Referenser Karlskronaförfattare 1799 - 2010 Löpnr Karlskronaförfattare fetstil) 179901 (i Titel Tidskrift Palander L A, Munck von Rosenschöld Die merkwürdigsten Krankheitszufälle betreffend, die im Jahre 1799 aus der chirurgischen Seite des Admiralitätsspitales zu Carlscrona, vorgefallen sind 181801 Palander L A Sjukdomshändelser, antecknade af LA Palander Fält-läkare 189001 Borelius J Zwei Fälle von osteoplastischem Verschlusse von Schädeldefekten nach König 189101 Borelius J 189201 Borelius J 189301 189302 189401 189402 189403 Borelius J Borelius J Borelius J Borelius J Borelius J Två fall af operation för cancer ventriculi Sprängskottskada; valnötstor sten insprängd i pannloben af hjernan; trepanation; aseptisk läkning; qvarlemnande en speciestor kranialdefekt och ett djupt retraheradt ärr; osteoplastik (enl. König); benläkning Två fall af hjernabscess (i temporalloben) efter otitis Uterusruptur vid förlossning, laparotomi, uterussutur, helsa Fall av käkledsankylos (anchylosis vera) Några medfödda bildningsfel, operativt behandlade Om behandling af frakturer på underbenet Nord. Archiw für Naturkunde, Artzney-Wissenschaft und Chirurgie. 1799; bd 3:29-45 Svenska Läkaresällskap. Handl. 1818,bd 7:243-63 Centralblatt für Chirurgie 1890, No 27 Hygiea 1891:53: 287-94 189501 Borelius J Zur Technik der sacralen Operationen 189502 189503 189601 Borelius J Borelius J Borelius J 189602 Borelius J Laparotomi för perforerande magsår Om Murphys ”knapp” Om aktinomykos i Blekinge Fall af medfödd defekt af vagina samt af venstra uterushalfvan och adnexerna på venstra sidan 189603 Borelius J Kleinere Mittheilungen. Zur Kastration gegen Prostatahypertrophie. 189701 Borelius J Kasuistik från Lasarettsläkarnes rapporter för år 1896. Hygiea 1892;54:23-8 Hygiea 1893;55:595-601 Hygiea 1893;55:252-68 Hygiea 1894;56:321-355 Hygiea 1894;56:116-47 Hygiea 1894;56:578-92 Centralblatt für Chirurgie 1895;22:3-ff Hygiea 1895;57:241-6 Hygiea 1895;57:.270-6 Hygiea 1896;58:156-64 Hygiea 1896;58:190-3 Centralblatt für Chirurgie 1896;21:512-ff Hygiea 1897;59:534-40 189702 189703 189704 Borelius J Borelius J Borelius J Bidrag till en s.k. prostatahypertrofiens patologi och terapi.I Bidrag till den s.k. prostatahypertrofiens patologi och terapi. II Bidrag till den s.k. prostatahyper fiens patologi och terapi. III 189801 Borelius J 200 radikaloperationer för bråck, utförda på Karlskrona lasarett 1891-1897 190001 Lundmark R 190301 191501 193301 193302 196802 Lundmark R Lundmark R Widén J Widén J Damgaard K, Löfdahl A, Rngertz O Åstedt B Niléhn B, Damgaard K, Kindmark C Svennerud S, Åstedt B 196901 Svennerud S, Åstedt B 196902 Åstedt B 196903 197001 197002 197003 197004 197101 197102 Ingestad R, Spjuth J Svanberg L Arvastson B, Hallqvist S Koch G Lindblad O Koch G Ingestad R, Koch G Arvastson B, Damgaard K, Winblad S 196101 196701 196801 197103 197104 Koch G Appendicitis gangraenosa, peritonitis diffusa. – Laparotomi, exstirpation af appendix. – Helsa. Corpus alienum oesophagi. Oesofagotomi. Hälsa. Ett fall av arteriotomi för embolus i art. brachialis Några blad ur ett gammalt lasaretts historia Några blad ur ett gammalt lasaretts historia Trichinosis in Sweden in 1961 Ovarialtumörer hos nyfödda Yersinia enterocolitica in patients with symptoms of infectious disease Steriliseringsoperation via laparoskop Sterilization during laparoscopy A method for the treatment of humerus fractures in the newborn using the S. von Rosen splint. Provokationsförsök hos astmatiker med ny spirometer Kurativ effekt av konisationsoperationer (1) Angiografisk