Agenda Item 12 WALSALL BOROUGH STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP BOARD PROPOSED NAME CHANGE OF WBSP Monday 24 September 2007 1 Purpose 1.1 To propose a change in name of the Walsall Borough Strategic Partnership to become The Walsall Partnership. 2 Context 2.1 The name Walsall Borough Strategic Partnership is considered by a number of partners, and particularly our strategic Communications group, to be longwinded and old-fashioned. 2.2 At a meeting between the WBSP Board and Executive Committee Chairs, it was suggested that the Board should consider a name change to The Walsall Partnership. 3 Recommendations/Resolutions 3.1 It is proposed that the Board agree to a name change for the WBSP to become The Walsall Partnership, subject to approval of Walsall council Cabinet and at a date to be determined by practical considerations, but no later than the WBSP AGM in June 2008. Contact Officer: Clive Wright Partnership Director Walsall Borough Strategic Partnership Tel: (01922) 654723 Email: