Grade A* A B C D E
Point Score 28 58 52 46 40 34
22 16
The level of course you progress on to depends on your achievements in the GCSE examinations. Whether you do a Level 2
Intermediate course or an AS level, BTEC
National programme at Level 3, will be determined by the grades you achieve in your summer exams.
To give an indication of what level of course is appropriate, staff and students will use predicted grades to calculate an average GCSE
point score (APS). This score will highlight the likely programme of study you would follow if you achieve your predicted grades. It is important therefore that students achieve as high a level as possible in each of their subjects during their mock GCSE examinations.
Many Advanced Level courses require specific passes in subjects at GCSE. Students should investigate to see if their choices have any such requirements e.g. English or Mathematics.
An APS of 40.0, based on GCSEs, or equivalent subjects taken, indicates the level of entry required to progress on to an advanced level programme.
An APS of 46 and above including English and
Mathematics GCSE Grade A*-C: 4 A Levels or BTEC
Nationals and a further A Level.
APS between 40.0 and 46 above including English and Mathematics GCSE Grade A*-C: select 3 AS
Levels or BTEC Nationals.
APS of 38.5: Two Level 3 Advanced level (ie BTEC
Level 3, Subsidiary) and 1 AS
APS between 29.5 and 40.0: choose a BTEC Level 2
AS College courses require English GCSE A*-C with an APS of at least 40.0.
Short course GCSEs count for half the above points, while double GCSEs count for twice the amount. BTEC and other qualifications are also allocated point scores.
Students will be advised at the beginning of the year that achievement at AS Level, attendance, punctuality and attitude to learning are among the criteria used to determine whether students are able to move on to A2 Level. Students must achieve at least grade D in two subjects to progress.