucial role of
leadership. In C.L. Scott & M.Y. Byrd (Eds.), Handbook of research on
workforce diversity in a global society: Technologies and concepts (pp. 163183). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Klehe, U.-C., Zikic, J., Vianen, A.E.M. van, Koen, J. & Buyken, M. (2012).
Coping proactively with economic stressors: Career adaptability in the face
of job insecurity, job loss, unemployment, and underemployment. In P.L
Perrewé, J.R.B. Halbesleben & C.C. Rosen (Eds.), The Role of the
Economic Crisis on Occupational Stress and Well Being (Research in
Occupational Stress and Well-being (volume 10) (pp. 131-176). Bingley:
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Knippenberg, D. van, Homan, A.C. & Ginkel, W. van (2012). What's in it for
me? Considering the effects of differences with a focus on diversity
mindsets. In Q.M. Roberson (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Diversity and Work
(Oxford Library of Psychology). Oxford, UK: University Press.
Mundate, L., Euwema, M., Nauta, A. & Viemose, S. (2012). New European
Industrial Relations (NEIRE): How should employee representatives be
empowered to negotiate flexible, fair, and innovative labour relations? In L.
Munduate, M. Euwema & P. Elgoibar (Eds.), Ten steps for empowering
employee representatives in the new European industrial relations (pp. vi-x).
Madrid: McGraw-Hill.
Nauta, A. & Janson, M. (2012). Flexibility: a dragon with multiple heads. In L.
Munduate, M. Euwema & P. Elgoibar (Eds.), Ten steps for empowering
employee representatives in the new European industrial relations (pp. 7-16).
Madrid: McGraw-Hill.
Nauta, A. & Kluwer, E. (2012). The use of questionnaires in conflict research.
In D.J. Christie (Ed.), The encyclopedia of peace psychology (pp. 924-928).
New York: Blackwell.
Nauta, A. (2012). Weddenschap. In T. De Korte & B. Van der Roest (Eds.),
Arbeidsverhoudingen 2020. Maatwerk en samen start. Assen: Van Gorcom.
Velden, F.S. ten & Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012). Groups as motivated information
processors: Implications for decision making among judges. In WM Giard
(Ed.), Judicial Decision Making in Civil Law (pp. 59-86). The Hague:
Eleven International Publishing, Boom uitgevers.
1.e. Conference Papers
Beersma, B. & Kleef, G.A. van (2012). How the grapevines keeps you in line:
prosocial gossip as a means to control against norm violations. In Kurt
Lewin Institute Conference.
Goclowska, M.A. & Crisp, R. (2012). Can counter-stereotypes boost creativity.
In EASP Small group Meeting on Control.Power and Intergroup Relations,
Kazimierz Dolny, Poland.
Goclowska, M.A. & Crisp, R.J. (2012). Challenging social stereotypes
stimulates flexible and creative thinking. In Annual Meeting of the Society
for personality and Social psychology. San Diego, California.
Goclowska, M.A., Crisp, R.J. & Labuchagne, K. (2012). When and why will
counter-stereotypic diversity boost creativity? In SPSSI-EASP Small Group
Conference on Proactive Behavior Across Group Bounderies. Stony Brook
University, Nwe York..
Greer, L.L., Hoogh, A.H.B. de, Patel, P.C., Thatcher, S.M.B. & Dreu, C.K.W.
de (2012). A Dual-pathway Model of the Effects of Shared leaderhip on
Team Performances as Moderated by Team Power-Base Diversity. In Kurt
Lewin Institute Conference.
Homan, A.C., Greer, L.L., Hoogh, A.H.B. de & Hartog, D.N. den (2012). The
Influence of Leader Diversity Construal on Diverse Group Functioning. In
Kurt Lewin Institute Conference.
Hoogh, A.H.B. de, Nevicka, B., Hartog, D.N. den, Vianen, A.E.M. van,
Velden, F.S. ten & Beersma, B. (2012). Male and Female Narcissistic
Leaders and Effectiveness: A Matter of Perception. In Kurt Lewin Institute
Hoogh, A.H.B. de, Hartog, D.N. den & Nevicka, B. (2012). Gender Differences
in the Perceived Effectiveness of Narcissistic Leaders. In Academy of
Management Conference 2012.
Hooff, M.L.M. van & Hooft, E.A.J. van (2012). Proximal and distal
consequences of work-related boredom: Moderating and mediating
mechanisms. In 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Vianen, A.E.M. van (2012). Field research: The CMV hurdle. In Presentation
Kurt Lewin Institute workshop.
Dimitrova, N., Dyck, C. van, Groenewegen, P. & Hooft, E.A.J. van (2012).
Don't fuss, focus: On-task thoughts as a mediator of the effect of error
approach on performance. In 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Management. Boston.
Dries, N., Vianen, A.E.M. van, Esbroeck, R. van, Klehe, U.-C., Cooman, R.,
Koen, J. & Pepermans, R. (2012). Development and validation of the Dutch
CAAS: Comparative evidence from Belgium and the Netherlands. In
International Congres of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa.
