Weapons in neurophysiologist’s armory • Recording – Individual neurons – Gross potentials – Brain scans • Stimulation • Lesions – Natural lesions – Experimental lesions Neuron Doctrine (4 principals) • Formulated by Cajal in the 1890’s using a Golgi (silver) stain studying the brains of newborn animals – 1. Neuron is the fundamental structural & functional element in the brain – 2. Terminals of one neurons axon communicate with the dendrites of another neuron only at specialized sites (later named synapses by Sherrington) • Synapse between two neurons characterized by a gap – Now called a synaptic cleft – 3. Connection specificity • Neurons communicate with certain neurons & not with others – 4. Dynamic polarization • Unidirectional signaling • Both Cajal & Golgi shared the 1904 Nobel prize in physiology or medicine for this work Cerebral Cortex • Every cubic inch of cerebral cortex has about 10,000 miles of nerve fibers in it • The number of neurons in the brain is about 30 X greater than the number of humans on the planet. (180 billion) • A typical neuron is wired to about 10002000 of its neighbors – It is the pattern of these connections that determines what the brain does Cerebral Cortex • Humans are quite good at storing & processing sensory information – So we can use it better in making effective responses to our environment • Immense degree of convergence and divergence from one neuron to another – Most cortical neurons are a site of converging input from multiple neurons and source of diverging output to multiple neurons Cerebral Cortex Silent Areas • Most areas of the cortex neither respond in an obvious way to: – simple sensory + – nor produce movements when electrically + The Cerebral Cortex • Layer I -Molecular Layer – mostly axons • Layer II-External Granule Layer – granule (stellate) cells • Layer III-External Pyramidal layer – primary pyramidal cells Cerebral Cortex • Layer IV-Internal Granule Layer – main granular cell layer • Layer V- internal pyramidal layer – dominated by giant pyramidal cells • Layer VI- multiform layer – all types of cells-pyramidal, stellate, fusiform Cerebral Cortex • Three major cell types – Pyramidal cells • souce of corticospinal projections • major efferent cell – Granule cells • short axons– function as interneurons (intra cortical processing) – excitatory neurons release 1o glutamate – inhibitory neurons release 1o GABA – Fusiform cells • least numerous of the three • gives rise to output fibers from cortex Cerebral Cortex • Most output leave cortex via V &VI – spinal cord tracts originate from layer V – thalamic connections from layer VI • Most incoming sensory signals terminate in layer IV • Most intracortical association functions layers I, II, III – large # of neurons in II, III- short horozontal connections with adjacent cortical areas Cerebral Cortex • All areas of the cerebral cortex have extensive afferent and efferent connections with deeper structures of brain. (eg. Basal ganglia, thalamus etc.) • Thalamic connections (afferent and efferent) are extremely important and extensive • Cortical neurons (esp. in association areas) can change their function as functional demand changes Secret of the Cerebral Cortex • Resultant network of links between neurons in the cortex mimics relationships between things in the outside world – Probabilistic model of the world in the brain which can predict what is likely to happen next • Mechanism for making the strength of these connections change to reflect observed associations is the secret of the CC – Creating physical connections between neurons that are often active simultaneously “fire together, wire together Association Areas • Integrate or associate info. from diverse sources • Large % of human cortex • High level in the hierarchy • Lesions here have subtle and unpredictable quality Prefrontal Association Areas • prolonged thought processes-elaboration of thought – Prefrontal lobotomy • Executive functions of behavior • Broca’s Area • Orbital frontal cortex – Cells hyperactive in OCD – Cells fire strongly when expectation not met • Monkeys with current juice vs. brine experiment – Functions as an error dectector-alerting you that something is amiss Limbic Association Area • Behavior • Emotions • Motivation Parieto-occipitotemporal AA • Analysis of Spatial Coordinates of Body – Neglect syndrome • Area for Language Comprehension (Reading) – Wernicke’s-general interpretative area • auditory, visual, somatic all feed into this area – Angular gyrus-just behind Wernicke’s • Higher order visual signal processing • Area for Naming Objects • Area for Recognition-Faces/Complex Form – prosopagnosia-impaired recognition of familiar faces Prefrontal Lobotomy • Surgically disconnect the prefrontal areas from the rest of the brain (link) • used to relieve severe psychotic depression – lost