AMOS 2 års data Claude Marcus National Childhood Obesity Centre Karolinska Institutet Stockholm, Sweden Varför överväga läkemedel och kirurgi: Shorter life: Morbid obesity at the age of 20-30 results in a 13 y reduced life expectancy = 22% reduction of expected remaining life time (Fontaine, KR JAMA 2003) Claude Marcus, 2011 Why adolescent obesity surgery: Poor outcome of behavioral obesity treatment in adolescents Why adolescent obesity surgery: We have no treatment with acceptable efficacy to offer severely obese adolescents today AMOS study : ( Adolescent Morbidity Obesity Surgery study) • started 2006 in Sweden, all subjects through surgery April 2009 • Prospective non-randomized study • Controls: conventionally treated obese adolescents and GB operated obese adults • Multicenter study, Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö • Follow up visit at 1, 2, 5 and 10 years post surgery • Inclusion criteria: BMI > 40 or 35 with comorbidities Age: 13-18 yr • Exclusion criteria severe depression, mental retardation, obesity syndromes, drug abuse, severe eating disorder Stockholm Göteborg Malmö AMOS study flow-chart Enrollment Allocation Intervention Assessed for eligibility Allocated to intervention gastric bypass (n=97) (n=82) (n=81) Excluded (n =15) •Not meeting inclusion crit. (n=0) •Decline to participate (n=15) •Other reasons (n=0) Excluded (n =1) •Other reasons (n=1) , Change his mind on the day of surgery (01-35) 1 year (n=81) Follow-Up 2 year (n=81) 5 year Age at surgery •n=81 mean 16.9 SD 1.20 range 13.8 – 19.0 yr 25 20 15 10 5 0 13år 14år 15år 16år 17år 18år 19år Gastric bypass study for adolescents in Sweden, the AMOS study Why not adjustable gastric banding? Previous study: 8 subjects, 15-17y One year follow-up: 5 severe complications 2 had >10kg weight loss The study was terminated! Paul E O’Brien et al JAMA 2010 84% of gastric banding subjects lost > 50% of excess body weight Claude Marcus Paul E O’Brien et al JAMA 2010 84% of gastric banding subjects lost > 50% of excess body weight Different populations with different comorbidity patterns and psychosocial background Claude Marcus Psychosocial background in th AMOS study (preliminary data) prevalence Ongoing or previous contact with child psychiatric team 50% Defined psychiatric disorder (ADHD, depression, anxiety) 40% Use of psychoactive drugs (present or previous) 20% Very poor school performance (truancy, leaving school without diplomas etc) 60% Claude Marcus Weight change from inclusion to one year after surgery * kg Negative side effects Reoperation due to internal hernia Unwanted pregnancies Decreased self-esteem Suicidal attempts Eating disorder Drug abuse Gall bladder surgery Low vitamine levels despite substitution Claude Marcus 2011 5 2 5 2 2 2 7 55 Two year results of Swedish GB study in 81 obese adolescents – the AMOS study 48 46 44 Cell Mean 42 40 Adol contr Adol surg Adults surg 38 36 34 32 30 28 BMI0 BMIår BMI2år 1 2 3 AMOS: Weight change (kg) during the second year after surgery AMOS: Weight change (kg) during the second year after surgery Weight gainers vs loosers year two: •Mean insulin levels higher among gainers •No other differences in cardiometabolic risk markers Fig #. BMI by sex. 50 40 30 20 0 Men, Surgery Men, Control Women, Surgery Women, Control 1 Follow-up time, years 2 Fig 3 Mean (95% CI) for major biochemical data ( a) insulin, glucos HbA1C, b) Triglycerides, LDL, HDL, c) high sensitive CRP, leukocytes and d) blood pressure in 81 adolescents operated with GBP at baseline, 1 and 2 years follow up a) 40 insulin 35 *** c) 6 glucos HbA1C 8 * 5 Lpk *** Hs CRP *** 7 *** 30 4 25 9 6 5 3 20 4 15 2 10 3 0 2 1 5 1 0 b) 3 triglycerides LDL HDL *** d) systolic bp *** diastolic bp 120 2,5 100 2 1,5 *** *** *** 80 *** 60 1 40 ,5 20 bl 1yr 2yr 0 bl 1yr 2yr bl 1yr 2yr bl 1yr 2yr bl 1yr 2yr SF-36 QoL in 81 sdolescents after gastric bypass . 100 PF RP BP GH VT SF RE MH Mean SF-36 Score 80 60 40 20 Estimated postsurgery values are expected means from the linear mixed-effects models; a score of 0 represents worst possible health and 100 represents best possible health. PF = physical functioning; RP = role limitations due to physical health problems; BP = bodily pain; GH = generl health perceptions; VT = vitality; SF = social functioning; RE = role limitations due to emotional problems; MH = general menthal health; SF-36 = Short Form-36 Health Survey; Plastikkirurgi ofta nödvändig för en rimlig livskvalitet för en 16 åring som operererats med gastric bypass Men varför fungerar det? Liten magsäck Maten direkt till jejunum Kraftig GLP-1 stegring Bättre val av födoämnen ..och varför inte: Enbart hindrande Ingen mättnadskänsla Ökar småätandet Vad händer nu? För tidigt att avgöra om gastric bypass ska användas för ungdomar generellt! All obesitaskirurgi före 18 års ålder i Sverige ska göras i longitudinella studier Ungdomar före 18 års ålder ska följas upp i minst två år på specialistenhet med erfarenhet av fetmakirurgi bland ungdomar Etisk ansökan SLUT!