Goede, M.E.E. de, Vianen, A.E.M. van & Klehe, U.-C. (2012). Job-seekers'
Regulatory Focus and their PO Fit Perceptions. In SIOP, San Diego.
Homan, A.C. (2012). Managing differences to reduce conflicts and maximize
performance: The leadership effectiveness and diversity (LEAD) model. In
International Association for Conflict Management (IACM). Stellenbosch,
South Africa..
Koen, J., Klehe, U. & Vianen, A.E.M. van (2013). Compulsory Reemployment
Courses the role of choice, usefulness and motivation. Paper presented at the
biannual KLI conference,. In Zeist.
Koen, J., Klehe, U.-C. & Vianen, A.E.M. van (2012). Job-search and
Employability after Compulsory Reemployment Courses: The role of
Choice, Usefulness and Quality of Motivation. In IAEVG Conference,
Mannheim Germany
Mierlo, H. van & Hooft, E.A.J. van (2012). A 2x2-model of team achievement
goals and sport team performance. In 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of
Industrial and Organizational Psychology. San Diego.
Noordzij, G., Hooft, E.A.J. van, Mierlo, H. van & Born, M.P. (2012). The
effects of trained 2x2 achievement goals on task continuation after goal
achievement feedback. In 2012 International Conference on Motivation.
Theeboom, T., Beersma, B. & Vianen, A.E.M. van (2012). Effective
intervention or luxury fad? A meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on
individual level outcomes in an organizational context. In WAOP
conference. Groningen.
Ven, C.W.A. van de, Nauta, A., Pater, I.E. de & Vianen, A.E.M. van (2012).
Dialogue and I-deals in University Medical Centers and a Bank. In Academy
of Management, Boston USA.
Vianen, A.E.M. van (2012). Publish or Perish Goes Global: International
Scholars' Strategies for Publishing in Top Journal. In Academy of
Wanberg, C., Basbug, G., Hooft, E.A.J. van & Samtani, A. (2012). Lessons
learned from job search: A qualitative study. In 27th Annual Meeting of the
Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. San Diego.
1.f. Reports
Koen, J., Klehe, U.-C. & Vianen, A.E.M. van (2012). Onderzoek
instroomtraject DWI. Technical report. Dienst Werk en Inkomen, Gemeente
Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Universiteit Amsterdam.
Einöther, S., Baas, M., Rowson, M. & Giesbrecht, T. (2012). A cup of
creativity? Positive affect and insights after tea consumption. Vlaardingen:
Jongerius, F., Nauta, A., Vroome, E. de, Geerling, R., Pater, I.E. de & Bloois,
R.M. van (2012). Onderzoek "Over uw toekomst gesproken". Verslag van de
derde meting in het kader van het project Idealoog binnen de acht UMC's. .
Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
2. Ph.D. Thesis
2.a. Internally prepared
Goede, M.E.E. de (2012, juni 20). (pp 158). Searching for a match: the
formation of person-organization fit perceptions. UvA Universiteit van
Amsterdam. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. A.E.M. van Vianen & dr. U.-C. Klehe.
2.b. Externally prepared
Boer, B.J. de (2012, januari 26). (135 pp). Stop and start control: A distinction
within self-control. Erasmus University Rotterdam. Prom./coprom.: A.B.
Bakker & dr. E.A.J. van Hooft.
2.c. Doctorates at other faculties/universities, co-supervised by program
3. Professional Publications
Jongejan, J., Donners, M., Ven, C. van de & Nauta, A. (2012). Iedereen flex
(met zekerheid). Want vaste mensen zitten nu te vast en flexkrachten te los.
Gids voor Personeelsmanagement, 9, 26-29.
Nauta, A. & Janson, M. (2012). leer-werkplek. Informeel leren in de OR
versterkt inzetbaarheid van de leden. OR informatie, 6, 26-28.
Nauta, A. (2012). Een vaste baan als gevangenis. In B. van Boggelen & A. van
der Gaag (Eds.), Pamflet 2.NL, Stempel geschikt (pp. 120-122). Assen: Van
Nauta, A. (2012). Interview met Monica Keijzer, Tweede-Kamerlid CDA en
voormalig mediator. Tijdschrift Conflicthantering, 7(8), 39-41.
Nauta, A. (2012). Leren van het echte leven. Metaal en Techniek, 57(12), 46.
Nauta, A. (2012). Sociale innovatie: een kwestie van sociaal benul. In A.
Verhoeff & G. de Bruin (Eds.), Ontwerpers in arbeidsverhoudingen. Schets,
beeld en ambitie. Den Haag: AWVN.
Nauta, A. (2012). Sociale vraagstukken. (nieuwsbrief). (available: 09 oct 2012).
Ven, C. van de & Nauta, A. (2012). Een werkconferentie voor betere
samenwerking. Intervisie(r). Tijdschrift Conflicthantering, 7(1), 2-4.