ability to solve complex problems – unable to string together sequential tasks – unable to learn to do several parallel tasks at the same time – decreased level of aggressiveness Prefrontal Lobotomy (cont) • • • • • Loss of ambition inappropriate social responses loss of morals unable to carry through long trains of thought usual patterns of motor activity without purpose • Walter Freeman (PBS documentary excerpt) From recognition to emotional response • After identification of an object/face projections from the fusiform gyrus to the amygdala allow the person to gage the emotional significance of what has been identified – Capgras syndrome • These connections may be damaged/lesioned giving rise to this syndrome • The subject thinks close relatives are imposters due to lack of emotion evoked by visually seeing them. – Occurs only when visualizing them Dyslexia • Best known form of specific language impairment • Affects 5-17% of U.S. population • Originally thought to be due to a defect in visual processing associated with angular gyrus • Problem may also involve the auditory cortex’s inability to process certain speech sounds – Fast ones (phonemes) (30 msec) – Can be re-programed –neuroplasticity • “Fast ForWord” computer program (Science 1/96) Story of Phineas Gage • Tamping iron through face, skull, brain • regained full consciousness within minutes • 25 years of age at time of accident (9-131848) • survived the accident-died 5-21-1861 of apparent epileptic seizure • damaged area of brain-ventromedial region of both frontal lobes (Science 5-20-94) P. Gage (cont.) • Personality considerably altered after accident. • Prior to accident, he was described as: – responsible, intelligent, socially well adapted, well liked. • After the accident, he was described as: – irreverent, capricious, no respect for social conventions, use of abundant profanity offended many, irresponsible. P. Gage (cont) • Damaged area was likely the ventromedial region of both frontal lobes – ability to make rational decisions in personal and social matters is invariably compromised – processing of emotion is compromised – ability to tackle the logic of an abstract problem, perform calculations, and call up appropriate knowledge remains intact Ventromedial frontal areas • Hypothesis that emotion and its underlying neural machinery participate in decision making within the social domain, and this involves: • ventromedial frontal areas reciprocally connected with: – subcortical nuclei like the amygdala and hypothalamus • involved with basic biologic regulation, emotional processing, social cognition & behavior Ventromedial Frontal Area • High concentration of serotonin S2 receptors in monkeys whose behavior is socially adapted • Low concentration of serotonin S2 receptors in monkeys whose behavior is aggressive and socially uncooperative – (Science v 264 5-20-94) Executive functions of behavior • Function of the prefrontal association area – Judgment – Planning for the future – holding & organizing events from memory for prospective action Concept of a Dominant Hemisphere • General interpretative functions of Wernicke’s & angular gyrus as well as speech & motor control are more well developed in one cerebral hemisphere • 95% of population- left hemisphere – If dominate hemisphere sustains damage early in life, non dominate hemisphere can develop those capabilities of speech & language comprehension (Plasticity) Lingustic Dominance & Handedness • Dominant Hemisphere – Left or mixed handed • Left- 70% Right- 15% Both- 15% – Right handed • Left- 96% Right- 4% Both- 0% Right brain, left brain • The two hemispheres are specialized for different functions – dominant (usually left) • language based intellectual functions • interpretative functions of symbolism, understanding spoken, written words • analytical functions- math • speech – non dominant (usually right) • music • non verbal visual experiences (e.g. body language) • spatial relations Communication between Cortical Hemispheres • Corpus Callosum – Bidirectional communication between most of the two cortical hemispheres except for anterior portions of the temporal lobe • Anterior Commissure – Bidirectional communication between anterior portions of the temporal lobe • Amygdala-emotional response transfer Split brain subjects • Section of the corpus callosum – prevents information transfer from one cortex to the other – originally done to prevent the spread of seizure activity from one hemisphere to the other in severe cases of epilepsy – In matching experiments: • left hemisphere usually matches based on function • right hemisphere usually matches based on appearance Allocortex • Made up of archicortex & paleocortex • 10% of human cerebral cortex • Includes the hippocampal formation which is folded into temporal lobe & only viewed after dissection – hippocampus – dentate gyrus – subiculum Hippocampal formation • Hippocampus- 3 layers (I, V, VI) – Connects with septal nuclei, mamillary body & contralateral hippocampus via fornix • Dentate gyrus- 3 layers (I, IV, VI) – projects to hippocampus (Ammon’s horn) • Subiculum (part of parahippocampal gyrus) – merges with entorhinal area • Receives 10 input from the entorhinal cortex of the parahippocampal gyrus through: – perforant & alveolar pathway Hippocampal formation • Plays an important role in declarative memory – Declarative- making declarative statements of memory • Episodic-daily episodes of life • Semantic-factual information – Functions as a cortical gutter • Sensory information is increasingly analyzed & refined as it passes from neuronal level to level – from sensory projection areas ⇒ complex associational parietal/temporal networks ⇒ draining into hippocampus Hippocampal formation • Role in episodic memory – Hippocampus through is bidirectional connections with parahippocampal regions • promote more flexible associations among items • differentiating overlapping patterns • encoding of each unique episode – Parahippocampal regions have bidirectional connections with cerebral cortex • encode specific memory cues (semantic) Place cells in the hippocampus • Hippocampal "place" cells are presumably the principal cells in each of the layers that fire in complex bursts when an animal moves through a specific location in an environment. The region in which a cell fires the most is that cell's "firing-field" or "place-field" (O'Keefe and Dostrovsky, 1971; O'Keefe, 1976). – Inside its field, a place cell may have a maximum rate of 20Hz or more, whereas outside its field, a place cell may fire less than 1 spike every 10 seconds (.1Hz). – Given a sufficient number, place cells and their fields are able to cover or "map" any given environment. – evidence from place cells offers strong support for the hippocampus' involvement in spatial mapping (O'Keefe and Nadel, 1978). Learning & Memory • Memory functions can be localized to specific regions of the brain • e.g. hippocampus & hippocampal gyrus • Memories caused by changes in sensitivity of synaptic transmission between neurons as a result of previous mental activity – these changes cause new pathways or facilitated pathways to develop “memory traces” Learning & Memory • Memory traces can occur at all levels of the nervous system from spinal cord to cortex • most of memory we associate with intellectual processes is based on memory traces in cerebral cortex • positive memory-associated with facilitation • negative memory-associated with habituation (suppression) Classification of Memory • Short term memory – lasts seconds to minutes • Intermediate long term memory – lasts days to weeks • Long term memory – lasts years to entire lifetime NMDA receptor • Associated with synaptic learning/memory • Binds glutamate • Ionic channels associated with the NMDA receptor are both ligand and voltage gated – In order to open it needs to be both depolarized and in the presence of glutamate, and Ca++ will influx and cause the cellular machinery to manufacture more AMPA glutamate receptors that require only glutamate to cause depolarization Neural Basis of Memory • Memory has stages & continually changing • long term memory- plastic changes • physical changes coding memory are localized in multiple regions of the brain • reflexive & declarative memory involve different neuronal circuits • Memories are caused by groups of neurons that fire together in the same pattern each time they are activated. – The links between individual neurons, which bind them into a single memory, are formed through a process called long-term potentiation. (LTP) Declarative/Explicit Memory • Conscious memory – memory of details of an integrated thought – memory of: surroundings, time relationships, cause & meaning of the experience – acquiring knowledge of people, places & things – involves the hippocampal gyrus • evaluation, comparison, inference Reflexive/Implicit/Skill Memory • Unconscious- associated with motor activities – e.g. hitting a tennis ball which include complicated motor performance – learn how to do things-acquire motor or perceptual skills that are unavailable to consciousness – certain forms involve amygdala & cerebellum • nonassociative & associative learning Declarative Memory • Can be subdivided into Episodic & Semantic – Episodic-remembering the episodes of daily life – Semantic-remembering factual information e.g. 2 + 2 = ? • Involves the function of the hippocampus & parahippocampal areas – Hippocampus & related temporal lobe areas thought to process newly learned information & then transfer it to cortical areas Role of Hippocampus in Memory • The hippocampus may store long term memory for weeks & gradually transfer it to specific regions