Medications - Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit


© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Presented by: APS Healthcare

Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit



July, 2009/eas


Information or education provided by the HCQU is not intended to replace medical advice from the consumer’s personal care physician, existing facility policy or federal, state and local regulations/codes within the agency jurisdiction. The information provided is not all inclusive of the topic presented.

Certificates for training hours will only be awarded to those who attend a training in its entirety. Attendees are responsible for submitting paperwork to their respective agencies .


© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.

Note of Clarification

While mental retardation (MR) is still recognized as a clinical diagnosis, in an effort to support the work of self-advocates, the APS SW PA HCQU will be using the terms intellectual and/or developmental disability (I/DD) to replace mental retardation (MR) when feasible.

© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.



Upon completion of the session the participant will:


Define Borderline Personality Disorder


List symptoms of BPD


Recall current treatment methods for BPD

© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.


Personality Disorders

 Enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates from the expectations of the person’s culture

 AXIS II Disorder

 Pervasive and inflexible

 Onset in adolescence/early adulthood

 Stable over time

 Leads to stress or impairment


© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.

Borderline Personality Disorder Definition

A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image and affects, and marked impulsivity that begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts

© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.


BPD Symptoms

 Frantic efforts to avoid abandonment

 Pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships

© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.


BPD Symptoms

 Identity disturbances

 Impulsivity

 Suicidal/self-injurious behavior

© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.


BPD Symptoms

 Affective instability

 Chronic feelings of emptiness

 Difficulty controlling feelings of anger

© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.



 “Black and white” thinking

 People are viewed as either “good” or “bad”

 One day idolizes caretaker, the next day devalues them

 Difficulty tolerating human ambiguities and inconsistencies

© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.


Co-occurring Disorders

 Mood Disorders

 Eating Disorders

 Substance Related Disorders

 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

 Other Personality Disorders


© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.

BPD Facts

 2% of the general population

 About 80% are women

 Chronic, severe problems continue for years

 Tends to “burn out” in middle age

 Females more likely to have mood disorder and be selfdestructive

 1/10 succeed in committing suicide


© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.

BPD Facts

 History of abuse is common

 Resistant to treatment

 Males with BPD prone to domestic violence, rage attacks

 Males more likely to also have attention-deficit disorder or antisocial personality disorder

© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.


Causes of BPD

 No single cause

 Genetic predisposition

 Neurofunction

© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.


Causes of BPD

 Environment

– Child abuse, trauma, or neglect

– Environment lacks consistent expectations and emotional security

– Invalidating environment

– Vary with individuals


© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.

Validating vs. Invalidating Statements

 Validating Statements

• Encourage Coping Skills

• Validate the person’s feelings

• Promote healthy expression

 Invalidating Statements

• Teach suppression of emotions

• Cause anger or rage attacks

• Prevent coping skills


© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.

Treatment of BPD

 Rule out possible medical conditions

 Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

– Marsha Linehan, PhD

 Medications

© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.


Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

 Cognitive-behavioral treatment targeted to treat people with complex, difficult-to-treat mental disorders

 The goal is “a life worth living”

 DBT skills training

– Mindfulness

– Emotion Regulation

– Interpersonal Effectiveness

– Distress Tolerance


© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.


 Never the only answer

 Typically used to treat co-occurring disorders

 Antidepressants

– Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

 Mood stabilizers

 Antipsychotics

 Be aware of side effects


© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.

Positive Approaches

 All behavior is meaningful

 People have good reasons to do what they do

 People do the best they can with what they know at that point in time and in that context

© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.


Supporting a Person with BPD

 Don’t take things personally

 Validate

 Build mastery

 Be aware of your moods and affect

 Communicate with team and therapist

 Encourage healthy diet, sleep, exercise

 Take care of yourself


© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.


 The Clinical Characteristics and Management of Borderline

Personality Disorder in Mentally Retarded Persons, MHDD

1988/Vol 7/N0 7&8. Hurley, A. and Sovner, R.

 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth

Revision, Text Revised. 2000, American Psychiatric Association.

 “I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline

Personality”, Jerold J. Kriesman, M.D. and Hal Straus.

 Skills Training Manual for treating Borderline Personality

Disorder, Linehan, Marsha M., Ph.D. 1993.


© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.

© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.

To register for future trainings, or for more information on this or any other physical or behavioral health topic, please visit our website at


© 2009 APS Healthcare, Inc.



Please take a few moments to complete the evaluation form found in the back of your packets.

Thank You!

Test Review

There will be a test review after all tests have been completed and turned in to the Instructor.