diagnostik av insulom Cold and ischaemic heart-disease Äntligen en ljusning för långvården? Simplified method for percutaneous arterial catheterisation Effekt av ett selektivt B2-stimulerande sympatomimetikum vid bronkialastma Clinical symptoms of infection with yersinia enterocolitica Effects of a selective B2-receptor stimulant on lung function, intrapulmonary gas exchange and circulation at rest and during work in patients with bronchial asthma Hygiea 1897;59:223-88 Hygiea 1897;59:591-644 Hygiea 1897;59:1-46 Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv 1898;1:1-65 Hygiea 1900;62:243-54 Hygiea 1903;65:531-3 Hygiea 1915;77:9-14 Socialmed tidskrift 1933;?:70-4 Socialmed tidskrift 1933;?:92-7 Acta Path Microbiol Scand 1961;54:351-2 Nordisk Medicin 1967;77:87-8 Acta Path Microbiol Scand 1968;74:101-13 Läkartidningen 1968;65:3932-3 Acta Obstetricia et Gynecolog 1969;48:Suppl 3:64-5 Acta Orthop Scand 1969;40:234-6 Läkartidningen 1969;66:805-11 Läkartidningen 1970;67:5373-6 Nordisk Medicin 1970:83:245 Lancet 1970:1197-1198 Läkartidningen 1970;67:3154-5 Lancet 1971:1166-7 Läkartidningen 1971;68:5024-8 Scand J Infect Dis 1971;3:3740 Postgrad Med J March 1971;47:105-8 197105 197106 Ingestad R Ingestad R, Stigmar G 197201 Koch G 197202 197301 197302 Bergstedt M Svennerud S Bergstedt M, Åsén M 197303 Bergstedt M 197304 Koch G, Lind J 197305 Koch G, Eriksson B O 197306 Koch G, Eriksson B O 197307 Bergstedt M, Ernstson S 197401 Koch G 197402 Bergstedt M Håkansson U, Löw B, Eitrem R, Winblad S Böttiger M, Eitrem R, Löfdahl A, Moell H Håkansson U, Eitrem R, Löw B, Winblad S 197501 197502 197601 197602 Koch G 197603 Koch G 197604 Koch G Konjunktivaltestets värde vid utredning av allergisk rinit och astma Sarcoidosis with ocular and hypothalamic-pituitary manifestations Terbutaline in bronchial asthma. Effect on lung volumes, ventilatory performance, pulmonary gas exchange and circulation at rest and during exercise Öron-, näs- och halssjukvårdens organisation på ett centrallasarett Steriliseringsoperation hos kvinnor – alternativ till legal abort och preventivmedel Labyrintdestruktion vid ensidig Ménièrs sjukdom och svår psykisk insufficiens Läkartidningen 1971;68:3220-4 Acta Ophthalmol 1971;49:1-10 Scand J resp Dis 1972;53:18795 Läkartidningen 1972;69:2193-8 Läkartidningen 1973;70:2663-5 Läkartidningen 1973;70:441-2 Adv Oto-Rhino-Laryng, Stepwise change of amplitude and frequency of vestibular nystagmus 1973;19:304-10 Bulletin de Physio-Pathologie La circulation foetale et l`adaptation cardio-respiratoire neo-natale Resp 1973;9:1389-1420 Effect of physical training on pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange during submaximal Scand J clin Lab Invest and maximal work in boys aged 11 to 13 years 1973;31:87-94 Effect of physical training on anatomical R-L shunt at rest and pulmonary diffusing Scand J clin Lab Invest capacity during near-maximal exercise in boys 11-13 years old 1973;31:95-103 Ett fungerande egen-läkare-system Läkartidningen 1973;70:671-2 Muscle blood flow after ischemic work and during bicycle ergometer work in boys aged 12 Acta Paediatrica Belgica years 1974;28:29-39 Köproblem och egenläkare Läkartidningen1974;71:3158-60 HL-A27 and reactive arthritis in an outbreak of salmonellosis Salmonellaepidemin i Blekinge försommaren 1974 HLA-antigen B27 in cases with joint affections in an outbreak of salmonellosis Haemodynamic effects of combined a- and B-adrenoceptor blockade after intravenous labetalol in hypertensive patients at rest and during exercise Combined