
What social factor is a primary contributor to the recent
increase in the severity (not frequency) of problems
associated with teenage pregnancy?
a) abstinence only education
b) lower likelihood of teens being married before the child is born
c) a more powerful negative stigma against the children of teen
d) rising entry of mothers into the work force
b) The lack of a marital support structure tends to make both the
mother and child more vulnerable to negative consequences
The imaginary audience is:
a) a common feature of children's pretend play, through which they
practice early language
b) a process through which the overall positive impact of one's life is
evaluated in later adulthood
c) a feature of adolescence, in which one believes that they are the
focus of everyone's attention
c) The imaginary audience is a feature of adolescence. The imaginary
audience often induces anxiety about social interaction because of the
belief that you are the focus of everyone's attention
Identity diffusion is:
a) the period of identity development aligned with
b) the adoption of the identity one believes that
authority figures endorse without examination
c) a failure of identity development characterized
by apathy
d) the process through which one feels less
responsible when a member of a larger group
c) Identity diffusion is the failure to define values and
characteristics that are important to you. Note that
identity diffusion results in a general, not specific,
apathy. One may have an achieved identity but still
have no opinions on a given domain.
People with identity foreclosure:
a) have successfully completed the process of
identity development
b) reject their parents values and goals
c) have committed themselves to values and goals
endorsed by others without critical evaluation
d) have had their identity reclaimed by the bank for
an excess of debt
c) Identity foreclosure is the adoption of the belief
of others, rather than the development of one's own
Heinz's dilemma:
a) refers to a component of a system of evaluating
moral development base on the form of moral
reasoning developed by Lawrence Kohlberg
b) refers to the nature of adolescence as a dilemma
between 'storm' and 'stress'
c) is whether 57 is really enough
d) the claim that Kohlberg's scale may not
accurately represent the moral development of
females, but is helpful for describing that of males.
a) In the dilemma, one is asked if Heinz should steal
medicine to save his wife. What matters to the scale
is the general form that the question takes.
Spending time with people with
differing views:
a) leads to identity confusion
b) leads to a delay in cognitive function
c) promotes language learning
d) promotes mutual understanding
d) Spending time with others who disagree with you
promotes the ability to understand the views of
Which parenting style generally
produces the best outcomes in terms
of self-esteem and autonomy:
a) permissive
b) authoritarian
c) Authoritative parenting, that which involves both
a great deal demanding from the child and
responding to the child, generally produces the most
positive effects.
Which of the following contributes to the success of teenage development
in a situation with higher than average family stresses:
a) foreclosed identity which leads to familial peace
b) a connection with an adult outside of the family
c) high academic success
d) high SES
b) A deep connection with another adult is most
Adolescence features:
a) a sharp dip in suicide rates
b) a sharp rise in suicide rates
c) no change in suicide rates from previous years
b) Adolescence features a sharp rise in suicide rates, at
least partially due to compounding emotional stress.
People 75 and older:
a) are more likely than adolescents to kill
themselves, but less likely than middle adults
b) are least likely of all to kill themselves
c) are most likely of all to kill themselves
d) are as likely to kill themselves as any other age
group but adolescents
c) The likelihood of suicides increases steadily as
age increases, with the exception of the bump in
adolescents. Older adults are still more likely to
commit suicide than adolescents even with the spike
in adolescent suicide.
Average life expectancy improved
sharply in the 20th century, this
increase is largely attributable to:
a) improved sanitation
b)improved medical treatment
c) an increase in spirituality
d) A and B
e) all of the above
d) Improvements in sanitation and medical practices,
among other things, were primary in causing this shift.
Older adults can compensate for
neuron loss by:
a) producing more myelin to improve conduction in
a neuron
b) the creation of new synapses at a heightened rate
which is a common feature of later adulthood
c) through calling on additional brain areas to
support cognitive processes
d) there is no way to compensate for neuron loss
c) Calling on additional areas allows older adults to
maintain most of their capacities despite neuron loss.
Being expected to contribute to
a) causes identity foreclosure
b) shortens lifespan due to stress
c) is harmful to older adults because it reduces their
ability to enjoy leisure time
d) is helpful for older adults, and results in longer
and more active lives
d) One of the primary cultural factors to which we
can attribute long, active lives in Okinawa and
among the nuns from the 'nun study' is the fact that
elders are still expected to contribute meaningfully.
The most common form of dementia
a) Major Depressive Disorder
b) Alzheimer's disease
c) Parkinson's disease
d) Subcortical demntia
b) Alzheimer's disease, which features reduced activity
of receptors for the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine
(Ach), is the most common form of dementia.
Crystallized intelligence:
a) is a feature of identity foreclosure where refuses
to examine other possibilities for identity
b) declines rapidly in old age
c) remains rather constant into old age
d) refers to the moment when one comes to terms
with the psychosocial conflict of old age
c) Crystallized intelligence (the ability to use skills
once learned) remains rather constant in old age, while
fluid intelligence (the ability to learn) declines
relatively rapidly.
Erikson's final psychosocial stage is:
a) intimacy; guilt
b) ego integrity, despair
c) significance; loss
d) truth; happiness
b) Erickson's final psychosocial conflict is integrity
versus despair, and takes place in late adulthood.
In terms of this conflict, integrity is
characterized by:
a) self-acceptance
b) a realistic view of the self
c) honesty
d) gleeful happiness
a) Self-acceptance is a key feature of integrity, and
is made more likely by the existence of a stable selfconcept.
Better physical health in later
adulthood is brought on by:
a) religious involvement
b) eating moderate meals
c) moderate physical activity
d) moderate periods of rest
e) all of the above
e) All of those features result in better physical
health in older adults.
Which of the following foster better
health in older adults by reducing
a) high SES
b) less reminiscence
c) social support
d) nursing homes
c) Social support helps reduce stress and thus brings
around better physical and psychological health.
According to socioemotional
selectivity theory, a search for
emotionally meaningfull social
experiences derives from:
a) perception of future time as limited
b) perception of future time as limitless
c) loneliness
d) wisdom
a) The perception of time as limited prompts the
search for emotional fulfillment.