Getting to Zero-Safer Care Improvement Programme Annette Bartley RGN BA MSc MPH Health Foundation/IHI Quality Improvement Fellow ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Learning Session 1 Overview 09.00-09.15 09.15- 10.00 Welcome & Introductions Background and Context Programme aims & objectives Links to other work 10.00-11.00 Overview of Quality Improvement Tools & techniques Measurement for improvement The role of local coaches 11.00-11.30 11.30- 13.00 13.00-13.45 13.45-15.00 15.00-15.15 15.15-16.15 16.15-16.30 Refreshment break Team Presentations / Storyboard rounding Lunch The Snorkel – Generating Ideas from frontline staff Refreshment break Action planning and report out Summary next steps and close Understanding the context of frontline care What’s good about it? What’s not so good? What could be improved? ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 It’s a Fact that … “Without good and careful nursing many must suffer greatly, and probably perish, that might have been restored to health and comfort, and become useful to themselves, their families, and the public, for many years after.” Benjamin Franklin (1751) ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 The Reality in Practice How do we make sense of all the expectations & bring the work into a coherent whole Health Foundation Safer Communities NHS III LIPs Productive Series National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) Safety Alerts Matching Michigan WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety NICE Quality Standards CNO High Impact Changes QUIPP & Safety Express Safer Patients Network (SPN) The Health Foundation (with IHI) Department of Health (DoH) High Quality Care for All IP&C CQUIN targets Getting to Goal Will Ideas Execution ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 The politics of hope “We got used to the politics of disappointment -figuring out how soon we were going to be let down. ...There’s a different dynamic in the ... politics of hope. It’s much more challenging. It means you’ve got to get up and do something. There’s opportunity. If you don’t take advantage of that opportunity, you really have to bear responsibility for not doing so. That’s how I see the time we’re in. ” Marshall Ganz ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Transforming Patient Experience Metanoia: • Reorientation of one’s way of life (The New Economics. Deming, p. 95, 1993) • Begins with individual • More than a change • Develop new habits of mind ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Where to begin Will Ideas Execution ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Programme Aims Alignment with Safety Express To reduce the incidence of Avoidable Hospital /Community Acquired Pressure Ulcer Reduce of Falls (falls with harm) Reduce Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism ( VTE) ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Programme overview The IHI Collaborative Model Website Participants (10-100 teams) Select Topic (develop mission) Expert Meeting Tools & Guidance, Publications Prework Develop Framework & Changes Planning Group P A P D A S LS 1 P D A S LS 2 D S LS 3 Supports Email Visits Phone Assessments Monthly Team Reports Underpinning principles Transformational Leadership Safety & Reliability Patient and Family Centred Care Value-added care Teamwork and Vitality ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Patients as partners “ If quality is to be at the heart of everything we do, it must be understood from the perspective of patients.” ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Alignment -Harm Free Care ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Prevention of Pressure Ulcers ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Transforming Care at the Bedside framework ! Spread the Learning and celebrate the successes Content Area Drivers Leadership engagement Prevent the Incidence of Pressure Ulcers, Falls, CAUTI, by April 2012 using the Intentional rounding process Team work Reliable Implementation of the The Intentional Rounding process Patient and Family Centred Care Training & Education Interventions Ensure there is leadership support for this work at every level in the organization Transformation Leadership at ward/unit level Engage the wider MDT team Set sims and plan tests together Share learning Address the 8 key behaviours and incorporate the : SKIN Bundle Surface Keep Moving Incontinence Nutrition Create Patient centred healing environment – Use the ESTHER story Support and Involve patients and families Provide spiritual and emotional support Ensure patients rights , privacty and dignity are maintaines Educate staff regarding the assessment process, identification and classification of, and treatment of pressure ulcers Educate Patients & family Develop patient information pack Pressure Ulcers The “Case for Change” ◦ National Focus on Patient Safety ◦ I in 10 patients harmed by what we do ◦ Poor Public Perception of Care ◦ Impact of financial cutbacks ◦ Pressure Ulcer Incidence 1 in 5 ◦ As high as 1 in 3 ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Prevention of Falls (Harm from falls) •Falls prevention is a complex issue crossing the boundaries of healthcare, social care, public heath and accident prevention. •Across England and Wales, approximately 152,000 falls are reported in acute hospitals every year, with over 26,000 reported from mental health units and 28,000 from community hospitals. •A significant number of falls result in death or severe or moderate injury, at an estimated cost of £15 million per annum for immediate healthcare treatment alone (NPSA, 2007). ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Facts Pressure sores are an increasing problem that affect thousands of people unnecessarily every year.. They are painful, debilitating and can be life threatening The cost of treating a pressure ulcer varies from £1,064 -£10,551 with the estimated total cost in the UK of between £1.4–£2.1 billion annually- 4% of total NHS expenditure (Bennett et al 2004) ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 What matters most to inpatients. Consistency and coordination of care Treatment with respect and dignity Involvement Doctors Nurses Cleanliness Pain control ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Methods and Tools Change vs. Improvement Of all changes I’ve observed, about 5% were improvements, the rest, at best, were illusions of progress. W. Edwards Deming ◦ We must become masters of improvement ◦ We must learn how to improve rapidly ◦ We must learn to discern the difference between improvement and illusions of progress ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 The Lens of Profound knowledge Deming Appreciation of a system Aims or values Theory of Knowledge C Q I Understanding Variation Psychology Quality Improvement Methods /Tools The Model for Improvement The Science of Reliability Driver Diagram Change Package Lean/5S Safety Cross/ Safety Thermometer SSKIN Bundle/ Intentional Rounding ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 The Model for Improvement will underpin the programme, enabling teams to connecting an aim to action and measurement which will enable you to demonstrate their progress. ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Improvement requires a clear aim Measurement & Action ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 AIM Aims infuse meaning and hope in our lives, they create a target to achieve and inspire and motivate us to achieve it. How good do you want to be and by when? Make your aims SMART • • • • • Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Developing a systems-based approach to the prevention of hospital acquired pressure ulcers What will success look like? Risk Identification Risk Assessment Communication of Risk status Appropriate preventative strategy implemented Evaluation of outcome The “Case for Change” ◦ National Focus on Patient Safety ◦ I in 10 patients harmed by what we do ◦ Public Perception of Care ◦ Impact of financial cutbacks ◦ Strong link between Patient Satisfaction & Employee Satisfaction ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Purpose of Using Data & Measuring The purpose of measuring is to answer critical questions and to guide intelligent action. Cliff Norman- Associates in Process Improvement ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 “In God we trust. All others bring data.” W. E. Deming ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 S+P=0 S=Structure The environment in which health care is provided P=Process The method by which health care is provided O=Outcome The consequence of the health care provided ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Research vs Measurement for Improvement ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Three Types of Measures Outcome Measures:Voice of the customer or patient. How is the system performing? What is the result? Process Measures: Voice of the workings of the system. Are the parts/steps in the system performing as planned? Balancing Measures: Looking at a system from different directions/dimensions. What happened to the system as we improved the outcome and process measures? (e.g. unanticipated consequences, other factors influencing outcome) Measurement Guidelines A few key measures that clarify a team’s aim and make it tangible should be reported, and studied by the team, each month Be careful about over-doing process measures for monthly reports Make use of available data bases to develop the measures Integrate data collection for measures into the daily routine Plot data on the key measures each month during the life of the project ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Measurement Guidelines The question - How will we know that a change is an improvement? - usually requires more than one measure • A balanced set of five to eight measures will ensure that the system is improved • Balancing measures are needed to assess whether the system as a whole is being improved ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Measurement- It is YOUR data!! (data MUST be locally owned) Outcome measures ◦ Incidence ( count on safety cross) ◦ Days between events Process measures ◦ Percent Compliance with risk assessment ◦ Percent Compliance with process ( bundle) ◦ Percent compliance with Intentional Rounding tool Balancing measures Patient Experience Staff satisfaction Length of Stay Complaints Staff turnover /Sickness rates Budget implication ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Visual Measurement 1 2 3 4 5 6 (3) 7 8 (1) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (1) 21 22 23 24 (1) 25 (1) 26 27 28 (1) Days since last... ___ days 29 30 31 Real Time Data for improvement – Process ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 It’s time… A little less conversation a little more action ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Getting it right Co-ordinating Care ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Health Care Processes Current Variable, lots of autonomy not owned, poor if any feedback for improvement, constantly altered by individual changes, performance stable at low levels Terry Borman, MD Mayo Health System Desired - variation based on clinical criteria, no individual autonomy to change the process, process owned from start to finish, can learn from defects before harm occurs, constantly improved by collective wisdom variation Intentional Rounding The Evidence The Studer Group Alliance for Health Care Research ◦ 38% Reduction in Call Lights ◦ 12 point mean increase in Pt Satisfaction ◦ 50% reduction in patient falls ◦ 14% reduction in pressure ulcers Flaws in the study but… ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 On Finding What Works… “We need to standardize, simplify, and steal shamelessly from everyone who can contribute, because we’ve reached a point where no excuses are allowable.” Roger Resar, MD Senior Fellow, IHI ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Intentional Rounding – What is it? Structured process where frontline staff regularly round on patients and reliably perform scheduled/required tasks Rounding with purpose- linked to an aim 8 key behaviors 1. Opening key words – managing up 2. Perform scheduled tasks 3. Address the 3 p’s of pain, potty? position (SKIN Bundle)(toileting), and 4. Assess comfort needs 5. Environmental assessment 6. Closing key words 7. Explain when you or others will return 8. Document the round on the log ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 OMHS Intentional Rounding - wins 59% reduction in Pressure ulcers 54% reduction in call lights (2878 fewer calls after rounding) Patient feedback – ‘I know someone will be back to check on me, when they come…’ Improved employee satisfaction – 5.67 on a 7 point scale compared to national norm of 4.66 (Baird and Borling) Reduction in cost ◦ $3.02/pt 6 month avg. prior ◦ $2.39/pt 8 months avg. following ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Tools – Rounding Log ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Tools – Badge Card ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Tools – Accountability Tool ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Rounding commenced Intentional Rounding -Benefits • Provide staff with better control of their time • Improved outcomes / promote safety • Results • Increase Patient Satisfaction • Decreases anxiety • Increase trust and give sense of comfort • Increase Employee Satisfaction ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Additional Benefits Centred on patients/Catches all Provides a quality assurance framework for nursing care Helps to evidences what nurses do Helps demonstrates the impact on patient outcomes Potential to impact on the bottom line ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 57 What they are not… A radical change to a system /process Full blown trust-wide implementation Mini projects (monumental proportion) Top down directives ‘PDSA’s' ‘test’ a proposed change ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Paper Plane Exercise Aim – To design a paper plan that will fly the longest distance ◦ Assign a design team ◦ Assign someone to assemble the plane ◦ Assign a measurement person to measure the distance flown (in feet) Run your tests a few times? What are you learning? How are you factoring your leanring into the next test? ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Patient &family centred care People are treated with respect and dignity. Health care providers communicate and share complete and unbiased information with patients and families in ways that are affirming and useful. Individuals and families build on their strengths through participation in experiences that enhance control and independence. Collaboration among patients, families, and providers occurs in policy and program development and professional education, as well as in the delivery of care. Source: Institute for Family Centred Care, Bethesda USA ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Local Coaches/Facilitators Group of volunteers Willing to play a key role locally as coaches /facilitators Support participants and help to accelerate momentum and the progress They will be the links between you and the programme team ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Storyboard rounding Split up into your teams Identify a space to display your storyboard Select at least one member to present the findings Everyone else will rotate around the teams Approximately 7-8 mins to describe your team/aspirations/learning from pre-work Bell will sound and teams will rotate to the next space ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Harvest Identify three things you learnt during the rounding ◦ Could be meeting new people ◦ Harvesting Ideas from another team ◦ Results/learning from their pre-work ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 The Snorkel ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Fostering Creativity and Brainstorming? ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Methods for Generating New Ideas Change Concepts Using Technology Critical Thinking IDEO Brainstorming Metaphorical Thinking Observation Provocation Prototyping Idealized Design ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Innovation and Work Redesign cm/justsay n -GET tg/stores/d communit rate-item cust-rec Resources for “Snorkel” ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Outline of “Snorkel” Review of Project Vision and Charter What do we know about …. Propose a Design Challenge Storytelling How might we….? Brainstorming Select top ideas (multi-vote) Prioritize ideas for development Plan prototypes Enactments Design first series of tests ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Storytelling In lieu of doing actual observations, use storytelling to “observe” actual experiences Recall an actual story or experience which relates to the specific design challenge (personal, friend or family member or work-related experience) Who was involved? What happened? How did individuals feel and react? Give an example Tell stories in small groups (nor more than 2 minutes each) ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 How might we….? (used to create ideas for the brainstorming) …. Prevent harm …Engage Patients and