a- and B-adrenoceptor blockade with oral labetalol in hypertensive patients with reference to haemodynamic effects at rest and during exercise Effect of fominoben-HCI on circulation, pulmonary gas exchange and acid-base balance at rest and during exercise Tissue Antigens 1975;6:366-7 Läkartidningen 1975;72:215862 Scand J Infect Dis 1976;8:2458 Br J Clin Pharmac 1976:725-8 Br J clin Pharmac 1976:729-32 Drug Research 1976;26:438-41 197605 Koch G 197701 Koch G 197702 Koch G, Röcker L Haemodynamic effects of combined a- and B-adrenoreceptor blockade after intravenous labetalol in hypertensive patients at rest and during exercise Acute hemodynamic effects of an alpha- and beta-receptor blocking agent (AH 5158) on the systemic and pulmonary circulation at rest and during exercise in hypertensive patients Plasma volume and intravascular protein masses in trained boys and fit young men 197703 Andersson N, Grafford K Studies on an iron-poly (sorbitol-gluconic acid) complex for parenteral use in man 197801 Sundberg L, Edén T, Ernstson, S Penetration of erythromycin into middle ear secretions: a preliminary report 197802 Koch G, Lindström B Efficacy of oral Mexiletine in the prevention of exercise-induced ventricular ectopic activity 197803 197901 197902 Furhoff A-K, Blomberg R, Halldin M, Svedberg Andersson P, Eitrem R Sundberg L, Edén T, Ernstson S, Pahlitzsch R 197903 Koch G 197904 Koch G 197905 Kjällquist Å, Olsson K-E Arturson G, Blomberg R, Brandsjö K 197906 198001 198002 198003 Br J Clin Pharmac 1976;725-8 American Heart Journal 1977;93:585-91 J Appl Physiol 1977;43:1085-8 Scand J Haematol 1977; S32, 248-58 Current medical Research and Opinion 1978;5:28-30 Europ J clin Pharmacol 1978;13, 237-40 Smärtlindring på olycksplats och under transport Läkartidningen 1978;75:4368 En shigella sonnei-epidemi vid en svensk FN-bataljon Läkartidningen 1979;76:1733-4 Acta Oto-Laryngologica 1979;S365:1-17 Br J Clin Pharmacol 1979;8:101-5 Penetration of Erythromycin through respiratory mucosa Cardiovascular dynamics after acute and long-term a- and B-adrenoreceptor blockade at rest, supine and standing, and during exercise Haemodynamic adaptation at rest and during exercise to long-term antihypertensive treatment with combined alpha- and beta-adrenoreceptor blockade by labetalol Trauma mot halsryggen – synpunkter på akut omhändertagande Katastrofmedicinska studier av tankbilsexplosion i Spanien Neringer R, Strömberg A A comparison of the side-effects of Amoxycillin and Pivampicillin Karlsson K, Carlsson HE, Neringer R Bjerle P, Fransson L, Kock G, Lindström B Application and usefulness of enzyme immunoassay for diagnosis of salmonella typhimurium infection Pindolol and labetalol in hypertension: comparison of their antihypertensive effects with particular respect to conditions in the upright posture and during exercise Br Heart J 1979;41:192-8 Läkartidningen 1979;76:3190-1 Läkartidningen 1979;76:214352 Scand J Infect Dis 1980;12:133-5 Scand J Infect Dis 1980;12:417 Current Therapeutic Research 1980;27:516-26 19804 Koch G, Johansson U, Arvidsson E 198101 Larsson G 198103 198105 198106 198201 198202 198203 198204 198205 198206 198207 198208 198209 198301 Eitrem R, Neringer R, Strömberg A Hedström S-Å, Neringer R, Grop K Koch G Mandaus L, Blom-berg R, Hammar E Larsson G, Grundsell H, Gullberg B, Svennerud S Buchhave P, Christiansen H, Sandholm, L Sundberg L, Edén T, Ernstson S Edén T, Anari M, Ernstson S, Sundberg L Sundberg L, Edén T, Ernstson S Koch G Sundberg L, Edén T, Ernstson S Albinsson G, Arnesson K, Nilsson