Fraud and Corruption
Name Lending in a Risk-Based Environment
William Asante
Director, Forensic and Dispute Services (Middle East)
23 March 2011
© 2011 Deloitte Corporate Finance Limited. Private and confidential
Name lending in a risk-based environment
Recent Report
 Favouring strong, well known and financially respected
members of the business community is not wrong
 Failure to conduct adequate due diligence
 Failure to obtain adequate security
 Two of the most prominent Saudi financial institutions
“with high shares of ‘Other loans’ should be the most
exposed to name lending practices.”
 “In 2009, we estimate these exposures to 15 percent
and 21 percent of total loans…which 8.7 percent and
2.1 percent have already been impaired.”
© 2011 Deloitte Corporate Finance Limited. Private and confidential
Name lending in a risk-based environment (cont’d)
What to Do?
 Appearance in not always reality
 Abuse by unscrupulous actors
 No visibility into customer’s global debt exposure
 Evaluate reasonableness of transaction
 Meet the ultimate customer or principal
 Opportunity to offer additional banking services
 Review document validation procedures
© 2011 Deloitte Corporate Finance Limited. Private and confidential
Name lending in a risk-based environment (cont’d)
 Know Your Customer
 Obtain adequate security
 Monitor transactions over time
Key message
Do your research before taking the plunge.
© 2011 Deloitte Corporate Finance Limited. Private and confidential
Fraud and Corruption
Name Lending in a Risk-Based Environment
William Asante
Director, Forensic and Dispute Services (Middle East)
KSA Mobile: +966 (0)56 952 3204
UAE Mobile: +971 (0)50 294 5847
© 2011 Deloitte Corporate Finance Limited. Private and confidential
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© 2011 Deloitte Corporate Finance Limited