families in preventing harm …Optimise nutrition Ideas should be actionable Write each idea on post-it notes or flip c ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Rules for Brainstorming (20 mins) Chose one or two “how might we scenarios…. encourage wild ideas go for quantity – want more than 500 ideas defer judgment be visual – draw pictures one conversation at a time build on ideas of others stayed focused on topic (“how might we…” scenarios) Write each idea on post-it notes ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Multi-voting to Select Top Ideas Cluster together similar ideas from brainstorming exercise Use dots to vote: What are your personal favorites? What idea would you most like to try on your unit? What idea do you think will have the biggest impact toward achieving the “how might we…” Participants can distribute their dots however they want –- all on one idea, each dot on a separate idea, or anything in between Report out on favorite ideas (where there are most dots) ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Matrix of Change Ideas Easy to Implement Place concepts in matrix. Strive for easy, lowcost solutions. Translate high-cost solutions into low-cost alternatives. Low Cost High Cost Difficult to Implement Matrix of Change Ideas Strive for high-impact , low-cost solutions. High Impact Low Cost Translate high-cost solutions into lowcost alternatives. High Cost Low Impact Outline of “Snorkel” Review of Project Vision and Charter What do we know about…… Propose a Design Challenge Storytelling How might we….? Brainstorming Select top ideas (multi-vote) Prioritize ideas for development Plan prototypes Enactments Design first series of tests ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 IDEO’s Design Principles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Keep people informed throughout process Value people, time, and energy Enable learning and teaching Give people appropriate levels of control Facilitate connections among people ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Enactments Create an enactment to illustrate an extreme future vision for your prototype Create storyline and build Rehearse and refine Present to whole group Select elements and build on ideas ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Enactments ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 What could you do by next Tuesday? Think of some changes that you believe might enable you to get results Think of 1 change Plan your first PDSA’s ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Small Scale Tests of Change on: One bay/ward One day / shift One patient One nurse ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 Action Planning Session Changes That Result in Improvement Model for Improvement What are we trying to accomplish? How will we know that a change is an improvement? A P What change can we make that will result in improvement? S D Implementation of Change Hunches Theories Ideas Wide-Scale Tests of Change A P S D Very Small Scale Test Follow-up Tests Next Steps ACTION PERIOD ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Seek out a coach/facilitator Get measures in place Test the rounding process small scale Connect with Tina Chambers/calls Learning session 2 ◦ Is all about YOU ◦ We want to hear your progress and see some results ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011 PDSA Cycle No 1 : General Wards 9 & Ward 4 Worksheet for Testing Change Aim: To reduce Pressure Ulcer Incidence to zero by December 2012 (Overall goal you would like to reach) Every goal will require multiple smaller tests of change Describe your first (or next) test of change Test SSKIN Bundle on one patient on one ward next Tuesday Person Responsible When to be done Where to be done JD& RW Week commen cing 18th April Ward 4 & Ward 9 Person Responsible When to be done Where to be done JD W/C 18TH April Plan List the tasks needed to set up this test of change 1)Identify similar information from other Trusts 2)Discuss with team 3)Identify a nurse and patient who are prepared to participate. 4)Identify a suitable patient and seek their permission Predict what will happen when the test is carried out The patient & nurse will understand the reason’s for the test and be happy to participate The test will go well The patients’ risk of HAPU is reduced Measures to determine if prediction succeeds Views of patients and professionals will be sought Do: Study: What happened? What did you learn? What surprised you? Act: What will you differently as a result of your test? What will your next test be? You are this Hospital You are what people see when they arrive here. Yours are the eyes they look into when they’re frightened and lonely. Yours are the voices people hear when they are in the lifts and when they try to sleep and when they try to forget their problems. You are what they hear on their way to appointments that could affect their destinies and what they hear after they leave those appointments. Yours are the comments people hear when you think they can’t. Yours is the intelligence and caring that people hope they’ll find here. If you’re noisy, so is the hospital. If you’re rude, so is the hospital. And if you’re wonderful – so is the hospital. No visitors, no patients can ever know the real you, the you that you know is there — unless you let them see it. All they can know is what they see and hear and experience. And so I have a stake in your attitude and in the collective attitudes of everyone who works at Cooley Dickinson Hospital. We are judged by your performance. It is judged by the care you give, the attention you pay and the courtesies you extend. Thank you for all you are doing. CEO Cooley Dickinson Healthcare Org Thank You! Questions? ©Annette Bartley Consulting Limited 2011