E, Rubin B (sjsk) Haraldsson P-O, Bergstedt M Radioenzymatic determination of Epinephrine, Norepinephrine and Dopamine in 0,1 ml plasma samples. Plasma Catecholamine response to submaximal and near maximal exercise Conization for cervical dysplasia and carcinoma in situ: long term follow-up of 1013 women J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1980;18:367-72 Tre Kawasaki-fall i Blekinge Läkartidningen 1981;78:3696-8 Näsfurunklar med komplicerande intrakraniell stafylokockinfektion Läkartidningen 1981;78:3815-6 Hemodynamic changes after acute and long-term combined alpha-beta-adrenoreceptor blockade with labetalol as compared with beta-receptor blockade J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1981;3:30-41 Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1982;S74:149-150 Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1982;61:461-6 Long-term epidural morphine analgesia Outcome of pregnancy after conization Ann Chir et Gyn 1981;70:79-85 Laparoskopisk sterilisation med termokoagulation Ugeskr Laeger 1982;144:147-9 The penetration of Erythromycin into the middle ear Infection 1982;10:102-4 Penetration of cefaclor of adenoid tissue and middle ear fluid in secretory otitis media Scand J Infect Dis, 1983;S39:48-52 Penetration of Doxycycline in respiratory mucosa Acta Otolaryngol 1983;96:501-8 Rationale for combined alfa-beta-adrenoceptor blockade: haemodynamic considerations Acta Med Scand, 1982;S665:87-92 The penetration of Erythromycin into Waldeyer´s Ring – tonsil and adenoid tissue Infection 1982;10:105-7 Undersökning på Centrallasarettet i Karlskrona Omvårdaren 1982;nr 5-6,:3 Medvetslöshet och kvarstående tinnitus följden av blixt i örat vid telefonering Läkartidningen 1983;80:2024 198302 Forssell H, Koch G 198303 Forssell H, Koch G 198304 198305 Koch G, Ingomar-Werner F, Gubba A, Sundberg L Rundqvist E, Sandholm LE, Larsson G Gastroduodenal ulcer healing evaluated by repetitive endoscopic determination of ulcer size in patients on Ranitidine or placebo Effect of H2-receptor blockade by Ranitidine on ulcer healing and gastric acid secretion in patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers B-adrenoceptor blockade and physical activity: cardiovascular and metabolic aspects 198404 Sundberg L, Cederberg Å, Ernstson S Sundberg L Penetration of Erythromycin to middle ear fluid of patients with chronic serous otitis media Treatment of pelvic varicosities causing lower abdominal pain with extraperitoneal resection of the left ovarian vein Characteristics of pregnant women in Mozambique –parity, child survival and socioeconomic The effect of Erythromycin on the nasopharyngeal pathogens in children with secretory otitis media Antibiotic treatment of secretory otitis media 198405 Ernstson S, Sundberg L Erythromycin in the treatment of otitis media with effusion (OME) 198406 Reversibel hörselnedsättning och erytromycin 198504 Rydberg J Åberg C, Olin B, Öresland T, Strömberg A, Cederberg Å et al Hallengren B, Spjuth J, Dymling J-F Ernstson S, Afzelius B, Mossberg B Liljestrand J, Berg-ström S, Hederstedt B Niklasson B, Eitrem R Paulsen O, Eklund P-O, Eitrem R Malmvall B, Eitrem R 198505 Ernstson S, Sundberg L Erythromycin in the treatment of otitis media with effusion:timing and long-term effects 198401 198402 198403 198407 198408 198409 198501 198502 198503 Liljestrand J, Bergström S Comparison of Metronidazole with Doxycycline prophylaxis in elective colorectal surgery Hypercalcaemia induced by increases thyroxine substitution in a patient treated with