Caring for individuals with additional needs Unit 26 Definitions of disability and dependency models Lesson Objectives • Describe the medical and social models of disability. • Recognise the impact of these models on the individual and on service provision. • Describe the theory of normalisation/social role valorisation. • Describe a holistic approach to care. P2\P3 Assignment Task In your role as a health and social care professional in a day centre you have been asked to prepare a booklet to explain to new volunteers working with people with additional needs: • the models of disability • the barriers which affect the lives of individuals with additional needs. You should produce an information booklet that describes models of disability and an explanation of the barriers which affect the lives of individuals. In your booklet you should make use of visual imagery as appropriate. M1 Assignment Task • To achieve the M1 grade, you should extend the information provided in your booklet produced for P2 and P3. You should assess the barriers that you have explained which may be experienced by individuals with additional needs and relate these to the models of disability that you have described Rachel’s Story Rachel’s story Task: In small groups put yourselves in the shoes of a person with additional needs. In your group create a mind map of the types of barriers that you might experience in all aspects of your life. Barriers experienced by people with disabilities Discrimination Lack of Choice Financial Employment Chances BARRIERS Physical Access Cultural Attitudes Communication Task In your small groups for the rest of the session you will be researching and creating a poster for display which highlights the types of barriers that people with additional needs face. You need to give an example for each type of barrier that you have highlighted making use of visual images and “real life” cases wherever possible. Models of disability Question: What is a model? A human construction or theory which helps us to understand or make sense of the real world around us. Models of disability • Medical • Social • Normalisation The Medical Model and the Social Model Task: In groups of 3 you need to consider what are the key words you might use that relate to service users with additional needs which might relate to the medical model/social model of disability. You should put these keywords on the sheets provided. Impact What do you think the impact of these two models might be on the individual. Put yourself in the person’s shoes. How do you think that these models might affect your life. Normalisation • Relates to people with a learning disability. “the utilisation of means which are culturally normative as possible, in order to establish and/or maintain personal behaviours and the characteristics which are as culturally normative as possible” Wolfensberger 1972, p28 Normalisation/SRV • A normal rhythm to the day that fits into the norms of the particular society that the person is living in. • This later became the theory of Social Role Valorisation in 1983 Normalisation/SRV • • • • • Community Presence Choice Competence Respect Community Participation O’Brian and Tyne’s Five Service Accomplishments (1981) Cited in Emerson 1992. Holistic Approach to Care Caring for the WHOLE person taking into account their: Physical Emotional/Psychological Social Spiritual Exercise Individually think about the theories and models we have looked at today. What impact might these theories and models have on the provision of services? Think about key words/concepts that would describe the impact or influence of these models/theories that services users receive.