4. Publications aimed at the general public
Nauta, A. (2012). Antropologie. SERmagazine, 52(2), 17.
Nauta, A. (2012). Een olifant in de kamer. Intervisie(r). Tijdschrift
Conflicthantering, 7(8), 2-3.
Nauta, A. (2012). Iedereen een beetje flex. Gastcolumn. Juni. Uitzendwerk, 7.
Nauta, A. (2012). Schorsverbod. SERmagazine, 52(4), 19.
Beersma, B. (15-06-2012). Studies find that gossip isn't just loose talk. New
York Times
Beersma, B. (06-12-2012). Why people gossip. Daily Telegraph
Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012). Elkaar constructief de maat nemen. De Psycholoog,
47, pp. 34-37.
Saygi, O. (2012). Cradle of dignity in the Middle East Peacemakers newletter.
Beersma, B. (Interview) (2012, Dec 13). Social functions of gossip [radiouitzending]. In Evers staat op - Radio 538.
Dreu, C.K.W. de (Interview) (2012, Sep 06). Casa Luna [radio-uitzending]. In
Carsten De Dreu over de Arbeidsmarkt.
Dreu, C.K.W. de (interview) (2012, Jul 10). Hormonen en Sport [radiouitzending]. In Hoe zo?.
Dreu, C.K.W. de (interview) (2012, Mar 10). Multiculturele samenleving als
bron van creativiteit [radio-uitzending]. In Pavlof, Wetenschap 24, Radio 1.
Baas, M. (2012). Ilja van de Berg. Het belang van creativiteit bij innovatie.
Interview with Matthijs baas about the role of creativity in innovation.
Beersma, B. (radio interview) (2012, Dec 27). Gossip protects us from the
slackers in the group [radio-uitzending]. In Niet bekend.
Beersma, B. (radio interview) (2012, Dec 07). Niet bekend [radio-uitzending].
In Niet bekend.
Beersma, B. (Interview) (2012, Dec 07). Social functions of gossip [radiouitzending]. In BBC2.
5. Other results
5.a Book editors
5.b Journal editorships
Klehe, U.-C., Vianen, A.E.M. van & Zikic, J. (Eds.). (2012). Journal of
Organizational Behavior, 33.
5.c Inaugural lectures
5.d Prizes
Homan, A.C. (2012). Managing differences to reduce conflicts and maximize
performance: The leadership effectiveness and diversity (LEAD) model.
IACM Best Theoretical Paper Award: Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Hoogh, A.H.B. de & Hartog, D.N. den (2012). Recognition of Top Cited
Article 2007-2011 "De Hoogh, A.H.B., & Den Hartog, D.N. (2008). Ethical
and despotic leadership, relationships with leader's social responsibility, top
management team effectiveness and subordinates' optimism: A multi-method
study. The Leaderhip Quarterly, 19, 297-311".
Shalvi, S. (2012). American Psychological Association, Division 49 (Group
Psychology and Group Psychotherapy) dissertation award 2012 (finalist; 1 of
3). Dissertation Award.
Shalvi, S. (2012). Kurt Lewin Institute (KLI) for Social Psychology, and its
applicants - The Netherlands - Runner-up, best paper award.
Shalvi, S. (2012). Society for Business Ethics dissertation award (finalist; 1 of
5.e Organisation of conferences and symposia
Evers, A.V.A.M. & Born, M. (2012). 8th Conference of the International Test
Hooft, E.A.J. van & Hooff, M.L.M. van (2012). Organization of the symposium
Emotions at work: The case of boredom. 2012 Annual Meeting of the
Academy of Management: Boston (2012, augustus 03 - 2012, augustus 07).
5.f Research grants
Baas, M. (2012). NWO VENI. The function of creativity:When creativity helps
to avoid aversive states. €250,000.
Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012). Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (Grant) (with
M. Goclowska) €184,000.
Kret, M.E. (2012). Funding for project "Emotion perception in humans and
chimpanzees" €5,000,-.
Kret, M.E. (2012). Visiting researcher at the Kyoto University Primate
Research Institute. €8,000,Saygi, O. (2012). Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and
Complexity (AC4) Award. Conference Scholarships for Students, $3,000,-.
5.g Keynote speeches at conferences
Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012, november 23). Keynote Address "Motivated Cognition
in Group Decision Making". Groningen, Society for Work and
Organizational Psychology (WAOP).
Dreu, C.K.W. de (2012, juli 03). Invited speaker - Symposium Title: Effects of
Oxytocin in Normal and Abnormal Popu. Stockholm, World Congress of the
Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologium.
Homan, A.C. (2012, september 25). How to conduct good team research (and
get it published): Methodological, statistical, and strategic considerations.
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, Workshop Series.
Homan, A.C. (2012, januari 31). There is more to diversity than meets the eye:
Diversity construal might be more important than actual diversity. University
of Trier, Germany, Colloquium series.