dihydrotachysterol Otologic manifestations of the immotile-cilia syndrome Current Therapeutic Research 1983;33:459-65 Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1983;25:195-8 Acta Med Scand 1983;s672:5562, J Infect Dis 1983;147:1126 Annales Chirurgiae et Gynaecologiae 1984;73:339-41 Upsala J Med Sci 1984;89:11728 Acta Otolaryngol 1984;97:379383 Acta Otolaryngo 1984; 407:26-9 J of Laryngology Otology 1984;98:767-9 Läkartidningen 1984; 81:1308 Acta Chir Scand 1984;150:7983 Acta Endocrinologica 1984, 105:28-30 Acta Otolaryngol 1984; 97:8392 Syphilis in pregnant women in Mozambique Genitourin Med 1985;61:355-8 Sandfly fever among Swedish UN troops in Cyprus The Lancet 1985;1212 Inhemska fall av tyfoid – kvarstående smittsamhet efter flera årtionden Läkartidningen 1985;82:1775 Svenska dödsfall I malaria. Klorokinresistens hos falciparum-stammar Läkartidningen 1985;82:2510-2 Current Therapeutic Research1985;38:918-21 198506 198601 Ernstson S, Anari M, Cederberg Å, Edén T, Sundberg L Liljestrand J, Berg-ström S, Birgegard G Cefaclor in otitis media with effusion Acta Otolaryngol 1985;S424:712 Anaemia of pregnancy in Mozambique Trans Royal Soc Trop Med Hyg 1986;80:249-55 198602 Eriksson N, Ström K Airflows after inhalation of Terbutaline Sulphate Aerosol from a 750-ml spacer for four weeks 198603 Rydberg J, Cederberg Å Intrafamilial spreading of Escherichia coli resistant to Trimethoprim 198606 Barlöv K, Larsson G 198607 Eitrem R, Niklasson B Larsson G, Spjuth J, Vikbladh I, Saxtrup O, Ranstam J, Åstedt B Willcox M C, Lilje-strand J, Bergström S Bergström S, Högberg U, Liljestrand J, Möller B, Carlsson A Petersson G, Dreborg S, Ingestad R Neringer R, Andersson Y, Eitrem R Eitrem R, Forsgren A, Nilsson C 198608 198609 198610 198611 198701 198702 198703 a 198703 b Results of a five-year prospective study using a feto-pelvic scoring system for term singleton breech delivery after uncomplicated pregnancy Sandmyggefeber “100-årig” virussjukdom som kan drabba turister I medelhavsområdet Clinical Therap 1986;8:211-7 Scand J Infect Dis 1986;18:457-60, Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 65:315-319, 1986 Läkartidningen 1986;83:2397-8 Prognostic significance of birth of large infant for subsequent development of maternal non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: A prospective study over 20-27 years Diabetes Care 1986;9:* Abnormal haemoglobins among pregnant women from Mozambique Journal of Medical Genetics, 1986;23:151-2 Obstetrik och gynekologi I u-land Läkartidningen 1986;83:37-44 Clinical history, skin prick test and RAST in the diagnosis of birch and timothy pollinosis Allergy 1986;41:398-407 A water-borne outbreak of giardiasis in Sweden Pneumonia and acute pancreatitis most probably caused by a legionella longbeachae infection Scand J Infect Dis 1987;19:8590 Scand J Infect Dis 1987;19:381-2 Norgren L, Troëng T, Eriksson R, et al The vascular registry – a responsibility for all vascular surgeons? Eur J Vasc Surg 1987;1219226 Niklasson B, Lilje-strand J, Bergström S Rift Valley fever: a sero-epidemiological survey among pregnant women in Mozambique Epidem Inf 1987;99:517-22 198704 198705 Neringer R, Montelius H, Sedvallson B Koch G, Fransson L, Karlegärd L, Kondor P, Uberbacher H J 198706 Koch G, Fransson L 198707 Troëng T Bergqvist D, Bergentz S E, Troëng T, et al 198708 Avskriv inte Borrelia-misstanken vid negativt cellfynd i liquor Isosorbide-5-mononitrate versus nifedipine in ischemic heart disease with stabile angina: effects on exercise and angina tolerance, ST-segment