of cerebral cortex • The hippocampus has 3 major synaptic pathways each capable of long-term potentiation which is thought to play a role in the storage process (Kandel 1995) Memory loss • Bilateral removal of hippocampus produces profound deficits in memory function. – loss of capacity to form new long term memories (process of consolidation impaired) – retention of memories prior to surgery – short term memory intact – loss of ability to transfer most types of learning from short term to long term memory (exception is reflexive learning; i.e. motor skills) – not well oriented in space & time – forgetting incidents of daily life immediately Memory loss • The memory capability that is spared following bilateral lesions of temporal lobe (hippocampal formation) typically involves learned tasks that have two things in common – tasks tend to be reflexive, not reflective & involve habits, motor, or perceptual skills – do not require conscious awareness or complex cognitive processes. (e.g. comparison & evaluation • When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not; but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the things that never happened.- Mark Twain Nonassociative learning • Habituation – decrease in response to repeat benign stimulus • Sensitization (pseudoconditioning) – strengthening of responses to a wide variety of stimuli following an intense or noxious stimuli – override effects of habituation (dishabituation) – can be demonstrated in the Aplysia (snail) • Imitative learning – important in acquisition of language – mirror neurons Associative Learning • Classical conditioning – involves learning relationship between 2 stimuli – pairing of conditioned & unconditioned stimulus to condition response – importance of correlation between CS & US • Operant conditioning – learning relationship between stimulus & organism behavior – formation of a predictive relationship between a response & a stimulus – animal/person learns to predict the consequences of its own behavior Learning • The # of neurons & their connectivities change significantly during learning – during the first year of life and perhaps even after this great excess of neurons – neurons looking to connect • if make meaningful connections with other neurons, glands, or muscles, they will flourish • if they don’t they will perish – connections determined by nerve growth factors released retrogradely from + cells Learning • Soon after birth- “use it or lose it” – in many areas of cerebral cortex may lose 50% or more of original neurons due to nonuse • Even in adults there is modification of the number of neurons & their connections to at least some extent • Concept of neural plasticity Storage of Memory • Long term memory is represented in mutiple regions throughout the nervous system • associated with structural changes in synapes – increase in # of both transmitter vesicles & release sites for neurotransmitter – increase in # of presynaptic terminals – changes in structures of dendritic spines – increased number of synaptic connections • Neural Plasticity • How memory works Holographic memory model • Coherent waves • interference patterns – constructive & destructive interference • principal of reconstruction • redundancy of recording • Some evidence that memory function in the brain works in this manner Memory • Environment alters human behavior by learning & memory • Learning – process by which we acquire knowledge about the world • Memory – process by which knowledge is encoded, stored & retrieved Learning • Many important behaviors are learned • We are who we are largely by what we learn & remember • learned motor skills – help us master the environment – learned language enable communication of what we learned • Not all learning is beneficial Learning • Learning can produce dysfunctional behaviors, and in extreme psychological disorders • successful psychotherapy often creates an environment where people can learn to change their behavior. Memory • Implicit-unconscious memory • Explicit-conscious memory • Patient H.M. 27 y.o. male – suffered for over 10 years from uncontrollable bilateral temporal lobe seizures as a consequence of brain damage sustained at age 9 when he was hit and knocked over by someone riding a bicycle – surgery performed to control epilepsy Patient H.M. • Surgery involved bilateral removal of the hippocampal formation, amygdala, and parts of the temporal cortex (multimodal association area) • After surgery seizures better controlled but developed a devastating explicit memory deficit • NPR story • Obituary died 12-8-2008 at age 82 Food for thought • • • • • • Your beliefs become your thoughts Your thoughts become your words Your words become your actions Your actions become your habits Your habits become your values Your values become your destiny – Mahatma Gandhi