depression, and hemodynamic response to exercise Hemodynamic effects at rest and during exercise of combined alfa-beta-receptor blockade and of beta-receptor blockade alone in patients with ischemic heart disease The anatomy of the thoracic outlet and the causes of thoracic outlet syndrome Late ischaemic sequelae after umbilical artery catheterization Comparison between Lysine Vasopressin and a long-acting analogue (Na-TriglycylLysine Vasopressin) used as local hemostatic agents for conization Läkartidningen 1987;84:434950 Curr Ther Res 1987;41:454-63 J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1987;10:474-8 VASA, 1987;16:149-52 Br J Surg 1987;74:628-9 198801 Rundqvist E, Allen D, Larsson G 198803 Åkerblom-Ostenfeld A Pseudoexfoliation in Eskimos (Inuit) in Greenland 198804 Vestibular and non-vestibular nystagmus in examination of dizzy patients Increased whole blood and plasma viscosity in patients with angina pectoris and “normal” coronary arteries ”Glutealabscessen” var en cholecystokutan fistel Läkartidningen 1988;85:1061 198807 Bergstedt M Larsson H, Gustavsson C G, Odeberg H Sevonius D, Jóhannesson, E Troëng T, Janzon L Acta Ophtalmologica 1988;66:467-8 Acta Otolaryngol 1988;455:14-6 Acta Med Scand 1988;224:10914 Assessing and monitoring of errors and complications in surgery 198901 Liljestrand J, Bergström S Arm circumference as a nutritional indicator in antenatal care 198902 Lendahls L, Liljestrand J Smoking during pregnancy in Blekinge 1984-88 198903 Buchhave P Ling L, Neringer R, Cederberg Å, et al Kvarglömd spiral orsak till tvåårig infertilitet Theor Surg 1988;3:152-61 Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 1989;35:332-3 Scand J Prim health Care 1989; 7: 189-92 Läkartidningen 1989;86:2969 Immune response in patients with intraabdominal infections treated with Imipenem Infection. 1989;17:369-73 198805 198806 198905 198906 Koch G, Fransson L 198907 Jörgensen C, Buchhave P Hemodynamic and adrenergic effects of combined alfa/beta-receptor blockade versus combined beta-receptor and slow channel calcium blockade in patients with ischemic heart disease Ultraljudsdiagnostikens utbredning ställer stora krav på ordentlig utbildning Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1988;67:301-5 Int J Cardiol 1989;25:73-80 Läkartidningen 1989;86:4605-6 198908 198910 198911 198912 198913 198914 198915 199001 199002 199003 Bergström S, Liljestrand J Norgren L, Bergqvist D, Troëng T, et al Friman G, Beckman H, Neringer R, et al Koch G, Fransson L, Karlegärd L, Kothari P Larsson H, Persson S, Hedner P, Odeberg H, Gustafson A Boe I, Nemcek K, Nemcek V, et al Minter D, Eitrem R Juto, P, Meeuwisse G Liljestrand J, Ström K, Böttiger M Ekman-Ehn B, Lilje-strand J, Jansen H Parturient fundal height and its relation to fetal weight Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 1989;35:27-30 Vascular surgery in southern Sweden – the first year experience of a vascular registry Eur J Vasc Surg 1989;3:563-9 Randomized comparison of Aztreonam and Cefuroxime in gram-negative upper urinary tract infections Responses of glomerular filtration, renal blood flow and salt-water handling to acute cardioselective and non-selective beta-adrenoceptor blockade in essential hypertension Studies on blood viscosity during the menstrual cycle and in the postmenopausal period in healthy women Comparison of dose-response effects of inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate and budesonide in the management of asthma Sandflies and disease in Cyprus Fördröjd introduktion av gluten möjlig orsak till ökad incidens av celiaki NATO ASI Series 1989:207-16 Läkartidningen 1990;87:4175-6 Läkartidningen 1990;87:556-7 199005 Eitrem R Hellre diet och loperamid än norfloxacin vid turistdiarré 199006 Troëng T, Janzon L Are in-hospital deaths and long stay markers for errors in surgery? 199007 Troëng T, Janzon L Outcome assessment in surgery. A survey of attitudes and experience among clinics in Sweden 199103 Allergy, 1989;44:349-55 Mäns reaktioner efter sterilisering. Alla nöjda med MVC-rådgivning Penetration of Enoxacin into middle ear effusion 199102 Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 198;68:483-6 Läkartidningen 1990;87:3600 Sundberg L, Edén T Hjersing M, Holm E, Larsson G Eitrem R, Niklasson B, Weiland O Vejt E, Larsson G Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1989;36:343-5 Glöm inte tuberkulos-screening av gravida invandrarkvinnor! 199004 199101 Infection 1989;17:284-9 Comparison between Cytobrush and Papaplast in sampling vaginal smears Sandfly fever among swedish tourists Intermittent tappning halverade frekvensen urinvägsinfektioner efter prolapsoperation Acta Otolaryngol 1990;109:43843 Läkartidningen 1990;87:2491 Quality Assurance in Health Care, 1990;2:149-59 Surg Res Comm 1990;9:133-8 Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1991;70:595-9 Scand J Infect Dis 1991;23:451-7 Läkartidningen 1991;88: 1281-2 199105 199106 199107 Ström K, Odeberg H, Andersson A C, et al Jansson I, Larsson G Ström K, Boe J Juto P, Meeuwisse G S-erythropoietin levels decrease in patients with chronic hypoxia starting domiciliary oxygen therapy Ovarialcancer Quality assessment and predictors of survival in long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy Avvakta studieresultat om celiaki innan kostrekommendationer ändras 199108 Liljestrand J, Bergström S Antenatal nutritional assessment: The value of upper arm circumference 199109 Lundström M Sevonius D, Sjöblom U, Forssell H Forssell H, Fredlund P Ovhed I, Odeberg H, Råstam L Troëng T, Mandaus L, Ström K Stael von Hofstein C, Eriksson S, Hammar E Stael von Hofstein C, Hammar E, et al Jivegård L, Holm J, Troëng T, et al Lindblad B, Almgren B, Troëng T, et al Hederstedt B, Lilje-strand J, Bergström S Neringer R, Forsgren A, Hansson C, Ode B Gråstarrskirurgi – ett angeläget område för kvalitetssäkringsarbete Kirurgisk akutmottagning kan bemannas med icke-specialist utan uppenbar försämring i vårdkvaliteten Datorbaserad epikris ett första viktigt steg på vägen till kirurgisk kvalitetssäkring Opportunistic screening for hypercholesterolemia with participants selected by the general practitioner. Inclusion and drop-out rate 199104 199110 199111 199112 199113 199114 199115 199116 199117 199201 199202 199203 Cronberg S, Montelius H, Neringer R, et al 199304 Pehrsson, K, Olofson J, Ström K, Larsson S Eur Respir J 1991;4:820-3 Läkartidningen 1990;87:453-5 Eur Respir J 1991;4:50-8 Läkartidningen 1991;88: Gynecol Obstet Invest 1991;32:81-3 Läkartidningen 1991;88: Läkartidningen 1991;88: Läkartidningen 1991;88: Family Practice 1991;8: Medicinsk beslutsteori alltmer etablerad. Kritisk granskning med okonventionella metoder Läkartidningen 1991;88: Role of re-resection in early gastric stump carcinoma Br J Surg 1991;78:1238-41 Endoscopic screening during 17 years for gastric stump carcinoma Scand J Gastroenterol 1991;26:1020-6 Acute lower limb ischemia: Failure of anticoagulant treatment to improve one month results of arterial thromboembolectomy. 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